Saturday, August 1, 2015

What did you do to prep this week?

Before we get started with this weeks “what did you do to prep this week” I’d like to give a big shout-out to Bill D, Victoria S, Tonya V, Kelli M, and Willard N for their donations this week, thank you. If you feel that this site has helped you in someway, and would like to show your support via a monetary donation you can do that here.

Okay, now what did I do to prep this week?


Boker Kalashnikov automatic knife and a “paper weight” yep, it’s a paper weight…

Ammo box and rope.

Ammo box and rope.

I also bought a copy of Subsistence: A Guide For The Modern Hunter...

Read the whole entry... »

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Prep Blog Review: 5 Tips For Your Bug Out Plans

PRE Blog review 31 JulyLike any other emergency situation, having to bug out is not something foreseeable. You won’t know much in advance so you won’t have a lot of time to prepare.

That’s why it’s important to be ready to go when SHTF and these articles are going to help you with this task. From the essentials to little details, here’s what you need to know.

1. Taking care of your feet

Feet blisters“I have been watching the escape attempt by the two prisoners from New York with some interest.  According to the news before the one got shot they had split up. One of the suspected reasons for them having separated was that the older one was unable to keep up.  Because bloody socks were found in the cabin they hid out in, there was some speculation that blisters may have been part of the reason he couldn’t keep up.  This is one reason you need to take care of your feet.

Now all I know is what I have read on the news, but I know that blisters can be a big problem.  On more than one occasion, I have had blisters caused by ill-fitting shoes.  Over the years, I have learned that it pays to take good care of your feet.”

Read more on Preparedness Advice.

2. Survival kit tin cup reduces weight, bulk in emergency kit

survival kit“Survival gear doesn’t need to be elaborate or expensive. Some of the best items are common, easily-found products you may already have. One of those items is a large metal cup. Here’s why you need one.

by Leon Pantenburg

I slogged along in the ranks, Springfield slung over my shoulder, headed toward the sound of the guns. As an embedded journalist in the Confederate infantry, I was covering the battle of Champion Hill re-enactment between Vicksburg and military tin cups have a place in a survival kit The Civil War replica, left, and the more contemporary military canteen cup have many uses in a survival kit. (Pantenburg photos) Jackson, Mississippi.”

Read more on Survival Common Sense.

3. Crickets for Nutrition- Survival Food

4. How Much Money Do You Have in Your Bug out Bag?

bug out money“The bottom just dropped out all of your warning triggers are telling you that it’s time to pack everyone into the family bug out mobile and leave town before it gets worse. Much worse. You thought ahead which is fortunate for you and your family.

You have a vehicle adequately equipped for the journey to your bug out location with essential gear, plenty of fuel with extra in reserve and everyone in the family has their bug out bags stowed safely away. Nervously, you pull out of your driveway in the middle of night to avoid most of the trouble already brewing. This may possibly be the last time you see your home and just like every trip before, you have that nagging sensation you forgot something.”

Read more on The Prepper Journal.

5. If I Could Only Grab 2 Guns For Survival…

bug out gun“So you think you may need a firearm—but is a firearm absolutely essential for survival?

The answer is no, however, I cannot fathom a survival scenario where a firearm would put you at a disadvantage, unless, of course, you’re drowning and the weight of the gun is dragging you under.In that scenario, just let go of the gun.

So What Kind Of Firearm do You Need?

The most common purposes for a firearm are: self-protection, food acquisition and signaling.”

Read more on My Family Survival Plan.


This article has been written by Brenda E. Walsh for Survivopedia.

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from Survival skills, survival guns, survival guide
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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Island Survival--How to survive on a desert island

Island Survival--How to survive on a desert island

via YouTube Video Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. How prepared are you for emergencies?
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Monday, July 27, 2015

New Legislation Would Place Breathalyzers in All New Cars: “Drunk Driving Demands Bold Action”


As time goes on, cars are becoming less of a symbol of freedom and status, and more like automated golf carts that coddle their drivers. Every other year they add more features that take the driver’s ability out of the loop, and track the whereabouts of said driver, with the ultimate endgame being a car that simply drives itself, that can be stopped remotely, that you can’t modify, and you probably won’t even own. In the name of “safety,” these machines are no longer being built as an expression of your freedom to travel and your standard of living.

So perhaps this new piece of legislation being proposed by New York Congresswoman Kathleen Rice, isn’t very surprising. What was once the punishment for delinquent drivers, may soon become a new standard. She wants to force car manufactures to install ignition interlock devices, also known as a breathalyzer, on all new vehicles. If your blood alcohol content is higher than the legal limit, your car won’t start. She explained her reasoning in a recent press release. “Advancing the progress we’ve made combating drunk driving demands bold action… that’s why I’m working on legislation to require ignition interlock devices in all new cars. This technology saves lives, it saves money, and I’m going to fight to make it standard equipment in American cars.”

Gone are the days when a car was synonymous with freedom. Now they’re just another shackle in the open air prison we call America. And soon, you won’t even be able to start your car without being treated like a criminal.

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Transhumanist Candidate Wants “Brain Implants to Manage Violent Actions of Prisoners”… And Society

Sub Skin Microchip Turns Humans Into Nothing More Than Walking UPC Codes

Maybe the solution to all crime is more surveillance and direct control over the minds of all prisoners, anyone marked with violent tendencies and ultimately everyone in society.

That’s what one futurist is proposing, as he runs on a political platform based around psycho-physical state control over mind and body.

Zoltan Istvan, presidential candidate for the Transhumanist Party, thinks that prisoners would be better motivated to obey the law if the death penalty were abolished, and it be replaced by implanting a surveillance brain chip that notify the law and can even deploy a “tranquiliser triggered to block violent behavior.

Of course, once it becomes legal to control the brains of one sector of society (convicted criminals), the rest of society may follow, each with their own rationales and justifications that make using spy chips inside the brain somehow acceptable.

It is a scenario ripped straight from the plot of A Clockwork Orange, where the ethics and finer points of behaviorism are put into practice as prison-reform-via-mind-control, in turn packaged neatly for political debates and electioneering. According to the International Business Times:

Brain implants able to manage out-of-control tempers and violent actions of prisons were suggested to minimise crime rates in the United States and as alternative for death penalty, according to Zoltan Istvan. The futurist and presidential candidate for the Transhumanist Party, Istvan suggested that the technology could be a near-term alternative for criminals on death row and might be considered sufficient punishment.

“Violent crime is a version of mental disease,” Istvan stated in an article published in Motherboard, suggesting conducting brain alterations to prisoners could change behaviour and attitudes of criminals into decent members of society.  The brain implants would work as a surveillance device that could monitor or possibly control each action of the prisoner with a tranquiliser triggered if violent behaviour is reported or attempted by the inmate.

But, of course, the story isn’t limited to just murderers and the worst violent offenders with career prison sentences.

You knew that.

The full solution proposed here would come only at the hand of further deep-seated government control over the entire population.

Of course. Why not?

No one can ever be safe without giving up total control, right?

Implants should also be put in the brains of law abiding citizens, according to Istvan who is advocating a transhumanist platform for society.

This would serve as an emergency alert to authorities that they are experiencing a trauma (where a crime may be taking place), theoretically cutting back on the number of criminals who would be willing to follow through with the crimes if they knew they’d get caught.

Trauma alert implant should also be in the brain of citizens, a device that sends signal to alert authorities directly from the brain if someone is experiencing trouble or trauma, he proposed. The surveillance enhancement would reduce criminal rates rapidly in the future, Istvan said.

“If people knew they were going to be caught, crime would drop noticeably … violent criminals will be caught far more frequently than now, especially if we have some type of trauma alert implant in people,” he said.

Already, consumers are buying mood altering devices that change brain waves, while the Obama Administration has funded deep research into brain tinkering and engineering.

“So the technology to change behaviour and alter the brain isn’t science fiction,” he stated. The article indicated that U.S. President Barack Obama’s brain initiative focused to treat the involuntary movements associated with Parkinson’s disease and improving deep brain stimulation or by developing new technology.

Simply formula, really: Keep the status quo, instituted by the power monopoly of the state. Do nothing to change unfair systematic economic and socio-political problems; let known cheats and liars continue to operate a rigged game.

Then, keep tabs on everyone, and push a few buttons to make everyone afraid – not only to commit crimes and hurt other people – but afraid to speak out or stand out at all. Right to bear arms? Not a good idea, especially if it means arms in the hands of people who are quick to anger, or capable of violent tendencies at all.

Use a few consumer incentives to keep everyone in line, and keep pushing the pleasure button, the artificial happiness button, and keep the information about what is really going on swept under the carpet so that everyone learns to love their servitude.

Yeah, what else could go wrong?

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Liberal Media Openly Calls for Mass Gun Confiscation in America: “The Second Amendment Must Go”

This article was originally published by Alex Thomas at the Intellihub.



Shortly after the shooting in a Lafayette, Louisiana theater, liberals throughout the mainstream media quickly begun to once again call for increased “reasonable” gun control.

Pretending to support the right to bear arms, most liberal commentators insisted that all they wanted to do was stop the senseless gun violence (of course they completely ignored the inner city where a vast majority of gun violence takes place, most of the time with illegal weapons) with so-called common sense reforms.

While many patriots and freedom minded individuals already know that most on the hard left want a full out gun ban, these liberal commentators and “journalists” were careful to mask their calls for gun control with empty platitudes about hunting and defending oneself. Luckily, at least one liberal news outlet just couldn’t control themselves and, in turn, revealed what kind of gun control most on the left are calling for.

In a disgusting attack on private gun ownership in America, complete with half truths and blatant lies, Air Force Veteran and hard left activist Sean Illing revealed how far liberals really want to go when they talk about “common sense” reform.

The article starts off with multiple dramatic paragraphs lamenting how bad gun violence has gotten in America (again competently ignoring actual FBI data or other inconvenient truths) and how a vast lobby of gun nuts are stopping the passing of new gun control laws that most Americans actually support.

Eventually Illing gets to the point of the matter which in a nutshell is a rehash of the same talking points used by gun control zealots in the past. The Constitution is old, it’s not really that important, and it can be changed whenever the majority decides.

The Second Amendment fanatics will surely remind us that guns are quintessentially American. That’s true, of course: the Second Amendment exists. But that’s not the end of the conversation. That something is written in the constitution doesn’t mean it’s sacrosanct.

The document, after all, enshrined slavery and denied full personhood to black people. At any rate, contrary to the disastrous Supreme Court ruling in 2008, the Second Amendment protects militias, not the individual’s right to carry a pistol in a supermarket or a theatre. It wasn’t until the NRA bought the Republican Party (Jindal included) and began pushing for a reinterpretation of the amendment that it came to mean something other than it does.

In that one paragraph Illing apparently decided it was time to rewrite history as well as directly lie to the reader with the ludicrous claim that the 2nd Amendment only became about private gun ownership after the NRA “bought” the Republican Party when in reality the right to bear arms by everyday citizens has been a fundamental right since the founding of the country. Illing also laughably argues that a major Supreme Court ruling that affirmed the exact opposite of what he is claiming means absolutely nothing because he and his allies said so!

The next part of the article moves from laughably absurd to downright strange with Illing attempting some sort of Orwellian mindtrick by claiming he supports the rights of hunters and the need for self-defense. Remember, the actual title of his article is, “The Second Amendment must go: How many Americans must die before we rethink the 2nd Amendment.”

I respect the rights of hunters to hunt and the need for self-defense is very real, but we’ve got to be honest about the costs of allowing so many guns on the street. The NRA says the “only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” and that’s not as stupid as some suggest, but perhaps more laws and fewer guns is even better.

No Mr. Illing you do not support hunters or the need for self-defense as is clearly evident in the very article where you claim this support.

Further highlighting how absurdly Orwellian the wording of this article actually is, it then promotes Australia as a place we should look to for gun law guidance.

And the people who say we can’t get rid of guns are lying or ignorant or both. In Australia, a country governed by adults, radical new gun laws were imposed after a mass shooting, which included a mandatory buy-back program.

The laws, by any measure, were a tremendous success. It’s possible to do something about guns, in other words – difficult, but possible.

There you have it. The liberal gun control agenda on full display and it includes banning and confiscating the guns of millions of Americans.

Australian Gun Control

After a mass shooting in 1997, the Australian government instituted a massive gun buy back program that ended private gun ownership in the country. So when liberals like Illing say that it was a “tremendous success” you know what that success actually looks like.

Of course, the gun ban in Australian, while hailed as a victory by liberals worldwide, was actually a complete failure and led to huge increases in violent crime. (similar to what we have seen in Chicago)

It certainly didn’t do what the government touted it would do, which was to reduce crime. It hasn’t done that at all. In fact, there has been more.” “What’s happening today is that the offender, the bad buys, are happy to break into somebody’s house. They’re not frightened to break into somebody’s house while they’re at home.”

In the past, President Obama has also brought up Australia in his calls for more gun control in America. A National Review article published in 2014 detailed this fact.

Speaking to users of the blogging platform Tumblr, President Obama today praised Australia’s confiscation of firearms.

Obama said: “Couple of decades ago, Australia had a mass shooting, similar to Columbine or Newtown. And Australia just said, well, that’s it, we’re not doing, we’re not seeing that again, and basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws, and they haven’t had a mass shooting since. Our levels of gun violence are off the charts. There’s no advanced, developed country that would put up with this.”

In other words, the president of the United States just praised a government for forcefully removing all semi-automatic firearms (i.e. a remarkable number of the guns in America and the majority of those sold today) from its citizenry.  Let me be clear, as Obama likes to say: You simply cannot praise Australia’s gun-laws without praising the country’s mass confiscation program. That is Australia’s law.

When the Left says that we should respond to shootings as Australia did, they don’t mean that we should institute background checks on private sales; they mean that they we should ban and confiscate guns. No amount of wooly words can change this. Again, one doesn’t bring up countries that have confiscated firearms as a shining example unless one wishes to push the conversation toward confiscation.

The fact that both Obama and liberal commentators have brought up Australia numerous times in conjunction with new calls for gun control in the United States directly proves that full-scale gun confiscation is the agenda and newer articles such as the one written by Illing show that they have absolutely not given up on this plan.

Alex Thomas is a reporter who has worked in the alternative media for over three years. His work has been featured on numerous news outlets including Infowars and RT. Alex is an exclusive weapon of Intellihub.

Read more articles by this author here.

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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Gold’s Two Stories: Paper Markets Collapse… While The Retail Public Buys At A Record Pace

paper-and-real-goldWe’ve seen some significant swings in precious metals over the last several years and if we are to believe the paper spot prices and recent value of mining shares, one would think that gold and silver are on their last leg. Last weekend precious metals took a massive hit to the downside, sending shock waves throughout the industry. But was the move really representative of what’s happening in precious metals markets around the world? Or, is there an effort by large financial institutions to keep prices suppressed? In an open letter to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission First Mining Finance CEO Keith Neumeyer argues that real producers and consumers don’t appear to be represented by the purported billion dollar moves on paper trading exchanges.

With China recently revealing that they have added some 600 tons of gold to their stockpiles and the U.S. mint having suspended sales of Silver Eagles due to extremely high demand in early July, how is it possible that prices are crashing?

As noted in Mike Gleason’s Weekly Market Wrap at Money Metals Exchange, while it appears that gold is currently one of the world’s most hated assets, the retail public continues to buy at a record pace:

The paper market is telling one story. But the actual physical bullion market is telling quite another.

The U.S. Mint has sold over 100,000 ounces of American Eagle gold coins so far in July. That’s the highest monthly demand volume registered since April 2013. And that’s just as of this week. There’s still another week left to go before the final sales tally for Gold Eagles comes in for the month of July. It could be one for the record books with 109,000 1-ounce Gold Eagles sold — with bargain hunters purchasing 6% of the U.S. Mint’s production from Money Metals Exchange.

As for Silver Eagles, the U.S. Mint has given up on trying to keep up with demand. After brisk sales during the first week of July, Mint officials suspended deliveries of Silver Eagles to dealers. Sales of the popular coins are set to resume next week. But we expect the Mint will be unable to get its act together and keep up with demand.

Listen: Full Interview With Chris Powell Of The Gold Anti-Trust Committee (GATA)

It’s not clear exactly who is suppressing precious metals or why, but it is quite apparent that prices on paper exchanges are completely disconnected from reality, as retail buyers are taking this opportunity to scoop up gold and silver at prices that are 50% or more off their highs.

But what happens next? That, of course, is anybody’s guess, but considering current prices and movements within the context of a broader economic crisis, there is a precedent for what we have seen in recent years.

We need only look back to the recession of the 1970’s.


You’ll notice that gold saw some significant price movements, not dissimilar to what we’re experiencing today. There were several down swings of 25% or more within the broader gold bull market. Most notably, take a look at what happened from 1975 to 1976. Gold shot up to nearly $200 an ounce, only to be pounded just twelve months later by 50% to a price of just over $100 an ounce.

As the crisis accelerated in severity into the late 1970’s, complete with gas shortages, job losses and geopolitical tensions, we saw gold explode in value to a high of $850 by January of 1980.

We’re not necessarily suggesting that gold will follow the exact same pattern. But history does rhyme, and the world again finds itself in serious financial, economic, and monetary crisis. As we’ve noted before, gold is and always has been the historical asset of last resort for preserving wealth. Should the current crisis accelerate as we saw in the 1970’s, the value of gold will likely rise accordingly. We may not be looking at a 700% increase in price like we did from 1976 to 1980, but there is a distinct possibility that we will witness serious gains in real value as crisis and panic unfold.

You can’t eat gold and silver, of course. If crisis is coming we have always urged our readers to prepare themselves for disruption to credit-dependent commerce systems with reserves of food, emergency cash and other supplies. But having a physical asset with real monetary and barterable value in your possession is certainly an important strategic consideration going forward.

It’s been said that an ounce of gold could buy 350 loaves of bread in Biblical times. Today, an ounce of gold still buys about 350 loaves of bread. However you slice it, whether the system falls into a deflationary depression like the 1930’s or an inflationary recession like the 1970’s, gold will maintain its purchasing power.

Though past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future results, we have over 6,000 years of history backing gold’s legitimacy as a true mechanism of exchange.


Also Read:

Top Economic Forecaster Warns: Have Cash On Hand To Survive For Three Months: “No Institution Is Safe”

Shock Report: China Dumps Half a Trillion Dollars: “Something Is Very, Very Wrong”

Commodities Collapsed Just Before The Last Stock Market Crash – So Guess What Is Happening Right Now?


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