Saturday, October 1, 2016

Prep Blog Review: How To Eat Right When SHTF

Eat Right When SHTF

As a prepper, you constantly ask yourself what you and your family are going to eat when the store shelves will be empty. You need foods high in calories, proteins and nutrients to stay alive.

Having a balanced diet is pretty much of a challenge considering the limitations one has to face in a survival situation.

Here are some useful tips I found this week, on this topic. If you have any other suggestions, let me know in the comment section.

  1. Key Facts: Protein Deficiency

Protein “Even though many people have a medical kit that an accident and emergency department would be proud to own, that alone will not be enough to guard against dietary deficiencies.  As our life-styles get ever more fast moving and the need for instant-everything grows by the month serious deficiencies caused by bad diet are becoming far more commonplace.

Most of these issues are remarkably easy to sort out by simply adjusting what we eat but you wouldn’t think that as the incidences of malnutrition in the wealthiest First World nations are rising to levels never seen before.”

Read more on UndergroundMedic.

  1. Food Storage Smarts: Stock Up On Meal Stretchers

Meal Stretchers

“For many of us, buying food specifically for food storage is an additional expense that can, sometimes, become too burdensome.

When money is tight, it’s hard enough to cover the groceries for our main meals, much less add another few day’s worth of food to the grocery cart.

One solution to this dilemma is to stock up on meal stretchers. Foods like rice, beans, potatoes, pasta, and other grains have always formed the core of most food storage plans. First, they are inexpensive foods, like these potato dices.

Purchased either from the grocery store or in large multi-pound packages, it’s a lot of food that will go a long way in your meals.”

Read more on TheSurvivalMom.

  1. Survival Food – What To Eat When SHTF

Survival Food

“Unless you’re a zombie, you’ve probably thought about how you’re going to feed yourself and your family when the grocery store shelves are empty. You’ve shopped around on the survival food websites, priced how much it would take to keep everybody fed for a year.

If you haven’t started already, now is the time to start taking action, to make sure you and yours have enough food for survival. There are different routes you can take, but the safest would be to incorporate as many of the actions I’m about to discuss as possible. Redundancy just might save your life.”

Read more on EXXOGEAR.

  1. How To Make Jerky For Your Stockpile

Make jerky

“When you decide what types of food to keep stocked for bug-in or bug-out situations, there are dozens of good choices. Canned goods are great for bug-in situations, but nobody wants to carry all that weight in their pack if they are on the move. Another option would be MREs (meals ready to eat). These are nice to have because they give you some variety in your diet, but they can take up a lot of space in a pack and add a good amount of weight. The cost can add up quickly as well.

Meal replacement tablets do a fine job of providing all the nutrients you need to survive, but they do not taste all that great and can be expensive as well.”

Read more on Survival Sullivan.

  1. How To Make Delicious MREs at Home


“When it comes to emergency food supplies a lot of people think military-style MREs are the gold standard. They do have some advantages – they’re rugged, easy to prepare and can be eaten cold in a pinch – but they have drawbacks too.

They’re not designed with food intolerances or other special dietary needs in mind. They don’t always taste great. And, to get good ones with a lot of life left, you can end up spending a lot of money.

One way to get the advantages of MREs without the drawbacks is to make your own. This isn’t all that hard, and gives you a lot of options. Military MREs come in a couple of dozen menus, but if you’re making your own the choices are almost infinite.”

Read more on Ask A Prepper.

the lost ways cover


This article has been written by Drew Stratton for Survivopedia. 

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