Ever since President Obama took office, he has made it clear that one of his goals is to disarm the American public. Like most progressive liberals, he is apparently scared of an armed citizenry and what they can do. As all conservatives know, the whole gun control issue is about controlling the population, not really about guns. But as long as we have guns, their ability to control us is limited.
Historically, there are many examples of law-abiding citizens being mistreated, imprisoned and even killed by their government, when they allow the government to take away their guns. Probably the most infamous of these examples was the Holocaust, where Hitler and the NAZIs killed eight million people, starting almost immediately after bragging about creating the first “modern society” in which guns weren’t needed.
There is absolutely no reason to believe that a political party which is trying in every way they can to control every aspect of our lives is trying to take our guns away for our benefit. While they prance about the stage talking about their high ideals and “protecting the children,” the actions they propose will make nobody any safer. In fact, they will only put honest citizens in greater peril.
Fighting Crime with More Crimes
There are a number of troubling things about how the current administration and their cronies in Congress are going about trying to make “common sense” changes to gun laws. It’s amazing how their ideas are always considered “common sense” even though they are based upon nothing more than emotion.
But the more important aspect of this is that none of the actions they propose would stop the crimes that supposedly trigger those proposals. In every case, they are attacking specific weapons and capacities, not from a logical viewpoint, but from an idealistic motive.
We keep hearing the same things over and over again. Specifically, we hear about making military-style “assault rifles” and “high capacity magazines” illegal. Of course, their terminology is wrong, but we’ll leave that aside for the moment. They are selecting that terminology to fool the ignorant masses.
The thing is, the people who are committing these crimes aren’t using the weapons that are being attacked. There has not been one single case of a mass murderer using an AR-15 rifle to kill a bunch of people in a gun free zone. Nor has the issue of magazine capacity slowed them down. In the Charleston shooting, the assailant changed magazines several times.
Why are they after these particular firearms? Because those are the weapons that would most likely be used in the case of a second American Revolution. The liberals in government want to take away our ability to rise up against them and overthrow their corrupt government.
Even more troubling than that, it appears clear that government instigators have been behind at least some of the actions which they are using to push for greater gun control. Even without any evidence of things going on in the background, we can see from Obama’s speeches that he is helping to rile up violence in every one of the riots that have been instigated because of a white police officer killing a black hoodlum.
On top of that, some of the participants in those riots have come forward stating that Eric Holder, Obama’s previous Attorney General, paid them to start those riots. If that isn’t a smoking gun, I don’t know what is.
Then there’s Sandy Hook, the event that was the trigger for the gun control push that has marked Obama’s presidency. There have been a number of people who have come out with videos and other evidence, showing that Sandy Hook was all false. We even see many of the same people, who are apparently actors hired to play the part of grieving families, showing up in videos from other events. Why are the same people showing up over and over again, if it’s not staged?
While we’re asking questions about Sandy Hook, let me ask a few more. If Sandy Hook was what it was reported to be, then why weren’t there any ambulances at the school? Why haven’t any of the family members sued the school, as happens after every other such incident? Why were there web pages created “in memory” of the victims, which were uploaded to the internet before the event happened? Why was the school torn down? Where are the graves of the victims?
There are just too many questions left unanswered from that event. It seems fairly clear that what has been presented to us isn’t truthful or even factual. It is quite possibly a staged event, which may not have included a single child being killed.
Yet, this event has been used to prompt a push for greater gun control measures. While none have gone through yet, the left hasn’t stopped trying.
Our Veterans Stripped Off Their Rights
Since Obama hasn’t been able to get his gun control agenda through Congress, he’s been doing everything he can to take guns away from citizens under the existing laws. Of course, that requires some effort in interpreting the laws in such a way as to allow him to get away with it. But until now, he has succeeded.
The first group of people he went after are military veterans. I would have to say that if there is anyone in this country who has a right to own firearms, it’s our veterans. But Obama’s administration is denying that right to any veterans who can be identified as mentally unstable or unable to take care of their own business. So, if a veteran even mentions that they are depressed, their Second Amendment Rights are stripped from them.
It’s even worse than that. Of course, we can expect liberals to lie in order to get their way and they are. The Obama administration is paying VA doctors a bonus for every veteran that they can “certify” as having PTSD. I say certify in quotes because they don’t have to be able to prove it, nor is there any means for the veteran to contest the decision. If the doctor says they have it, then that’s enough.
Why would Obama go after veterans? That’s obvious. If there is ever a need for a revolution, those veterans would become the backbone of the citizen’s army. So, by denying them their rights, the government is reducing our ability to control them.
The liberals sell this idea to the sheeple by telling horror stories of veterans with PTSD going on rampages and killing others. I’m not going to try and claim that doesn’t happen, because sadly it does; but it is extremely rare. Veterans are highly disciplined people and unless something happens to trigger a flashback, there is no way that they are going to kill an innocent. But by saying that they will, those who are afraid of guns anyway think the government is protecting them.
It’s not stopping with veteran’s either. The latest such action is being taken against senior citizens. Now, Obama has signed an executive order stating that seniors on Social Security who are unable to handle their own affairs have to give up their guns, or they can’t receive Social Security.
So, he’s going to take guns out of the hands of the people who most need to be able to protect themselves. Way to go Obama; let’s give the criminals a goodly pool of victims who can’t even try and fight back. That way, the criminals can earn a living. If the old people get hurt… well… that’s just the cost of furthering our ideological agenda.
This is madness. Gun laws should take guns out of the hands of the criminals, not out of the hands of law abiding citizens; especially not out of the hands of those who need a means of defending themselves. But the liberals don’t see it that way. They just see an opportunity to take guns away from people; and like Pavlov’s dogs, they start salivating.
No law is going to take guns out of the hands of criminals. That’s because criminals, by definition, don’t obey the law. So, as long as criminals are going to have guns, the only thing that makes sense is for the honest people to have guns too.
Of course, to the liberals, there is no such thing as an honest gun owner. They have stated repeatedly that we are all murderers. I guess that’s why there are no liberals left; we’ve killed them all… oh wait, there are still liberals.
I guess we’re not all murderers after all. No, if we were all murderers, liberalism wouldn’t exist. In fact, if you look at all those mass murderers, you find that they are liberals too. I guess that’s why liberals think that all gun owners are murderers, because that’s what liberals do with guns.
But the fact that conservatives don’t go around murdering people in a gun free zone is just another inconvenient fact. As we know, liberals don’t worry about those. That’s for “small minded” people who aren’t as smart as they are. They can see the bigger picture. They know what’s best. After all, they are smarter than we are… at least, in their eyes.
This article has been written by Bill White for Survivopedia.
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