Saturday, November 4, 2017

What Did You Do to Prep This Week

Well, folks, here we are another day and another prep.

I have to be honest, like prepping and although the likelihood of a major SHTF event within the next few months is extremely high, I’d still prep just like I have been if I knew it was going to be twenty years from now.

Prepping is fun! Remember If Prepping Isn’t Fun Then You’re Doing it Wrong! I’ve been prepping for nearly 30 years in some form, starting with martial arts, firearms, and hunting, then running a trapline, then outdoor survival, then eventually moving into food and gear storage, and expanding out into...

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Photo of The Week – November 4, 2017

Protect your Neighborhood with a Powerful Base Defense

Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.

Editors Note: A guest contribution from James Walton to The Prepper JournalAs always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share and possibly receive a $25 cash award as well as be entered into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards  with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies, enter today.

Mother nature has been showing her wrath in 2017. There is no hiding from her. Coastal cities have been smashed by hurricanes and interior cities have been devastated by earthquakes. There has never been a better argument for preparedness. Whether you blame these instances on climate change or not they still happen. You must still be prepared for them.


We think that the threat from a powerful disaster, like a hurricane, comes only from the flooding waters and high winds. After the devastation, there is a propensity to commit crime. We consistently see looters take advantage of abandoned and devastated cities. Are you ready to defend your property?

Defending a Community

Though the popular prepper takes on survival can tend to be a bit lone wolf it will be easier for you to defend a community or sections of a community with a larger army of people. In the most recent disasters we have not seen armed looters shooting at homeowners. This means a handful of armed homeowners can create a perimeter to protect their community.

Organizing a Base Defense Plan

Whether you are defending an entire neighborhood or a few homes, setting up a base defense plan will be crucial. Not only will it be crucial that you understand but it will also be necessary that the people in your group understand it as well.

Consider the following locations in your plan:

  • Fighting Positions
  • Lookout
  • Rally Points
  • Casualty Collection Point
  • Entry Control Points
  • Command Post
  • Retreat Direction

“Concentric rings of security extend out into your area defense.  During an emergency or a shift in society, it may be necessary to establish security positions.  Square, triangular, pentagon and free-form security perimeters were constructed by the early SF units in Vietnam.   Through trial and some error, the triangle shape was found to be the most advantageous.  The triangle provides that 360-degree security with the least amount of positions.  One of these positions should be the main entry and exit point to your camp.  An alternate access to the camp should also be located with another position.  Positions should be placed in a location advantageous to view the largest amount of terrain while interlocking with the other two positions.  These positions can be outbuildings or individually constructed.”


Mapping it Out


The best way to convey your plan is to map it out on paper. This does not have to be a true work of art. You can merely map your neighborhood out and the homes included in the defense plan.

  • Draw a defendable perimeter, a triangular perimeter is best
  • Identify areas where threats could come from
  • Identify your ECP or entry control point (main road leading into your area)
  • Continue drawing in the above-mentioned locations

I recommend creating a base defense before disaster. It does not have to be communicated but it can be drawn up and planned out. Sure, after a disaster you will need to tweak it a bit but you will already have a baseline to pull from. Be as detailed as possible with that first map. Include locations for everything we have discussed and maybe even names. At the very least include how many “soldiers” will be required to achieve your plan.

If you want to step up your game from basic drawing print out a few aerial views of your community from Google Maps. These are great to build your plan on.


Though your map may contain locations for fighting positions or on guard positions you will still want to carry out patrols. These patrols may be periodic or may be specific to a certain time of day i.e. nighttime hours. Follow your identified perimeter and be sure you have enough people on patrol to get the job done.

Also, offer those on patrol with a means to alert the rest of the community in case of a breach.

These could be two-way radios, air horns or even simple whistles.

“Active Patrols are a major part of your area defense plan.  During Katrina, neighborhoods banded together to create defensive positions for area security as well as these active patrols.  If manning isn’t available for these patrols, hidden listening and observation posts can be utilized.”


Considering Your Team

This team will be responsible for protecting more than their own property. Of course, you will be stronger together and that’s very important. These patrols could last for days depending on your situation. In all actuality, you will be asking normal civilians to take on the role of an active duty community military. It will also be important that you look at it that way.

You must concern yourself with an average soldier’s day and the struggle to find comfort and hygiene.


Building a base defense plan might make you cringe. Perhaps you are too civilized for such a thing. Well, that will all change after a disaster. This is not a third world problem. In fact, the more secure you are financially the more important it is you get planning. Where would you hit first if you were desperately in need of resources following a disaster?


The post Protect your Neighborhood with a Powerful Base Defense appeared first on The Prepper Journal.

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Friday, November 3, 2017

How to “PREP” for a First Hunt

Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.

Editors Note: Another guest contribution from Kevin Fleeman at to The Prepper Journal. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share and possibly receive a $25 cash award as well as be entered into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards  with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies, enter today.

There’s something raw and primitive about hunting. It takes us back to our roots and connects us with the environment. In normal circumstances, you can save as much stock as you like to secure your future, but this must someday run out.


Hunting makes you one with the wild. You get to provide for yourself and your family while having a respect for nature in all its awesome and different forms. Have you always wanted to go out hunting but never got around to it? Would this be your first hunting trip?  Well, we are here to provide you with some great tips on how to prepare.

Observe Safety Procedures and Regulations

If you look at the majority of hunting fatalities, though very low, they occurred because the hunter ignored to observe and practice the right safety procedures.

In fact if you are new to hunting, you should make it a priority to go through the training manual provided by the Department of Natural Resources or the appropriate body in your country.

Remember your safety is paramount. Do not worry about a failed hunting attempt and decide to push yourself beyond your limits. It is never worth it. Some of the best trips result in the ever-changing stories of “the one that got away” and, the bag of dirty clothes. There is no honor in stupidity and no forgiveness for mistakes that harm others.

Let Others Know

It is always a good idea to inform family or friends of your hunting trip. This will make it easy for them to mount a search and rescue in case things go awry. Hunters, like other outdoors enthusiasts in the US, die each year due to exposure from the elements or incurring injuries that limit their mobility. Having a plan before you go and sharing that with a responsible person you trust is a safety net you will never be sorry that you cast.

Another great option is to take a GPS device with you. That way you can pin point your exact location and a rescue team can pin point yours, as long as it is still working. This is a good backup, but a far second to the suggestion in the above paragraph.

Abide by the Laws

Laws on hunting should never be avoided otherwise you might find yourself paying hefty fines or worse, end up behind bars. Reality TV shows about about people arrested and fined for trying to skirt the laws. There are a lot of hunters that are taken to court every hunting season for breaking the law. Trust me; you are better off operating within the confines of the law. And most hunting laws have a valuable basis, in herd management, and the management of the hunters who do obtain permits/tags.

To be on the safe side, visit the website of the Department of Natural Resources in the area where you plan to hunt, remember, from that plan you provided that responsible person/relative above and find the applicable hunters guide. It will give you all the information you require. Rules and regulations vary from state to state and the excuse that “I am from New York” only works if you have broken a driving rule.

Emergency Medical Kit

Always ensure you have an emergency medical kit with you, period. No kit, no trip.

This will come in handy when you get an injury and there’s nobody around to offer assistance. The basic equipment should be bandages, a way to disinfect the wound such as antiseptic, water sterilizer, and a flare to give off your position, and so much more.

Also, there are some places where going cheap is beyond foolish. Medical kits and supplies are one of those, as are good hunting boots that have been broken in and waterproofed, even if you are hunting scorpions in Arizona. They will go a long way to secure you from the major injury.

NEVER leave home to go out into the wilderness without your Bug Out Bag! Never. Know its contents and how to use them through practice.

Keep it Simple

On the other side of the coin it’s easy to get tricked into thinking that you need all sorts of equipment and gear to be successful in your hunt. The truth is you only need the basic equipment to bring down your quarry. But you need to be safe and prepared.

Carrying excessive baggage will slow you down and tire you out before you can launch a successful ambush. As a rule of thumb, you should only carry the things that you will require. Sounds simple. Not doing this right puts your down a few links on the food chain.

Mask Your Scent

Remember you are going after animals that spend their whole lives escaping danger. They are well equipped with strong senses that will detect a predator coming even before they lay their eyes on them. A bear can smell you 20 miles away downwind, the nose of a whitetail deer has up to 297 million olfactory receptors, dogs have 220 million, an elk’s sense of smell has been estimated to be up to 1,000 times more acute than that of a human with humans limiting out with just five million olfactory receptors.

To increase your odds of making a successful kill, you will need to find a way to hide your scent. This is because it could drifts in the air for a good distance and land in the noses of your quarry. They will disappear before you even get a chance of approaching.

You can buy special scent control products that hide your own making it harder for deer and other animals to catch your position….as long as you minimize movement and noise. The last is very important. If you can find a “quiet place” try recording you movement when you have all your gear in tow. The results may surprise you, and indicate why you never surprise your quarry.

Learn to be Patient

It really doesn’t matter what type of gear you are packing, if you are impatient, you will either spook a perfect target or simply give up.  You are not going to the woods to take something that was meant to offer itself to you. No sir. You are going after an animal that is trying to stay alive, and does that every minute day or night. You are not its only predator.

Just pick a strategy and be patient with it, eventually, things will pay off.

Have a Mentor

This is perhaps my best advice. Learning from someone who has had a lot of experience will greatly improve your odds of being successful.  A mentor can teach you the finer details; how to read the hoof prints, how to stay down wind, how to do scouting, how to set a stand and how to keep from frigiting.

While guides tend to be expensive your experienced buddy may have some long practiced BAD skills to pass on to you. Like everything else, do your homework.


Nothing beats regular training. When you are not out hunting, you should spend a considerable amount of your time practicing. You can also learn as much as you can from training manuals.

After all you never want to miss a shot that you have been waiting for all season simply because you failed to hone your skills.

Range Time – use it well. Do remember that most wildlife do not understand the commands “stand still”, “move to the left another 2 feet”, and “come closer”. Know what a kill shot is and what it is NOT and never fire unless you have a “kill shot” lined up. Holding your breath and exercising breathing control at “that moment” and having a steady hand on sighting in and trigger control will make a big contribution towards success, a clear miss, or the worst of all cases, trailing a wounded animal to finish what you started.


With these tips first time hunter can go into the bush confident that they have what it takes to come out successful. Hunting is tough so in case you don’t land a kill, persevere and you will soon get the ropes.

About the Author

Kevin Fleeman is the founder of that site is dedicated to the sport of hunting. We have a deep respect for nature and for the environment and we therefore take the sport of hunting very seriously. provides guides on how to hunt effectively, answer reader questions, and reviews of the latest hunting gear.


The post How to “PREP” for a First Hunt appeared first on The Prepper Journal.

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Beans, Again? Let’s make them interesting!

by Bam Bam

Over the past few months, I have been increasing the number of dinners I make using beans and rice. I am cycling through the last of my store-bought canned beans and I have been pressure canning my own beans. Thus far I have canned pinto beans and red beans. I use the pinto beans to make my own refried beans. I mixed the beans with cooked rice and served them in a burrito with lettuce and tomatoes, and home canned salsa. I use the red beans to make Cajun red beans & rice. (The recipe is included below.)

There are a couple of reasons why I have been increasingly incorporating...

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Video of The Week: 10 Ways To ALWAYS Know If Someone Is LYING To You!

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Prepper News & Notes For: Nov 3, 2017

Critical: Deadly Airborne Plague in Madagascar is Now at ‘Crisis’ Point

The deadly airborne plague spreading rapidly across Madagascar is now at ‘crisis’ point as cases have rocketed by 37 percent in just five days, official figures reveal.
The outbreak, the ‘worst in 50 years’, is being fueled by a strain more lethal than the one which usually strikes the country off the coast of Africa. Read about it at The Daily Mail.

+New variant of dengue virus confirmed in Southern India

+Pandemic! 10 of the Deadliest Diseases

+The World Is Not Ready for the Next...

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These Are The Best Survival Businesses To Start Off-Grid

As the rhetoric between Washington and Pyongyang has heated up, so has the risk to the United States. Recent missile and nuclear tests by the North Korean regime have made it clear that they are closer to their long-stated goal of attacking the United States than ever.

After their sixth nuclear test, in which they exploded what was supposed to be a two-stage hydrogen bomb, the North Korean news agency started talking about an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack against the United States for the first time.

What’s next for us? A totally off-grid world, where the survival of the fittest would become effective?

In a way, it’s surprising it’s taken them this long, considering how long I and others have been warning about that possibility.

Any county that is smart enough to develop nuclear bombs and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) has to have people in their war plans department who are aware of how effective an EMP is and who would be punching the numbers to figure out how to use their nuclear arsenal in that regard.

An EMP attack doesn’t preclude the possibility of conventional nuclear war and we shouldn’t assume that it will. Regardless of the flaming rhetoric coming out of Kim Jong-un and his Secretary of State, they have to realize that they can’t win a nuclear exchange with the United States.

No matter how effective they are, we have way more nukes than they do.

Here’s Why We Can Never Win This War!

Even if they are able to take out Washington, a few other major cities and our entire electrical grid in one coordinated attack, we have more than enough nuclear missiles in submarines and nuclear bombs on aircraft carriers to turn their entire country into a parking lot.

But don’t think that will deter them from this course of action. This is a grudge match for them, wanting to get even with us for the first Korean War.

Based on that grudge, the North Korean government is bent on destruction and the people of that small country are willing to die in support of their leadership. If anything, that increases the likelihood for a combined EMP and conventional nuclear attack. They want to punish us and they want to punish us good.

Should that happen, our chances of surviving the attack unscathed are minimal. While we do have some anti-ICBM defense, there aren’t enough, especially not for a southern approach. So, the best we can hope for is that North Korea destroys a few cities; the worst is an effective EMP.

That’s the scenario we have to prepare for; an EMP taking out our electrical grid and turning the clock back 150 years or so, technologically speaking. The possibility of us surviving any sort of nuclear exchange, unscathed, is minimal.

The Worst Scenario

This is the worst possible scenario we face today; and it is not one that we can ignore. While I will be absolutely thrilled if our missile defenses are able to neutralize such an attack, I don’t believe that it is something we can count on.

With that being the case, you and I need to be ready to survive in a post-EMP world; one in which we don’t have electrical power; one which most people are unprepared to live in. According to the reports of the EMP Commission, as much as 90% of the US population will die of starvation. That sort of world. Somehow, we’re not only going to have to survive in it, but rebuild as much of our lives as we can.

This is why we are preppers; in order to ensure our family’s survival in the case of such an event. Everything we do is ultimately for this reason. But that isn’t enough. If all we do is ensure our own survival, what about our kids? Our grandkids? The human race in general.

That’s why it’s going to be important to be able to rebuild as much of society as possible. Then, and only then, will we be able to guarantee the survival of our children and grandchildren. That’s going to require the right sorts of skills, many of which aren’t common today.

Fortunately, there is still time. So if you don’t already have the right sorts of skills, you could at least try to learn some of them. There’s no way that anyone could possibly learn all of them, but the more that you can learn, the more valuable you will be in that post-EMP world. Perhaps you could be valuable enough that others would help to guarantee your survival and that of your family.

Of course, you’ll want to get something for your skills. That means turning those skills into some sort of business; a business where you can produce a product or provide a service to people who will be struggling to survive and rebuild their lives.

Valuable Businesses in a Post-EMP World

Any business you attempt to build for that post-EMP world will have to operate under the assumption that you won’t have any electrical power available to you, other than that which you produce yourself.

So, one of the things you may want to consider, as part of starting your off-grid business, is making sure that you can produce enough electricity to meet your basic needs, both in your home and in your business.

Other than that, plan on using hand tools, rather than electric ones. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that you should make or buy the necessary tools now, because you probably won’t be able to find them when the time comes. Besides, getting them now gives you the chance to learn how to use them effectively.

Growing Food

The biggest need that most people will have is for food. According to the EMP commission’s report, the vast majority of the people who will die after an EMP, will do so from starvation. The vast majority of the farms in our country are owned by giant corporations and grow food (mostly grain) in bulk.

Without fuel for the farm machinery, those farms won’t be able to operate. Without fuel for trucks, that food can’t be hauled to processing plants. Without electricity to run the plants, the raw food can’t be turned into packaged foods.

All food production will have to be local. Local farmers will do well, assuming they can get fuel for their tractors and combines. That will be the problem.

Likewise, local ranchers and shepherds will find themselves sitting on a goldmine, with people needing the food that they can produce. The ability to grow food may very well be necessary for your family’s survival. Growing more than you need will give you the opportunity to trade food for other essentials.

Charging Batteries

As a society, we are addicted to our electronics. While most of those will be destroyed, there is a good chance that small portable electronics will survive if protected in a Faraday cage. These will become like gold, as people try to cling to the pre-EMP past.

If you are putting in alternate energy for your home anyway, you could offer battery charging services to friends and neighbors. Solar panels will actually survive an EMP, with a loss of only 5 to 10 percent of their efficiency. However, the solar charge controller and voltage inverter for your system will probably be fried by the EMP; so make sure you have a spare.

Herbal Medicine

The current pharmaceutical industry will collapse, as will many other industries. This means that the only medicines any community will have will be those in people’s homes and in local pharmacies. When those run out, there won’t be any replacements.

However, modern medicine is an outgrowth of herbal medicine. Quite literally, all medicines started out as plant products. Big Pharma has synthesized the chemicals found in those plants, in order to make medicines which they could patent and sell.

Knowing which plants offer which medicinal properties and growing those plants could allow you to open up a post-EMP natural pharmacy, providing medicines to your local community.

Of course, you’ll need to educate the doctors, some of who will resent you. But the truly smart ones, who care about their patients, will take knowledge wherever they can get it.


Before the industrial revelation took over from them, most metal products were the handicrafts of some blacksmith. They made everything from tools to nails, with andirons in between. But they were one of the earliest casualties of the industrial revolution. Factories took over much of what they made and then cars took over from horses, eliminating the need for shoeing.

While there will be many tools and other metal objects laying around in the post-EMP world, there won’t be the old kinds of tools that people need for working with their hands. Blacksmiths may very well find themselves in a crucial place once again, helping to rebuild society.

Building Trades

While the EMP itself won’t damage homes, factories, stores and other businesses, it will make some drastic changes to society. People will find themselves needing to build outbuildings behind their homes, for their home-based business.

Others will need to change their plumbing, so that it will work off a well. There will always be a need for the building trades.

Taking this a step further, linemen for the phone or electric company will probably find gainful employment trying to put together local phone systems, build small hydroelectric dams and otherwise help rebuild society.

The skills these people have will become an important part of rebuilding.

Practical Engineering

When I say “practical engineering” I’m not talking about someone who can design a computer chip, but rather someone who can design simple devices, of the type that we will need to have, in order to rebuild our lives. Designing a loom for weaving fabric will be important, designing a computer won’t.

These people may not even be working as engineers right now, or might be considered technicians in business and industry. But they know how to put things together that will work. If we are going to have to rebuild turbines to create power, we’ll need people who can do the job from the ground up, starting by melting down the copper and drawing wire.

Another important characteristic of the type of engineer I’m talking about is the ability to repurpose items and turn them into something useful. Without gasoline, we won’t have much use for cars and trucks, but the axle from that truck might be very useful in building a wagon. That’s the sort of engineering we’re going to need.


While most vehicles will be off the road, due to a shortage of gasoline, there will be some that are running. We will need mechanics not only to fix those vehicles, but to find ways of making others run, ways of modifying engines so that alternate fuels can be burned, and taking engines out of cars to be used as power sources for other things.

Good mechanics, especially good shade-tree mechanics, understand the engines they work on, better than the engineers that designed them. This knowledge gives them the ability to modify those engines in a number of ways, such as increasing the power they produce.

I’m betting that if we get mobile after the attack, it will be because of mechanics that come up with some breakthrough new ways to use the internal combustion engine.

Making Bio-Diesel & Methane

Two of the most promising fuels sources in a post-EMP world would be bio-diesel and methane gas. While there are few cars on the roads today which burn these fuels, it is possible to modify some engines to burn them.

As these two fuels are some of the easiest to produce, requiring the least amount of equipment, this could very well turn into an effective business.

General Repairs

Like mechanics, people who can repair other things will have a ready business in a post-EMP world. There will be a need for repairing just about anything, as the factories will be closed and production will come to a standstill. All we will have is what we have at the moment the attack happens.

These people will also be likely to be the ones who work together with the practical engineers to create new things or reinvent old ones. In many cases, the materials to make those tools and equipment will come from cannibalizing existing machinery, appliances and other things that no longer work. Gears and pulleys don’t care what they’re working in, they’ll still do the job.


It is widely believed that a post-EMP world will be violent, due to a breakdown of society. As such, people will need their guns, and those guns will probably get a lot more use than they do today. Guns that get used stand a chance of getting broke. Hence, the need for good gunsmiths.

For that matter, the ability to make ammunition will probably become a high priority, especially with people trying to hunt for food. Anyone with a reloading press and the appropriate dies could have a ready-made business, without any further investment.

Make Sure You’re Prepared!

Most of the businesses I’ve mentioned will require some sort of materials and supplies. Gunsmiths won’t be able to go online and order gun parts, nor will blacksmiths be able to pick up steel at their local steel supply. In both cases, the craftsmen will either need to make their own materials or find a way of reusing materials that currently exist.

Don’t count on local warehouses having what you need either. They’ll probably have enough at the beginning, but those supplies will eventually run out. When that happens, you’ll need to have a Plan B that you can put into effect. That plan may require you making things yourself.

What I’m trying to say here is that you need to think through thoroughly any off-grid business that you try to create. Don’t think of it in terms of today’s world, but in a world where you won’t be able to just buy the parts and materials you need. How will you get them? Can you scavange? Can you find the raw materials in nature? Can you repurpose old stuff, melting it down to make new stuff again?

This article has been written by Bill White for Survivopedia.

from Survivopedia
Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. How prepared are you for emergencies?
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Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Ultimate Stealth Bug Out Vehicle

Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.

When the time comes that I need to leave my suburban fortress, I think I’m leaving the SUV behind.  I have a mountain bike, and that’s all I think I’ll need for a short-term disaster situation.  How about you?

Bikes offer numerous advantages over automobile transportation, especially in a crisis situation.


Consider this:

They’re smaller, and not as confined to roadways or passable terrain as an automotive vehicle, and they can be more easily hidden if you need to shelter in a wooded area.

They have fewer parts, which means that they’re easier to repair, and that there’s simply less that could go wrong.

The fuel that powers your bike does double duty as fuel for your body; with a car, you need to maintain a separate fuel storage system.

They are SILENT.

In a traffic jam, my bike will weave in and out of traffic while your car sits in the middle of the chaos for mile upon mile.  Is it any wonder that in the crowded streets of New York City or Chicago that parcels move faster by bike messenger than by car?


Sure, there are disadvantages to consider.  Obviously, a bike cannot carry as much raw “stuff” as a car, truck or SUV could. Preparedness, however, is not about carrying the most stuff, it’s about maximizing what you do carry.  The unprepared can’t possibly live without their piles of clothing and food, but as preppers, our bug-out bags are designed to keep everything we need for a 72-hour period in a small, confined, easy-to-carry space.  If we’ve done a good job preparing the Bug-Out Bag, then there shouldn’t be too much more that is essential.  With a child carrier attachment, or with a flat storage crack/pack above the back wheel, or even a handlebar mounted basket, there are plenty of ways to add a little extra to your load if you can manage.

Second, any kind of covered automobile will provide shelter, but you did pack some kind of tent or tarp, didn’t you?  My tent and bike can take shelter in a tree-heavy forest where I can be off-road and out of sight, but a car or SUV may not always offer that option depending on terrain and the vehicles capabilities.

Of course there are situations where a bike is less than ideal, such as a need for traveling a long distance (though die-hard cyclists will argue that point), or in a rural environment where you are exposed to passing vehicles and the possible desperation of the occupants. In some cases safety may be easier to reach by car without the added worry of a crush of traffic or people, but for those who are forced to live closer to others than they may prefer, a well-outfitted bike should at least be considered a viable option.  I’m certain that in inclement weather, you’d rather be safe and warm inside your car or truck’s cabin than pedaling through a storm, but in those cases, you could shelter underneath an overpass or in your shelter until the danger passes.


In general, I think that it will depend on your situation.  Cars for long distance travel or rural environments, remembering to factor in the fuel you have available and your ability to obtain more; bikes for evacuation from a city center or crowded suburb.  Bikes also have an advantage when the exit routes from a city or town are limited, either due to  the disaster itself, the competing traffic or towns that just have a few roads passing through them. While cars offer better protection from the elements a bike will give you flexibility to escape in almost any direction and get away from roads, a big plus.  In a best-case scenario, you can start in a car with your bike strapped to the roof or on a trunk-mounted carrier, run the car to it’s end (gas or end of the road) and then keep on going by bike.


Outfitting Your Bike

First things first, it is essential that you get some kind of all-terrain mountain bike instead of one of those cruiser or racing models that are only good on pavement, or else you’ll lose many of the key advantages of using a bike in the first place.  A heavy-duty frame, large, wide tires, and multiple gear speeds and combinations are the key to ensuring you can tackle almost any terrain. Don’t believe it – check this video out, after the ads skip the first 120 seconds and then see what one can do in terrain with the right bike, and a bit of skill and balance.

Second, let’s consider some basic safety features.  A helmet, is, even for practiced, advanced riders, an absolute essential that I’m never without when I’m riding.  When my daughter was small enough to ride in her kid carrier, I made her ride with a helmet as well, even though she was in a very controlled environment with little threat of harm.  Second, carry a few basic tools that will help you repair your bike.  An extra bike tire tube or two is a must for emergency repair, and they are small enough that you should be able to carry them in a pouch underneath your seat if you pack carefully.  A patch kit is nice too, but may not be usable in all circumstances.  There are dozens of low-cost, low-footprint tool kits for bikers that you can purchase that contain Allen wrenches, nut drivers, and multi-tools, but make sure you match the tools to your actual bike, as there are vast differences in how mountain bike gear assemblies are constructed, and kits are never one-size-fits-all (metric vs imperial).  Finally, a portable hand-pump, a lock, and a water bottle cage can round out your all-purpose, on-frame equipment without adding much weight, but with adding a great deal of flexibility.

Adding other storage options as mentioned above does add flexibility in what you can pack, store and bring, and it’s always good to bring as much as you can, but this adds weight and impacts your mobility.  The least egregious is a flat stand that sits over your back wheel, sometimes with built-in bungee cords, but the parcels you carry have to be pretty specifically sized to latch on easily.  A basket attached to your handlebars may give you the “cool” factor of a grandma meeting the ladies for euchre, but it is a more flexible storage option that will allow you to bring a small dog easily, or pack some extra food or clothing.  A child carrier is best (especially if you don’t need the room for a child), but these have issues, namely that they can be burdensomely heavy when packed with even a small amount of gear, and that they are probably not built to be quite as off-road as your bike itself.  More parts mean more opportunities for breakage.


Finally, outfitting your bike also means outfitting the rider.  Those tight biking hot pants are certainly optional, but if your pedals require specific shoes to lock in, then you’d better make sure those shoes are near at hand, or better yet, just replace those pedals with general purpose metal ones (the larger, the better in my opinion).  Toe clips can be useful and can help make the adjustment from exercise bike to actual bike a little easier.  I am of the belief that no matter the weather, long pants will provide more benefits in terms of injury reduction than you’ll get worrying about wind drag or heat, although that may be personal preference.  The more in-shape you are, the farther you’ll get and the faster you’ll get there.

An Action Plan

First, you need to find a bike.  Solid and dependable mountain bikes can be found in the fall season for less than $300 if you’re on a budget, and these bikes will have enough features for almost everyone.  Since most mountain bikes are owned by people who don’t actually use them for off-roading, the mountain bikes you find at garage sales are probably still in good enough condition that a simple tune-up or gear replacement will make them like new.  Even if you do decide to shop online, I’d recommend visiting a bike shop so they can make recommendations on what size of bike you need for your body size, and see about getting on a few models to see if you like how they ride.



Second, accessorize.  Replace any plastic pedals or handlebars with strong, dependable metal varieties, get your air pump and water bottle cage, and a strong cable lock.  If you decide on a child carrier, flat back-wheel storage, or a handlebar basket or bag, it’s probably cheaper to purchase these through an online retailer than at a bike shop.  Get a helmet that fits well.  If you’re investing in pads, then wrist pads are more important than knee pads, although they can be uncomfortable to wear while biking.  Most cars will allow you to attach some sort of bike carrier that is easy to remove if so required.

Third, bring your bike home and get to know how it works.  Read the manual, try to actually perform some of the simple maintenance tasks even before you take it on a ride.  Attach your own accessories.  Doing the work yourself when it comes time to maintain your bike means that you’ll know how to do it when the bike shop isn’t around anymore.  If your bike had a less than stellar manual, invest in a book on bike maintenance and repair.  Once you know what kinds of tools you need to do basic tasks with your bike – install or replace a tire, fixing the gear assembly, adjusting the seat and handlebars – you’ll know what kinds of tools to pack in one of the storage compartments.

Finally, start riding. Get in the habit of packing up the family and using this versatile get-away vehicle.  My family rides every other Saturday morning in search of local garage sales, and I try to visit one bike path per week on my own after work.  If you’re like the majority of people, you take major streets to work and to the store, but on bike, you are a little more free to explore unusual routes that you don’t normally take, and it’s a good way to meet some neighbors and keep up with local activity.  While most preppers tend to be solitary people, these are your local allies in case of an SHTF situation, and they can appraise you of local trouble or activity, which is always a benefit.

Fitness is an important part of preparedness, and bikes will certainly help you in that regard as well.  If possible, you can bike to work to save a little money and get a little more exercise.  Biking is not limited to the Spring and Summer months, although I certainly tone it down when it gets too cold.  Winter is a great time to do some basic maintenance on your bikes, improve their mechanisms and make some improvements.  The more you work with your bike, the better you’ll get with it.

Over time, you could consider entering in a long bike race or cross-country or city-to-city ride.  There are many Chicago-to-Milwaukee rides that take place every year, in which hundreds of people leave from Chicago on bike and travel the 100 miles from city center to city center.  This is one of those life-defining events that requires a lot of commitment, time and physical fitness, and is a fun experience to take part in, in addition to providing you a great number of physical benefits.

In the introduction to this article, I may have been a little facetious at the beginning as I don’t think I would actually leave my SUV or car behind completely, although I’m certain that I’m bringing my bike along in tow, and I’ll use it as circumstances dictate.  A bike is an important part of my long-term survival plan regardless, especially in an SHTF situation, and, I believe, something that is not considered as often as it should be. And, if you have unlimited funds well…  a mere $10,000 will get you one of these. Up to 50 mph for 2 hours but getting that second charge, hmmmm….

The post The Ultimate Stealth Bug Out Vehicle appeared first on The Prepper Journal.

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Caught In The Crowd: What Makes The Difference Between Life And Death?

A car is approaching in high speed and one second after you hear the wheels rolling over bodies that collapse right next to you. You hear shotgun fires and you see people running in despair around you. You don’t know where the danger comes from and you can’t see your way out of this. You’re caught in the middle of a human turmoil that sweeps you and flows against your will.

How are you going to make it out? How are you going to survive?

The answer is simple but tricky: it’s not only the immediate actions that save you, but what you should have done before.

Safety Becomes Obsolete

When things turn sideways, like they did a couple of days ago in Manhattan or sooner in Las Vegas, you need to understand and accept that there is no safe place, and nobody – and especially the government – is not going to save you. Holding out an unrealistic hope that there is a safe place or that others will take care of you will cause you to perish.

It is up to you to find a way to survive, facing a danger that you could hardly anticipate in a matter of seconds.

Power in Numbers?

Crowded areas and military outposts, if these even exist, will be fraught with danger. Actually, in any type of disaster or chaotic situation, crowds and crowded areas can pose a very big threat to your safety and even your survival.

Look at what happened in New Orleans, Louisiana during and immediately after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. There was mass looting, assaults, sexual assaults, murders, and even police officers who shot and killed some of the people in a group of survivors who were crossing Danziger Bridge trying to find help.

Experts have found that in almost any life threatening or survival situation 3 out of 4 people become so bewildered or overwhelmed that they are mentally paralyzed, and they cannot act in their own best interest when it comes to staying alive and surviving.

Another 10% will be extremely dangerous because they will lose it and freak out, putting everyone in their vicinity at high risk of danger.

Only around 15% of individuals will stay calm and analyze the situation rationally. Would you be one of them?

3 Second SEAL Test Will Tell You If You’ll Survive A SHTF Situation

Why are crowds so dangerous despite of the large number of people they include?

  • A large number of people together could make the entire area or group much more noticeable or attractive to people looking for an easy score. This will attract other groups who may want to harm you or take what you need to survive.
  • Rioting could break out and leave you open to attack.
  • In a disaster or other chaotic event which is life threatening large groups could attract the attention of military or law enforcement, and you could end up in a deadly situation that you can’t get out of if these groups see you and others with you as a threat.
  • Large numbers of people that you do not know greatly increases the danger because any one of them could become unhinged or dangerous at any time. You could quickly become targeted for theft, assault, or even something worse.
  • A crowd can quickly go from calm to a full stampede in very little time. If you get caught up in a large throng of people all pushing you could end up trapped, or even crushed to death from the force of the crowd.
  • When your life depends on keeping a low profile and avoiding any unnecessary attention the last place you want to be is in a crowd of people. Stay isolated and avoid crowds and crowded areas whenever possible if you want to stay safe!

The Sense We Call Situational Awareness

The simplest definition of situational awareness is to be completely aware of everyone and everything around you, paying close attention to even smaller details that many people would miss. When you are aware of all the important elements of a situation then you are far less likely to be caught by surprise or end up in danger.

Identify all the critical elements of the situation, process this information in a calm manner, and then comprehend how this could impact you.

If you see some men fighting down the block or a large mob gathered you can avoid the situation and protect yourself from any danger. If you are walking along in your own little world you could end up entering a very dangerous situation. You need to know where you are, what is going on around you, and how to escape the situation in the fastest way possible if this becomes necessary.

Practicing your situational awareness can seem like a game while training you for almost any survival or disaster situation. Make a habit of really paying attention to your surroundings and other people, taking note of even small details like the color of a building or what a person ahead of you in line is wearing.

After paying attention to your situation close your eyes and try to remember what you have seen and experienced. What color was that woman’s dress?. Where are the two exits closest to you in the building? As you practice you will be able to answer these types of questions faster because you will pay more attention to detail from the beginning.

Look around you and try to find things that seem out of the ordinary or abnormal in some way. If it is 100 degrees outside yet a man is wearing a trench coat or large jacket this can be a red flag. If a woman is standing still on a street corner and is holding a cigarette with a long ash but she does not take a puff for some time this is unusual. Someone who is profusely sweating while staying still when it is cold out would be suspicious.

When you first enter any building always make a mental note of the exits, especially those that are closest to you.

Look at the people around you and try to determine what they do, where they are headed, and what they are thinking. This will help you pay closer attention to every detail about that purpose and over time you will become more observant in a shorter time.

Visualize an emergency situation, such as a mass shooter or a bomb explosion, and practice what you would do in your head. This is similar to visualization and it can be very beneficial for this type of situational awareness training.

Predator vs. Prey or Alpha vs. Beta

All animals fall into one of two categories: predator or prey, namely those who kill to survive, and those who are killed for food. What the predator versus prey mentality means in a survival situation? Being prey means being a victim and the possibility of not surviving. Animals can’t choose the category they belong to, but you can turn from pray to predator if you train your skills and mindset well enough to make the swipe from one category to another.

Today the word predator is associated with negative things, but in a survival situation a predator survives while prey usually does not.

Another way to look at it is using alpha and beta model instead of predator and prey. The predator is an alpha, a top dog, someone who is dominant that others look up to and want to be like. Prey is a beta a follower instead of a leader and who is submissive to others. Alphas always tend to come out on top in any situation while betas rarely do. If you want to survive then you need to become an alpha, a predator.

If people around you see you as weak, then they’ll try to take advantage of this weakness, and this threatens your survival when things become more primitive and it is everyone for themselves.

How to awake and train you alpha senses

  • Project confidence. This is different from being cocky or aggressive. When you are confident in your skills and abilities then this shows, and others pick up on it. Kill off negative thoughts that erode your confidence before these thoughts can take root and grow. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
  • You need to be psychologically dominant in order to stay alive, because this can prevent danger in the first place. This means refusing to submit and letting others know that you will do what is necessary if push comes to shove.
  • Use body language to your advantage. Foes may be able to tell just from your stance, your facial expressions, and other obvious body language whether you will put up any resistance. If you seem like an easy target you are more likely to be engaged by an enemy. Assume an
  • aggressive or fighting stance with your feet placed apart for stability. Stand up straight and look the opponent directly in the eyes.
  • Learn to adapt to any environment or situation. Be realistic about what your strengths and weaknesses are, and then minimize the weaknesses that you have while maximizing your strengths.
  • Practice persistence, even if you initially fail. Predators never give up and neither should you. Set a difficult goal, such as walking 2 miles with a 40-pound pack, and then be persistent in trying to meet it. Eventually you will reach this goal, and you will learn the value of
  • patience while your confidence goes up.
  • Practice situational awareness and mindfulness. Prey goes through life blindly, hoping that they will not come across a predator. An alpha will pay attention to even the smallest details and everything in their environment so that they fully understand the situation and can respond appropriately to any threat.

When your life is on the line, safety is just an illusion while everything is out of control, and feeling safe will make let your guard down. This makes you vulnerable and could leave you open to attack.

Don’t become a victim or put your survival at risk with a false sense of security. Train your senses and your skills to overcome the danger and survive!

This article has been written by John Gilmore for Survivopedia.

from Survivopedia
Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. How prepared are you for emergencies?
#SurvivalFirestarter #SurvivalBugOutBackpack #PrepperSurvivalPack #SHTFGear #SHTFBag

Wednesday, November 1, 2017



via YouTube Video Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. How prepared are you for emergencies?
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How To Prep Food for a Specific Diet

by Morgan

There are many people who choose to be on a specific diet for a variety of reasons. It could be medical, could be personal or religious choices. Whatever the reason, if it excludes certain items such as carbs, sodium or meat, it may seem impossible to accommodate for specific foods for your food storage needs.

As preppers, the food storage staples that we mainly hear of are beans & rice, but many diets won’t allow for grains or beans. So what are people who want to remain on a specific diet supposed to do?

In this article, I’m going to provide you some tips and suggestions on...

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Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. Are you ready for any situation?
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M.D. Creekmore’s Recommendations of the Week

New segment – this is a new addition to the blog that will be featured here every Wednesday. My recommendations here will be products that I personally own and use and have found to be of good quality and that will help you prep better and be more prepared for what is coming. Let’s get started…


The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America’s Most Decorated Soldier

Ball Canning Back to Basics: A Foolproof Guide to Canning Jams, Jellies, Pickles, and More


Dragon Day – low...

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Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. Are you ready for any situation?
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Prepper News & Notes For – Nov 1, 2017

The Religion of Hate Strikes Again

Police have identified the suspect responsible for murdering at least eight people and injuring a dozen more after driving a rented pickup truck for 14 blocks along a bike path in Manhattan. Originally from Uzbekistan, Sayfullo Saipov entered the United States in 2010 (under President Obama’s watch). It is not clear if he is authorized to reside in the U.S. Read the article here.

+‘ISIS lives forever’: Uzbek man, 29, who killed eight and injured 15 with his vehicle while shouting Allahu Akbar in New York left behind notes and a flag pledging loyalty to...

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Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. Are you ready for any situation?
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Must-Have Medical Supplies For Seniors’ Survival

Though we may still be plenty capable of taking care of ourselves no matter how old we get, it’s a sad fact that as we age, our bodies just can’t take the abuse that they could when we were 20.

Everybody should have a medical supply kit,  and there are few extra items that seniors may want to throw in along with the bare-bones necessities.

Keep reading to find out the list you should follow to set up your medical supply if you’re a senior.

Trading medical skills and services may be a great way for you to contribute to your group or trade for things that you need, so if you’re stocked up, you’ve just made yourself more valuable.

Medical supplies tend to be pricey, but if you keep an eye on local sales, you can pick much of it for almost nothing (literally) if you combine sales with coupons. Sales tend to run in 6-week cycles. In other words, if peroxide is on sale this week, it will be on sale again in 6 weeks or so. Catch them when they’re on sale and stock your medicine cabinets for next to nothing.

This is the Best Natural Painkiller, and Grows in your Backyard!

Incidentally, and completely off topic, all hygiene products do that too. If you pay attention to sales and are willing to clip a few coupons, you’ll never run out of shampoo, soap, razors, toothpaste, or any of the other typically-expensive products. Since both medical and hygiene items may end up making great barter items, and you may not be able to perform such tasks as carrying wood, barter items are a great thing to have a plentiful supply of!

Building Your Basic First Aid Kit

Though these are available for purchase as entire kits, we prefer to build our own first aid and med-surge kits. That way, we can ensure that we have plenty of everything that we’ll need without having an entire box full of stuff that we’ll likely never use.

Just like with your stockpile, rotate the items in your medical kit so that bandages don’t dry rot and super-glue doesn’t harden. Yes, we said superglue. Have it in your kit because it makes a great substitute for stitches if you have to other alternative.Start with this list of items to carry in your box. Have plenty of backup stored in your stockpile, especially of items that you already use:

  • 1 package fishing line, 8lb test
  • 1” surgical tape
  • 2” bandage – 1 roll – in a pinch, you can always roll 4” bandages in half
  • 30-day supply of any life-sustaining prescription medication, more if obtainable
  • 4” gauze bandage – 1 roll
  • 550 parachute cord – 20 feet minimum. We like to actually have these made into bracelets and pet collars so that it’s decorative, handy, and doesn’t take up space in our kits
  • 97% isopropyl alcohol – 1 bottle
  • Ace wrap
  • Acetaminophen 500mg
  • Adhesive bandages – 1 box multi-size
  • Alcohol pads – 10 packs minimum
  • Antibacterial Ointment
  • Anti-diarrheal
  • Aspirin
  • Aspirin 350mg
  • Bandage scissors
  • Benadryl – 1 box
  • Burn cream – 1 tube
  • Butterfly-type wound closure strips – 1 box
  • Cayenne Pepper – can stop a heart attack and helps stop topical bleeding
  • Denture adhesive
  • Diabetic sugar tabs or individual packets of sugar
  • Dial Liquid Gold Soap
  • Epi-Pen – 1 if obtainable
  • Extra bandages, especially stretchy ones. These are great for using as circulation wraps on your arms and legs should the need arise.
  • Fiber to assist with bowel movements. This may not sound serious now, but impacted bowels can be a serious issue for older people who are experiencing stress and a drastically-altered diet.
  • Gauze pads, 2×2
  • Gauze pads, 4×4
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Heat packs
  • Hemorrhoid cream
  • Hemostats – 2 pair
  • Hydrocortisone cream – 1 tube
  • Hydrogen peroxide – 1 bottle
  • Ibuprofen 500mg
  • Ice packs
  • Iodine
  • Iodine – 1 bottle
  • Kitchen-sized garbage bags – 1 roll – great for everything from carrying supplies to building a tent
  • latex gloves – 5 pair minimum
  • Magnifying Glass
  • Matches
  • Minimum 30-day supply of all medications
  • Needles – 1 pack various sizes
  • OB tampons – 10 – you can use them for their intended purpose or to pack wounds
  • Pencil and small notebook
  • Plain sugar – 2 packs standard or more if you’re diabetic
  • Quik-Clot, 2 packs
  • Razor blades – Single-edge, 1 box
  • Safety pins – several large and small
  • Saline solution – 1 bottle
  • Scissors
  • Super Glue
  • Suture Needle
  • Tooth wax – 1 pack
  • Topical analgesic cream, 1 tube
  • Treatments such as hot packs and rubs for sore muscles
  • Triangular bandage to use as sling
  • Tweezers – 1 pair
  • White 100% cotton thread – 1 spool
  • Zipper top plastic bags – 1 box – quart or gallon size

Have Extra Equipment

If you need special equipment on a day to day basis to help you see, eat, get around or otherwise make it through your day, it’s a good idea to have extras on hand in case your device gets lost or damaged in an emergency situation. Here are a few examples.

  • Eyeglasses
  • Canes or walkers
  • False teeth
  • Shower chairs
  • Hearing aids (and batteries)
  • Diabetic socks
  • Diabetic testing supplies
  • Safety rails
  • Wheelchairs

Learn How to Replace Meds with Natural Alternatives

As seniors, having enough meds is of bigger concern because often the medications that you take are quite literally life-preserving. The good news is that there are some natural alternatives to some medications.

There are also a few handy tricks that can actually do just as good a job as the medication but for the most part, these are suggestions to naturally reduce or eliminate the condition that requires the medication.

Get more exercise, lose weight if you need to, eat healthier foods, reduce consumption of high-cholesterol, high-saturated fat foods and just take better care of yourself in general. It’s much better to not need medications to begin with than to try to find substitutions for them if SHTF and you don’t have access to a pharmacy.

Pain Killers and Anti-Inflammatories

Pain and swelling can make you miserable, but many meds cause further harm to your body (liver damage, increased risk of heart attack, cataracts, and macular degeneration). Here are a few substitutions to consider in case you don’t have access to your meds.

  • Gingko Balboa has been used forever as a clotting agent and to improve circulation.
  • Turmeric and Ginger both have anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.
  • Vitamins B-6, D, and E all work as natural blood thinners. Natural vitamin E (100 IUs) works as well as aspirin as a blood thinner, and natural sources of E include spinach, tomatoes, mangoes, peanut butter, almonds, kiwi and sunflower seeds.
  • Organic strawberries, pineapples, raisins, prunes, cranberries, blueberries grapes, oranges broccoli, avocados, cherries, Brussels sprouts, almonds, apple cider vinegar, and honey all work as blood thinners when incorporated as part of your diet. Dried fruits are actually best as blood thinners. High amounts of vitamin E are generally key.
  • Fish oil works nearly as well as Coumadin to thin the blood, according to some research.
  • Devil’s claw has been used in teas and tinctures for centuries as an anti-inflammatory and pain. reliever. It’s frequently used to treat arthritis, tendonitis, and muscle pain and stiffness.
  • Herbs and spices that reduce inflammation include black pepper, cayenne pepper, basil, cardamom, chamomile, chives, cilantro, cinnamon, cloves, garlic, ginger, parsley, nutmeg, rosemary, and turmeric. Therapeutic dosages vary per herb and per person so if you need a natural anti-inflammatory, do your research.
  • Water is one of the best blood thinners that you consume. It may sound cliché, but it’s true!

High Blood Pressure Meds

High blood pressure is one disease that is largely avoidable by practicing a healthy lifestyle. It’s one of the few diseases you can actually get rid of, too. In some cases, though, it’s genetic and you’re just going to have to deal with it. There are several natural approaches to controlling your blood pressure:

  • Water plays a huge part in regulating your blood pressure. Make sure that you drink plenty of it!
  • Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium play roles in sodium absorption, which is crucial to maintaining a healthy blood pressure. Consider stockpiling supplements but if you do, be careful. Too much potassium or magnesium can be lethal and too much calcium can cause kidney stones. No fun. Good natural sources of potassium include bananas, strawberries, cantaloupes and potatoes.
  • Sodium is essential in your blood but unless you suffer from a handful of relatively rare conditions such as hyponatremia (low blood sodium), you need to watch your sodium intake as you get older because there’s a direct link between sodium intake and blood pressure. You can significantly reduce your blood pressure by reducing your sodium intake.
  • Coenzyme Q10 naturally reduced blood pressure
  • Garlic is just good all the way around. Eat it. Supplement with it if you don’t like to eat it.
  • Hawthorn, Basil, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Celery Seed, French Lavender, and Cat’s Claw are all herbs that are linked to reducing blood pressure.


Heartburn and indigestion are frequent companions of those of us who no longer get carded for buying our wine and it’s an issue that’s plagued mankind since the first buffalo pterodactyl wings were served.

It’s often controllable by avoiding foods that cause it but not always. And it could be that you’re just not willing to give up those delicious sauces or fresh veggies that cause your chest to feel like it’s on fire. If so, no worries, even if SHTF, there are some natural cures.

  • Almonds naturally reduce stomach acid. Much on a handful of them and you’ll feel better in 15-30 minutes. Plus they’re awesome for you.
  • Aloe Vera Juice may not taste fabulous but it’s been used for ages to sooth stomach agues. This is great for survival purposes because aloe is easy to grow and is also great for treating burns and abrasions.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar is almost as versatile as garlic and is one of those must-have stockpile items. To get rid of heartburn, drop a couple of tablespoons into a glass of water and drink it. A slice of fresh apple helps, too.
  • Baking Soda, though not entirely pleasant to consume, will get rid of heart burn if you mix a teaspoon of it in a glass of water. Don’t use this often if you have high blood pressure because it can increase your sodium levels.
  • Bananas are extremely soothing to your stomach. Plus they’re a good source of fiber. Handy tip – almost all of the vitamin K in a banana is found in the hard, dark tip that most of us throw away.
  • Basil leaves, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Fennel, Garlic (yes again), Ginger, and Peppermint are all herbs or spices that will help get rid of heartburn or upset stomach.
  • Buttermilk is an old wives’ cure but it works. Just sip a glass and you’ll feel better in no time.

Statins, aka High Cholesterol Meds

High cholesterol is another condition that you can often eliminate if you’re just willing to make some lifestyle changes. Get up, put down the cupcake, and exercise. If you’re one of the unfortunate people who do that but still deal with high cholesterol, here are some natural alternatives to chemical medications such as Lipitor and Zocor.

  • Coconut oil and other medium-chain triglycerides are your best bet for fat because, unlike saturated fat, it raises good cholesterol right along with “bad” so that it balances out.
  • Dark Chocolate, Soy Beans, Garlic, Olive Oil and Omega-3s all help to reduce cholesterol.
  • Red wine is rich in resveratrol and other antioxidants that can help reduce cholesterol.
  • Fiber-rich foods such as veggies and fruits help reduce cholesterol.
  • Rosemary, ginger, turmeric, yarrow and holy basil are herbs that may help to reduce cholesterol.


In a post-SHTF scenario, infections and diseases caused by bacteria are going to be huge issues. Particularly for people who may not have the strongest immune systems, the absence of antibiotics may turn out to be lethal. Having a sustainable source of natural antibiotics is simply logical.

Several different natural antibiotics are easy to grow. Some treat a wide range of conditions while others are suited to specific infections. Either way, learn how to use these before you just eat them or make tea because “natural” does not imply “safe”.

Remember, arsenic is a naturally-occurring mineral! Many times, herbs can cure you in a small dose or kill you in a large one so study up and have a herbal guide in your medicine kit for reference purposes.

  • Honey is a natural topical antibiotic, antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal. Rub it right onto the wound to protect it from infection and to kill bugs that are already trying to cause trouble.
  • Goldenseal (Hydrastis) is an herb native to the northwest US. It’s used to treat sore throats and digestive infections that cause diarrhea. It’s also useful for soothing and treating respiratory, digestive tract, and genitourinary infections.
  • Oregon Grape is also native to the Northwest US and contains berberine which keeps harmful bacteria from sticking to the walls of your intestinal or urinary tract. Drink it like a tea to sooth and treat UTIs or take a liquid tincture or dried capsule to fight bacteria that cause digestive conditions such as infectious diarrhea.
  • Andrographispaniculata is an Asian herb that’s been shown in modern studies to disrupt the quorum-sensing system of bacteria. This is basically the homing beacon that pulls bacteria to each other so that they can set up camp and really do some damage. It’s commonly used to treat upper respiratory infections and sinus problems.
  • Horseradish is used to successfully treat urinary tract infections, respiratory infections and sinusitis.
  • Turmeric has a ton of research that supports its effectiveness as an antibacterial. It’s effective against Bacillus cereus, Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  • Ginger has been used historically, and has medical studies backing it, for treating respiratory infections and infections in the mouth caused by pathogens.

Some people prefer to store their first aid supplies in a 5-gallon bucket. We personally prefer to use a more traditional case that opens in such a manner as to display the contents. We like the cases better because in an emergency, you can just open it up, look for what you need, and grab it.

If all of your supplies are in a bucket, you’ll need to dump the bucket out in order to find what you need, then put it all back in. At the very least, you’re wasting time and at the worst, you’re contaminating the contents of your kit.

How’s your medical supply? Are you ready to face a disaster with what you have at the moment? Or are you going to rely entirely on your skills and on what nature can provide you for survival?

This article has been written by Theresa Crouse for Survivopedia.

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