Saturday, June 18, 2016

Grid Down Prepping

Written by John D on The Prepper Journal.

It’s no longer a matter of settling for canned food for dinner. If we are forced to live through a grid down scenario, it’s whether or not you’ll have any food at all. It’s about dealing with starving people, who, in their desperation, will try to forcefully take what you have.

The post Grid Down Prepping appeared first on The Prepper Journal.

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Prep Blog Review: 5 Defense Tactics Inspired By Orlando

articolOrlando has been in our prayers and in our minds these past few days.

On top of the madness, blame and suffering, there’s a sad fact. Terrorism attacks have become the 2016 reality.

And we’re on our own to get prepared and face the danger. Here’s what help I could gather from our community:

1. 16 Things You Need to Know When Caught in a Panicky Crowd or Riot


“What happens if you are stuck in a large riotous crowd?  Now this can be the result of an evacuation or bug out situation or just riots for any one of many reasons.  Now back in the early seventies I was working undercover and got caught in a couple of the anti-war riots that occurred during this period.  I even ended up on the wrong side of a police line, not the right place to be.”

Read more on Preparedness Advice.

2. How to protect your home from rioting mobs using fire as a weapon


“As the presidential political landscape takes shape, even a passive observer can tell it is looking like a violent year.  I have been taking careful notes on these developments and it should have you worried if you live in an urban area.  In particular, it has caused me to review preparations to counter fire dangers.  I have seen firsthand how fire can be used as a weapon either intentionally or inadvertently and it has awesome destructive force.  More specifically, in an urban setting, out of control fires can quickly spread and consume entire blocks in firestorms.  Now, think about your home.  How well is it protected and how prepared are you if fire is used directly or indirectly against your home?  More specifically, if the fire department can’t or won’t respond to your home because of riots and anarchy, will you be able to prevent fire from destroying it?”

Read more on Last Minute Survival.

3. Weapon Handling in an Active Killer Event


“Last weekend I taught an Active Shooter/ Active Killer response class at The Tactical Defense Institute in southern Ohio.  Myself and several other instructors presented three days of material for 27 eager students. One of the key learning points we discussed all weekend was how to avoid being mistaken for the killer if you choose to draw your pistol and respond during an active killer event.  With more and more police agencies teaching a rapid single officer response to an active shooter call combined with larger numbers of armed citizens with CCW permits, there is the very real chance that another armed responder may be on scene if you decide to engage the killer.  In a rapidly evolving stressful event like that, it’s very easy for responders to make mistakes.  It’s no good if you stop the killing only to be shot by another CCW permit holder or a responding police officer who mistakes you for the killer.”

Read more on Active Response Training.

4. Effective Practice For Concealed Carry Self Defense


“Effective self defense with a handgun involves reality based training and practice.

It needs to be practiced into ‘muscle memory’ to the extent that if and when the MOMENT arrives to use lethal force, that you will react swiftly and effectively to save your life or other innocent lives.”

Read more on Modern Survival Blog.

5. Lee Morrison – Striking To The Face

prep blog review strikeSee the video on The Survivalist Blog.


This article has been written by Brenda E. Walsh for Survivopedia

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What did you do to prep this week?

Before we get started with this weeks segment, I’d like to thank Peter W, Sherry S, Simon E, and Mike D for their contributions this week. Thank you. If you too feel that this site has helped you in some way and you would like to make a contribution via a monetary donation then you should do that here.

Okay, now what did I do to prep this week…

museum of Appalachia and while not not really a prep it does offer an opportunity to "look" into the past and see how folks lived before welfare and government handouts.

Visited the museum of Appalachia and while not really a prep it does offer an opportunity to “look” into the past and see how folks lived before welfare and government handouts.

Added a few more boxes of .22 ammo...

Added a few more boxes of .22 ammo…


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Friday, June 17, 2016

Current Events and Prepper Awareness

Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.

Recently, there were two incidents which I feel preppers should stop and take stock of. Situational awareness is broader than just your immediate surroundings, it is the world we live in and the trends swirling around us every day.

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New Invention: The Farming Fish - Growing Aquaponics and Superfoods

New Invention: The Farming Fish - Growing Aquaponics and Superfoods

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Me Singing - "In Christ Alone" - Christina Grimmie Cover - HAPPY EASTER!!

Me Singing - "In Christ Alone" - Christina Grimmie Cover - HAPPY EASTER!!

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More Violence, More Political Hay for the Left

Survivopedia hay for the left

Rahm Emanual, the mayor of Chicago, Obama’s home town, has been quoted many times as having said, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste…” But few people ever remember the end of that quote, which is the truly telling part. It goes on to say, “…And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

Leaving the grammatical mistakes aside, this quote gives us a keen insight into progressive-liberal thinking. While they try to paint themselves as the party of compassion, Democrats are anything but compassionate.

Their history makes this clear, even though their telling of it is the opposite. We must remember that it was the Democrats, not the Republicans who were and are trying to oppress the blacks. So, while they claim to support blacks today, it’s only to get their vote.

Liberals know that they can’t get their extremist agenda passed into law; so in many ways, they’ve given up trying. That’s what’s behind many of Obama’s executive actions, as well as many of the court cases that the left brings up, purely for the purpose of defining case law to mean what they want it to mean.

With this in mind, it’s no surprise that Obama has chosen to use the Orlando shooting as one more opportunity to make political hay, rather than to do anything meaningful to protect the people of the United States of America. He cares about us just about as much as Democrats in general care about blacks.

No, I’m not being cynical with this, merely observant. Time after time, Obama has used a crisis to further his political agenda, rather than to do anything worthwhile. Once again, rather than address the elephant of Radical Islam in the room, Obama has chosen to use this act of violence to claim that there’s a need for more gun control.

In the world according to Obama, it was actually a 29 year old gun named Omar Mateen walked into the Pulse Nightclub, a gay bar in Orlando, Florida and opened fire, all by itself. I’ll have to say, that was quite a gun. I’ve never seen a gun that can walk, let alone one that has the mental capacity to pick its own targets, based on its religious/political views. Obviously, my guns are defective, or just too darn lazy to do what the president says that guns are supposed to do.

It’s become like a broken record, with Obama repeating the same talking points over and over again, each and every time that some Islamic radical or crazed young man goes off and kills a bunch of people. His total disregard for the facts and his total denial of the reality of radical Islam has turned his response to these attacks into a circus side-show, rather than a meaningful response from the man who is supposed to be the most powerful man in the world.

But maybe this time was just a little different. Obama did say that they (meaning his administration) believes this to be a terrorist act, as well as a hate crime. Of course, that statement didn’t include anything about the killer being a Muslim extremist or his ties to ISIS. Nor does it admit the fact of Islamic terrorism. But that’s all right, as far as ISIS is concerned, because they took credit for the act themselves, rather than waiting for Obama to do it for them.

Perhaps Obama’s use of the term terrorist was nothing more than a precursor to his blaming this horrific act of violence on right-wing terrorists, as he has done before. I guess you could say that Muslims are conservative in one regard though, as they want to keep things the way they used to be, back in the sixth century. But they aren’t the same sort of conservatives as we have here in the USA.

Video first seen on Thisthatamazing.

So thanks to Obama’s failure to tell the truth and place the blame where it belongs, all he’s accomplished is to stoke the political fires and show how ineffective he is as a leader. As for any meaningful response, especially one that goes after the enemies who perpetrated this act of war, we’ll have to wait for the next president to come along.

Of course, that depends on who the next president will be. Hillary is in the same camp as Obama in a number of things, most specifically her feelings towards Muslims. She has made plenty of statements showing that she supports them over US citizens. And we can’t forget that Hillary, like Obama, was indicted in Egypt for their support of the Muslim Brotherhood, a known Muslim extremist organization. She seems also responsible for allowing our ambassador to be killed in Baghdad, while not raising a finger in his defense. Rather, she made a premeditated attack on a YouTube video and its maker.

So we can expect Hillary’s reaction to these attacks to be the same as Obama’s, ignoring them for what they are, and calling for greater and more restrictive gun control. After all, the more they can do to take the guns away from the people, the better they can control the people.

What Makes the Difference?

But there may be something even more sinister in wanting to take the guns away from honest citizens. Could it be that Obama, Clinton and others are actually in cahoots with the Muslim terrorists? Could their efforts to disarm the public actually be in preparation for an all-out Muslim invasion? Could they actually be so sold out to the Muslims, that they are willing to work to create an open field for them, where Muslims would have no opposition to their killing sprees?

Apparently there were no armed citizens in that bar, who could defend themselves and stop the gunman from killing others. The left will try to use that, unrealistically I might add, to show how useless a good guy with a gun is. But in doing so, they will have to ignore the work of the Orlando police, good guys with guns, who ultimately brought the killer down.

It is clear that Obama, Clinton and their cabal have missed the import of this incident, along with that of San Bernardino, California. These are clear acts of war, propagated by a terrorist organization which is calling itself a country, the Islamic State. They have declared war on us and invaded our country; and yet our political leadership is doing nothing in response. Where is the outcry from Washington? Where is the national call to arms? Where is the condemnation of the criminal government that stands behind this incident?

This was not “homegrown terrorism” as the left would have us believe. The shooter was a Muslim who declared his ties to ISIS. His parents were immigrants from Afghanistan, a Muslim country; and even though they condemn the killing their son wrought, they are the ones who brought him up in the Muslim faith. Yes, he was born on American soil, but his act of terrorism had nothing to do with that. It was an act of Islamist outrage that people would live differently than the way that they demand.

As a conservative and a Christian, I cannot and will not condone homosexuality. But as a former member of our military, I have stood to protect the homosexual way of life. How they choose to live is their decision, and as long as they do not hurt anyone else in the process, it is their right.

I imagine I could find many other conservatives, Christians and service members who would agree with me on that. But none of us would walk into a gay bar and open fire. Yet Omar Mateen felt he had the right to do so, just because he was offended by two gay men kissing. Hey, I don’t like seeing men kiss each other either, but that’s their business. My appropriate response is to look away.

War has been declared on us by Islam in general. The Islamic State itself has declared war on us. Oh, they blame it on the United States and Obama’s drone war, but that’s mere smoke and mirrors. They declared war on us, killing Americans and our allies, long before we fired our first shot. Have we forgotten 9/11?

President Bush was right to declare the War on Terror in the wake of 9/11. Regardless of the effectiveness of his actions and the accuracy of his information in attacking Iraq, he did so in the propagation of that war. He recognized the enemy and went after it; fighting the war on enemy ground, rather than giving them the opening to continue attacking us here at home. The result? There were no more terrorist attacks on American soil during the rest of his presidency.

Yet today we mourn the seventh such attack on American soil, since Obama took office. These attacks are accelerating. With the frequency between them shortening. Why? Because we have made no effective response. Our enemy only understands strength; yet we have shown them nothing but weakness.

Say what you want about Donald Trump, he has promised to do something about Muslim extremism in this country. While I don’t particularly like him as a presidential candidate, I feel confident that he won’t just sit by and condemn guns, when it is Muslim killers who need to be condemned. He may not yet have the knowledge of how he will do that, but it is clear that he has no intention of allowing these attacks to continue unanswered.

Should Trump win the election, I feel confident that one of his first actions will be to demand that the military and perhaps the Department of Homeland Security, provide him with real plans for dealing with ISIS. It may not happen the first day, or even the first week, but the order will go out.

It is time to stop Islam in its tracks. They can have their religion and they can worship their god. But they have no right to subjugate the world and they have no right to attack American soil. It is time for a strong response and we need a strong leader, who can provide that response. Anything less will lead to the continued shedding of American lives.


This article has been written by Bill White for Survivopedia.


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Thursday, June 16, 2016

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Exclusive: 6 More US Cities Targeted By ISIS Listed

Exclusive: 6 More US Cities Targeted By ISIS Listed

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Surviving Deliciously: 5 Dry Canned Meals In Jars

Survivopedia 5 meals in jars

You know those cool brownie mixes in a mason jar that some people give as gifts? Well, let’s take that one step further and apply the concept to prepping.

Dry canning entire meals has several benefits, and today we’ll take a look at them, and I’ll share some recipes, too.

In my article about dry canning, I discuss the methods of dry canning in detail but to sum it up, it’s canning dried foods instead of wet foods using dry heat or oxygen absorbers. The process is much easier wet canning but if you plan to use meat, you’ll want to use freeze-dried instead of dehydrated to really extend the shelf life. There are several reputable places to purchase all sorts of dehydrated and freeze-dried foods online.

5 Reasons to Dry Can Meals in Jars

You have your stockpile neatly organized. Green beans with green beans, pasta with pasta, etc. The boxes are lined up and the bags of flour and sugar are stacked, so why in the world would you want to throw a wrench in the spokes?

Better and Easier

Well, because dry canning an entire meal makes your stockpile better and easier. You can make several of the same meal all at once so that you don’t have open containers.

Keeps Bugs Out

The lights are out and the grocery stores are empty. Fortunately, you stockpiled plenty of sugar and flour, so all you have to do is build a fire and mix up some biscuits or pancakes, right? Sounds awesome, until you pour out about 100 little bugs along with your flour and sugar. Dry-canning seals out the bugs that can get into boxes and bags.

Take the Guesswork Out of Meal Planning

It’s tough for many to plan how many boxes of spaghetti, cans of peas, or cups of flour you’ll need per person per week, but if you have one meal for 4 in a quart jar (that’s about average), then that’s one meal you don’t have to worry about. No dividing cups of flour by number of people.

Keep Meals Interesting

One of the hardest things that many people who have survived catastrophe report is the need to eat the same foods over and over again. Yes, beans and rice will nourish you (sort of), but do you really want to eat variants of it daily? That may be your only option if you store food separately and have to bug out.

You can dry can soups, chili mixes, a variety of breakfast and dinner dishes, and even desserts so that you have wide variety of meals pre-made and ready to go. Many of these only require water. If you decide to bug out (or are forced to), you can always pour the contents of the jar into a plastic bag along with the recipe and toss it in your bug-out bag so you’ll have complete meals along the way. Lightweight, easy, delicious, and nutritious.

Great Way to Save Money

The cost of these recipes varies from $1 to $8 per quart jar full, not counting the price of the jar. Compare that to the cost of MREs made for camping and it’s almost mind-boggling how much you can save just doing it yourself! Once you get the hang of things, start making your own recipes and come back here to share them with us.


5 Recipes for Dry Canned Meals in Jars

OK, now that we’ve talked about some of the benefits of dry-canning meals in jars, let’s get down to the recipes. 

Penne with Mushrooms and Sausage

  • 2/3 cup tomato powder
  • 1 tsp. garlic powder
  • 1/2 cup freeze dried onion
  • 2 tbsp. freeze dried spinach
  • 2 tsp. Italian seasoning
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. marjoram
  • Small pinch of thyme
  • 2 Tbsp. dried cheese blend
  • 1 tsp. sugar
  • 1 cup sausage crumble
  • About 1 cup penne (or whatever pasta you like)
  • 1/3 cup freeze dried mushrooms
  • 2 Tbsp. diced carrots

If you have extra room, stuff more pasta in. Remember to keep gently shaking/tapping the jar to settle the ingredients as you add them to the jar.

Directions: Pour the contents of a jar into a large skillet and add 4 1/2-5 cups simmering water. Simmer for 15 minutes or until pasta is cooked and the sauce is thickened, stirring frequently. Add a bit more water if necessary.

Cheesy Hamburger Macaroni

You can make this cheesy if you want, or you can skip the cheese and just make it cream of soup – style. You can also substitute a couple of cheese sauce packets from mac and cheese for first 4 ingredients. You can also add some freeze-dried veggies if you’d like, if there’s room or if you’re using Mylar bags.

  • 2 tbsp. sour cream powder
  • 1/4 cup corn starch
  • 2 tsp. chicken bouillon granules
  • 1/2 cup freeze-dried cheddar cheese
  • 1 tbsp. dried onion
  • 1/4 cup instant non-fat dry milk
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 2 cups elbow macaroni
  • ½ cup freeze-dried ground beef
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric (adds color and nutritional value)

Directions: Pour contents of jar along with 6 cups of water into a large skillet. Bring to a boil and cover. Reduce to a simmer for 12 minutes or until pasta is tender, stirring frequently. Sauce will thicken as it cools.

Universal Bread Mix (or Cinnamon Roll Mix) in a Jar

Bread really helps you stretch portions and this recipe yields about a 10-inch loaf of bread or a dozen rolls. It’s great for breakfast cinnamon rolls, too. When sealed, this mix will store for at least 3 years.

  • 2 tbsp. instant potato flakes
  • 2 tbsp. granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp. instant non-fat dry milk
  • 1tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp. powdered butter
  • 3 cups + 2 tbsp. bread flour (feel free to substitute 1/2 cup whole grain flour for ½ cup of the bread flour if you’d like)
  • 1 packet rapid-rise yeast

Pour the bread mix into a bowl and add the yeast. Add 1 cup warm water stir until it’s kneadable (is that a word?). You’ll need to add a bit more water, but do so slowly until the dough is elastic – neither dry nor sticky.

Knead for 5 minutes then shape into round ball and cover, rubbing a tsp or so of oil over the top to keep it from drying out. Allow to rise until double in size (60-90 min). Punch down, knead for a couple more minutes and shape into loaf or rolls. Allow to rise again.

Bake at 425 degrees F for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake for another 20 minutes. To make cinnamon rolls, just roll the dough out after the first rise, slather with butter, sugar and cinnamon, roll it up, slice it, and follow the directions listed above, though baking time may be a bit less.

Breakfast Sausage and Egg Hash

We all need breakfast, and this one is hearty and delicious. Keep the egg mixture separate from the meat and potatoes because they only take a few minutes, whereas the meat and potatoes will take several minutes to rehydrate.

I like to add a pack of sausage gravy mix to the jar, too. I just slide it down the side of the jar and press it to the glass so that it doesn’t take up much space.

Place directly in jar:

  • 1 packet country gravy mix (use mix that requires water, not milk)
  • 2 cups diced dehydrated potatoes
  • 1 cup freeze-dried sausage (the real stuff)
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. pepper

Put in small fold-top sandwich baggie on top of potatoes and sausage in the jar:

  • 1/3 cup powdered eggs
  • 1/3 cup freeze dried cheddar cheese or cheese powder
  • 1/3 cup freeze dried bell peppers (optional but nutritious)
  • 2 tbsp. freeze dried mushrooms (again, optional)

Directions: Combine the first 4 ingredients in a large skillet along with 4 cups of boiling water. Let them rehydrate, then drain any extra water. Cook for 10-15 minutes.

While the potatoes/sausage mix is cooking, combine the egg baggie with 2/3 cup cold water (only 1/3 if you didn’t add the veggies) and whisk together well. Let it rehydrate for 5 minutes, then cook in a separate skillet, or pour right in over the potatoes and sausage when they’re nearly done and cook them all together for the last few minutes.

Make gravy as directed on packet and pour over the sausage/potatoes/eggs.

Scalloped Potatoes and Ham Skillet Meal

Tip: Substitute 2 boxes of scalloped potatoes along with the cheese mix for the first 3 ingredients. Of course, if you buy in bulk, making the recipe as written will be much more cost-effective.

Tip: To make it vegetarian, substitute other veggies for the ham. Good choices include broccoli, peas or other greens that will add nutrition.

  • 2 1/2 cups dehydrated potato slices
  • 2/3 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup powdered cheese sauce
  • 1/2 cup instant milk
  • 2 tbsp. dried onion
  • 1/2 cup freeze dried ham (no substitutions)
  • 2 tbsp. freeze-dried carrots
  • 1/2 cup freeze dried mushrooms
  • 2 tbsp. butter powder
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. black pepper

Pour ingredients of jar into a large skillet and add 6 cups of water. Stir to mix while bringing to a simmer. Simmer for 12 minutes or until potatoes and ham are tender. Sauce will thicken as it cools.

And here’s another one:

Video first seen on Linda’s Pantry.

3 Tips to Remember 

And here are some tips to do it right:

Tip: Once you have the jar sealed, label the lid and place the recipe inside of fold-over sandwich bag and tape it to the outside of the jar. I do this for two reasons:  it keeps the directions from fading or smearing, and if I want to pour the meal into a large zipper bag to take with me on the fly, I can peel the directions off and toss them in the bag, too.

Tip: For pasta dishes, I add the pasta first, then add the spices so that they settle through the pasta instead of taking up space at the bottom.

Tip: Instead of using jars, you can always use Mylar bags if you’d like, though that can get expensive and the bags aren’t rodent-proof.

These are just a few recipes to get you started and in the right frame of mind. I wanted to include some go-to recipes that include breakfast, pasta, potatoes, and bread so that you have a good base. I really recommend using oxygen absorbers instead of the oven method, especially in meat or egg dishes. That way, you know that the oxygen levels in the jar are nil or almost nil so that bacteria can’t grow.

There is much more to find out about long term food storage. Click on the banner below for more knowledge on homesteading and survival!

the lost ways cover

Now, start thinking and experimenting so you can share some ideas with the rest of us! If you’ve already made up some meals in a jar, please tell us about your experience (and share your recipe!) in the comments section below.

This article has been written by Theresa Crouse for Survivopedia.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Orlando Shootings: More To Come, What To Do

by Joe Alton, MD, co-author, The Survival Medicine Handbook

In the sad aftermath of the Orlando shootings that killed or injured more than 100 people, it has become clear to me that we’re in for a rough ride for the foreseeable future.

You might think that the “success” achieved by Omar Mateen in executing his terror event was a fluke. The sheer number of casualties was the most ever on American soil. The complexities of Mr. Mateen’s relationship with the community, having apparently visited the PULSE nightclub on multiple occasions, must make this a rare circumstance, right?...

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Lessons From History – Eating Well Off Home Food Preservation

Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal.

Growing and storing foods is commonly a goal we strive for as we seek self-sufficiency. The easiest and fastest way to store foods is, of course, just dumping it into a root cellar or grain bin or barn, although not everything does so hot with that treatment.

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Six or Seven EDC Lessons You May Not Have Seen In Print Until Now

A guest post by Randall B

Preparedness began for me with Hurricanes. I am slow, but after several severe storms struck Houston, followed by many weeks of power outages and food shortages etc., I finally got with it and started to prepare.

Lesson 1: it is never too late to start. (You might have seen this one in print) Food, fuel, cash were first, followed by a Berkey water filtration unit (try explaining that one to a resistant spouse), propane stove, and lots of propane. Last came the everyday carry bag (EDC). Frankly this was last because it seemed the least important. Boy was I wrong.


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Basic Survival Food From Your Garden: Beans

Survivopedia beans

As homesteaders, and preppers, we’re always looking for things that are versatile, easy to store and carry, and cheap.

Well, there’s one food that meets all of these criteria and then some: beans. They have a ton of health and survival benefits and are easy to grow and dry.

To Bean or Not to Bean? 

Why you should grow or stockpile beans for survival? There are at least four reasons to include beans in your stash.

High Protein

You can grow a beautiful garden and have a ton of veggies and fruits stored, but you likely won’t have much high-quality meat if the end of the world as we know it (TEOTWAWKI) happens.

You can always hunt for it if it’s safe or even possible, but it’s good to have a substitute on hand. Beans have more than enough protein to get you through; 14-16 grams per cup.

One concern though; unlike meat, beans aren’t a complete protein; they lack a few essential amino acids. Pair them with brown rice, oatmeal, nuts or other plant-based proteins and you’ll round it out. In fact, beans and rice is a great carb/protein/fiber combination packed with vitamins and minerals that will feed a ton of people for practically nothing.

Packed with Fiber

Foods high in soluble fiber are beneficial for several reasons that are beneficial for us, especially in a survival situation. Fiber keeps your digestive tract clean, which helps prevent all sorts of illnesses from constipation to colon cancer.

Soluble fiber attaches to cholesterol particles and carry them out of your body, so it naturally lowers cholesterol (goodbye statins that won’t be available if SHTF) and helps prevent heart disease.

Fiber helps you stay fuller longer because it takes longer to digest. Because of this, beans have a low glycemic index, which means that they’re good for diabetics. This could be critical in a survival situation when insulin may not be available. Bonus: if you’re trying to lose weight, feeling full longer helps keep you from overeating.

That’s always a good thing!

Packed with Nutrients and Antioxidants

Beans have a ton of minerals including folate, copper, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, potassium and zinc. All of these are considered minerals that most people don’t eat enough of, so beans can help round out your diet now and keep you healthy when SHTF.

Beans contain antioxidants, specifically phytosterols and isoflavones, that protect your body from all sorts of illnesses, including different types of cancer, premature aging, and cardiovascular disease.

Beans are Versatile

You can do a kazillion things with beans. You can make baked beans, ham beans, bean soup, bean dip, refried beans, beans for salad; the list goes on. It would be hard to get tired of beans, especially if you have a variety of them.

OK already – beans are good for you, but how do you turn those beans in your garden into those nice dried beans found in the grocery isle that will keep forever? You’re going to be surprised how easy it is.

What Kind of Beans Should you Grow?

Honestly, I personally don’t grow beans because the yield doesn’t merit the effort right now. For instance, you’ll have to grow at least 25 pinto bean plants to yield 1 lb. of beans, and that’s assuming maximum yield. It may take more than 100 plants to yield that.

To put it in perspective, you’d need about a 10-foot row to yield 1 pound. Of course, if you’re in a survival situation and live on a large lot of land (which I don’t have at the moment), then you may want to plant them. Right now, I’d rather use that space to grow veggies I can preserve and just buy my beans.

But if you do decide to grow beans, here you go: Good dry beans include pintos, great northerns, cranberries, limas, kidneys, garbanzos and navys.

types of beans

Dry beans grow best in warm, dry climates and need good draining soil to keep from molding before they germinate. You may want to start your beans inside because you can’t put them outside until the threat of frost has passed. Also, you want them to mature in the fall because they won’t drop pods if the temperature is above 80 degrees. F.

Grow them in full sun and keep the soil around them loose, well-drained, and well fertilized with your compost. Depending on the bean, they’ll take from 70-120 to reach harvest. In warm, dry climates, the beans will likely dry themselves right on the plant; when the leaves have turned brown and the pods are crunchy, try the beans. They’re ready if you can’t bite them.

You want to get them in before the frost or fall rains even if they’re not dry yet; hang them in the barn or cellar or somewhere else where it’s dry until they’re ready to store. You could also spread them out on a flat screen in the sunshine or another warm place. Pods will split open when they’re completely dry.

You’ll have to remove them from the shells (thus the name “shell beans”) then remove the thresh from them, then store them in an airtight container.

Beans grow great next to bush beans, cucumbers, corn, potatoes, rosemary, strawberries and celery. Don’t plant them with onions, kohlrabi, or beets. Also, don’t

The good thing about storing (or growing) beans now is that if you need them, they’re versatile. You can sprout them to make great, protein- and nutrient-rich salad ingredients. You can also use them to feed your livestock – check out my article on 14 Cheap Ways to Feed Your Chickens.

The plant scraps make good scratch for your chickens, too.

Some Beans Make Good Flours

If it comes down to it, beans can make a great, protein-rich flour. Garbanzo flour is popular today with organic bakers, especially for people who are gluten-intolerant.

The downside to this is that beans are tough to grind into flour – you’ll need a home mill because, unlike herbs, you can’t grind them in your blender or coffee mill. Again, it will take a ton (not literally) of beans to make even a pound of flour, so you may just want to buy it.

Beans belong in your stockpile, in large quantities if you’re prepping for a long-term survival event. When cooking them, remember that they contain a mild toxin that causes gastrointestinal issues such as gas and bloating. Kidney beans contain a more extreme toxin and eating raw or undercooked kidney beans can make you extremely ill, and can even kill you.


Read our article How to Rehydrate And Prepare Your Preserved Food to avoid the mistake some people are making when cooking dried beans.

If you want to grow them, you’re not alone – many people enjoy growing beans. Be aware though that if you’re going to do it, plant plenty of them because the yield is low.

Beans really are the ideal survival food. They’re nutritious, versatile, cheap, lightweight, and easy to store. Plus, they keep for a long time.

If you’ve grown dry beans, please tell us about what types of beans you grew, what problems, if any, you had, and what your yield was in the comments section below.


This article has been written by Theresa Crouse for Survivopedia.

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Bloom Where You’re Planted

A guest post by Karen

A lot is written about the perfect retreat, that lovely cabin surrounded by the forest serenaded by a babbly creek with fresh cool water. A few chickens roam the securely fenced compound and a fence of screen wire keeps them out of the thriving vegetable patch, so verdant that it’s trying to creep underneath the fence.

For how many of us is that actually reality? If you can’t afford that dream, should you give up on prepping? Should all of your resources go towards getting out of the city? Should you give up a good job and relocate, hoping for the best?


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Peter Schiff: This Collapse Will Be Worse Than The Great Depression

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June 15, 2016 Miscellany News Brief

1.) All Signs Point to Big Financial Crash in 2016: Financial writer Bill Holter says there are many signs that are signaling big trouble in 2016.

2.) Orlando Victims Died Because They Were Unarmed – Not Because They Were Gay: The reality is that terrorist attacks of small and medium scale are likely to become a monthly or weekly occurrence in the U.S. and the EU as we close in on the end of the year. Get used to the idea, because this problem is not going to go away while our own governments are aiding and even funding the very psychopaths that they are supposed to be protecting people...

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Site Planning for Your Survival Homestead

Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal.

A great deal can go into site planning for your survival homestead, even when the infrastructure is already in place and funds don’t exist to renovate lines or move buildings. Where we place things can increase or decrease our defensive abilities, success in growing, and how likely we are to see something – which can be good or bad

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From Orlando With Rage: Attacked By Terrorists But NOT Terrorized

Survivopedia from Orlando with rage

If you’re a regular reader, you’ve probably read some of my articles; I usually write about fun, informational stuff but not today. I live in Orlando, the City Beautiful. The land of flip-flops and Mickey Mouse, beaches and motorcycles, college kids and retirees.

On Sunday, Orlando was ground zero for the largest mass shooting in US history. My city was attacked by an ISIS-affiliated terrorist, and I’m really pissed.

Sunday morning, I went outside to walk my dogs, still half-asleep, before I turned on my TV and learned that some no-good, nut job, wife-beating jerk had decided that it was his right to judge and lethally punish a bar full of innocent people just because he didn’t like the way they lived. There were about 300 people inside Pulse Orlando, and over 1/3 of them were murdered or injured.

Pulse had a young following, so most of the dead were in their 20s and early 30s. Kids, really. According to reports, the shooter (I refuse to name him because he was just a lowly, cowardly sheep) scoped out Downtown Disney and Pulse. He chose the club because it was a “gay club”.

While it’s true that Pulse had a large LGBT following, it wasn’t exclusively that, nor were all the victims gay. Even if they were, they sure as hell didn’t deserve to be gunned down for it.

Orlando is my home as well as a prime destination for vacationers of all sorts. It’s supposed to be a place of fun; a place where fantasies are real and dreams come true. Yes, I realize that’s mostly an illusion created by commercialism, but to me, it’s true. Florida is my little slice of paradise and I’m enraged that some lowly hater spilled a river of blood in my streets.

What I’ve realized today is that the REAL illusion is the one of peace and safety that we all create.

I’ve known that security is an illusion for a long time now. That’s why I enjoy contributing to Survivopedia; I drink my own Kool Aid. I know that world-changing events are always just right around the corner, but on Sunday, I was shoved around that corner before I’d even had my morning coffee.

At least I was fortunate enough to live through the night; that’s more than what 49 of my fellow Orlandians were gifted with.


I’m sure that you’ve all been watching events unfold from afar, but let me bring it home a little bit for you. The news has been stating that they couldn’t release the names of all of the victims until the families had been notified; the truth is that families couldn’t be notified until the bodies were identified. Until just a few hours ago, they were still removing bullet-riddled corpses from Pulse.

For nearly 24 hours after the attack, Orlando Regional Medical Center was on lock-down just trying to handle the massive influx of wounded and dead kids. Nine died after arrival and several more are still in critical condition.

In total, 49 people were killed and another 53 were wounded. Three blocks around the club were blocked off for more than 24 hours so that bodies could be recovered without being filmed.

Just now, as I’m writing this piece, they released the name of the final, 49th victim: Stanley Almodovar III, age 23. He was a pharmacy tech described as humble and kind. He hadn’t even started living before he was gunned down by a psycho.

11 members of the Orlando Anarchy, our women’s football team, were there celebrating the end of the season with their friends and significant others. One of the boyfriends was killed. Another woman, a mother and wife, was there celebrating a birthday. Now she’s dead. This isn’t a faceless crime.

We Will Stay United

Over the years, I’ve sat in front of my television and watched as terrorists took the lives of people all over the world. I’ve felt a somewhat detached anger and sorrow for those people who lost so much, but there was always a certain degree of separation. Yesterday, that separation was shattered.

I’ve watched as my city has responded and I’m proud. O-Town is a pretty liberal place. Our culture is diverse and our politics, like the victims in this attack, run from one end of the rainbow to the other. We have die-hard bikers and hookah-smoking hipsters. Families visit Disney and business people conduct corporate retreats.

The one thing that we all share is that this is our home and we’ve come together grandly. There was a desperate need for O-negative and AB-positive blood and people of all races, religions, and sexual persuasions stood in line for 8 hours to donate.

Families had nowhere to stay and hotels gave out free rooms. Restaurants gave free meals and volunteers donated countless hours of time. Business signs removed their ads and ran banners of support. Demonstrators stood on corners with signs declaring that we refuse to be drowned in despair.


We came together in love to fight the bloody results of hate. Our flags are flying at half-mast but we are still Americans; we refuse to buckle under the weight of terrorism.

Gun Control Is NOT the Solution

Sadly, our situation is not the first of its kind; we already have a precedent to follow. People are going to be shocked, then, inevitably, we’re going to try to make sense of the senseless. The enemy seems like smoke, there then gone. How do we fight that?

Whispers about gun control become roars because that’s the only way some people can think of to prevent this from happening again. We look to things that we can control, because it’s human nature in the face of tragedy. That’s happening here already.

People on one side of the fence are screaming about the fact that the murderer, who had been interviewed twice by the FBI, bought his guns legally. Obviously (to them), gun laws need tightened.

People on the other side of the fence (me included) are wondering if things would have been different had even one person in that club been armed. We also keep saying again and again that guns don’t kill people; people kill people.

Chicago has the tightest gun laws in the country, as well as the highest murder rates; how are those gun laws working out for them?

Gun regulation isn’t the answer because the only people who are going to follow the laws aren’t the ones who are going to go out and shoot people anyway. That seems to be a fact that people tend to overlook.

The bottom line is that nobody can stop hate. You can’t fix crazy. No amount of immigration laws or gun laws, or regulations of any sort are going to stop somebody bent on committing heinous acts.

All we can do is be alert and be prepared. We can’t let fear rule our lives but it would be naively stupid to think that something like this isn’t going to happen again because, unfortunately, it will.

I’m glad the police killed the punk. My only regrets are that he killed so many before somebody got him and that his death was so quick.

Orlando has its share of crime, but for the most part, I’ve always felt safe here. I still do; just now I’ll feel a little safer when I’m carrying my 9 mil, because you can bet your bottom dollar that I’ll be on high alert even as I continue to enjoy my life in the land of sandcastles and fairy princesses.

THAT is my right, and nobody is going to take it from me without a fight.

To all the friends and families of the victims of the Orlando shooting, you have my deepest sympathies. To everybody else, be vigilant.

On Sunday, this happened in my town; tomorrow it could happen in yours.


This article has been written by Theresa Crouse for Survivopedia.

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Monday, June 13, 2016

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Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast - Institutionalizing Urgency, Part 2

Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast - Institutionalizing Urgency, Part 2

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Orlando Massacre: War On America Declared And Already Lost?

Survivopedia war on america

what if they had a war…and nobody came?” – Old Viet Nam Era Hippy Peace Slogan.

So why are we not fighting back?

Because it took less than a few hours after this horrific attack in Orlando–when the sickening pools of blood on the dance floor were still wet and slippery–for political activists like Geraldine Thompson in Florida to be shamelessly giving news soundbites that again were blaming only the guns, the lack of universal background checks, and the availability of ammo and high cap magazines as the real cause of the Orlando Massacre!

And she went on to say that gun control–instead of a concentrated anti-Islamist state counter attack–will be what she will be talking about with the governor of Florida! Shame on you, Senator Thompson!

The agenda based media was also more interested in figuring out why it “took so long” for the police to breach the area where Omar Mateen was holding the hostages. This instead of asking questions like are we going to have to wait until these radical Muslims detonate a suitcase nuke (about 30 of them are not accounted for anymore and classified as missing from certain world arsenals), and next time kill 50…THOUSAND Americans before making pertinent inquiries of the government like when are we going to have a serious WAR against the ISIS Caliphate in the Middle East?!

The police departments responding in Orlando handled the situation flawlessly in my not so humble professional experience and training. And until some of the Mainstream Media reporters start rushing into harm’s way themselves to save us, they should quit trying to humiliate heroic police work by asking such stupid questions!

My own tactical curiosity is piqued, however, with things like why weren’t there more civilians inside that club carrying concealed? Why was there only a single armed security guard? That club surely could afford a couple more?

Reporters with the mainstream media should be more concerned with better arming the citizen’s early response teams and coordinating additional cooperation with departments in watch patrols in critical target areas. They’d get more than enough volunteers with ex-military or LEO experience to make a serious difference.

Also why wasn’t this Omar Mateen “scrutinized” a little more after the FBI first investigated him for his terrorist affiliations in 2013? Then again in 2014? I mean, Omar Mateen wasn’t just exercising his 1st/A rights talking bad about government injustice like the Malheur Oregon protestors did, but who eventually died or were arrested because of it? Mateen actually was associating with a known ISIS terrorist bomber!

I mean, there are no problems with the FBI keeping continuous tabs on Patriot Militias or with Police State officers immediately disarming people without due process with so-called domestic violence potential assumptions. Or seizing (prohibiting you from possessing) your cash that they merely think has been associated with the crime of drug dealing.

And how about your doctors being able to legally summarily disarm you also without due process if they simply believe you might become violently dangerous? So in as much as all these Extreme Crime Prevention and Public Safety measures swim in the deep sea waters of agenda base misguided anti-Constitutional overreach, shouldn’t serious potential participants in an active shooting War against civilian Americans at least be considered fish in the same ocean?

So why did the FBI apparently screw up with this Mateen Muslim in the same way they did with the Tzarnov brothers in the Boston Bombings? How did this guy slip through the cracks this time with all the money allocated and the availability of super stealth technology for unfettered, unaccountable secret spying on the general populate?

I’ll Tell You Why

Because this regime doesn’t consider association with known enemy of the state criminals for similar criminal interests as bad of a crime as American law-abiding citizens owning guns, and the totalitarian State’s agenda based need to confiscate them.

Make no mistake. The FBI is highly competent at what they do. Their only limitations on case successes are the restrictions and misdirected and highly questionable legal priorities put upon them by the Administration that “owns” them.

Ironically, but insidiously, I guarantee this administration will use this Orlando tragedy to find a way to further restrict regular non terrorist Americans from obtaining guns, but NOT known Muslims who have clear indicators of potential very dangerous radicalization.

The Big Stupid Question

A lot of what we are hearing on the news in response to this attack in terms of proactive solutions to the Orlando attack is “How can we prevent this in the future?”

Amidst the after-shock and confusion and mainstream media crap hyperbole, a few bright voices in a dark political agenda wilderness this morning put for the unabashed truth.

Newt Gingrich had the correct answer. His answer boils down to “Head ‘em off at the pass” (in their own Arab lands) once and for all with some good old fashioned “search and destroy” missions against them. Until they’re ALL GONE. Period!

Noted Fox News foreign terrorism expert Dr. Sebastian Gorka stated that we shouldn’t be shocked. This has been predicted by terrorism experts for years. And it’s going to get worse. Gorka stated that the “lone wolf concept is an intentional administrative obfuscation to keep the people stupid about the fact that ALL these mass killings are really well ‘orchestrated’ by the ISIS state caliphate. There are no lone wolves. They all connect back and are instigated by ISIS.

Video first seen on mauriedee.

This specious redirect is constructed into a format that the Totalitarians can manipulate within the domestic terrorism scam/fraud to use to eventually disarm the People. This regime is not really that concerned with Islamist terrorism as they are with what they consider to be domestic Patriot opposition to their Totalitarian control agenda. Which they will put into the “domestic terrorism” category to eventually neutralize them.

Dr. Zhudi Jasser, an American citizen Muslim of an entirely different Islamic ideology which clearly voices strong opposition to ISIS said this morning that the U.S. “…needs to declare war against and fight radical theocratic Jihadists.”

Why Is This Really Happening?

For all you false flag aficionados you might want to think outside your box on this one.

Why does an agenda based Totalitarian Administration have to plot their own false flag event, when all they have to do is NOT recognize that we have an in progress, not “Un”-declared guerilla war happening on U.S. soil, designed to terrorize and bring down our nation–and loudly announced in advance by clearly identifiable enemies, as a clear, target focused threat?

For Christ Sake, the ISIS Islamist State just also announced officially and proudly today that they are responsible for the Orlando Act of War!

And Obama knew this before his press conference this afternoon that was the expected obligatory leftist agenda based obfuscation of what really happened. Pitifully, but as usual, he still did not identify a radical Islamist Jihadist for what he is.

Obama referred to this Islamic State act of war as simply another “act of terrorism that is yet to be identified”. And he said it even though he had to have been briefed first and foremost that this Islamist soldier Omar Mateen was, indeed, a radically influenced Muslim Jihadist who was shouting Allah au Akbar as he slaughtered innocent civilians, which the Agent in charge in Orlando verified along with other obvious and solid motive indicators.

But, of course, the only specific that the Prez seemed sure of was that it was a “crime of hate”? Obviously a reference to the extreme anti-gay religionist obsession of targeting an LGBT bar.

And also, as usual, he shamelessly had the nerve to take advantage of this tragedy to obscenely put in a plug for his gun confiscation agenda by once again nauseatingly blaming easy availability of firearms as the “real cause” of this act of war on our soil.

He must really think we are all stupid sheeple. Didn’t this Muslim Jihadist pass the background check to get his murder weapon? Which too many times again proves that gun control NEVER works…

I wonder how many hundreds more of innocent American lives will be lost by denying the truth and not declaring war against a foreign invasion, and petitioning Congress for launching an all- out counter attack against the enemy Islamist State Caliphate throughout their lands in the Middle East?

I ask you here honestly, and with sincerity, Mr. President; as an American Combat veteran who served honorably, and will die a Patriot if he must, what do you think this does to my own, and other Vet’s, morale to know that you are trading a few million Muslim votes in November for the potential of allowing the deaths of countless Americans by not declaring war, seriously tightening the immigration system and borders, and bombing the enemy countries until they are no longer and will never again maintain the ability to attack us again?

And you are even allowing hundreds of so-called refugees illegal entry without even the most basic effective vetting when there is verifiable expert assessment that it is guaranteed that there are ISIS infiltrators among them?

You are pulling the same political duplicity for your own party gains as you did with your crony Hillary in Benghazi when closing in on your last election campaign? Sacrificing American lives to win an election. Up until today, I didn’t urge anyone to watch 13 hours. I felt it was too inciting for the average American against our government…perhaps in the wrong way?

But now I’m going to watch it EVERY DAY! And I’m going to keep watching and watching and spreading the word that every American should watch it as much as I can.

Because One Thing is for Sure, America Will Prevail!

Remember that America is NOT Paris, whose immediate government reaction to their attack–amazingly–was to implement even more absolutely way out useless gun control measures against their already heavily disarmed people. So I’ve got more breaking news for the Potus and his minions, which includes a new Declaration of Independence from totalitarian destruction of our beloved country.

We, the REALLY pissed off People of the United States of America, won’t take this kind of rubbish much longer.

Either from the enemy Jihadists, or from our own political leaders who for all practical purposes are apparently aiding and abetting the enemy by default. If our military is not all out actively and intensely destroying the enemy very soon, in a war which has been openly declared on us, then we are already losing that war!

But wait just one freaking minute! The U.S. of A. NEVER loses wars?

Then what the hell in this nutjob world is going on here?

The Final Question

There are questions remaining in the continuing investigation of this Islamist State Declaration of War against the American People in the “Pearl Harbor” of Florida. Most of the answers will be self-evident and the conclusions not that surprising.

Because we’ve been “at War” for 15 god damned years with these psycho Islamist Jihadists in the forms of early Al-Qaeda and current enemy ISIS Caliphate consumed by a death oath against all American and Western culture and its “infidel” citizens.

But tomorrow, when my legislators say: ‘Not YOU again…?’ I will tell them that this time I only have one thing to ask you to find out for us…

Why is Potus committing dereliction of duty, and possibly a treasonous Constitutional infraction, by not doing his sworn job’s primary responsibility by promptly retaliating against this despicable ISIS Act of War against us…

…by immediately acknowledging this “Pearl Harbor” attack on U.S. soil for what it is, which is much more than “domestic terrorism,” and announcing a formal Declaration of War against the entire ISIS/Islamist Caliphate? And then launching a strike force carrier group toward the Gulf?

If the answer to that alone doesn’t create a tsunami of national outrage by “We, The People” to make sure that Hillary doesn’t carry this shameful reluctance to defend our Great Country to a third term…then maybe we should all just surrender, “submit”, and queue up, stripped naked for the “last shower line” at the “Gulags”. Like they did in Germany.


This article has been written by Mahatma Muhjesbude for Survivopedia.


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