Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year Prep Blog Review: 5 Resolutions For Preppers


Here we are at the end of 2016, a year full of changes. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones and you are properly preparing for New Year’s Eve.

This is the time of the year when I usually make a list of prepping resolutions for the year to come in order to improve my life and increase my chances of survival in case SHTF. I don’t know if this works for everyone, but for me it certainly does.

So, what about you? Do you use to make a list of prepping resolutions at the beginning of the year?

A new year provides opportunities to learn new skills.

For this special Prep blog Review I’ve gathered 5 articles to help you set your prepping resolutions for 2017. Make this year the best, improve your family’s life and increase your chances of survival.

1. Learn New Skills With Your Family


“When we hear the word “survival”, it seems most of us think of things like starting fires, building shelters, hunting, fishing, searching for water and other basic survival skills.

Although those things are essential to our survival, there are other areas that we need to take into consideration that are just as important.

For years I walked around with my head down and just went with the flow. I didn’t take notice to the people around me or my situation. It would have been very easy for anyone to walk up behind me and take my purse, or worst case scenario, attack one of my children or myself. Times changed though and so did I.”

Read more on The Well Prepared Mama.

2. Upgrade Your Stockpile


“Let’s say that disaster hits tomorrow, do you have the basics like food and water covered? Stockpiling food and water shouldn’t be a prepping trend and every sane person should do it. We live in a world where natural and man-made disasters are no longer far-fetched scenarios and people have no excuse for being unprepared.

The following survival foods are available to anyone and they have an indefinite shelf life, so make sure you have them in your pantry.

I keep looking at what Venezuela is going through and although the media seems to have forgotten about it, the situation is still critical out there. People are stealing pets to eat them as a last resort and there are families protecting their gardens 24/7 as they no longer trust their neighbors.”

Read more on Prepper’s Will.

3. Use More Natural Remedies

headache_human_normal_remedies“Headaches are a part of being human. Some people get them regularly, and others get headaches only rarely. Severity varies from person to person, as does the cause of the headache. Even when only mildly annoying, a headache can affect your ability to function fully and alertly.

If you’re in a situation where Tylenol, aspirin, or prescription pain medication isn’t an option, nor is doing nothing because you have to be focused on taking care of yourself and others, you need to know how to keep a headache at bay.”

Read more on Survival Cache.

  1. Cook New Survival Recipes


“There is a bit of a romantic fantasy about what it must have been like for the pioneers who traveled out west more than a hundred years ago.

The idea of land that stretches on for miles without a single building or road was both exciting and frightening to them. However, they had the skills they needed to fend for themselves without the conveniences of big cities. If a major collapse happens, it will be the people with those kind of skills who make it.

If we ever find ourselves in a world that resembles the pioneer days (no electricity, no running water, etc.), people will have to learn how to cook all over again. Cooking over a fire is a lot different than cooking in the microwave or on an electric stove. Certain meals and recipes are going to require a little tweaking.”

Read more on Urban Survival Site.

  1. Learn New Self Defense


“Imagine being in the middle of a crowded festival, enjoying your time with your family.  All of a sudden, you find yourself near some drunks who start a fight, and you can’t help but separate from your family, and get pulled into the fray. You’re a prepper, and like most preppers, you’re carrying a small firearm, in this case a small pistol.  Do you use it?

Some would say yes – it’s time to defend the family, and that’s what a weapon is for, right?  Others hold off – bringing deadly force into a relatively small conflict is a certain legal issue and is probably not necessary considering that these people are drunk.  That said, this is clearly a self-defense situation. “

Read more on The Prepper Journal.


This article has been written by Drew Stratton for Survivopedia.

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My New Year’s Prepping Resolutions

Written by Huples on The Prepper Journal.

It’s that time of year again; time to over eat and over drink, and wonder where on Earth 2016 went?

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Friday, December 30, 2016

The Keys To Effective Prepper Communication

Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.

This article attempts to cover some of the basic pros and cons of various forms of communication and introduce the reader to some additions that should prove helpful in crisis and bug-out situations.

The post The Keys To Effective Prepper Communication appeared first on The Prepper Journal.

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Five Predictions for the Trump Presidency That Should Keep You Awake at Night

We can all agree that as president-elect Donald J Trump will have a lot to deal with when he takes over the office, and  we hope that he does well and does everything that he can to bring the country back to where it needs to be, unfortunately,  I think it is too far past the tipping point to be brought back to center.

The best that we can hope for is that president Trump will be able to cause a slow down of what’s coming thus giving us more time to prepare for what is the ineludible outcome that we will have to deal with and that is economic collapse, major terrorist attacks on U.S....

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What did you do to prep this week?

Well, folks, it’s almost 2017 and we are still prepping… well you should be, if not then you’re just silly and will be wishing you had put more effort into it when you have to watch your family suffer, starve and die after the balloon goes up... and it will go up.

So if you’re just reading this site and doing nothing else then get off your butt and start prepping because no one else is going to do it for you…

Okay, before we get started I’d like to thank and give a huge shoutout to Willard N, Kelli M, and Mark A for their contributions via Paypal this week....

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Prepper News Brief 12/30/2016

1.) Well, folks, 2017 is almost here and did you know that every 33 seconds, a new “international immigrant” – legal or otherwise – will be added to the population of the US of A.

And did you know that according to the  Illegal immigrant households who are tapping into the federal food stamp program are receiving $1.4 billion to $2.1 billion a year despite their ineligibility.

2.) Merry Christmas Nebraska – Obama Drops 502 Refugees on Nebraska in Final Weeks Before President Trump – Obama the “gift” that keeps on...

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What to Expect in 2017


As 2016 draws to a close, it almost feels as if an era is ending.

The long and brutal election campaign that we’ve all survived through is finally over, with Donald Trump beating out Hillary Clinton both on November 8th and in the final vote by the Electoral College on December 20th.

While the Democrats are still having trouble accepting this fact, it signals a real change in the direction of our country.

The election is significant in that it has taken the progressive liberals out of power. For the last eight years President Obama has been running roughshod over conservative values, helped along by a feckless Congress who didn’t want to stand up against him on anything.

It was one thing when the Democrats controlled Congress as well; but when they lost first the House and then the Senate, it didn’t seem to make a lick of difference.

But now we have a new President-elect, who is making noises like a conservative. It should be giving hope to those of us who believe in the U.S. Constitution. Even if Trump only manages to do half of what he’s said he wants to do, it will make a huge difference for our country.

But not everything that happens to our country is under the control of the President, no matter who he is or what political party he belongs to. While the president gets the blame and the credit for everything from the weather to nuclear war, in reality there are other forces in play. As anyone in the military knows, the enemy gets a vote too.

So, what can we expect to see in this new year? In truth, there’s a lot; and not all of it is going to be good. But, like all of life, we’ve got to be ready to take the good with the bad and make the best of it in our own lives.

Liberal Temper Tantrums on the Rise

The Democrats have already proven that they are not about to accept their loss.

Elizabeth Warren has already introduced a bill, making it easier for Congress to impeach the new president, due to his many businesses. Essentially, if his companies make any money which can be traced to foreign governments or foreign political figures, they can impeach him.

In a way, this is somewhat humorous, considering how much money Hillary Clinton made in her “pay to play” scheming as the Secretary of State. Perhaps Warren’s new law should be tested out on her first. But then, there’s little risk of it passing, as both houses of Congress are controlled by Republicans.

Compared to other liberal protests to the election, this one is actually mild, and I’m not concerned about it. What does concern me is the more violent protests for which groups like Black Lives Matter have become known. That group, in particular, has already stated that they will not meet with Donald Trump and want nothing to do with him. Instead, they’d rather spend their time and energy in holding more protests and destroying more property.

The Democrats and other liberal groups are going to keep themselves busy obstruction everything that Trump and the Republican Congress tries to do. That’s to be expected.

But the real issue isn’t what will be happening in Washington, but what will be happening in the rest of the country. It is there that the protests and violence might occur.

War Between Trump and the Mainstream Media

The mainstream media blew it on this election; there’s no other way to put it. Not only was all their pontification and their polls wrong, but they bet on the wrong horse to win.

In working so hard to see Hillary Clinton elected as the next president, they’ve shown their true colors, as nothing more than a liberal propaganda machine.

In the process, they made an enemy out of Donald Trump, attacking him while giving Clinton a free ride on everything. From what I saw in the campaign, making an enemy out of Trump is not something to be taken lightly. Yet they still haven’t seen the error of their ways.

The last press conference that Trump held was on July 27th, the third day of the Democrat Convention. Through the three presidential debates and winning the election, he hasn’t taken the time to meet with the press. Rather, he has used social media and the alternative media to talk directly with the American people, totally bypassing the left-leaning propaganda machine called the mainstream media.

While he hasn’t had a press conference with the media, he did make time to hold an off-the-record media summit with a number of media big shots in November. I don’t know what the media representatives were expecting, but the meeting was described as a “firing squad.” I have a feeling that they missed the part where he said his famous, “You’re fired!”

I wouldn’t be surprised if he continued like this. If there’s one thing that Trump is, he’s strong. He’s not going to be the first to cave; and in his eyes, he’s got nothing to lose.

In a way, Trump’s handing of the media has been highly amusing to me. For as long as I can remember, Republicans have feared the media and their attacks. Then here comes Trump, manipulates them to give him free coverage throughout his campaign, and then essentially fires them, bypassing them all together to speak with the American people.

Dismantling of Obamacare

Of the many things which President-elect Trump has promised to do in his first 100 days in office, one that has given the most hope to the American people is the elimination of Obamacare.

Republican lawmakers have been trying to do that since 2011, but with Obama in office, haven’t been able to. Now, with a Republican controlled Congress and Trump in the White House, we can expect to see it fall apart, bit by bit.

I say fall apart because at this point in time, it will be necessary to replace it piecemeal, rather than just nullifying it. There are too many people who would be hurt by a repeal; people who are on Medicaid, people who were uninsurable before Obamacare, and people who have bought insurance under Obamacare who would lose their insurance again, if it was repealed.

It’s going to take some time and a lot of work, but it will be replaced by something that serves the needs of the American people, rather than just serving the needs of bureaucrats in Washington.

Then, I wouldn’t be surprised in the least to see Trump himself personally attacking the insurance companies about high premiums and deductibles.

Improvement in the Economy and Jobs

More than anything, Trump is a businessman; not only that, he’s a highly successful one. Granted, he started out with a cool million in seed money, but he managed to multiply that at least 3,000 times! More if you believe the larger estimates of his net worth. There are few anywhere who can make such a claim.

We can see already, during the transition process, that he’s bringing that business acumen into his new job as the President of these United States. It is manifest in the selections he’s making for his cabinet, as well as the meetings he’s already had with foreign leaders and others who will be important to his success as a leader.

More than anything, I hope Trump will help the economy to grow. His deal with Carrier air conditioning is just the beginning. I believe that we’ll see a surge of investment by large corporations, opening of new factories, moving some manufacturing home and startups of new businesses.

What has held the economy back for the last eight years is uncertainty. Those feelings of uneasiness started when the housing bubble burst in 2008 -2009.

But then Obama took office and they continued. With his anti-business attitudes, he has created an atmosphere where corporate boards have avoiding investing in their businesses, rather putting the money away in offshore banks, to wait and see what would happen.

Now that Trump has been elected, confidence is growing and those same corporate boards are making plans to invest in their corporations. In addition, Trump has declared war on overregulation, which will make it easier for businesses of all sizes to operate profitably in the United States.

Ultimately, what this really boils down to is an increase in the workforce and jobs for those who want them. If he couples his business initiatives with a crackdown on welfare fraud, we might even see a reversal of the current trend towards living off the government dime, rather than getting a job.

Increases in business will also require an increase in the workforce, giving those people an opportunity to make something of their lives.

A Possible Financial Collapse

While I am sure that Trump’s presidency will be good for the economy, I am also concerned. In electing Donald Trump president, the American people have given the middle finger to the elites of this world, most specifically to the one-worlders. They are concerned and they have the power to push back.

While these people try to remain in the background, with their activities hidden from public view, they do make the occasional press release or even talk to the press. One such statement emerged during the presidential campaign, indicating that the Bilderberg Group was gravely concerned about Donald Trump winning the election and becoming president.

More than anything, the Bilderberg Group is the main motivator behind the one-world movement. An extremely liberal group, it consists of a number of major banking heads, international businessmen, politicians and even members of the press, they meet annually to discuss how to turn the world in the direction they want. That direction is always towards socialism and a one-world governmental system.

These people have enough financial power to control the world’s markets. It is they, not local forces, who create financial crises throughout the world. They do so for the dual purposes of making money off the crisis and molding the world into their image.

While I am not sure how soon they will decide to act, I believe that they are going to take some major action during Trump’s presidency. It may not be in 2017, but I seriously doubt we’ll make it to 2020, without some major upheaval, something along the lines of the Great Depression.

An Increase in Extreme Muslim Terrorism

As we all know, extreme Muslim terrorism is on the rise. Terrorist acts in Europe are increasing in frequency and scope.

But that’s only a smattering of the terrorism that is happening on a worldwide basis. Those Muslim terrorists are actually more active in their own countries, than they are in western lands.

We must understand that terrorism is a form of warfare. Their purpose is to force us to capitulate and allow Muslim control, most especially the implementation of Sharia Law in our countries. In this, they are working to take over the world.


According to the Koran, Muslims are only allowed to migrate to Muslim controlled lands, unless it is for the specific purpose of conquering lands controlled by infidels. Called “hegira” this form of migration has been a major tool for the spread of Islam, every since the beginning.

Their twisting of western laws to get their way and gradually force their adopted country closer and closer to Sharia is no accident. Rather, it is a well thought out strategy, which has been used over and over again.

While Trump’s campaign promises to build the wall, crack down on illegal immigration and temporarily block immigration from Muslim countries will all help to slow the flood of Muslims who are entering our country, they can’t do a thing about those who are already hear. Nor can anything be done to stop the online recruiting of “home-grown terrorists” under Muslim control.

If anything, lessening the number of Muslims who can enter the country will merely motivate those who are already here to become more active. Many who are now sleeper agents will become active, taking a more aggressive role in attacking our country.

Iran and North Korea’s Nuclear Plans Going Forward

Trump has promised to do away with Obama’s disastrous Iran deal; but I fear it might be too late. Obama has already opened the door for Iran to increase the tempo of their nuclear research and their push towards becoming nuclear powers. At this time, it would be nearly impossible to stop them without military intervention.

One thing we could do unilaterally is to reinstate the embargos on Iran, at least as far as U.S. involvement is concerned. Perhaps this would encourage other countries to join in as well, especially European countries, and we could put an embargo in place that bypasses the treaty and bypasses the United Nations.

But it is clear that Iran will continue in their development of nuclear arms and a delivery system for them, just as North Korea is.

These two countries are the most unstable and most dangerous counties in the world today. We can be sure that we are high on the targeting list of both. While Iran might choose to go after Israel first, that’s a toss-up. They may choose to take us out of play before going after Israel. That would be a classic way to attack, something I am sure they are aware of.

If an EMP attack were ever to be committed against the United States, it would be by one of these two countries. From what I understand of North Korea’s nuclear capability, it is quite possible that they are already at the point where they could commit such an attack. Iran is still a few years away, but nowhere near as far away as I’d like.

This would actually be a “winnable” war for them, especially if they had enough nuclear capacity to take out our aircraft carriers, after the EMP attack on the country. That would cause us to lose the capability to retaliate, even if such an order were given.

A Final Word

While the world is still a dangerous place and there are many risks that we still face, I am optimistic about the future. With proper preparation and training, I believe that we can survive through anything.

In the mean time, even with all the risks, I believe we will see some improvements here at home in the next year.

The shift back towards a more conservative society will not happen overnight, nor will it be easy. As I already mentioned, the Democrats, other liberals and the media are all going to continue to be against us.

But for the time being anyway, we have the upper hand. We must be sure to make the most of the reprieve that’s been given to us.

This article has been written by Bill White for Survivopedia.

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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Introduction to Shotguns for Survival – Part 2

Written by John Hertig on The Prepper Journal.

What could a shotgun do for us in survival situations?

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Small Spaces Survival: Growing Food Upside Down


One of the most basic supplies that you’ll need in the event that SHTF is food, but living in an apartment or small area can make it tough to grow your own.

You can build a standard vertical garden, and you can do a terrarium, but it may seem that you don’t have many options.

That is, unless you’re willing to think outside the box and turn traditional gardening upside down! Literally!

What is an Upside Down Garden?

I’m sure you never saw your granny growing her tomatoes upside down while lettuce was growing above it, but that’s just because she never thought of it. Upside down gardening is exactly what it sounds like – you grow your plants out of the bottom of the planter instead of the top. Think of it as doubling your vertical gardening space.

Maybe you’ve seen the kits for these at your local superstore or garden center, but those are almost exclusively for tomatoes.

This space-saving food solution lasts for years with just 10 minutes of work per day.

There are several other fruits, veggies, and herbs that grow great in this manner, which means that you can nearly double your growing space without taking up any extra square feet!

Video first seen Yewtoobnube’s channel

In addition to practically doubling your growing opportunities without eating up more space, growing plants upside down had a couple of other advantages. First, the plants aren’t touching the ground so you don’t have to worry so much about mold, rot, or insect infestation.

Upside down plants also grow more vigorously, they’re easier to water, and you don’t have to break your back weeding them or tilling a garden. Finally, the fruits, veggies, and herbs are easier to access. Just pluck them off the plant. No bending, twisting, or kneeling. All in all, they have all of the same benefits of standard container gardening and then some.

Upside down garden

What Plants Grow Well Upside Down?

Though it seems weird to think of any plant growing upside down, just about any plant that has a sturdy root system and a decent-sized stem will do well. Here are some of the best:

  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Peppers
  • Strawberries (ever-bearing plants are great!)
  • Eggplants
  • Zucchini
  • Summer squash
  • Pole Beans
  • Bush Beans
  • Herbs with a Sturdy Stalk (Basil, Parsley, Lemon Verbena, etc.)
  • Parsley
  • Creeping Herbs (Oregano, Thyme, etc.)

Blueberries can also be grown upside down, but they have some specific growing requirements, so make sure your zone meets these, or make arrangements to artificially emulate their needs.

The only thing that you need to consider is weight of the produce. Larger varieties of eggplants and peppers may need to be picked when they’re still a bit small to keep them from breaking off the plant. Other than that, you’ll be surprised at how well most plants do upside down.

Compatible Plants for the Top

Since the name of the game is maximizing growing space, don’t waste all that real estate up top. You can grow lettuce, peppers, herbs, onions, garlic and any other plant that isn’t going to grow far enough over the sides that they become entangled with their upside down planter mates. This is something that you may just want to play with.

Oh, and if you aren’t desperate for edible plant space, you can always grow flowers such as petunias in the top to make the entire display even more beautiful.

How do I Grow an Upside Down Garden?

Excellent question. There are many different designs that you can choose from but most of them are extremely simple. You can even do an internet search and make your own from burlap bags, hanging baskets, terra cotta pots, or even plastic buckets in a size suitable to the plant. The only requirement is that container is large enough and strong enough to support the weight of the dirt and the full-grown plant.

Now, you may be thinking, “How in the world do I start a plant upside down?” Another great question. You can’t use seeds – you have to use seedlings of small plants.

To get started, you need to drill a hole or holes in the bottom of your container. Depending on the size of the plant or the container, you may be able to plant more than on plant per container. Just keep in mind the size of the roots and of the mature plant.

To grow tomatoes, cucumbers, and other large plants in a 3 or 5 gallon bucket, drill a two inch hole in the middle of the bucket. For smaller plants such as strawberries, you can put smaller holes (1 1/2 inches in diameter or so) every few inches around the bottom of the bucket. If you’re using long planters, you can plant tomatoes et al. every 12 inches or so. When you’re drilling your holes, keep in mind the size of your seedlings or young plants.

You really want to choose plants that will fit safely through a hole no bigger than 2 inches because there’s this thing called gravity that will pull your roots and soil through the hole. You can combat this fairly easily, but only if you keep the hole small.

To do that, you’ll need something that will fit across the hole to keep your plant secure until its roots are large enough to do the job. Whatever you use will also help keep the dirt from washing out through the hole when you water it.

I chose to use scraps of denim from a pair of jeans that I was going to throw away, but you can also use landscaping fabric, newspaper, a coffee filter, or whatever else you have handy. Just make sure that it’s something you’d be safe drinking water through.

I lined the entire bottom of my bucket with it, but you don’t need it to be that big; just 6 inches or so in diameter so that there’s enough extra fabric for the dirt to hold in place. Cut a 2-inch (max) slit in the fabric and slip your plant through it so that it divides the plant from the roots. Keep the slit as small as possible for maximum performance.

Next, gently push your plant through the hole in the bucket and adjust it so that the roots are completely confined within the bucket. Push your fabric down against the bottom of the bucket, then fill the container to within a couple of inches of the top with soil and compost.

Video first seen on subtac

What to Grow in the Top of your Planter

If your goal is to maximize your growing space, this is the most important part of all because you still have all of that dirt real estate at the top of the bucket or planter. There are only two things that you need to consider here when you’re deciding what to plant on top: watering needs and root size. Oh, and compatibility.

Most plants grow well together, but there are a few that just won’t play nice. For example, garlic onions (all varieties, including shallots) stunt the growth of all types of beans and peas. Onions and mint shouldn’t be grown with asparagus. Cucumbers are mean to fresh herbs. Pole beans and mustard don’t work well with beets. Cabbage of all varieties inhibits strawberries. This isn’t an inclusive list, but it’s a start.

Research before you plant so that you know if your plants are compatible and if they share similar watering and lighting needs. Also, make sure that they don’t have such long roots that they get root-bound. You can avoid that by using the right size container and leaving plenty of space for the roots to spread from both top and bottom.

Growing food upside down is a great solution for the problem of growing food in small spaces. It’s also great for people who have difficulty bending, squatting, or performing other physical activities required by traditional gardens. All you really need to do is water and occasionally fertilize if necessary. Voila!

One of the benefits that I enjoy the most is that if you hang these around your porch, they provide natural, beautiful shade and privacy.

Grow your own food, save space, and you don’t even need a yard!

This article has been written by Theresa Crouse for Survivopedia. 

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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Do you want to save money and eat healthy… then sprout grains for food

by Keith

In the past I have been accused of pinching a penny so tightly that Lincoln would scream in agony! This months contribution in effect shows that.

I recently had to “re-home” a pig, after completing a move to a new location and we couldn’t take Ethel with us. The deal was made for the pig. The people who got her started asking about T-post, fencing, leftover feed, and the like. I pointed out they made a deal for THE PIG, not the the pig and all the trappings!

Focusing on the feed, I feed Ethel a blend of grains and scraps. After she left I had about 40 pounds of...

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7 cool gadgets for smart camping and prepping

by Dakota Murphey

Camping and prepping are cool and fun, especially when you have the right kit. Don’t think you’ll have to forego all your mod cons while you’re exploring the Great Outdoors. Thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT), technology is developing at such a rapid pace that going camping has never been more a more connected experience.

Here, Mike James compiled 7 of the coolest gadgets to take your camping trip to a whole new level, together with Best VPN.

  1. BioLite Camp Stove Bundle

Consisting of a camping stove, a kettle and a grill, you can cook your meals, charge...

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Hypothetical Wednesday December 28, 2016 – What Would You Do?

You … are a ‘City Prepper’. Your household is in good condition. You have a secure water source. Your Meds and food preps are at about 50%. Fuel / markets / City services are non-existent other than one… Law Enforcement.

The assumed die off and flight from the city by the ‘Golden Hordes’ has not happened. FEMA / State and City relief efforts are slowing as surrounding resources are exhausted. New Federal Executive orders have been in effect for only a few days. There is the sporadic crackle of gunfire in the distance but that is coming from way downtown.. miles away. All in all,...

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7 Survival Skills You Should Know

Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.

The seven survival skills mentioned below are the most basic ones that you should be mastering first because these are the skills that will help keep you safe for a longer time until you are rescued.

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Prepper News Brief 12/28/2016

1.) Earthquake swarm rattles Nevada – 3 large quakes (M5.7, M5.7, M5.3) hit near Nevada-California state line: At least seven quakes with magnitudes between 3 and 5.7 were reported shortly after. Now there are fears a magnitude 7 or above “Big One” could strike the earthquake-prone region.

2.) Red Alert at Bogoslof Volcano, 6 explosions at Colima volcano and enhanced volcanic activity around the world: On December 27, 2016, the Aviation Color Code and the Alert Level at Bogoslof Volcano were raised to RED and WARNING, respectively, while the Colima volcano ejected ash at least six...

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11 Reasons To Stockpile Castor Oil For Survival

Castor Oil For survival

Old timers used castor oil for everything from colds to parasitical worms, but recent generations have pretty much forgotten about it. That’s a shame because, if our elders are to be believed, it’s one of those multi-purpose items that deserve a place in your stockpile.

Read the following article, and you will see why our ancestors were so right about this natural cure!

Castor oil is made by cold-pressing the seeds of the castor plant and is composed mostly of the fatty acid ricinoleic acid. That’s the ingredient that is responsible for the healing, analgesic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties associated with the oil.

Though most of us don’t keep it at home any more, it’s still a common ingredient in cosmetics, soaps, massage oils and even textiles.

I’ve done some research and, though there isn’t a ton of formal research available to support its effectiveness as a home remedy, there’s usually something to be said for centuries of use by entire civilizations.

As you probably know, in order to garner our attention, an item has to do more than treat constipation or hydrate dry skin in order to make our list. We need products that can be used for everything from treating sunburn to sharpening scissors, and castor oil fits the bill.

Note: The treatments outlined here can also be used on your pets.

1. Skin Care

We’ll start with this one because, in addition to keeping your skin soft and youthful, it’s also used to ease the pain of severely dried and cracked skin and lips. In a survival situation, this is a condition that can quickly lead to gangrene, so it’s a big deal.

Castor oil is also a good base ingredient for soaps, lotions, and cosmetics because of its hydrating properties. It has omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, both of which are often used to promote healthy hair, skin, and nail growth. Some claim that it has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that can help get rid dandruff and possibly athlete’s foot.

It has been shown to have analgesic properties, so it’s good to treat sunburn, rashes, bug bites and other minor skin conditions. It’ also used to treat ringworm. Just rub it directly on the skin.

Finally, the anti-inflammatory properties are great for treating cystic acne. The best thing is that it works fairly quickly. Swab it onto your clean face at night and you should notice improvement by morning.

2. Digestive Issues and Parasites

This is one of the most commonly-known uses for castor oil. It helps your bowels move. Be careful that you don’t use too much because it works remarkably well for this condition. You don’t want to become dehydrated, so start with a tablespoon and give it a few hours. Take more if needed.

If you want to just “take your medicine” and get it over with, just swallow it straight. If not, you can mix it with juice or a food. Apple juice would be good, because it also helps relieve constipation.

Castor oil is also a common home remedy for intestinal parasites.

3. Arthritis, Muscle, and Joint Pain

This is another common reason that it was used by our elders because of its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Some say to make a poultice with other herbs and rub it into aching joints for relief. You can also take a tablespoon internally. If you have diarrhea, you may want to try the rub.

Video first seen on Ancient Current

4. Gets Rid of Corns, Moles, and Warts

The fatty acids in the oil are purported to dissolve these conditions. For corns, simply dip a cotton ball in castor oil and tape it over the blemish. Change it out once a day, but in a week, the corn will be gone. For moles and warts, add a bit of baking soda to the cotton ball, too. It may take a couple of weeks for this method to work. You can also try just dabbing it on regularly.

5. Get Rid of Yard Pests

Apparently, moles and other yard pests find the smell of castor oil as repugnant as people do because if you mix 1/2 cup of castor oil with a couple of gallons of water and sprinkle it around your garden or yard. It won’t kill them, but it definitely encourages them to find a better place to live.

The upside to this is that ferns and other greenery respond well to castor oil. It helps them look greener and lusher.

6. Hemorrhoids

Because of the anti-inflammatory properties, castor oil is often used to treat external hemorrhoids. Dip a cotton ball in the oil and apply it over your hemorrhoids. Leave it on for 15 or 20 minutes a few times a day if possible. If not, just applying daily will provide relief.

7. Lubricate Just About Anything

Because of its viscosity, castor oil doesn’t freeze, so it’s great to use to lubricate hinges, scissors, meat grinders, motor parts, and anything else that gets sticky.

8. Boosts Immunity

Because of the fatty acids in it, castor oil has been shown to boost your immune system by increasing white blood cell production. The odd part about this, though, is that it does it when you apply it topically. That’s right – just rub it on your skin and, according to the study, your white blood cells may increase by as much as 20 percent.

9. Treat Infected Cuts or Rashes

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties may be helpful in healing a mild infection. Just dab it on with a cotton swab or dribble it directly onto the wound a few times daily until the infection heals. There are also many herbs that you can add to it to help even more.

Along the same lines, you can use it to help treat vaginal infections.

10. Treat Aching Feet

This is a treatment that waitresses have been using since, well, since before they were called waitresses. Just warm a bit between your hands and rub directly into your feet. You can also help lessen the pain throughout the day by rubbing some on your feet before you go to work, then wear cotton socks.

If you have extreme pain, you may want to try generously applying castor oil then wrapping the effected body part in plastic wrap before you go to sleep.

11. Pilonidal Cysts

I’ve read several testaments where people swear that a gauze coated in castor oil works to get rid of the pain and inflammation of pilonidal cysts. It may also help draw out the infection so that the cyst opens, drains, and can heal. Lay the gauze over the cysts, then place a heating pad over it and keep it there for an hour. People reported tremendous improvement just after the first treatment or two.

There are many uses for castor oil – these are just a few of the big ones. I’ve combined several of them under the skin care and digestive issues section because there are so many different uses for it for those particular areas.

Click the banner below to discover more natural survival remedies that helped our forefathers survive harsh times!


This article has been written by Theresa Crouse for Survivopedia. 

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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Friendly Swede Pocket Stove With Survival Kit Put To The Test

Friendly Swede Pocket Stove With Survival Kit Put To The Test

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Shotguns for Survival – Part 1

Written by John Hertig on The Prepper Journal.

A shotgun is effective for hunting and there is not much which would be better at defending yourself from man or beast at close range.

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Monday, December 26, 2016

10 Mistakes To Avoid When Packing Your Backpack


We, real preppers, tend to be religious about our backpack. At one point or another each of us have fallen victim to every slip-up in the book until we learned our lesson.

Do you remember the mistakes you’ve made when preparing your backpack?

Let’s see what to avoid!

1. Choosing the Wrong Size of the Backpack

Usually, the bigger pack you have, the more tempting it is to fill it up even if you really don’t need those things. What’s next? In case you’re bugging out, you might find yourself leaving behind a part of your pack because it’s to hard to carry it.

That’s why you need to choose the right size of your backpack, and it depends on how much are you able to carry, and also on how long is the trip you are planning.

As a general rule of the thumb, here are some basic weights:

  • a 50-60 liter pack is appropriate for 1-2 day trip
  • a 60-80 liter pack is appropriate for 3-5 day trip
  • a 80-90 liter pack is  appropriate for 5-7 day trip

Don’t be mad if you don’t get it from the start, people usually use three or four backpacks till they find the proper size for them.

This versatile bag can be your next best backpack!

2. Too Much Weight

Contrary to conventional wisdom, ideal pack weight for survival scenarios is both relative and subjective: saying that everyone’s pack should be x% of their body weight across the board is somewhat naïve.

That’ why you need to take into account for each of the group member that you belong to:

  • the overall fitness level
  • lean body mass
  • body fat percentage
  • physical size
  • cardiovascular fitness
  • backpacking experience
  • level of mental toughness
  • determination of the individual.

Taking all of these factors into consideration, target pack weight may range anywhere from 15%-50% of target body weight for your build and height. That’s 15%-50% of what you should weigh.

If you’re overweight, calculating your pack weight based on your body weight will yield a pack that’s too heavy and you will suffer miserably under its weight on top of the extra weight that you are already carrying.


3. Wrong Choices about Items to Carry

There are different lists on what your bug out bag should contain. I will give you one too, but you’re the only one that can decide over how many items should you carry.

And remember: more skills means less to carry.


4. Not Having a Balanced Pack

You need to create a balanced pack so you could carry it properly.

Briefly, the core of your backpack is best for heavy objects. If you place them on top, they will make you fall forward, if you have them on the bottom, they will drag you down.

Do you wonder where this mistake comes from? Read the following one!

5. Not Packing Properly

If you have to unpack half of your items to get to the fire starter and prepare your meal on the go, then something is definitely wrong in the way you packed your things. Keep it simple and keep it light!


6. Not Having a Waterproof or at Least a Water Resistant Pack

When you go into the wilderness, things can go wrong and they probably will. For example, you can fall into a water or face a heavy rain for hours. After that, you will definitely need dry clothes and a warm shelter, and you won’t get them if your pack turns into a wet sponge.

Waterproof pack or a water resistant one? Well, let’s see the difference before choosing what’s best for you.

A water resistant pack will keep your items dry when raining because it won’t let the water in. A waterproof one will seal the content inside and will keep it dry even if you fall into a river. And it will be even 30% lighter, as the seams are welded instead of being sewn together.

This perfect waterproofed bag is light, tough and durable.

7. Putting Your Pack On in a Wrong Way

A fully loaded pack sitting on the ground is a load that can harm you if not lifted properly.

Use your legs to lift the load, not your back with straight legs. Get into a lunge position to prepare to hoist your pack, then lift pack and rest it on your bent knee.

Thread an arm through the shoulder strap, swing the pack around and thread your other arm through the other shoulder strap. Lean forward to plane the pack against your back and snug your straps in the same order as you did when fitting your pack.

8. Not Adjusting the Fit of Your Backpack

Start with all straps loos and set the hipbelt on your hipbones, then fully tighten. Pull forward the hipbelt stabilizer straps, and tighten shoulder harness so that it fits over your shoulders with no gaps.

Pull down on the upper load stabilizer straps, and make them snug but don’t tighten too much.  Back off a little pressure from the shoulder harness, if needed.

When taking off the backpack, remember to loose all straps in reverse order.

Does it feel better or what?

9. Not Being Physically Fit, but Still Backpaking

Exercises and practice cannot be overrated. How could you carry your backpack on foot if you are not able to walk more than one mile?

All of us get old, but aging is more than just getting a few lines around your eyes; it affects the way you move and the way you think. Being able to move well and think quickly may be two of your greatest tools in a survival situation. Looking young while you’re using those tools is just a bonus!

Exercise doesn’t necessarily have to take place at a gym; you can walk or jog around the neighborhood, do lawn work or housework, or play a sport. Hiking is a great way to get your exercise and to teach your kids survival skills at the same time.

7. Not Caring for Your Backpack Properly

If you don’t care of your pack, it will let you down, which means you need to wash it and store it so you could preserve it for later use.

Wash it by hand and avoid detergent, as it may harm the coating. Waterproof it and use a plastic coat to protect it when walking in the rain, but also to keep the items packed dry.

Keep your backpack in a cool, dry place, and avoid storing it against a concrete wall or floor, because the moisture and the chemicals in the concrete might damage the pack. And avoid storing chemicals in your backpack, for the very same reason.

Did we lose something? Do you have anything to add? Share your thoughts so other people could learn from it!

This bag has the very best closure seal on the market which allows for heavy duty use.

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Item Of The Week: NAA Mini Revolvers: Self Defense on Purpose

Jesse Mathewson – Product Review Editor

Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.” Sun Tsu

NAA Mini Revolver

NAA Mini RevolversSmall self-defense tools are among the most deceptive tools available for the common man. We have been raised to believe that size is everything. It is cultural in the western world, everything from lips to bottoms and all in between bigger is better or in very rare cases smaller is better. This is the current pervasive belief that is held within much of western society. In the United States, the longest held myth is the following, “Unless it...

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Prepper News Brief 12/26/2016

1.) If you’ve stopped prepping, it could be the biggest mistake of your life: My warning for all preppers — no matter what your political affiliation — is that if you’ve been lulled into a sense of complacency by the rising stock market and the Trump election victory, you could be making the biggest mistake of your life.

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Top 10 Fake News Stories of 2016

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Winter Survival: How To Start A Fire In The Snow


With winter here and global warming a thing of the past (now it’s climate change or something), knowing how to start a fire in the snow may save your life someday. I don’t know about you, dear reader, but in my neck of the woods it’s been snowing for days.

If you’re asking yourself why you should learn how to start a fire in the snow, well, the simple answer is: you never know, so be prepared for any situation.

Winter time is arguably the hardest in terms of outdoor survival and if you can’t build a fire, you’re dead meat regardless of the gear you have at your disposal.

And if you’re out there, stranded in the snow in the middle of nowhere and waiting impatiently for help from above, knowing how to make a fire will make the difference between life and certain death.

As night falls, the temperature will plummet, making you feel like you’re in an icebox. If you can’t make a fire, you’ll find yourself in a life-threatening situation if there ever was one. In addition to keeping you from freezing to death, fire keeps wild animals away and it allows you to cook (or defrost) your food, and even make water by melting snow or ice.

Fire is your best friend when it comes to wilderness survival, as it takes care of all that’s important for a prepper: food, water, and shelter (warmth).

For most modern folk, especially youngsters who live their lives pecking at their smartphones, starting a fire in any type of outdoor scenario is a rare occurrence, let alone making fire in extreme weather conditions (snow, wind).

On the other hand, if you never leave your house or the city, you may think bad things will never come to you. That works for hobbits, yes indeed, but then again, there are plenty of scenarios when your bubble can burst in a matter of hours.

For example, what will you do as you get trapped in the snow during your vacation in the Rocky Mountains or wherever, with a blizzard coming out of nowhere, blocking the roads and/or your car somewhere in the middle of…well, you see where this is going, right?

How to Start a Fire in the Snow

Getting back to our “story”, starting a fire in the snow is the second hardest thing after trying to do it during a rainstorm.

Starting a fire in the snow will present you with two basic problems.

First things first – snow will definitely melt at some point and the water may quench your hard work, together with the flames.

Another thing to contemplate about fires, snow, and winter is that cold comes into play, i.e. you’ll have to raise the temperature of your combustible materials farther than in the summertime in order to ignite them. That means that making a fire during the winter is more difficult than in the summertime, as it starts slower than “normal”, provided you know what normal is.

Video first seen on The Outside Files

Choose the Right Spot

Everything in life is location, and the same principle applies to starting a fire in the snow, obviously. Selecting a proper site is the first thing to consider and is exceptionally important for your success (survival). The location should ideally be protected from wind, water, and snow.

Folks traveling outdoors during the winter prefer to make a fire under a tree most of the time, but be aware of trees carrying a lot of snow on their branches, as the snow may fall into your fire as it melts and put it out. And then you’ll be in a world of pain.

If you’re going to start your fire under a tree, make sure you knock the snow off the branches first. That eliminates the aforementioned risk and also, it will make sure you don’t have to clear your spot twice.

Start with a Clean Spot

This brings us to the next step: clearing the snow from your desired fire location. You can’t actually make a fire directly on snow, maybe on ice though, provided you can build a platform from rocks/logs.

You can clear the snow by brushing it away or you may walk on it in order to tamp it down. If you’re going for the tamping, you must realize that the snow will melt at some point, so make sure the water resulting from melted snow can drain away from your fire.

Also remember to clear the snow off the ground on a place near the fire for storing your extra wood, and, if possible, try to use rocks for raising your wood storage spot above the ground. If you don’t have enough rocks, you can use sticks laid cross-ways or make a platform using branches (the same can be used for the fireplace itself in case you can’t find rocks).

Both ways are good for keeping the wood from coming in contact with the ground, thus offering it the chance to get as dry as possible before using it.

When it comes to starting a fire in the snow, or in rainy weather for that matter, it would be ideal to use a large, flat stone as the fire-floor.

Video first seen on ExploringWithGeorge.

Prepare Your Tools

Raising the combustible materials just 1’’ or 2’’ above the ground will make all the difference in the world by offering the water the required drainage channels to run off through.

Another thing to consider and that is hugely important is the heat reflector because, after all, starting a fire in the snow is all about keeping you warm, and a good heat-reflector is aimed at accomplishing exactly that.

A cliff face makes for a good heat reflector, also a big tree or a large rock. You can always improvise one from a blanket, the silver survival types, using the silver side which will provide you with the best reflection.

Read more about these 52 ways to save your life while laughing!

Starting the Fire

Now, with the “preamble” taken care of, let’s talk a little bit about the actual fire-starting procedure. Lesson learned the hard way: along with a first aid kit, always carry something that can be used as a fire starter. A packet of waterproof matches and a couple of BIC butane lighters are a must-have item in any survival kit.

Ideally, you should also carry a dedicated fire-starter kit, which consists of a block of paraffin and sawdust mix, available just about anywhere. You can DIY a good fire starter using cotton balls soaked with Vaseline (petroleum jelly), carried inside a film canister.

The idea is to use a fire starter that doesn’t die out fast whilst providing a lot of heat at the same time.

If you don’t have a dedicated fire starter, you can always use small pieces of dry wood, which may be a problem, but these fellas are usually easy to spot near the trunk of trees. Avoid wood that was in contact with the snow, as it definitely has a high moisture content.

If you can’t find small dry pieces of wood, get your knife, find the driest dead  branch possible, and whittle down until you hit dry wood. If you don’t even have a knife, I don’t know what you’re doing outdoors, really. You’ll have to get creative.

Tips to Remember

  • Always collect enough fuel to keep the fire burning for a long time. You don’t want to stop in the middle of the “show” to get more wood, as the fire may die out while you’re hunting for combustibles and you’ll have to start again from the beginning.
  • Always remember to gather large pieces of wood if possible, along with tinder kindling and smaller pieces for the initial fire.
  • The big chunks of wood are excellent for keeping the fire burning overnight, thus keeping you warm and allowing you to go to sleep without worrying about your fire dying and all that.
  • To get the most out of your fire, you’ll have to make sure that the fire and your shelter (if any) are as close together as possible.
  • Try to build your fire right at the shelter’s entrance and to use rescue blankets on the roof and at the back of the shelter for keeping the heat inside, thus keeping you warmer.
  • Don’t set it close enough that it’s going to catch your tent or shelter on fire, though.
  • Always travel with several rescue blankets in your survival kit; they’re hugely important and you’ll always want one of them between you and the ground, right?

You can also heat rocks into the fire and use them for warming your bed before going to sleep, or wrap a heated rock using a sweater or something like that and use it as a heater (yes, sleeping with a rock, a true love story). If it gets cold enough, you’ll see what I mean.

One thing to remember: coals generate the most heat in a fire, so make sure you keep adding enough wood to your fire so it can burn and turn to charcoal.

If you have any ideas or comments, feel free to comment in the dedicated section below. Stay safe, stay warm.

If you want more tips, click the banner below and discover the survival secrets that helped our ancestors survive harsh winters!


This article has been written by Chris Black for Survivopedia. 

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