Friday, September 23, 2016

Dealing with medical emergencies solo: when it’s necessary to stitch up your own wound, pull out your own tooth, apply your own tourniquet

by Dayton

About two months ago, I sliced my leg open with a beer bottle.  I work in a bar, so that was extraordinary in itself, but the depth was. Bone wasn’t visible, but everything else was.  Luckily, it didn’t bleed too badly.  My coworkers insisted that I needed stitches, but I just butterflied the bitch. Maybe I should’ve gone to the hospital, seeing as it took over a month to heal, and I’ve got a nasty scar out of it.  Still, four weeks and no infection later, I recognize that I scraped by on the bare minimum.  But, sometimes, that’s all that’s going to be available to...

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