Saturday, September 17, 2016

Prep Blog Review: Are You Prepared For The Worst?

Are You Prepared For The Worst

What is your worst-case scenario? Are you prepared for it?

Whether or not you have the answers to these questions, one thing’s for sure: surviving the unexpected will be our biggest challenge when SHTF. “Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst”, according to the old saying.

This is what I had in mind when skimming through the last week’s articles on survival blogs and websites. I gathered 5 articles that provide useful information about different worst-case scenarios, from riots to pandemics, and how to prepare for surviving them.

  1. How To Survive A Riot?

How To Survive A Riot

“When the shit hits the fan, one of the first things people will do is riot. This is especially true in larger cities where a massive population in one location almost guarantees a mob reaction to any number of disasters. This is a serious problem because, as you probably already know, riots are very dangerous. And in many cases, they are deadly.

No matter how tempting it might you, you should never ever join a riot. Doing so is asking for trouble. Instead, your number one goal should be to get as far away from the riot as possible.”

Read more on Urban Survival Site.

  1. How To Drive Safely After The SHTF?Drive Safely

“Driving is so simple and relatively safe nowadays. But after the SHTF, that could all change. Desperate people do desperate things. Law and order could breakdown, leaving motorists to fend off criminals without much help. Visitors to the Summer Olympics in Sao Paulo, Brazil, earlier this year, needed to use caution when traveling the city. “

Read more on Prep Blog.

  1. Are You Prepared For A Pandemic?

Are You Prepared For A Pandemic

“If the news announced tomorrow that a pandemic had begun and that your area, in particular, was at risk, would you be prepared? It was only a couple of years ago that Ebola arrived on the shores of the United States. By sheer luck (certainly not by a well-managed response) the virus was contained. I had been prepping for quite some time, and had dealt with lengthy power outages, winter storms, and nearby forest fires with aplomb, but when Patient Zero was diagnosed in Dallas, I realized that out of all of the things I was prepared for, a pandemic was not one of them. Sure, I’d have been better off than people who were completely unprepared, but I was lacking some vital supplies.”

Read more on The Organic Prepper.

  1. How To Disappear Completely When SHTF?

How To Disapear

“Maybe it’s the fact the we are inherently a corrupt race. Mankind in and of itself is questionable. It’s now clearer than ever that this big wheel is running on greased palms and padded pockets. There is very little regard for human life at this level. Those at the highest levels of government, those supposed to protect us, are involved as well. What happens if they decide to come after you?”

Read more on Ask A Prepper.

  1. Are You Prepared For A World Without The Internet?

A World Without Internet“Can you imagine a world without the internet? Consumer Affairs posed the question What goes up when the Internet goes down?  In the infographic below they have some answer’s. I don’t think that the world will ever go without the internet for long. Humans like to be conceted. Many young adults have never known a time without the internet.”

Read more on Survival Punk.


This article has been written by Drew Stratton for Survivopedia. 

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