Saturday, September 5, 2015

What did you do to prep this week?

Good morning all. This past week has flown by so fast it feels like it should only be Tuesday, but the calendar shows that it’s Saturday so I’m going to go ahead and post this today, just to be sure…

As you’ve probably noticed we’ve been having some trouble with the blog over the past week or so, with errors and system overloads and such, I’m sorry about that, but it’s not as simple as pushing a button and it’s fixed.

Although it seems to have worked better over the past couple of days, it’s just a matter of time before it happens again,...

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Prep Blog Review: Prepping On The Go


Most people think that the only real crisis is the one to come after SHTF. But if you think about our daily existence, you’ll find a plenty of situations that asks for a quick response and a lot of awareness to prevent you and your beloved ones from being hurt.

Think twice if you wait for the end of the world to make use of your survival skills. You’ll need them sooner than you think: a trip from one city to another might turn into a dangerous adventure that you hardly escape unless your prepper experience helps you get through.

Read the articles that we found for you these days, and ask yourself what other skills you might need to survive daily crisis on the road.

1. 7 Places to Hide Your Money When Travelling: Why You Should Carry Money in Your Survival EDC

prep1“Why Bother Carrying Paper Currency?

On most prepping websites you will often see people going on and on about the importance of stockpiling precious metals like gold and silver; while these metals might hold some long-term value in a post-collapse world, they provide little if any value during the lead up to the collapse. Think about it; are you really going to buy last minute supplies with a big hunk of gold or silver?”

Read more on Offgrid Survival.

2. How to Avoid or Survive a Carjacking

991007-F-8032B-007“Many preppers consider prepping to be activities to prepare for a SHTF “Big One”. But staying safe and sound until then is also a serious part of prepping. Carjacking is an increasingly serious crime and protecting yourself from it should be part of your preps.

There are a lot more carjackings than the average person would believe.  According to the Department of Justice, there are about 49,000 a year. Approximately 92% of carjackings are directed against lone drivers.”


3. Situational Awareness: A Skill You Need

prep3Situational Awareness is one the most important skills you can learn to master that will contribute significantly to reducing the
likelihood you will be become a victim and give you the advantage when something bad happens.  Situational Awareness is the process of making conscious observations of your surroundings and making tentative plans of action if something bad were to happen.  Some might deem you paranoid, others may say you are overly concerned, however, if something bad should happen you will have a tremendoussurvival advantage over those that think that way.

Read more on SHTF Blog.


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Friday, September 4, 2015

What to Look for in a Survival Retreat

Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.

Prepping in some cases is about taking proactive steps to avoid or mitigate the risk of danger. Usually when we think of prepping nirvana the vision is a remote location, far away from the hustle and bustle of any city. Something like the Walton’s home that is far away from any neighbors and a trip […]

The post What to Look for in a Survival Retreat appeared first on The Prepper Journal.

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Fermentation as a Means of Food Preservation: Part III

Today we present another article in our non-fiction writing contest – by Bam Bam

Also Read – Fermentation as a Means of Food Preservation: Part One and Part Two.



Kefir is fermented milk that tastes like tangy yogurt. To make kefir you will need some kefir grains, which really aren’t grains. They are a starter culture. They look like a spoonful of cottage cheese. I bought my kefir grains on Ebay for $5.99. They arrived in the mail a few days later packaged in a sandwich-sized Ziplock bag. I was not at all impressed by the squished white stuff. But I followed...

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The End of 4th/A Liberty: Police Attack Drones Have Landed

big drone 

We all knew that drones would be a big thing sooner or later on the domestic front. Amazon is talking about delivering books with them, and real estate people use them for fantastic marketing pictures. Even beer can be delivered to ice fisherman on remote lakes by drone. But all of these end uses must first be cleared both by local statute and FAA for approval, mostly for safety and privacy concerns.

It’s one thing to have all your radio controlled aircraft flying in a designated recreational area, where the occasional crash still can cause injury. But to have them buzzing around everywhere, especially directly over private property and people’s backyards, is something else of serious concern.

So the process will take some time, at least a couple more years for the FAA and other oversight agencies to work out details and rules for approval for commercial and personal use.

But a Police State Can, and Will Use Drones Now!

It’s a critical societal fact that we already know by now that far too many police are not psychologically adjusted or physically trained properly to be trusted too much with firearms. There are more police killing unarmed civilians than terrorists. What in the name of liberty and justice for all do you think they’re going to do with something like an ‘armed’ drone? This is stark naked social insanity!

But North Dakota, no less! Which is (was?) one of the top prepper/retreatist states just tipped over the point of no return from the Terminator ‘SkyNet’ prophecies by becoming the first state of the Union to authorize police usage of ‘armed drones’ for surveillance and apprehension of citizens, with a new HB1328 that was just passed.

I won’t elaborate now but the passage of the bill smacked of questionable collusion between corporatist drone manufacturer lobbyists and police unions and, of course, corrupt anti-Constitutional legislators. (Wonder how much Bloomberg and Soros kicked in on the capital influence part of the deal?) If you didn’t really think the Bilderberg corporatists were here and now, you don’t have to ruminate about it. Just open your eyes. The egregious slap of insult to the people’s faces was that there was no prior public discussion, forum, or debate about it– considering such a monumentally important change in the mechanics of law enforcement–which is the classic exemplary of dirty back door politics as usual.

However, when some of them paused even momentarily in their minimalist mentalities, there was some serious consternation and resistance from a couple of the ND legislators about the slippery slope. Or should I say rapid climb and ascent of the grossly inherent abuse potential of these devices in the hands of authorities, especially police, where constant abuse of excessive initiatory force prevails on a daily basis.

They didn’t like the idea of any type of weaponizing of police state drones but like the other obvious privacy intrusion that are now routinely integrating in their 4th/A violating patrol duties without public disclosure, the police unions muscled their speciously proprietary agenda that “extreme crime prevention” measures are absolutely necessary for the deceitful lie of public safety. So any ND legislators who may have been reluctant to go with any type of drone mounted devices, even so called less than lethal ones caved when it got down to the vote wire and the Police State union lobbyists got their evil way.

It will come up that these ND hack politicians made a grievous mistake in judgment after the first massacre by a police SWAT team. Law abiding citizens had the shit scared out of them when an ugly menacing machine came swooping down to see who legally was sitting on their deck drinking beer and shooting cans, and frightening their animals. For fear of their life, the people immediately blasted it out of the air, which then–of course, in the natural procedure of excessive and unnecessary police force–immediately precipitated the Swat team’s retaliatory launch of a blood bath.

Which would be the fault of the stupid feckless North Dakota Reps who voted to pass this ridiculous deadly bill in the first place.

Video first seen on Complex.

How Bad Is It?

There are last straws and there are ‘enough is enough’ limits to what the American Free Citizen will take. This law will be enough of a last straw to break the people’s backs. Already there are several cases of people sitting in their private homes and property who took their shotguns and knocked a nosey drone out of the sky. These were just private hobby drones flying around the neighborhood checking things out. But it appears that at this point, there is justification for the defending property owner.

What does anyone think will happen when people see something that looks like a scaled down UFO type Apache Helicopter gunship approaching them on their own land? I’m sure these secret police drones don’t have flashing blue and white lights, badges, and sound recordings announcing their office.

Supposedly these ND lawmakers denied the provision to allow firearms mounted–yes, unbelievably the police wanted that too–and conceded only to non-lethal armament and devices.

That nit wit logic shows how stupid many of these politicians are on top of being corrupt. There’s no such thing as non-lethal armaments: even a police flashlight can be lethal when misused. And we trust these people with making laws? At least 39 people so far have been killed this year by tasers! Rubber shotgun bullets, bean bags, flares, and high powered paintballs of hard rubber or pepper loads, high pressure pepper spray, and flying tear gas canisters have maimed and killed and continue to do so on too many occasions to be considered truly “less than lethal”.

I can’t imagine–but I know it will be coming as soon as they get more tax dollar funding with police drones–a full load of cluster bomb type non-lethal flash bang canisters which are very harmful and can be smart bombed on somebody’s house and yard, or shot from a drone mounted 40mm tube, right through your bathroom window, followed up by the latest “non-lethal” sound wave weapons!

And the ease of using these so-called less than lethal weapons will likely be increased as the officer leaves from the immediate action, and the military drone pilots and the decision making becomes more depersonalized, to a point of facilitating the initiatory ‘non-lethal’ force. “Yeah, the video screen went fuzz ball a bit and…it looked like they had a gun…”

Where’s the ACLU on this? Even only camera equipped drones should be challenged on private property especially when used without warrants. They were hell bent on the gay marriage issue but not a peep out of their chicken beaks when it comes to our most important liberties.

There should be an immediate class action lawsuit with a restraining clause until the 4th/A violation is adjudicated. Maybe a Marxist judge did rule that you don’t own the airspace over your private property, so technically anybody can fly around over your house. But you sure own your material sovereign privacy of your domicile, and compound use and you are supposed to have a constitutionally guaranteed reasonable expectation of freedom from intentional arbitrary visual intrusion. They may be able to fly over, but not SPY and search on you, especially without a warrant!

A prowling peeping tom gets arrested (or shot, in a Castle Doctrine State) if he’s intentionally invading and snooping around your private property. So how does a prowling police drone get away with it? Amazingly, too many police state cops just don’t care because they take it for granted they are above the law and can circumvent the Constitution when they feel like it!

Grand Forks County Sheriff Bob Rost apparently made the incredibly frightening statement to the Daily Beast–with a straight face no doubt– that his department is only equipped with camera drones and he does not think he should need a warrant just to go snooping! And outrageously worse yet, Rost said, that he needs drones for surveillance in order to obtain a warrant in the first place.

There are good cops and bad ones, but this Rost is not just sliding on the slippery slop of Police statist tyranny, this guy’s speed skating it down! And of course, Rost threw in the obligatory absurdity that some of these officers of the law regularly insult us with in justification: “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear?”

Really? Are we that far into the death spiral of totalitarianism to now become a criminal and having our privacy rights violated for wanting to hide things from others? I can’t believe this county Sheriff isn’t arrested for violating the 1st and 4th/A, or at least fired by vote next term. Supposedly he also had been conducting these sneak and snoop warrantless searches over private property for some time without public or official disclosure? Reminds me of the ‘stingray’ cell tower replicators to intercept private calls, or the license plate scanners on taxpayer’s funded buses and garbage trucks.

But it gets worse. Rost isn’t the only municipal or county law enforcement agency to immediately capitalize on drones for surreptitious police surveillance without probable cause or due process. Or necessarily bothering to even running drone usage by the citizens before actually acquiring them.

Russia Is Going To Pass A Law Formally Dumping The U.S. Dollar

By Michael Snyder – Economic Collapse Blog

Russian President Vladimir Putin has introduced legislation that would deal a tremendous blow to the U.S. dollar.  If Putin gets his way, and he almost certainly will, the U.S. dollar will be eliminated from trade between nations that belong to the Commonwealth of Independent States.  In addition to Russia, that list of countries includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Obviously this would not mean “the death of the dollar”, but it would be a very significant step toward the end...

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Eerie Statistics Predict Coming Shemitah Market Collapse: “Only 8 Trading Days Until Wipe Out Day”

By Mac Slavo – SHTF Plan

The end of the Shemitah cycle is fast approaching, and many are worried about an impending collapse, particularly considering we have already seen unprecedented stock market decline.

And history is not on our side. The past five Shemitah cycles have ended in crashes – and this one could be the worst yet.

Unfortunately the numbers don’t lie, and now a respected statistician has proven the mathematical validity behind the Shemitah theory of collapse. WND reports:

Thomas Pound is an educator and mathematician who applies his statistical wizardry to the...

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Question for the pack on finding dried beans in bulk

My wife and I went to SAMS Friday evening after work to get a few things and low and behold NO dried beans. We usually get our pintos from there as it is in bulk, I wanted Black and Kidney beans to go along with the pintos. But not a single packet let alone 50# bag. We will get them via the company we work for Thrive Life, but it was highly unusual not to find any beans. We went to the local store and found the 1# bags but the prices are outrageous, $4.99 for a 14oz bag. Question to the group; Are others finding it hard to get dried goods in bulk?

RKC Rider

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Friday Miscellany News Brief – War Addition

1.) China’s covert war with America : “Watch for yet more war posturing, currency devaluation moves, debt dumping attacks, cyber warfare, strategic hacking and “unexplained” explosions throughout the remainder of 2015. These are not random events. They are all part of the war with China that has already begun.”

2.) U.S. Shadowing Russian Ship in Atlantic Near Nuclear Submarine Areas : “U.S. intelligence ships, aircraft, and satellites are closely watching a Russian military vessel in the Atlantic that has been sailing near a U.S. nuclear missile submarine...

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Thursday, September 3, 2015

8 Signs Your Stored Foods Could Kill You

big food

You worked hard in your garden. You butchered your own meat. Then you went through the labor-intensive, time-consuming process of canning it, but how can you tell for sure that your food is safe to eat when you open it?

There are many things that can go wrong during the canning and preserving process and eating spoiled food can make you extremely sick and can even kill you. Today we’re going to talk about how you can tell if your food has gone bad.

Home-canned vegetables are the most common cause of botulism, according to the CDC. That sounds like a big deal, but when you look at the numbers, it makes eating home-canned food much less scary. From 1996-2008, there were only 18 cases of botulism reported to be from home-canned foods. Still, that was only the reported cases so there were likely more than that.

Living in a place near the ocean where local seafood places regularly hand out raging cases of food poisoning, I can tell you that you DO NOT want to experience this. Even if you live through it, you’ll be praying for death while experiencing it!

Now, let’s talk about how you can tell if the safety of your food has been compromised.

Look at It and Smell It

If your canned food looks cloudy or slimy or it smells “off”, don’t eat it.

Many people suffer under the misconceptions that boiling food kills all the bad bacteria or that bacteria can’t survive without air. Unfortunately, neither is always true.

Yes, boiling kills many bacteria, and many do die without air, but there are deadly ones such as the clostridium botulinum bacteria that boiling water won’t kill. You have to pressure-can low acid veggies and meat in order to kill the bad bugs. This isn’t something to mess around with – it can kill you.

The Lid Bulges

If the lid of your can is bulging up, it’s a pretty good sign that whatever is in it has gone bad. This is most likely due to the fact that you didn’t process it properly. You probably didn’t get the food hot enough to kill the bacteria in it before you sealed it up.

Though the process of canning is supposed to preserve food, most people don’t realize that they can actually seal bacteria in with the food.

Release of Pressure when You Open It

There is always going to be that little sound of depressurizing when you break the seal of your canned food but if it’s more than just a pop, you may have a problem. Buildup of gas inside the jar is a sign that there are anaerobic bacteria in it. This is the same thing that causes the lid to bulge.

You may also notice bubbles in the jar before you open it. Be extremely careful because all of these are signs of bacteria in your food.


Lid Can Be Pushed In and It Pops Back Up Again

If you push lightly on the lid of your jar and it pushes down, then pops back up again, your jar didn’t properly seal. That means that the food has basically been sitting out for however days, weeks, months or years that it’s been on the shelf.

How long would you leave food in a bowl on the table before you deemed it unsafe to eat? Not long, right? If the lid isn’t sealed, pitch it.

Mold on the Lid

If you unseal your jar and see black, blue, gray, white or green mold on it, pitch it. Even if the food doesn’t show any signs of mold, the fungus or bacteria is most definitely in there. This food may smell funky, too.

Foam on Top of the Food

This is another sign that anaerobic bacteria such as the kind that causes botulism is present in the food. Unless you want to end up in a world of hurt, or even dead, don’t eat it.

This is especially a concern in meats and low-acid foods such as green beans, beets and corn. Again, pressure-can them.

Damage to the Container

If the jar or can appears to be cracked, damaged, bulging or misshapen or the seal is damaged, throw it away. Often after a few years, the lid of the home-canned food or the entire container of store-bought food can rust or erode to the point that it allows bacteria in. Don’t risk it. You have a little more leeway with home-canned goods because you can test to see if it’s still sealed but if a store-bought can is rusty, you don’t really have any way to tell if it’s good or not.

On another note here, don’t ever buy canned goods that are damaged. Often dented cans are on sale; that’s because people in the know are aware that the safety of the food may be compromised. There are also toxins in the liners of the cans that can be released when the can is bent, so that’s another reason to pay full price if you’re buying at the store.

If you want to save money, do it by couponing, not by buying damaged goods.

Food or Juice Is Leaking Down the Can

This actually logically applies more to store-bought canned foods than home-canned foods because you’re going to see other signs such as a broken seal in home-canned foods if the food is actually leaking out of the can. Not necessarily so with store bought cans, though.

If you pick up a can and there’s food on the label or the outside of the can, inspect it closely. It could be that another can broke and spilled on it, but the can itself could be leaking, too. If you can’t see for sure, don’t risk it.


How to Dispose of Spoiled Food

In a SHTF situation, botulism could be lethal so it’s imperative that you don’t let the bacteria spread. It can be absorbed through the skin as well as ingested so you need to be extremely careful with the clean-up process. Thank goodness, good old fashioned bleach will do the trick here. At a 10:1 ratio (10 parts water to 1 part bleach), you can safely assume that the bacteria is dead.

If the jar or can is still sealed, throw the entire container away. If not, dispose of the jars, food and clean-up materials using gloves so that it doesn’t have contact with your skin. DO NOT put the food on your compost pile!

The botulinum toxin is exactly that: a toxin. It attacks your central nervous system and causes difficulty swallowing or speaking, facial weakness on one or both sides, dry mouth, drooping eyelids, trouble breathing, muscle weakness, blurred vision, fatigue, vomiting, paralysis and even death. It, and bacteria like it, are nothing to mess around with, especially in a SHTF situation.

Of course, the very young and very old are going to be more susceptible to major illness or death, but even a mild case can be avoided by recognizing the signs of food spoilage and cleaning the area properly.

Pay attention when you open your foods and take every precaution when you’re canning. As they say, the devil is in the details!

If you have any other signs of food spoilage or advice to give about canning or preserving safely, please share your information with us in the comments section below!

This article has been written by Theresa Crouse for Survivopedia.

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from Survival skills, survival guns, survival guide
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

LAST CHANCE!! We are giving away Rothco zipper pull folding knifes! These are perfect for a discrete every day carry knife and can be attached anywhere you have a zipper. To enter the contest: tag five friends, share the photo and go to and create an account. We have an abundant supply of these bad boys so the more you share and tag the post, the more you will win. This is a first tier prize! We have something even greater for those of you willing to tag and share beyond 20 people! Check out the next post for more details. The contest ends August 31st at midnight CST. #thecoroutfitters #prepper #survialist #bugoutbag #bugoutgear #military #contest #survivalkit #survival #camping #outdoors #bugout #usaf #usmc #usarmy #usnavy #uscoastguard #ussocom #usa #patriotic #rothco #knife #knives #knifeporn #knivesdaily #foldingknife #everydaycarry #edc

Fermentation as a Means of Food Preservation: Part II

Today we present another article in our non-fiction writing contest – by Bam Bam

Also Read – Fermentation as a Means of Food Preservation: Part 1

Getting Started

You don’t need a whole lot of stuff to start fermenting and I suspect that folks here have just about everything necessary already on hand. If you’ve got a well-stocked kitchen, you are set. You’ll need a vegetable peeler and some sharp knives, a couple of large bowls and the stuff you use for canning—mason jars, canning funnel, etc. I prefer to use the white plastic lids for many of my ferments.

Another nifty...

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Are you prepped for fire!

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Reader question: What to carry in a GOOD (get out of dodge) bag?

Hey there, I’ve been wondering if I should include some of the gear from my hunting kit into my GOOD bag such as scent blockers, calls, ect. for hunting while moving to my bug out location or fall back positions? Also, what would you suggest for longer term survival supplies in case the disaster, whatever it may be, lasts longer than a week or so?

Thanks in advance, Andrew F.

M.D. Replies : What you carry in your get out of dodge bag depends on your location, skill level, and situation (like how far you have to go to get to a safe area), I cover a bunch of different kits and bags in my...

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Wednesday Miscellany News Brief

1.) Statistician: Data proves biblical financial collapse : Get ready – because the best of times are over and the worst of times may have just begun. That is the assessment of an Israeli mathematician who has studied the biblical Shemitah cycle as it applies to the financial markets.

2.) Anti-Gun Group Wants Gun Owners Killed? : “Earlier this month, rabidly anti-self-defense Coalition to Stop Gun Violence became the latest gun control extremist group to advocate calling police any time they see a gun owner in public.”

3.) Putin says dump dollar : “Russian President...

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Survival Skills: Honey Tree Hunting

Wild honeyHoney is that stuff dreams are made from. Seriously speaking, when we’re talking about super-foods, honey is among my favorites. That modest jar of honey in your cupboard is much more than an exquisite sweet-tooth remedy; it’s an actual survival food and a natural medicine.

I think that Hippocrates said “let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”. Honey is the definition of both.

Honey’s outstanding nutritional and healing properties have been known and used by human kind for centuries. Basically, this substance secreted by bees is a wide spectrum natural antibiotic with zero toxicity (there are no allergies related to natural raw honey as far as I know). It’s excellent for treating wounds, influenza, high cholesterol, heart disease and all sorts of respiratory infections.

Also, honey can be described as the ultimate survival food, with an almost infinite shelf life (honey found in ancient Egyptian tombs is still fit for human consumption), nutrient dense and packed with mineral, vitamins, probiotics and antioxidants.

The best thing about honey is that it can be found out in the wild and, in a survival situation, honey can truly be a life-saver, being calorie rich thus helping to boost your energy levels. Why is honey a survival food? Well, besides being used as a source of food when stranded in the wilderness, honey has miraculous healing properties.Ancient Greeks and Romans treated their wounds with honey, thus preventing them from infecting due to its anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties.

Honey also works wonders in healing sore throats, coughs, sunburns, severe 2nd degree burns, rashes, scrapes, cuts, acid reflux, intestinal parasites, allergy relief, boosting immunity and so on and so forth. And the best honey in the world is wild raw honey, which is the point of today’s article.

For thousands of years, humans practiced the ancient skill of honey tree hunting and even in our modern day and age, being capable of finding and harvesting wild honey in a survival situation can make a difference between life and death.

Honey tree hunting is an ancient craft that can be described as basically following wild honey bees on their way back to their colonies. Usually, feral bees build their hives in hollow trees, hence the name of tree hunting.

Learning and practicing this skill can prove to be very lucrative not only in the probability of a SHTF scenario, but you can also capture a wild hive of bees and bring it to your home, starting your own apiary in your backyard, free of charge.

Honey tree hunting is at least 8 millennia old and it’s among the most popular activities known to mankind. It was inspired after watching bears following bees and enjoying the wild honey upon discovery.

In the medieval ages, honey tree hunting was a royal sport practiced just for the fun of it, as was the case with fishing and hunting. The name of the game was to find the wild hives, usually nested in hollow trees or rocks, and to get the prize honey, because “to the victor go the spoils”, right?

Bees are well known for their acute sense of orientation, acting just like homing pigeons. This quality made the task of the hunter, i.e. finding the bee hives, relatively easy: basically, all you have to do is to follow the bees. Also, it’s a well-known fact that after feeding, bees tend to get back to their hive in an almost straight line.

How Does It Work?

So, the general principle is to watch for wild bees on their way back to the nest, as they tend to fly in a “bee line” which can be “triangulated” very easily, if you’re paying attention.

wild hiveAlways keep in mind one simple thing: never try to find a bee hive in the woods by yourself just by wandering around. You’ll waste your time and your energy in a useless attempt and will most likely find nothing. The only way to do it (except from blind luck) is to follow the bees; that’s all there is to it.

The next question that comes into play is the following: what if there are no bees around? Well, the answer is that you must try to lure them. Just like when fishing, you can use sweet bait, like a piece of honeycomb (if possible), or a piece of sugar or chocolate (or a fruit) in order to lure the bees, thus making your job easier.

Another trick when honey tree hunting is to choose a cloudy day for bee spotting, as bees are way easier to notice on a cloudy, darker “background” than in a clear blue sky.

The best opportunities for tracking wild bees are in the early spring months, because the insects are winter hungry and can be easily noticed while harvesting the pollen and what not. The honey tree hunting season lasts for as long as the bees are capable of flying, which makes for about half a year (longer in warmer climates).

The bee hunter has a simple task: to discover the path to a wild hive by spying the worker bees full of nectar on their straight path to home. It may be difficult to spot a particular bee, as it may visit tens or hundreds of flowers until getting back to the colony with its belly full.

Hence, you should try to solve this problem by providing the bees with enough bait in one spot. Artificial nectar consisting of a 50/50 mixture of water and sugar is the easiest to procure and is the most efficient form of bait.

After the bee fills up at your personal nectar station, it will usually head back to its colony in a relatively straight line.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to observe more than one bee in order to determine the exact heading of the wild hive, and I am talking about the aforementioned bee-line. Usually, a bee flies in circles around the bait, in order to fix the coordinates of the “free meal” in its mind for a later feast.

As the bee flies around the target, the circles keep getting bigger and bigger and in the end it will be gone with a “bang”, making it very easy to lose sight of your prey if you’re not paying enough attention. In a real life scenario, you must observe several bees and make a mental note of the general direction of every bee’s departure; after observing a number of paths, you’ll be able to determine your bee-line, making an average heading to the wild bee hive.

Remember that outgoing bees always circle the “filling station” before departing, so it would be easier sometimes to determine the general heading of the colony by relocating yourself farther from the bait; in this way it would be easier to spot arriving working bees, as they’re coming in on a straight trajectory from the bee hive until they’re very close, at which point the circling commences (they do that at arrival too).

Eventually, you’ll be able to determine the bee-line after observing enough “traffic” and you can bet that the honey tree is somewhere along the respective line.  Of course, you’ll still have to find the hive. That’s the easy part of the job though, as bees tend to build them in the rotted out centers of trees, which are mostly live oaks, poplars, maples and black gum trees (at least in North America).

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

SHTF Socialism: The Prepper’s Dilemma

Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.

Have you ever shared something with another person and eventually regret opening your mouth in the first place? This has happened to me a ton of times in the past usually because I just say what’s on my mind. Quickly. I will blurt out my thoughts and feelings on just about any topic from time […]

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Was Black Monday Really A Black Monday?

big black monday

Anybody who has been keeping track of the stock market over the last week knows that we’ve seen some unprecedented action in the last couple of weeks. Starting with the Chinese stock market plunging, pretty much all of the world’s markets have gone down considerably, including a drop of almost two-thousand dollars in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

Obviously, something serious is happening; but the question is what? Is this the economic collapse that so many people have been warning us about, or is it something more serious? Why is it affecting so much of the world, rather than just the United States? Or, to look at it another way, why didn’t it hit the United States before it hit the rest of the world? That’s what happened in the 2008/2009 housing crash and what many people have been expecting to happen for the next one.

To start with, we need to realize that the Chinese stock market is a bit different than ours. It still trades in stocks, bonds and commodities, but it’s much more tightly controlled by their government than our stock market it. That’s a communist country and when the government says “jump” people jump, even if they are rich and powerful in their own right.

So, even though Chinese industrial and economic growth has been low over the last year, the government has been encouraging investors to put their money in Chinese manufacturing companies. They’ve also been telling investors not to sell the stock they have. This has created a classic “bubble” situation, where the stocks were valued at more than they were worth.

That worked for a while, but a bubble can only be sustained for so long. Even though the Chinese government gave money to brokerages to buy stocks with, the prices were unsustainable.

All it took was on person with a pin and the bubble burst. Since then, the index has dropped more than 40%.

Okay, but that’s in China. While we do a lot of business with Chinese manufacturers, Americans don’t have a lot of money invested in their stock market. In fact, American ownership is somewhere around 1.5% of the total value; nothing to cause us great concern here at home.

But psychology plays an important part in any stock market. Prices are what they are more due to what people, think than what reality says. Momentary and long-term trends are more emotionally driven than driven by any true change in the value of the company those stocks represent. Even the most cynical of investors can be pushed into making a poor investment choice by emotions.

That’s what happened in Europe. The crash in the Chinese stock market started making European Central Bankers and investors nervous, so they started selling. That started their stock markets sliding. As the sun rose on our side of the Atlantic, that affected stock trading in New York.

How Is This Going to Hit Us?

But, that’s not all of the picture. You see, the stock markets have been poised for a crash for quite some time. We’ve had our own bubble waiting to pop.

For the last several years, the Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed) has been releasing massive amounts of money into the world financial system, in a move called quantitative easing (QA). In theory, QE adds money to the economy, allowing banks to loan out more money, reducing pressure on the economy and stimulate the economy, keeping the country from going into recession and boosting stock prices.

The way this works is that the federal government issues bonds, which the central bank buys. The money they buy those bonds with is electronic money, which didn’t exist before it was used to buy the bonds. In other words, they’ve making money out of nothing to buy those bonds with. If you or I did that, it would be called counterfeiting and we’d get a nice long stay in a federal penitentiary for it. But, since it is the Fed doing it, it’s at least marginally legal.

So, between the government and the Fed, they’ve been creating 80 billion dollars of money out of nowhere, each and every month. That money has funded the part of the federal budget that isn’t covered by taxes. It has also managed to prop up the stock market, allowing Obama to point to the long bull market as proof of his economic recovery.

Unfortunately, this irresponsible action has created our own financial bubble. While stock prices rise and fall with the whims of the investors, the base value of those companies doesn’t. It stays more or less about the same. True changes in a company’s value happen slowly, through growth and new product introductions, not overnight due to a whim of the stock market. So, while stock prices have climbed, the underlying value of those companies hasn’t.

This is even more true for the blue chip stocks that make up the Dow Jones Industrial Value. Those companies were selected because they are stable companies, whose value remains consistent. So, when they rise and fall dramatically, it’s not because the company has gone up in value or lost value, but investors’ perceptions have. It’s all based upon psychology.

Going back to the recent drop in the Dow, what we’re seeing is something that has long been foretold. Many economists and financial advisors have predicted that the stock market would crash, once QE was stopped. Well, guess what? QE is all but stopped. They are down to releasing only 15 billion dollars a month worth of new funny money into the economy and the economy has reacted. The stock market crashed.

The drop on Monday the 24th was the single biggest drop in the stock market in history; even bigger than the stock market crash of October 29, 1929, which led the country into the Great Depression. But Monday’s drop, of over 1000 points of the Dow’s value, wasn’t the whole drop. From Tuesday the 18th through Tuesday the 25th, the value of the Dow went down $1,878.74; that’s over ten percent.

As of this writing, about half of that value has been recovered. It’s anyone’s guess whether it will go all the way back up or not. I’m not an investment professional, so I’m not qualified to answer that question. But I don’t believe that it’s going to go back up. In fact, I’m a bit surprised it has recovered as much as it has.

Monday, August 31, 2015

What Do You Fear?

Written by Bolo on The Prepper Journal.

Editor’s Note: This article is another excellent read that has been generously contributed by Bolo. Bolo discusses the importance of training not from the aspect of crucial skills you need, but experience and comfort with the stress you will possibly feel if you are ever called to use your training in a SHTF event.   […]

The post What Do You Fear? appeared first on The Prepper Journal.

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Fermentation as a Means of Food Preservation: Part I

Today we present another article in our non-fiction writing contest –Bam Bam


Along with drying and freezing, fermentation is one of the oldest known methods of food preservation. Archeological evidence suggests humans began fermenting foods as early as the Neolithic period. Of course the chemistry involved was not understood; primitive cultures often attributed the chemical transformation of fermentation to the deities of the day. The earliest ferments were likely mead, beer, wine, leavened bread, pickled vegetables and the various fermented milk products (yogurt and...

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Monday Miscellany News Brief

1.) Labs cited for ‘serious’ security failures in research with bioterror germs : “Federal regulators have secretly threatened to revoke permits to study bioterror pathogens from at least six labs — including those operated by Brigham Young University in Utah, the University of Hawaii-Manoa and the California Department of Public Health — because they failed to take required actions to assess the behavior and trustworthiness of their workers, plus other kinds of safety violations, records obtained by USA TODAY show.”

2.) Citigroup Chief Economist Thinks Only...

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How To Make Survival Foods For Your Dog

big dog

A dog is a man’s best friend, or at least that’s what they say. It’s one of those popular wisdom kinds of things. If you ask me, a man’s best friend is his own conscience and set of skills, but we’re not trying to be philosophical, so let’s stick to dogs.

So, what do dogs and survival have in common? Well, dogs were domesticated thousands of years ago and they helped humanity a lot in terms of survival. In this case, by dogs I mean big ones, not Chihuahuas or cat-sized companion dogs, but the real deal, like a German Shepherd or a Rottweiler.

Dogs were used as avant la lettre alarms and early warning systems for protection (against wild animals for example or even in combat) and for herding and hunting. Naturally, in a SHTF situation, having your dog close, alive, happy and well-fed would be a great achievement.

Dogs can help with finding victims in the aftermath of a disaster, they can help you find food and water and they have an acute sense of orientation, so they can lead you home if you get lost. Dogs also keep you company, preventing loneliness and so on and so forth.

Basically, dogs are cool to have around, especially when it comes to survival situations. Okay, I am aware about a school of thought in the prepping community, a survival debate about “to dog or not to dog”.

Truth suffers if it’s over-analyzed, so  you’ll have to decide for yourself if a dog would be too much in a survival situation; if it would be another thing to take care of or vice-versa (if you ask me, I  think that the advantages of having a real dog in a SHTF situation outweigh the disadvantages).

In a SHTF scenario, you’ll be confronted with a lot of your own problems, so, what about your furry friend?

Today’s article will explore some options and scenarios involving survival foods for your dog. If you think that dog food is irrelevant in a survival situation, check this out: you can eat dog food if S really HTF. So, prepping with food for your precious companion is a double bang for your buck in terms of surviving. I bet you didn’t think of that before, did you?

Now, that we’ve established a clear premise, i.e. that you’ll still own a dog in the aftermath of the apocalypse, let’s explore a few possibilities in terms of survival dog food.

How and What to Feed Your Dog when SHTF?

The question becomes how and what to feed your dog when there’s no food at the pet-stores or in the groceries.

You have to realize that there were dogs around a long time ago, before Purina started making billions of dollars selling pet-food. Your grand-grandfather still had dogs and he fed them on a daily basis (hopefully). Therefore, so can you.

Dog nutrition is not rocket science, I mean our ancestors fed their dogs mostly with table scraps or they cooked their dog food using their own “recipes”. Back in the day, there weren’t hundreds of varieties of dog food at Wal-Mart for different types of dogs. For example, there was no special food for grumpy, lazy, fat, or thin specimens, like there are in present times.

Where am I going with this rationale, you may ask? Well, there are two possibilities for prepping with dog food for when SHTF; that’s what I am talking about.

The first option:  You can prepare for a bleak future with commercially available dog food. Stock it up to make provisions for your dogs. Dried dog food has up to ten years of shelf life, not to mention those “deluxe dog survival kits” and what not which can outlive the pyramids.

If you store the dried dog food properly, in a well-sealed container and in an optimum environment (stable temperatures, low humidity, no sunshine) I bet it will be still edible after more than a decade. The best thing about storing dried dog food is that you can eat it too, in case of emergencies. I mean, it’s better to eat dog food than to eat your dog or starve to death, isn’t it folks?

You can also prepare with specially formulated survival dog food, which is usually packed for long term storage in special Mylar bags that come in rodent-proof, water proof, stackable plastic buckets. It will cost you a few hundred dollars, but you can consider it an investment in your future (yours and your dog, that is).

The second option: Play it old school, like the founding fathers did. Making your own dog food is so simple that you’re going to ask yourself why you spent thousands of dollars until now on specially formulated, heavily processed, specially designed pet-chow instead of this.