Saturday, September 10, 2016

Prep Blog Review: We Start Our Autumn Prepping

Autumn Prepping

Autumn is here, we can feel it in the air. Just because it is getting cold outside does not mean that we have to stop prepping, on the contrary.

September is one of the best months to start preparing for the cold days and take your prepping skills to another level. You can start canning and preserving foods for winter and for long-term survival, you can start your own autumn garden or you can even learn new skills.

Here are a few ideas for your autumn prepping that we have found for you and are happy to share in this Saturday s Prep Blog Review.

  1. How To Grow Potatoes In Buckets


“One of the most important vegetable crop around the world is the potato. Despite the constant health reminder that potatoes can cause diabetes, weight gain and heart disease, most of us continue to love the processed version of potatoes. French fries, hash browns and mash potatoes equate to comfort food and snacks.”

Read more on Survival Sullivan.

  1. How To Make Homemade Wine


“It’s been a heck of a day on the ‘ol neighborhood homestead… I woke up this morning hearing a ruckus out back where the chicken coops are located, just past the root cellar. I ran outside just in time to see the tail end of a fox carrying off one of my best egg laying hens. SOB dug under the fence… That’s not the way I like to start off my mornings. Sometime around 3pm we had an unknown, heavily armored dump truck come down the road and do a slow drive by scoping out the neighborhood.”

Read more on Prepped For SHTF.

  1. How To Preserve Your Garden Bean Harvest


“Green beans can be grown in your own garden, local farmers market or roadside stand, Farms or Orchards where you can pick for yourself,  or CSA  Community Supported Agriculture. I personally recommend finding them local if you can’t grow them in your own back yard.”

Read more on Simply Canning.

  1. How To Store Food Underground



“Underground food storage is not a new trick. In fact, it’s one of the oldest survival tricks in the book. But is utilizing the earth for food refrigeration still necessary? In America, who needs to store their food underground when we have highly modernized food storage devices?”

Read more on Skilled Survival.

  1. What To Plant In The Fall


Gardening isn’t just for the spring and summer months. If you’ve already harvested the majority of your crops and are now left with an empty gardening space, you may be wondering if you should do something with it. If you don’t take advantage of the fertile soil, the weeds certainly will. The weather is still nice during the day and the nights aren’t too cold yet, so why not plant another round of crops?

Read more on Urban Survival Site.


This article has been written by Drew Stratton for Survivopedia. 

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