Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Creator of This Amazing Internet Privacy Device Has Been Silenced By The Government: “Effective Immediately We Are Halting Further Development”

ProxyHam(Pictured: Proxyham by Benjamin Caudill / Rhino Security Labs)

Data collection and invasive monitoring of American citizens has been at the forefront of government activities for decades. After revelations by Edward Snowden in recent years, the fringe conspiracy theorists who warned of Big Brother surveillance and had been laughed at by the general population were finally proven right.

But despite the literal hundreds of thousands of pages of information about government snooping and the Congressional “investigations” that followed, nothing has been done to curb the unabated violations of Americans’ Constitutional rights to be secure in their homes and personal effects.

Thus, as always, the free market began developing its own solutions. Earlier this year an inventor by the name of Benjamin Caudill announced a device he dubbed the ProxyHam which was going to literally change everything about how those concerned with privacy could connect to the internet:


Rhino Security Labs via HackRead

What Caudill had built is a device that would mix up your personal WIFI signal in such a way that no one, not even the National Security Agency, could track down where it originated.

That, of course, is not something the government wants in the hands of ordinary citizens, and the events of the last week show exactly how dangerous of a device this is to the Big Brother Surveillance State.

Just hours before Caudill was to reveal a fully-functioning ProxyHam at the DefCon hacking conference his presentation was abruptly cancelled. No reason was given and Caudill posted several cryptic Tweets that left many baffled.

The device had been disappeared, the company was cancelling production on retail units, and the source code and blueprints would no longer be released to the public.


Some have suggested that a private business approached Caudill before the conference and made him an offer for retail distribution.

But the more likely scenario, given what we’re privy to about the device and the government’s incessant need to know everything about everyone, is that someone made Caudill an offer he couldn’t refuse. Hackread explains:

There’s another possibility of this sudden cancellation i.e. intrusion by the government. Maybe that is the reason why Caudill is not discussing the reason behind this halt. Even though the security firm was “excited” to unveil ProxyHam at Def Con.

Steve Ragan of CSO Online said:


Incidents like this give us clear insight into what the goals of government surveillance are. As we noted in 2011, well before the Snowden revelations, everything we do is monitored.

They want to know everything. They want to monitor everyone. And they will stop at nothing to accomplish their goals.

But despite these obvious attempts to maintain tight, centralized control over the populace, the hacking community has never been one to just sit back and take it from the tyrants in charge. John McAfee, known for creating one of the first virus security programs for computers, has also been working on a new gadget that would create a “dark web” of interconnected devices designed to shield individuals from government monitoring. The device, according to McAfee would cost less than $100.

The cat is out of the bag with the ProxyHam and its abilities. It shouldn’t be long before source codes and blueprints for similar gadgets begin appearing on the open market.

The government can push all it wants. Freedom loving people will always push back.

Also Read:

Main Core: A List Of Millions Of Americans That Will Be Subject To Detention During Martial Law

The Real Skynet: New NSA Autonomous Weapons System Intercepts Threats and Retaliates Automatically

Twenty TRILLION Phone Calls: “They’ve Been Collecting Data About ALL Domestic Calls Since October 2001″

from SHTF Plan - When It Hits The Fan, Don't Say We Didn't Warn You
Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at COR Outfitters. How prepared are you for emergencies?

Friday, July 17, 2015

Dozens of Nations Deep in Debt: “Bankruptcy Of The Planet Accelerates”


This article was written by Michael Snyder and published at his Economic Collapse blog.

Editor’s Comment: This debt is becoming contagion. With over $200 trillion in debt across the world, and countless countries, cities and states coming due on obligations they cannot pay, someone somewhere is paying up, while bankers call bets, and government after government prepares to default, and further subject themselves to control by bankers, unless someone takes a stand (think Iceland).

Meanwhile the people suffer, things grind to a halt in Greece and elsewhere, and things threaten to spread globally and create more pain, suffering and worry.

The Bankruptcy Of The Planet Accelerates – 24 Nations Are Currently Facing A Debt Crisis

There has been so much attention on Greece in recent weeks, but the truth is that Greece represents only a very tiny fraction of an unprecedented global debt bomb which threatens to explode at any moment.  As you are about to see, there are 24 nations that are currently facing a full-blown debt crisis, and there are 14 more that are rapidly heading toward one.  Right now, the debt to GDP ratio for the entire planet is up to an all-time record high of 286 percent, and globally there is approximately 200 TRILLION dollars of debt on the books.  That breaks down to about $28,000 of debt for every man, woman and child on the entire planet.  And since close to half of the population of the world lives on less than 10 dollars a day, there is no way that all of this debt can ever be repaid.  The only “solution” under our current system is to kick the can down the road for as long as we can until this colossal debt pyramid finally collapses in upon itself.

As we are seeing in Greece, you can eventually accumulate so much debt that there is literally no way out.  The other European nations are attempting to find a way to give Greece a third bailout, but that is like paying one credit card with another credit card because virtually everyone in Europe is absolutely drowning in debt.

Even if some “permanent solution” could be crafted for Greece, that would only solve a very small fraction of the overall problem that we are facing.  The nations of the world have never been in this much debt before, and it gets worse with each passing day.

According to a new report from the Jubilee Debt Campaign, there are currently 24 countries in the world that are facing a full-blown debt crisis

■ Armenia

■ Belize

■ Costa Rica

■ Croatia

■ Cyprus

■ Dominican Republic

■ El Salvador

■ The Gambia

■ Greece

■ Grenada

■ Ireland

■ Jamaica

■ Lebanon

■ Macedonia

■ Marshall Islands

■ Montenegro

■ Portugal

■ Spain

■ Sri Lanka

■ St Vincent and the Grenadines

■ Tunisia

■ Ukraine

■ Sudan

■ Zimbabwe

And there are another 14 nations that are right on the verge of one…

■ Bhutan

■ Cape Verde

■ Dominica

■ Ethiopia

■ Ghana

■ Laos

■ Mauritania

■ Mongolia

■ Mozambique

■ Samoa

■ Sao Tome e Principe

■ Senegal

■ Tanzania

■ Uganda

So what should be done about this?

Should we have the “wealthy” countries bail all of them out?

Well, the truth is that the “wealthy” countries are some of the biggest debt offenders of all.  Just consider the United States.  Our national debt has more than doubled since 2007, and at this point it has gotten so large that it is mathematically impossible to pay it off.

Europe is in similar shape.  Members of the eurozone are trying to cobble together a “bailout package” for Greece, but the truth is that most of them will soon need bailouts too

All of those countries will come knocking asking for help at some point. The fact is that their Debt to GDP levels have soared since the EU nearly collapsed in 2012.

Spain’s Debt to GDP has risen from 69% to 98%. Italy’s Debt to GDP has risen from 116% to 132%. France’s has risen from 85% to 95%.

In addition to Spain, Italy and France, let us not forget Belgium (106 percent debt to GDP), Ireland (109 debt to GDP) and Portugal (130 debt to GDP).

Once all of these dominoes start falling, the consequences for our massively overleveraged global financial system will be absolutely catastrophic

Spain has over $1.0 trillion in debt outstanding… and Italy has €2.6 trillion. These bonds are backstopping tens of trillions of Euros’ worth of derivatives trades. A haircut or debt forgiveness for them would trigger systemic failure in Europe.

EU banks as a whole are leveraged at 26-to-1. At these leverage levels, even a 4% drop in asset prices wipes out ALL of your capital. And any haircut of Greek, Spanish, Italian and French debt would be a lot more than 4%.

Things in Asia look quite ominous as well.

According to Bloomberg, debt levels in China have risen to levels never recorded before…

While China’s economic expansion beat analysts’ forecasts in the second quarter, the country’s debt levels increased at an even faster pace.

Outstanding loans for companies and households stood at a record207 percent of gross domestic product at the end of June, up from 125 percent in 2008, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

And remember, that doesn’t even include government debt.  When you throw all forms of debt into the mix, the overall debt to GDP number for China is rapidly approaching 300 percent.

In Japan, things are even worse.  The government debt to GDP ratio in Japan is now up to an astounding 230 percent.  That number has gotten so high that it is hard to believe that it could possibly be true.  At some point an implosion is coming in Japan which is going to shock the world.

Of course the same thing could be said about the entire planet.  Yes, national governments and central banks have been attempting to kick the can down the road for as long as possible, but everyone knows that this is not going to end well.

And when things do really start falling apart, it will be unlike anything that we have ever seen before.  Just consider what Egon von Greyerz recently told King World News

Eric, there are now more problem areas in the world, rather than stable situations. No major nation in the West can repay its debts. The same is true for Japan and most of the emerging markets. Europe is a failed experiment for socialism and deficit spending. China is a massive bubble, in terms of its stock markets, property markets and shadow banking system. Japan is also a basket case and the U.S. is the most indebted country in the world and has lived above its means for over 50 years.

So we will see twin $200 trillion debt and $1.5 quadrillion derivatives implosions. That will lead to the most historic wealth destruction ever in global stock, with bond and property markets declining at least 75 – 95 percent. World trade will also contract dramatically and we will see massive hardship across the globe.

So what do you think is coming, and how bad will things ultimately get once this global debt crisis finally spins totally out of control?

beginning-of-the-end-snyderMichael T. Snyder is a graduate of the University of Florida law school and he worked as an attorney in the heart of Washington D.C. for a number of years.

Today, Michael is best known for his work as the publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog and The American Dream

If you want to know what things in America are going to look like in a few years read his new book The Beginning of the End.

from SHTF Plan - When It Hits The Fan, Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

The Future Costs Of Politically Correct Cultism: “I See No Other Alternative But Utter Conflict”

This article was originally published by Brandon Smith at Alt Market.
finally did it

I rarely touch on the subject of political correctness as a focus in my writings, partially because the entire issue is so awash in pundits on either side that the scrambling clatter of voices tends to drown out the liberty movement perspective. Also, I don’t really see PC cultism as separate from the problems I am always battling against: collectivism and the erasure of the individual in the name of pleasing society. Political correctness is nothing more than a tool that collectivists and statists exploit in order to better achieve their endgame, which is conning the masses into believing that the group mind is real and that the individual mind is fiction.

Last year, I covered the PC issue in my article “The Twisted Motives Behind Political Correctness.” I believe I analyzed the bulk of the issue extensively. However, the times are changing at a pace that boggles the mind; and this is by design. So, it may be necessary to square off against this monstrosity once again.

In order to better examine the true insanity of what many people now term “social justice warriors,” I must study a few aspects of that strange movement separately. First, let’s take a brief look at the mindset of your average social justice circus clown so that we might better understand what makes him/her/it tick.

Rebel Without A Legitimate Cause

I spent several years (up until 2004, when I woke up from the false paradigm madness) as a Democrat. And before anyone judges that particular decision, I would suggest they keep in mind the outright fascist brothel for the military-industrial complex the Republican Party had become at that point and remains to this day. Almost every stepping stone that Barack Obama is using today to eradicate the Constitution was set in place by the Bush dynasty, including the Authorization Of Military Force, which was the foundation for the National Defence Authorization Act and the legal precedence for indefinite detention without trial of ANY person (including an American citizen) accused of terrorism by the president of the U.S., as well as the use of assassination by executive order and the implementation of mass electronic surveillance without warrant.

But, hell, these are real issues — issues that many of my fellow Democrats at the time claimed they actually cared about. Today, though, liberal concerns about unconstitutional actions by the federal government have all but vanished. Today, the left fights the good fight against flags on the hoods of cars from long-canceled television shows and battles tooth and nail for the “right” of boys wearing wigs and skirts to use the girl’s bathroom. Today, the left even fights to remove the words “boy” and “girl” from our vocabulary. Yes, such noble pursuits as these will surely be remembered as a pinnacle in the annals of societal reform.

Maybe I realize the ideological goals of the social justice machine are meaningless on a surface level; and maybe you realize this, too. But these people live in their own little universe, which doesn’t extend far beyond the borders of their college campuses, the various Web forums they have hijacked and a trendy Marxist wine-and-swinger party here and there in New York or Hollywood. They actually think that they are on some great social crusade on par with the civil rights movements of the mid-1900s. They think they are the next Martin Luther King Jr. or the next Gandhi. The underlying banality and pointlessness of their cause completely escapes them. The PC cult is, in many respects, the antithesis of the liberty movement. We fight legitimate threats against legitimate freedoms; they fight mostly imaginary threats and seek to eradicate freedoms.

Don’t get me wrong; sometimes our concerns do align. For instance, liberty proponents fight back against the militarization of police just as avidly as leftists do, if not more so. But our movements handle the problem in very different ways. Look at Ferguson, Missouri, where anyone with any sense should be able to admit that the government response to protests was absolutely a step toward tyranny, ignoring violent looters while attacking peaceful activists. Leftists and PC cultists decided to follow the Saul Alinsky/communist playbook, busing in provocateurs from Chicago to further loot and burn down businesses even if they belonged to ethnic minorities. In the meantime, the liberty movement and Oath Keepers sent armed and trained men to defend those businesses REGARDLESS of who owned them and defied police and federal agents who tried to stop them.

The left gave the police and government a rationale for being draconian, while we removed the need for police and government entirely by providing security for the neighborhood (killing two birds with one stone). Either their methods are purely ignorant and do not work, or their methods are meant to achieve the opposite of their claims. In the end, the PC movement only serves establishment goals toward a fully collectivist and centralized society.  Their publicly stated intentions are otherwise pointless.

Your average PC drone does not understand the grander plan at work, nor does he want to. All he cares about is that he has found a “purpose” — a fabricated purpose as a useful idiot for power brokers, but a purpose nonetheless.

People Must Be Forced To Bake Gay Cakes

I personally do not care if two people of the same gender want to be in a relationship, but I do find the issue of gay marriage (and marriage in general) a rather odd conflict that misses the whole point. Marriage has been and always will be a religious institution, not federal; and I find government involvement in this institution to be rather despicable. When the Supreme Court’s decision on gay marriage came down, I felt a little sorry for all the joyfully hopping homosexuals on the marbled steps of the hallowed building, primarily because they essentially were fighting for the state to provide recognition and legitimacy for their relationships. Frankly, who gives a rip what the state has to say in terms of your relationships or mine? The state is an arbitrary edifice, a facade wielding illusory power. If a relationship is based on true and enduring connection, then that is all that matters, whether the Supreme Court dignifies it or not.

The only advantage to solidifying gay marriage in the eyes of the state is the advantage of being able to then use the state as an attack dog in order to force religious institutions to accept the status of gays in the same way the government does. And unfortunately, this is exactly what the PC cult is doing.  What they do not seem to understand is that recognition by the state does not necessarily translate to recognition by religious organizations, nor should it.

Should an individual, organization or business be allowed to refuse service to anyone for any reason? Should the state be allowed to force people into servitude to one group or another even if it is against their core values?

PC champions desperately try to make these questions a matter of “discrimination” alone. But they are more about personal rights and personal property and less about “hate speech.” Under natural law, as well as under the constitution, an individual has every right to refuse association with any other person for ANY reason. If I do not like you, the government does not have the authority to force me to be around you or to work for you. But this line has been consistently blurred over the years through legal chicanery. As I’m sure most readers are familiar, the issue of gay cakes seems to arise over and over, as in cases in Colorado and Oregon in which religiously oriented business owners were punished for refusing to provide service for gay customers.  Keep in mind, these businesses did not refuse outright service to gays.  What they did refuse, was to make gay wedding cakes.  To do so would have been in outright conflict with their religious principles.

Punishments have included crippling fines designed to put store owners out of business and have even included gag orders restricting the freedom of businesses to continue speaking out against the orientation of customers they have refused to do business with.

In order to validate such actions, leftists will invariably bring up segregation as a backdrop for the gay cake debate. “What if the customers were black,” they ask. “Is it OK for a business to be whites only?”

My response?  Yes, according the dictates of individual liberty, yes it is okay.

First, to be clear, I am talking specifically about private individuals and businesses, not public institutions as in the argument explored during Brown v. Board of Education. Private and public spaces are different issues with different nuances. I personally believe it is ignorant to judge someone solely on the color of his skin, and sexual orientation is not necessarily an issue to me. But it is equally ignorant for someone to think that the state exists to protect his feelings from being hurt. I’m sorry, but discrimination is a fact of life and always will be as long as individualism exists. The PC cultists don’t just want government recognition of their status; they want to homogenize individualism, erase it, and force the rest of us to vehemently approve of that status without question. This is unacceptable.

Your feelings do not matter. They are not superior in importance to the fundamental freedom of each individual to choose his associations.

If a business refuses to serve blacks, or gays, or Tibetans, then, hey, it probably just lost a lot of potential profit. But that should absolutely be the business’s choice and not up to the government to dictate. And in the case of “gay discrimination,” I think it is clear that the PC crowd is using the newfound legal victim group status of gays as a weapon to attack religiously based organizations. Make no mistake, this will not end with gay cakes. It is only a matter of time before pressure is brought to bear against churches as well for “discrimination.” And at the very least, I foresee many churches abandoning their 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.  Again, marriage has been and always will be a religious institution.  The PC crowd will not be happy with government recognition alone.  They want to force recognition from everyone.

If a group wants fair treatment in this world, that is one thing. I believe a gay person has every right to open HIS OWN bakery and bake gay marriage cakes to his little heart’s content. I believe a black person has every right to dislike white people, as some do, and refuse to associate with them or or do business with them if that’s what he/she wants. I also believe that under natural and constitutional law, a religious business owner is an independent and free individual with the right to choose who he will work for or accept money from. If he finds a customer’s behavior to be against his principles, he should not be forced to serve that person, their feelings be damned.

This is fair.

What is not fair is the use of government by some groups to gain an advantage over others based on the legal illusion of victim group status. PC cultists want us to think that choice of association is immoral and damaging to the group. I have to say I find them to be far more intolerant and dangerous than the people they claim to be fighting against, and this attitude is quickly devolving into full bore tyranny under the guise of “humanitarianism.”

Gender Bending Does Not Make You Special

A man shaves his head and eyebrows, straps a plastic bottle to his face, and has his feet surgically modified to resemble flippers: Does this make him a dolphin, and should he be given victim group status as trans-species? I’m going to be brief here because I covered this issue in a previous article, but let’s lay everything on the table, as it were…

PC cultists are clamoring to redefine the scientific FACT of gender as an “undefinable” and even discriminatory social perception. No one, no matter how dedicated, will EVER be able to redefine gender, unless they have the ability to change their very chromosomes. Nature defines gender, not man; and a man who undergoes numerous surgeries and body-changing steroid treatments will always have the genetics of a man even if he gives the appearance of a woman. Take away the drugs, and no amount of make-up will hide the chest hair growth and deepening voice.

This might be deemed a “narrow” view of gender, and I don’t care. Nature’s view of gender is the only one that counts. Psychological orientations are irrelevant to biological definitions. Are you a man trapped in a woman’s body? Irrelevant. A woman trapped in a man’s body? Doesn’t matter. If we are talking about legal bearings, then biological definitions are the only scale that makes sense. I realize that gender bending is very trendy right now, and Hollywood sure seems to want everyone to jump on that freaky disco bandwagon, but there is no such thing as gender-neutral people. They are not a group, let alone a victim group, and do not necessitate special attention or government protection. There are men, and there are women; these are the only gender groups that count. Whether they would like to be the opposite does not change the inherent genetic definition. Period. To make such foolishness into an ideology or a legal battle is to attempt to bewilder man’s relationship to nature, and this will only lead to social distraction and disaster.

There Is No Such Thing As ‘White Privilege’

A person determines his success in life by his character and his choices. Color does not define success, as there are many people of every color who are indeed successful. Do you have to work harder to gain success because you are brown, or black, or neon green? I’ve seen no concrete evidence that this is the case. I know that people who identify as “white” are still around 70% of the American population, thus there are more white people in successful positions only due to sheer numbers.

I know that I personally grew up in a low-wage household and had little to no financial help as I entered the working world. Everything I have accomplished in my life to this point was done alongside people of color, some of whom had far more advantages than I did. I cannot speak for other people’s experiences, but I can say that being white was never more important in my life than being stubborn and dedicated.

I also find it a little absurd that most PC cultists who harp about so-called white privilege are often white themselves and haven’t the slightest experience or insight on what it is to be a person of color anyway.  All of their concepts of discrimination are based purely on assumption. White privilege seems to be the PC cult’s answer to the argument that racism is a universal construct. Only whites can be racist, they claim, because only whites benefit from racism. I defy these jokers to show any tangible proof that an individual white person has more of a chance at success than a person of color due to predominant racism. Or are we just supposed to have blind faith in the high priests of PC academia and their morally relative roots?

The Cost Of Cultural Marxism

Marxism (collectivism) uses many vehicles or Trojan horses to gain access to political and cultural spaces. Once present, it gestates like cancer, erasing previous models of heritage and history in order to destroy any competing models of society.  If you want to understand what is happening in America today, I suggest you research the Chinese Cultural Revolution of the 1960’s.  We are experiencing the same Marxist program of historical and social destruction, only slightly slower and more strategic.

Younger generations are highly susceptible to social trends and are often easily manipulated by popular culture and academic authority, which is why we are seeing PC cultism explode with the millennials and post-millennials. In my brief participation on the left side of the false paradigm, political correctness was only beginning to take hold. A decade later, the speed of the propaganda has far accelerated, and we now have a bewildering manure storm on our hands. The result is a vast division within American society that cannot be mended. Those of us on the side of liberty are so different in our philosophies and solutions to social Marxists that there can be no compromise.  The whole carnival can end only one way: a fight. And perhaps this is exactly what the elites want: left against right, black against white, gay against religious and straight, etc. As long as the PC movement continues to unwittingly do the bidding of power brokers in their efforts toward the destruction of individual liberty, I see no other alternative but utter conflict.

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from SHTF Plan - When It Hits The Fan, Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

China’s GDP Growth Is a Total Lie


I think it’s safe to say that anyone who thinks the United States economy is on the road to recovery, is drinking some serious Kool-aid. As organizations like shadowstats have shown time and time again, our government likes to fudge the numbers on a regular basis. They think they can keep the party going indefinitely, so long as they convince the world that everything is just fine.

Of course, the United States isn’t the only country that’s doing this. Heck, it wouldn’t be surprising if we found out that most governments falsify their economic data. However, it’s a little scary to think that maybe the world’s largest economy isn’t the only one lying to the world. In fact, the world’s second largest economy is definitely faking their suspiciously consistent growth numbers.

“You can’t trust the numbers,” Bill Miller, CEO of LMM Investments, told a room full of investors at CNBC’s Delivering Alpha Conference this week.

Miller spoke on Wednesday, just hours after China announced that it once again hit its gross-domestic-product growth target of 7%.

This despite the fact that its economy seems to be experiencing a major slowdown.

But after 25 years of watching China hit the mythical 7% mark without fail, analysts understand the charade.

There are dead giveaways everywhere. The most obvious way to tell that China’s books are cooked, though, is by looking at how its neighbors are faring.

Miller noted that Singapore’s GDP has dropped 4.6% in just the last quarter, and that their manufacturing sector is down 14%. So why is that so telling? Because, Singapore does a lot of trading with China, and the contraction of their manufacturing industry is being caused by a lack of demand from the Chinese.

You can also look to Australia, another one of China’s major trading partners. They’re also experiencing a significant decline in exports.

But that’s just what’s going on outside of their country. When you look at what goes on in China itself, it’s hard to believe that they would still have consistently high growth numbers. It wasn’t that long ago that their stock market tanked by more than 30%. I can’t recall a single instance where a stock market fell like that, without it causing a contraction of that nation’s GDP.

And finally, China’s debt to GDP ratio is off the charts. While a large debt won’t kill the economy if it’s in the process of being paid for, China is experiencing quite the opposite. Their debt is actually increasing faster than their economy is supposedly growing. In 2008, their total debt, which includes business loans and household debt, amounted to 125% of their GDP. Today, that number stands at 207%.

That means that even if they’re not faking their growth numbers, their GDP is still a lie. Their growth is still being fueled by debt, which means that in the big scheme of things, it’s not really growth at all.

China is just like the United States and the EU. They’re just another massive world power that is using their economic clout to throw their weight around the world stage. And that economic clout is a big lie. When the world figures out how insolvent and unsustainable these nations really are, their house of cards is going to crumble.

from SHTF Plan - When It Hits The Fan, Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

“An Army of Half-Cloned Mice” Produced with Artificial Sperm to Lead Science


The future is synthetically designed in a lab.

Cloned sperm is about to take a big leap, and scientists believe that an “army of half-cloned mice” will result in fast tracking research in cancer and medicine.

Scientists in mainland China have successfully mass produced high-quality artificial sperm for the first time.

The man-made sperm do not have tails and cannot swim, looking more like eggs than natural sperm, but they can fertilise an egg and pass on genetic information…

“Our man-made sperms cells can be used to generate an army of half-cloned mice with ease and efficiency. These half-cloned mice will fight on the frontline in battles against cancer and other genetic health issues,” said professor Li Jinsong, lead scientist on the project with the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences.

The researchers injected an artificial sperm into a natural egg. The resulting mouse was half-clone, with 50 per cent of its genes coming from one of thousands of sperm cultured in a test dish.

[Using a powerful gene-editing tool together with the man-made sperm] the scientists could now explore the function of many genes simultaneously, while in the past it could only be done one at a time.

It will be genetic engineering in a whole new era.

Once science masters this ‘army of mice’, the human genome will be quickly edited with artificial traits as well, in a rapid assembly line fashion.

But the technology to that end has until now been problematic, with low quality results that have yet to be even close to perfected:

Man-made sperm have been produced by scientists in labs around the world for years, but the output remained scarce.[…]

“We thought it would be great if the sperm could be cultured to multiply endlessly like normal cells,” Li said.

They achieved this by putting the sperm in an egg with the nucleus removed, which would turn into a haploid embryonic stem cell with functions similar to sperm.


But quality of these sperm was a problem. For instance, only about 2 per cent of the fertilised eggs could develop into healthy half-cloned mice.

They are a long way from getting it right, and those with these traits may have unexpected side effects.

Buyer beware, it may not be ready for market.

from SHTF Plan - When It Hits The Fan, Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Healthy Soil Is Critical For Growing Survival Food: Try This Simple Process To Test It

Do you have a perfect patch of earth in the backyard that you use every growing season for your garden? As with most gardening plots, after a while nutrients leave the soil and amendments are needed.
Yet, without knowing what exactly your soil is lacking you may not know how to proceed with improving your soil to its once healthy status. .
There are three components to your soil: 1) Clay, which contains needed nutrients and also stores water well. 2) Sand, which allows or drainage. 3) Silt, which is made up of rock and mineral particles. It’s larger than clay but smaller than sand.
What comes is a simple test to determine how much water and fertilizer your plants will need, and all you need is a mason jar and a few supplies!
Go to page two to read up on mason jar soil testing!

The post Healthy Soil Is Critical For Growing Survival Food: Try This Simple Process To Test It appeared first on Die Hard Survivor.

from Die Hard Survivor

Do You Know The Multifunctional Uses For These Survival Items?

Having items that can be used for multiple purposes is an asset for survivalists and people who understand the importance of being prepared. In addition to the functionality of the item itself, you also get to save your much needed space for other items.  This is particularly true if you suddenly have to bug-out in a disaster.
You might want to consider your bug-out backpack or the first thing you will grab when leaving for a safer area. What can you pack from your stockpile of items that you can use over and over again and for many different purposes?
Some of these items on the following page may surprise you because they very unconventional- but they work! Continue reading and see what you can start putting to good use!

The post Do You Know The Multifunctional Uses For These Survival Items? appeared first on Die Hard Survivor.

from Die Hard Survivor

Critical Considerations When Constructing Your Remote Cabin

Whether you are building a remote cabin for hunting or fishing or preparing a bug-out place in the event of a man made or natural disaster, there are certain things you must consider and incorporate to make sure your refuge is safe and secure when you are away and ready for you when you get there.
These tips are not earth-shattering, but critical to making sure your place is safe.
You should incorporate them into any planning stages for your refuge and if your remote cabin already exists, you should consider incorporating them into your remote cabin or hunting camp.
Doing so will potentially save you money and give you peace of mind for when you are not there.
You also will know that your place will be ready for when you need it.
On the next page, we discuss the critical tips every remote cabin owner must consider.

The post Critical Considerations When Constructing Your Remote Cabin appeared first on Die Hard Survivor.

from Die Hard Survivor

Bushcraft 101: Sycamore Twig Whistle DIY

As survivalists it is always good to have a good whistle for an emergency situation. Anything you can use to attract the attention of possible saviors is a good thing! Remember six short whistles is a sign of distress, which may come in handy during an emergency situation.
They say the best season to find the twigs you need for these whistles is in late the Spring and Summer months. Ultimately you want to get them before it gets too cold or damp. Also the only item you will need to make your whistle is a sharp knife.
“Now, that’s entertainment!” That is what your friends and neighbors will be saying when you create your own sycamore or willow twig whistle! Or they’ll comment on how loud your new homemade whistle is — which is not at all a bad thing.
Go to page two to learn how to make this awesome Sycamore Twig Whistle!

The post Bushcraft 101: Sycamore Twig Whistle DIY appeared first on Die Hard Survivor.

from Die Hard Survivor

[VIDEO] Learn How To Make A Knife From A Pry Bar

Knowing how to fashion your own weapons in preparation for or during a survival situation is a skill that is invaluable.
Of all the weapons you can make, however, knowing how to fashion a knife out of common tools or items is easily the most useful because of a knife’s functionality in everyday and survival-day life.
While you do have to have certain tools to be able to make an effective knife, knowing how to do it is a skill you can take with you.
If you are in a survival situation, knowing what to do when you do locate the right equipment will be as invaluable as the knife itself.
If you can, however, you should prepare as much as possible.
On the next page we’ll show you a video that explains how to make a knife out of a pry bar!

The post [VIDEO] Learn How To Make A Knife From A Pry Bar appeared first on Die Hard Survivor.

from Die Hard Survivor

Make This Epic Bow From A Bike Rim

This is one of those projects that is not only amazingly fun to construct, but the end product is amazing to see in action.
By using an old bicycle tire, inner tube and catapult rubber, you can construct a compound-like bow that is inexpensive, has a rigid frame and great power output.
It also is lightweight, accurate and very simple to build.
The range is about 60 feet and would be perfect for hunting small game and fish.
This type of bow would be perfect in a survival situation or to hone your skills at shooting arrows short-range.
It is also the type of weapon you can make in almost any SHTF situation, because bicycles are everywhere.
To see how to Make This Epic Bow From A Bike Rim!

The post Make This Epic Bow From A Bike Rim appeared first on Die Hard Survivor.

from Die Hard Survivor

5 Best Trades To Know In A Survival Situation

In a survival situation, depending on how prepared a person is, some folks will have the tools to cope better than others.
A soldier with survival training, for example, will be able to cope better than an Actor with no survival training, if all things are equal. People who work in the Trades, will more than likely fare better than folks who make their living working in a white collar environment.
But what trades are the best, if you are just starting out, or looking to gain needed survival skills?
That is a debate that has been around for a long time and in reality, there is no right answer.
Whether you have plumbing, electric, carpentry, masonry, etc. skills, you will use them in some iteration in a survival situation.
On the next page are some insights on a few trades and lifestyle choices that will help virtually anyone cope more easily in a survival environment.

The post 5 Best Trades To Know In A Survival Situation appeared first on Die Hard Survivor.

from Die Hard Survivor

Islamic Terrorist Kills 4 Marines in Terror Attack targeting Military in Tennessee

An Islamic Terrorist attacked two military recruiting facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee today, killing at least four Marines and wounding a soldier and a police officer.

from Off Grid Survival - Wilderness & Urban Survival Skills

How To Get Additional Uses From An EPI-Pen In An Emergency

If you suffer from allergic reactions to insect bites, food, drugs or other common allergens, you know how serious it can be. The definition of anaphylaxis is an acute allergic reaction to an antigen (e.g., a bee sting) to which the body has become hypersensitive. And, quite frankly, it’s frightening; especially so when awaiting help in the form of an ambulance.
There are times when you just do not know how long it will take to get the much needed medical help required. In the case of an emergency such as anaphylaxis that could prove fatal without your EPI-Pen.
Worst case scenario, what if you are out of injections? One may not be enough before help can get to you so what can you do? Believe it or not, there are still three to four doses left in that pen even if it seems empty.
On page two we will give vital information on how you can extract that much needed medication for you or a friend in need!

The post How To Get Additional Uses From An EPI-Pen In An Emergency appeared first on Die Hard Survivor.

from Die Hard Survivor

Emergency Power: The Top Portable Solar Panel Chargers for Disasters

From natural disasters to hacking attacks and terrorism, we face more threats to our power grid than ever before. These small portable solar chargers will ensure you have emergency power when the grid goes down.

from Off Grid Survival - Wilderness & Urban Survival Skills

Could You Imagine? Banks May Be Closed for a Month


To prevent widespread bank runs and to keep money from leaving the country, the Greek government instated numerous capital controls to keep the lid on their economy, such as placing a daily withdrawal limit of 60 Euros. When they first created these mandates earlier this month, they were only supposed to be in place for a short period of time. But now it looks like the Greeks may be facing a long-term banking crisis.

Late last night, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras made a statement that should have Greeks dreading the next few weeks. In a televised interview he stated “The reopening of the banks depends on the sanctioning of the deal, which will take place in a month.” So basically the citizens of Greece can look forward to long lines at the ATM and cash shortages through August.

Keep this in mind for when America’s debt crisis finally blows up. You don’t own the money in your bank. It belongs to the bank, and it’s insured and regulated by the government, who are bought and paid for by the banks with the money you put in their accounts. When the system falls apart, you’ve got to see the writing on the wall and get your money out early. Once the crisis starts, your savings will be handed over to the authorities, and rationed out at their leisure. (see how much debt the world owes).

from SHTF Plan - When It Hits The Fan, Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

While Gun Permits Increase, Murder Rate Drops: “Refutes Argument That More Guns Lead to More Violence”


As gun ownership and the number of concealed carry permits have soared under President Obama, who has been dubbed history’s greatest gun salesman, new statistics show that the murder rate has dropped significantly during the same period.

While the well-funded gun control lobby has attempted to an image of increased violence among populations where guns are prevalent, reality has repeatedly demonstrated that guns prevent crimes, not only lowering the rate of homicides and violent crimes, but deterring general crime as well.

Perhaps the latest Crime Prevention Research Center numbers will end the debate once and for all, and curb the bunk arguments gun grabbers have used to fuel their disarmament campaign. According to the Washington Times:

Since 2007, the number of concealed handgun permits has soared from 4.6 million to over 12.8 million, and murder rates have fallen from 5.6 killings per 100,000 people to just 4.2, about a 25 percent drop, according to the report from the Crime Prevention Research Center.

The number of concealed carriers is likely even higher, since permits are not required in eight states.

Gun rights advocates say that the findings in the report fall in line with their personal experiences and research and directly refute the liberal argument that more guns lead to more violence.

“It puts the lie to the myth promulgated by anti-gun individuals that somehow more law-abiding citizens carrying guns will lead to more crime. In fact, quite the opposite is the case,” said Larry Keene, senior vice president and general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation. “More law-abiding citizens own firearms for self-protection, and crime continues to decline.”

It has not gone unnoticed that virtually even mass shooting in the headlines has occurred in a “gun free zone,” while cities like Chicago, dubbed the murder capital of the world, have some of the strictest gun laws in America.

The inverse correlation of violence and gun ownership across several statistical categories at the state and federal level have repeatedly supported the arguments of gun rights advocates, but don’t expect that to stop those bankrolling the pervasive efforts to disarm.

The likes of former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg are not interested in intellectual debates or factually supported statements; they are interested in using emotionally-driven sensation tragedies to persuade people into giving up their own rights.

Stay vigilant, and keep this knowledge in your well prepped arsenal.

from SHTF Plan - When It Hits The Fan, Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

When the Trucks Stop Delivering, ‘The System’ Will Collapse

The following article was originally published by Tess Pennington at Ready Nutrition. Tess is the author of the widely popular and highly acclaimed book The Prepper’s Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster.

This month Tess is hosting a contest where she is giving away 26 awesome prizes worth over $1,000. You can enter to win by clicking here.


Collectively speaking, most Americans take for granted the system in place to deliver essential supplies to their area. “The system,” an underlying infrastructure that keeps goods, services and commerce in America flowing creates a sense of normalcy and order. Food, water, gasoline and medications are just a few of the items restocked weekly in order for our dependent society to maintain a steady flow. What many fail to grasp is just how fragile the system is and just how quickly it can collapse.

Our transportation systems are one of the weakest links in the system. Mac Slavo explains:

In a 2012 report prepared for legislators and business leaders by the American Trucking Associations highlights just how critical our just-in-time inventory and delivery systems are, and assesses the impact on the general population in the event of an emergency or incident of national significance that disrupts the truck transportation systems which are responsible for carrying some ten billion tons of commodities and supplies across the United States each year.

A shutdown of truck operations as a result of elevated threat levels, terrorist attacks, or pandemics would, according to the report, have “a swift and devastating impact on the food, healthcare, transportation, waste removal, retail, manufacturing, and financial sectors.

So too would events such as an EMP attack or a coordinated cyber-attack that could shut down global positioning systems and the computers responsible for inventory control.

The report goes on to explain that consumer fear and panic will exacerbate shortages. News of a truck stoppage—whether on the local level, state or regional level, or nationwide—will spur hoarding and drastic increases in consumer purchases of essential goods. Shortages will materialize quickly and could lead to civil unrest.

What the following graphic will demonstrate is just how quickly the descent will be. When the trucks in America stop, all commerce and delivery stops with it.


To avoid falling into this recipe for disaster, use the information presented in this graphic as a guideline to being self-reliant. Listed within the graphic are critical supplies that willdisappear off the shelves at the first signs of this disaster. These are the items you want to stock up on before the trucks stop delivering. Many items such as powdered milk and canned meat are versatile supplies that can be used for short-term and long lasting disasters. When I wrote The Prepper’s Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster, I emphasized the importance of having a well-rounded preparedness plan that encompasses many different types of emergency scenarios. This essential survival guide stresses how important is to have plans and supplies in place in order to be better prepared for the disasters that are on the horizon.

  •  Create a food pantry. Creating a food supply is very beneficial to your budget. It is an investment into your future livelihood. One thing analysts and financial pundits agree on is that, in general, commodities will continue to rise. When others are buying foods at inflated prices, you will be consuming your investment when it was purchased at a lower price. Using a combination of shelf stable foods, you can create a well-rounded food supply to depend on when an emergency arises.
  • Store water. We need water to survive – and our preps should reflect this important need. An aspect that I love the most about preppers is that we love to have back ups for our back ups. Having a short-term water supply that you regularly rotate into your kitchen will ensure you have a freshwater source to turn to during a short lived emergency. As well, having filtration systems and portable water purification tools will ensure you can purify water for longer term purposes.
  • Attain needed supplies. If you are dependent on certain medications or supplies you need for your daily living, make sure you have enough to see you through a short-term disaster. The more supplied you are, the less you will have to leave your home during the emergency. As well, look into natural alternatives for medications.
  • Preserve your wealth. Choose hard assets (dry goods, precious metals, land, livestock, skills, etc.) for long term investments so they will hold their intrinsic value over time. Holding these types of investments will insulate you from inflation and other economic issues. Further, by tying your money up in assets it will help you avoid spending the money, thus furthering your cause of self-reliant living.
  • Become a neo-pioneer! Carve a path in life where you are no longer dependent on consuming at stores to live. Garden and grow your own food, raise livestock, learn skills to live self-reliantly, barter for goods and services.

The above graphic is a reminder of how fast our population can breakdown and quickly spiral into a disaster of epic proportions. But surviving during this type of scenario is possible by simply preparing for it ahead of time.

The Prepper's Blueprint

Tess Pennington is the author of The Prepper’s Blueprint, a comprehensive guide that uses real-life scenarios to help you prepare for any disaster. Because a crisis rarely stops with a triggering event the aftermath can spiral, having the capacity to cripple our normal ways of life. The well-rounded, multi-layered approach outlined in the Blueprint helps you make sense of a wide array of preparedness concepts through easily digestible action items and supply lists.

Tess is also the author of the highly rated Prepper’s Cookbook, which helps you to create a plan for stocking, organizing and maintaining a proper emergency food supply and includes over 300 recipes for nutritious, delicious, life-saving meals. 

Visit her web site at for an extensive compilation of free information on preparedness, homesteading, and healthy living.

Also From Tess Pennington:

Free Web Series52 Weeks to Preparedness: An Emergency Preparedness Plan For Surviving Virtually Any Disaster

Preparedness 101

Disaster Scenarios

Going Rogue: 15 Ways to Detach From the System

from SHTF Plan - When It Hits The Fan, Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

Jade Helm Begins: “Massive Direct Training for Future Civil Unrest in America”

This report was originally published by Alex Thomas at Intellihub. You can follow Intellihub’s breaking news, research reports and commentary on Facebook and Twitter.


Massive realistic training exercise and preparation for eventual martial law starts today
By Alex Thomas

After months of speculation, the controversial multi-state urban military training drill known as Jade Helm is set to begin today in what many believe is direct training for future civil unrest in America.

From the very moment the military announced the training, complete with multiple states listed as “hostile”, the alternative media and freedom minded individuals across the country began to expose its possible real intentions.

Right on the que the corporate controlled mainstream media went to work attacking critics of Jade Helm as crazed conspiracy theorists and possible racists.

In their attacks the mainstream media made sure to purposefully misrepresent what most alternative media outlets were reporting, insisting that conspiracy theorists were claiming Jade Helm was a martial law takeover when in reality most credible independent news outlets were reporting that the training was most likely being conducted to be ready for a near future martial law scenario rather than being the actual reason for it.

Despite these attacks, literally hundreds of thousands of Americans have expressed worry over Jade Helm in one way or another. From Facebook pages dedicated to monitoring activity in the lead up to the exercise, to groups dedicated to monitoring theactual training, Americans throughout the country made clear that they would not blindly accept the military PR machines claims.

The mainstream media is 100% guaranteed to attack the entire alternative media if Jade Helm comes and goes without martial law being declared (this despite the fact that websites such as Intellihub have NEVER claimed that this would happen) so it is important to document all the strange military movements and increased urban military training that has happened since the announcement of Jade Helm 2015.

After seeing the sheer amount of evidence of military equipment and urban military training, one can fully understand why the alternative media has been so worried about Jade Helm regardless of whether or not martial law specifically happens in the next three months.

The following list of suspicious activity in the lead up to Jade Helm starts with the most recent report and includes a small summary with a link back to the original article. This information proves without a doubt that, at the very least, there has been increased preparation for some “unknown” reason. (Note: The following list only includes reports on, a complete list of reports from the entire alternative media would be so long one reporter could spend days attempting to put it together)

—  Video: Military equipment being transported across country as Jade Helm nears – “Two days before the start of Jade Helm, even more footage of military movements throughout the country has been released. The new footage spans several states including Texas, California, Kansas, and Michigan.”

— Upcoming JADE HELM 15 military exercise off-limits to reporters, says military – “The highly controversial JADE HELM 15 military exercise, which is scheduled to run from July 15th to September 15th in at least seven states, including “hostile” Texas, will be entirely off-limits to reporters, according to a military spokesperson.”

— Artificial intelligence takes the battlefield: Who is really running Jade Helm 2015? “If analysts are correct, it seems that “JADE” is an acronym for a DARPA-developed A.I. quantum computing technology that produces holographic battlefield simulations and will be in charge of the drill in order to “master the human” domain and predict human response.”

— Over 30,000 military personnel deploy to Pacific for Talisman Sabre  “Jade Helm 15 officially goes live in a few weeks. It will span 10 US states. Nearly simultaneously, from July 4th through the 19th, several thousand miles away, more than 33,000 United States and Australian military personnel will be engaged in Operation Talisman Sabre.”

— Mainstream media claims Jade Helm fears are racist as media spin continues ahead of planned urban military exercise “In yet another disgusting hit piece targeting critics of Jade Helm 2015, the Washington Post has published an article that claims fears over the massive urban military training exercise are based on President Obama’s race.”

— Where’s your place in Jade Helm? Mastering the Human Domain “May I suggest your taking note of Activity Based Intelligence (ABI), plus the role of Presidential Executive Orders, especially President Obama’s PEO 13684, and how humankind will live under the surveillance of Jade Helm: Mastering the Human Domain, which meansanything that affects humans—anything and everything—from here on out, until their goals are met.”

— Massive train full of military equipment seen heading into “hostile” Salt Lake City, Utah ahead of Jade Helm 2015 “The train convoy, carrying “all kinds of equipment” including military police vehicles was seen just outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. The locals who took the footage noted that they had never seen this type of military equipment movement in the past.”

— How JADE HELM 15 correlates with a potential, rumored, asteroid strike “It’s also important to point out that if you draw a line directly from the said asteroid impact zone near “Puerto Rico” directly through the center of the original JADE HELM states, a potential flight path or impact swath emerges. While this is all just speculation at this time, let’s log this here and now as a possibility.”

— U.S. Marines practice for mass casualty event in California as Jade Helm buildup continues “Marines and Sailors in California are conducting training for a mass casualty event in the United States. The exercise focused on heat being the reason for mass casualties but the training could be put into use after any sort of major unrest in the country.”

— Jade Helm goes GLOBAL: Official start date coincides with Bohemian Grove Cremation of Care ritual “Officially it begins in July, on the same weekend the elite meet safely in Bohemian Grove. And get this, the start date actually coincides with the Cremation of Care ritual. Some speculate it actually represents the physical manifestation of the Cremation of America.”

— Trainload of up-armored Humvees with special COMM equipment linked to “Homeland Defense operations” “Up-armored “Humvees” and “Striker units” with a “peculiar satellite” and a “green dome antennae in the back,” were spotted on rail trains recently in both “Oregon” and “California,” according to a video posted by Dave Action Reporting onYouTube Monday.”

— Rail train loaded with tanks and APCs passes through California desert “A military rail train was recently spotted by a reader, John Temblador, and captured on camera traveling through the desert loaded with hundreds of armored personnel carriers and tanks.”

— Exposed: UN vehicles caught trying to hide logo from public view while traveling inside the United States “The video footage shows one UN truck with the brown paper partially peeled off, most likely due to the wind. The other UN vehicle still has its cover on as it travels down the highway.”

— Weather warfare: Is Texas being attacked with weather manipulation technology in advance of Jade Helm? “Speculation and actual evidence has been released in the last two days that has many believing that Texas is under attack with weather manipulation technology. (also known as HAARP)”

— Massive military convoy loaded with unmarked mobile ammunition storage containers spotted in Portland, Oregon “The military convoy, complete with communications and surveillance equipment, was videotaped by a concerned citizen who was aware of the fact that what he was seeing wasn’t an isolated event.”

— Photos: “Highly Suspicious” Saudi Civil Defense trucks spotted on Texas highway“The photos, taken on a Texas highway and first published by All News Pipeline, may not mean anything but were quoted as “highly suspicious” by the concerned citizen who took them. According to the report by ANP, the reader saw three flatbeds, each carrying two of the above vehicles and traveling southbound on I-45 north of Houston, Texas.”

— New York National Guard conducts training at simulated detainee facility as fears of internment camps in America continue to rise “At least sixty soldiers from the 102nd Military Police Battalion’s Headquarters Detachment recently conducted their annual training at Fort Drum in a simulated detention center.”

— Army commissions new camouflage uniforms July 1 to match Americas background, ‘woodland style’ pattern “Interestingly enough the new uniform appears to be printed in a woodland-type pattern and almost looks as if it would work perfectly domestically.”

— Massive military buildup continues: FEMA, UN vehicles, howitzers, convoys, and strange Walmart coincidences “Now, even more information has come in, including a military convoy spotted in Lucinda, Mississippi carrying Mobile 155 Howitzers and stopping at a weight station that just so happened to have a Walmart truck parked in the same area.”

— Photo: Mass casualty units seen on Chester County, South Carolina highway “News out of South Carolina has taken a possible turn for the worst with mass casualty vehicles being photographed traveling down a highway. The photo was submitted to online watchdog group, Operation Jade Helm and Beyond.”

— Photos: Massive Raider Focus convoy loaded with razor wire seen near Trinidad, Colorado “The war games include the largest military convoy seen in the state since World War IIand, indeed, the footage released so far does show a series of massive military convoys traveling through a rest stop near Trinidad, Colorado.”

— Explosions rock Michigan neighborhood as US Army urban military training exercise begins “”With less than three hours between a city press release and the beginning of the exercise, residents were left in the dark about the urban military training until the last possible moment. Most had no idea what was happening as their homes shook from the force of the simulated explosions.”

— Defense Official warns that DoD Directive allowing the use of military force against American citizens is latest step towards martial law “The quote from the defense official was published in a now viral report that detailed the 2010 DoD Directive and how it could be used, under authority from the President, to unleash the might of the US military onto the civilian population.”

— Yet more military equipment turns up — this time in a Nevada Walmart parking lot“The above video, posted to YouTube May 24, shows some type of large military vehicle and possibly more in the background at a local Walmart store.”

— Jade Helm as Itself a Psy Op “Psychological warfare operations are at once mysterious, yet fairly well-known. Most educated readers are familiar with World War II propaganda or the notion of “black operations,” but more precise and technical ideas of PsyOps are not as well known.”

— Walmart Jade Helm connection: “There’s plenty of those available to them without having to ask for us, they’ve got that handled already” “The over 8 minute conversation is extremely weird, with the Walmart employee seemingly reading off a prepared list of statements while at the same time over answering all the questions in a highly suspicious manner.”

— FBI questions man over ‘JADE HELM’ at his residence — caught on camera “If the upcoming military exercise JADE HELM 15 is no big deal as military officials, authorities, and the mainstream media have previously said, then why did the FBI show up to a man’s house and question him about his “concerns”?

— Photos: Massive 1/4 mile long military train loaded with vehicles seen near Colorado Wyoming border “In yet another instance of increased military movements throughout the country in the lead up to Jade Helm, a massive quarter-mile long train full of military vehicles has been spotted near the Colorado Wyoming border.”

— Raider Focus: Military war games set to include 650 vehicles, will be largest military convoy seen in Colorado since World War II “In what is being described as the largest military road convoy in Colorado since World War II, hundreds of Stryker armored vehicles and other military rigs will travel from Fort Carson to Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site for “combat training.”

— Alert: Hundreds of military Humvees spotted heading towards Cleveland, Ohio “New footage showing a train full of hundreds of military Humvees has been released, further revealing the increased military buildup across the country leading into Jade Helm 2015.”

— Jade Helm: Marines train for internment of citizens under martial law “Now, this never-ending saga of new evidence continues with professional video footage taken in Arizona that highlights a U.S. Marines training drill that included armed troops chasing angry citizens who attempted to escape a mock internment camp.”

— Jade Helm: Special Forces train with local police for domestic military raids “In yet another startling revelation in the lead up to Jade Helm 2015, Special Forces out of Fort Bragg are currently training with Richland County, South Carolina police officers to provide realistic military scenarios.”

— Military vehicles are being shipped to a closed Texas Walmart ahead of Jade Helm?(Photos) “Pictures sent to Intellihub by a reader reveal that military Humvees are indeed being shipped to the recently closed Walmart store, via 18 wheeler, for possible future use. The closed store(s) are possibly being used in the upcoming JADE HELM 15 exercise as speculated early on by conspiracy theorists.”

— Domestic war machine: Look at all this armor the government is moving for Jade Helm military exercises “Perhaps a federal takeover through a martial law declaration is not imminent over coming months, but how else can we explain the absolutely massive exercises now being positioned across the continental United States?”

— Convoy of Humvees and trainload of military vehicles spotted in Arkansas and Louisiana as Jade Helm military buildup continues “New video footage, this time out of Texarkana, Arkansas, is adding to these fears and increasing speculation as to what lies ahead for the American people. The footage first shows a convoy of Humvees driving down the highway and then goes on to highlight a trainload of military vehicles that was seen shortly after.”

— Photos: Military convoy spotted in Indiana as massive buildup to Jade Helm 2015 continues “The photos, taken by a concerned citizen, show the convoy heading west on I-70 for reasons unknown.”

— Mainstream press targets alternative media over Jade Helm coverage in series of coordinated attacks “The attacks purposefully conflated questions or opinion pieces about what may happen during Jade Helm with the legitimate facts put forward in actual news pieces by the alternative media.”

— Jade Helm, Walmart And DUMBS: Are the closed Walmarts being activated as central command for underground operations? “After her initial video revisiting the massive underground tunnel systems throughout the United States and connecting them to the recent bizarre announcement by Walmarts in Jade Helm states, YouTube videographer Rise Together decided to start following links left in her comment section, which led her to a variety of sites, images and forum discussions where dots connect everything from the Denver International Airport to the Mantauk project to recent day headlines on Jade Helm, leading to a number of questions.”

— Tanks, helicopters, and troops arrive in Big Springs, Texas ahead of Jade Helm 2015 “A report out of Big Springs, Texas has revealed that a train full of military equipment and over a dozen helicopters has arrived in the town ahead of Jade Helm 2015. The report first attempts to downplay the significance of the planned military drills and then goes on to bury the most important part of story at the bottom of the article.”

— “It’s just a training exercise”: Army Special Ops shoot down Jade Helm conspiracy theories “The Special Operations Command for the U.S. Army may be preparing to blend in during its mock engagement of hostile populations in the U.S. Southwest this summer, but first it is going on the offense to counter the claims of “conspiracy theorists” about the true nature of the controversial Jade Helm 15 exercises.”

— Isn’t it obvious? If Operation Jade Helm were happening in any other country, it would be immediately labeled a military drill for martial law “Right now, America is being lulled into a hypnotic sense of denial while military training for martial law is happening right in their own neighborhoods and city streets. Yet, strangely, no one is allowed to refer to this exercise as training for martial law… even though that’s obviously what it is.”

Note: The above list is so detailed that there were at least six articles that partially dealt with Jade Helm 2015 that were left out.

After reading the above list of suspicious activity and urban military training seen after the announcement of Jade Helm one can see just how ridiculous the shilling for Jade Helm conducted by the mainstream media actually is. Remember, according to them there is nothing to see so shut up and stop speaking about Jade Helm or you are a racist!

Regardless of what happens in the next few months the undeniable fact remains that there absolutely has been an increase in military activity geared towards the American people as well as actual training to take us on.

Alex Thomas is a reporter who has worked in the alternative media for over three years. His work has been featured on numerous news outlets including Infowars and RT. Alex is an exclusive weapon of IntellihubRead more articles by this author here.

from SHTF Plan - When It Hits The Fan, Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

OPERATION JADE HELM 2015: Intelligence Community-

- Intelligence Community-

Operation Jade Helm is set to take place July 15th, 2015. What is Jade Helm? Jade Helm is a special operations based military training operation that is to be staged across 7 different states over a period of 8 weeks. The USSOCOM and it's counterparts has stated that Jade Helm is not a training operation for the middle eastern wars but is being used to set the stage for what might come. Many across the intelligence community including previous Special Operators, military contractors, and intelligence officers believe that Operation Jade Helm is in fact the basis for domestic threat prevention and martial law. Jade Helm is comprised of United States Army Special Forces, United States Air Force Special Operations, USMC MARSOC, and the United States Navy Seals. Each branch has been given a specific mission and will be acting as one unit across the 7 states below. The basis of Jade Helm is to prepare our Operators for domestic urban warfare and to stage false flag events in order to prepare for future domestic attacks. Operation Jade Helm is just the beginning of what is to come. Whether a training exercise or a "test-run experiment", Jade Helm 2015 is the first of many militarized mobilizations that will happen. Our nations infrastructure continues to crumble as fundamental rights and liberties are stretched beyond recognition. Martial Law could very likely take place if the chaos continues to rise. Look around you, the European market has crashed. The fall of Greece's economy has caused a major downturn throughout the European world. Chaos worldwide is spreading like an untamed wild fire. Radicalization in every form has become the norm. Now is the time to prepare and to be ready for what is to come.

At the Cor Outfitters, we are proud supporters of the United States Armed Forces and believe fully that freedom does not come without a price. We are military veterans ourselves and trust that those who are involved in exercises like Jade Helm have been cut from the same cloth. Although martial law could be called to order, I do not believe that it will be to the effect that some fear. As Americans, it is our right and duty to defend our beloved nation at whatever cost necessary. In order to execute that duty, we must be well informed, well prepared, and outfitted with the essential gear.

Take a look at the map below and watch the clip to better inform yourself and prepare.

We have the gear you'll need at the price you'll want. Be prepared and have your bug out gear and plan ready.

It Starts Today: “A Financial Collapse Is Imminent Within This Six Month Time Period”


Over the last eight years Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse Blog has published over one-thousand research papers, articles and reports detailing the financial, economic and monetary crises sweeping the world. While he has often urged his readers to prepare for calamity, he has never issued a specific date or time-frame for the trigger that would send the whole system into a tailspin.

Until now.

In his latest must-watch interview with Future Money Trends, Snyder sets the record straight and explains why he recently issued his first and only “Red Alert” to readers warning of an impending, far-reaching event that will touch ever corner of the globe.

(Watch At Youtube)

I’ve never done this before, but as an attorney I’m trained to be level-headed and trained to only come to conclusions that are based on the evidence.

As we came up to the last half of 2015, examining everything I’ve been told, everything I’ve learned, everything I’ve researched… all the data points were just screaming that a financial collapse is imminent within this six month time period, which actually starts today. 

I believe a financial crisis is imminent… similar to what we saw in 2008 but eventually it’s going to be much worse.

When I say imminent I’m not saying it’s going to happen within the next 48 hours or within the next week.. it’s for the entire six month period, this red alert…

And then once we get to the end of 2015 I don’t believe that it’s all going to be over and that our problems are going to be past us.

No… I believe what we’re entering into is a major turning point…

In so many ways our problems are just going to be beginning as we move into 2016.

Are we now in the midst of the next great global crisis?

As Snyder points out, just in the two weeks since he shared his warnings we have seen Greece essentially collapse, Puerto Rico has gone bankrupt, and China’s stock markets have seen hundreds of billions of dollars in wealth wiped out. It’s so serious, in fact, that the Communist government in China has actually banned the selling of stocks! Europe is scrambling to save its currency and Union. In America the conjecture that has been economic growth is slowly being revealed to be the sham that it really is with thousands of nationwide retail store closings, over 45 million on food stamps, and a President who seems to believe the situation has been contained.

It appears that the threat of an epic financial and economic disaster is not only real, but moving full steam ahead right before our eyes.

from SHTF Plan - When It Hits The Fan, Don't Say We Didn't Warn You