Saturday, April 30, 2016

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What Is Your Emergency Response Plan?

Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.

What could an emergency response plan for your family look like and where would you start prepping?

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Prep Blog Review: Mother Nature’s Red Flags

PBR 30apr2016

Shifting focus from man-made problems to nature’s force, can offer some valuable perspective to prepping.

In this week’s edition of our blog review, we keep the 2016 elections, economic turmoil, and other trouble in the background, to seek information about a different type of threats. And it’s essential you, and every God loving American, learn about them.

Have you heard which are the high risk US cities for Zika outbreaks? Can you mention some important lessons from past national and international disasters?  All this and more in today’s articles.

  1. Getting Prepped For Mosquito Season (& Zika)

Zika“Although the CDC twitter feed is currently heavy on vaccination news and education, with a sprinkling of news about ebola, the other theme that becomes immediately noticeable when you scroll down the page is Zika virus.

Mosquito vectored diseases are nothing new, even here in the United States. The most common locally-transmitted mosquito borne illness in the US is West Nile Virus, but several other types of encephalitis crop up during the summer months, and even malaria makes an occasional appearance.”

Read more on Indie Herbalist.

2. Be Prepared for Anything This Tornado Season


“My family used to live on the western side of Tornado Alley. My husband worked as a sheriff’s deputy. When a supercell – the storm system that produces tornadoes – developed, he had to follow it.

First, he needed to make sure a tornado wasn’t developing or heading toward a population center. Second, he needed to close roads to keep amateur tornado chasers away from a tornado’s path. With good reason. Our family once followed a wall cloud during a tornado warning and it seemed like half the town was on the road with us.”

Read more on Be Prepared.

3. Is America Ready for a TSUNAMI?


“The threat a massive tsunami hitting the Pacific Northwest has concerned scientists for years. Experts say an event of this kind occurs roughly every 400-600 years, and the area is overdue a similar quake that could leave thousands dead or displaced.

Now states such as California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska are looking to both the past and the future to prepare for a tsunami on the US Pacific coastline.”

Read more on Daily Mail.

4. The Best Weather Alert Radio 2016


“In this instance, ‘the best’ refers to the majority opinion of those who have reviewed various weather alert radios with their own varying set of criteria ranging from quality, features, price, and ease of use.

Although I have written about weather radios a number of times over the years, I again will emphasize the good preparedness of having your own at home. When minutes count, it may save your life.”

Read more on Modern Survival Blog 

5. Long Term Food Storage for Disasters

Prepper Recon Podcast Go to Prepper Recon and simply press play to hear details on the topic and about Loretta and Laurence Offutt prepper story.

The most important thing, you should look out for, in any disaster scenario (be it nature or man made), is your health. Click on the banner below to get proper advice on surviving medical emergencies.

NewSMDCover3This article has been written by Brenda Walsh for Survivopedia.

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What did you do to prep this week?

Before we get started with this weeks segment, I’d like to thank and give a shout out to Kelli M, Willard N, Tom B, Dan C, Jana M, and Carl H for their generous contributions this week. If you too have found this site useful and you would like to give something back via a monetary contribution then you can do that here.

Okay, now what did I do to prep this week…

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Friday, April 29, 2016

Sweet Bakelite style AK from @echoninethree Follow: @thecoroutfitters #thecoroutfitters ______

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Preparing for the Worst Day

Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal.

The tips below will help you begin the process of preparing for the worst day so that you will be better equipped to come through with everyone intact.

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The Poor Man’s Guide to Renewable Energy

This is an entry in our Non-Fiction Writing contest – by Ken P

There are a lot of misconceptions about the best way to set up a renewable/ backup/off-grid power system. I’ve been designing and building power systems for over 30 years.

The last 10 years have been a sort of Renaissance of R.E. There has been an explosion of solar panels, wind turbines, charge controllers, and inverters from our “far eastern” (China) friends. Some of it is actually not bad in quality while some of it is junk that can damage the rest of your system. While we all wish we had unlimited funds like...

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The TRUTH About the Economic Collapse

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April 29, 2016 Miscellany News Brief

1.) Dollar Selling Panic Coming Soon: When people start selling the dollar, or dollar-denominated assets, you will see the value of the plunge…

2.) McDonald’s Will Replace Jobs with Kiosks: Ex-CEO Says $15 Wage “Will Trigger Massive Layoffs”: The future of fast food service will involve much less human interaction. Instead, humans will line up like rats to pellet dispenser, and computer screens will take orders, as the classic menial, entry-level job will gradually disappear along with many other jobs in the workforce.

3.) God Is Turning Away From America And Leaving Us To Our...

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The Easy Way To Make Natural Glue At Home

SVP diy glueToday’s article is not for glue-sniffers, but for preppers and/or homesteaders who want to make glue for their projects in a post SHTF world, or want to use home-made glue instead of buying it from the hardware store. Or maybe they like art, or have kids that are art-project happy etc.

There are a few reasons for making your own natural glue at home, and if you twist my arm hard enough, I can think about 100 survival uses of glue after an apocalypse. Don’t make me go there right now, okay?

One of them, is that making your own glue is way cheaper than buying it. Another one, and this is important especially if you have glue-happy kids, is that commercially available glues are usually filled with petroleum-based products and all sorts of chemicals. And kids, you know, are kids. Letting them play around with highly toxic stuff is not the best idea in the world, is it?

Truth be told, there are actually tens or even hundreds of DIY glue recipes available, many of them have been around for quite a while since, until commercial glue was invented, people had no alternative but to make their own. So, these recipes have seen some action and they’re “combat-proven”. Some of them are made with milk, others are flour-based, others use natural gums, and some use pine sap.

Another truth, and I must warn you folks, is that commercially available glues are still more effective than the homemade varieties, especially when it comes to heavy-duty stuff, so don’t try to use home-made glues for jobs they’re not suited for.

Just to let you know, you can easily DIY glue from junk, in case other ingredients are not available. See how this guy is making glue using a piece of styrofoam and a few drops of gasoline:

Video first seen on starspoter productions.

But there are so many other ways to DIY glue. Let’s see how to make the best “organic” glue in the world using only natural or non-toxic ingredients.

Recipe 1: Traditional Paper-Paste

Paper paste is a cheaper, easier alternative to commercial glue or rubber cement if you or your kids have a huge paper pasting job to do; for example a big group-collage project or a science-fair display poster. The ingredients are as follows:

  • 2 tablespoons of sugar,
  • 1/3 cup of flour (bread making and all-purpose are the best),
  • one cup of water
  • half a teaspoon alum powder.
  • The latter is not necessary if you’re using the paper-paste immediately and entirely – it’s basically a preservative to keep it “alive” for later use.

Now, with the ingredients taken care of, let’s see about the DIY part: you’ll have to mix the sugar with the flour, but gently. Add water gradually, but stir it aggressively because you need to get all the lumps out.

After the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, cook the mixture over low heat and keep stirring, until the paste turns gets clear. All you have to do now is to remove it from the heating source and, if necessary, add the optional alum-powder. Stir it and let it cool off a little.

Use a paintbrush to spread it over the cardboard or the paper respectively and before the paste dries, press and smooth the cardboard/paper to glue it properly.

That about sums up our first natural-glue home-made recipe. If you added the alum preservative, you can store your remaining glue inside a (covered) glass jar for a couple of weeks with no refrigeration required whatsoever.

Recipe 2: Water Resistant Homemade Glue

Let’s move on to a more high-tech DIY glue project, namely a glue that is water resistant and can be used for more heavy duty/complex jobs than the previous recipe. The water resistant glue can be used successfully for metal, ceramics, glass or porcelain. I personally used it a few times for gluing aluminum foil to planks of wood for making a light-box, and it’s still glued and ready to go, though 3-4 years have passed.

This glue is very different from the flour paste because it can adhere to non-porous materials; however, it’s just waterproof, not heat-resistant. In other words, you can repair a broken mug with it, but don’t put that mug into the microwave or the dishwasher because heat will be the end of it.

Here are the ingredients for the water resistant DIY glue:

  • two teaspoons skim milk,
  • one pack of gelatin (unflavored)
  • three and a half teaspoons of tap water.

Directions: Use a small cup for pouring cold water over gelatin, for softening it up, and put the milk inside the microwave oven for a few seconds for boiling it, and after that mix it with the wet gelatin inside the cup. Stir the stuff vigorously until all the lumps have disappeared, and that’s about it!

This glue works at its best when it’s applied hot.. If this glue initially proves to be too runny for the job, let it cool off a little bit before you paint it on the respective surface. The glue can be stored using a covered glass jar for up to a week, and remember before re-using it to warm it over a pan of hot water.

That wasn’t so hard, was it? Let’s get it on with our third project:

Recipe 3: Milk-based White Glue

Milk makes a great glue ingredient thanks to its high casein content. In case you are wondering what I am blabbering about, casein is a protein found abundantly in milk, which repels water molecules, meaning that it’s hydrophobic. Also, casein molecules repel each other; hence they remain suspended in the milk.

The trick is to add acid to the milk (vinegar is the acid in our case) and the casein molecules will start clumping together, making the milk curdle; to speed up the curdling reaction, you must put some heat into the mix.

The curdled lumps are basically casein, or in other words, natural plastic, and they’re very easy to filter out. If you add some water and a base, you can separate the casein molecules again, causing them to remain suspended in your DIY white glue. The stuff has a shelf life of approximately 14 days and it makes for a fun DIY project and also a pretty good glue in case of an emergency.

Here are the ingredients:

  • one cup skimmed milk (this particular milk is the best due to its high casein content),
  • two tablespoons of white vinegar (distilled),
  • half teaspoon of baking soda
  • one and a half tablespoons of water.

Directions: Using a saucepan, stir the skimmed milk together with the two tablespoons of vinegar over a source of heat (medium-low), but don’t let it boil. After the milk has curdled, remove the saucepan from the heating source and pour its content through a coffee filter. If you don’t have a coffee filter, you can use a cheese cloth or even a paper towel.

The filtered curds must be scraped inside a jar or a small bowl to smash them up. Using a separate container, dissolve the baking soda in water, then mix it with the curds slowly, until the stuff reaches your desired consistency. You can use the glue immediately for your project, or store it for later use, using a tightly sealed jar/container inside your fridge for up to fourteen days.

Recipe 4: Vegan-Mucilage

I know, it sounds weird, but this glue-recipe is absolutely awesome if you have kids obsessed with stickers. Why is that, you may ask? Well, this glue is 100% natural and it tastes great! Mucilage is that kind of glue which is used by painting it on a paper, letting it dry, then licked before gluing.

The mucilage is what the US Postal Office used for their stamps back in the day, and it’s one hundred percent both kosher and vegan. Of course, this recipe has little practical use, but you never know…remember that episode from Seinfeld, when George’s fiancée dies after licking toxic glue on wedding invitations? You don’t want that to happen to you, do you? Just kidding folks.

Here are the ingredients:

  • two tablespoons of sugar,
  • one and a half teaspoons of gum arabic,
  • one fourth cup of water
  • one and a half teaspoons of corn/potato starch.

As a cool trick, you can add a drop of vanilla extract or peppermint for flavoring.

To prepare your favorite mucilage glue, all you have to do is to mix together all the ingredients and then stir into water until all the stuff gets dissolved. Add sufficient water to get the ideal consistency, i.e. something between honey and syrup.

resinRecipe 5: Tree Sap Glue

If you’re the outdoors type, you must learn how to DIY glue using tree sap (also known as pitch glue), or in this particular case pine sap or resin. Pine sap glue can be used for lots of useful things, ranging from frog gigs to fish hooks or waterproofing your shoes.

You can find pine sap or resin on basically any pine tree, but also in some species of cherry trees. Just look for spots where the tree has been wounded (a broken limb or insects) and sap seeps from the respective wound.

Besides pine sap, the only ingredient required is charcoal, i.e. what’s left in your campfire, plain old charcoal. The first step in your tree-sap glue project is to melt the pine sap, using a tin can over a fire, or something similar. The charcoal must be crushed by using a stick or a flat rock until it makes for a fine powder. Mix the powder with the melted pine sap, in a 1:3 ratio (three parts resin, one part charcoal).

Video first seen on Survival Lilly.

If you add too much charcoal, the glue will become brittle; too little, and the glue will not be durable enough. Remember to stir in the charcoal properly and thoroughly while the mixture is hot, because as the sap cools, it becomes hard as a rock. That’s about it; once the tree sap glue cools, you must heat it up again in order to use it.

I hope this article helped and you’ll have tons of DIY projects to develop using your favorite home-made natural glue. If you have questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the dedicated section below.

Good luck, have fun folks, and click on the banner below to discover other secrets about natural homemade stuff!

the lost ways cover

This article has been written by Chris Black for Survivopedia.

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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Talking to Your Parents About Prepping

Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.

Talking to your parents about prepping isn't easy but it can be done and you may get them on-board with prepping too.

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Ghost Gunner milling an AR-15 Lower Receiver

Ghost Gunner milling an AR-15 Lower Receiver

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Pocket NC The first 5 axis CNC mill for your desktop

Pocket NC The first 5 axis CNC mill for your desktop

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My Hybrid Combat/Survival Pack (Bug Out Bag) - 2016 Progress Report

My Hybrid Combat/Survival Pack (Bug Out Bag) - 2016 Progress Report

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SERE Kit- Air Force Kit

SERE Kit- Air Force Kit

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What You Need To Know About Building A Grain Mill

survivopedia grain mill

You are well prepared for a major disaster, and you think that stockpiling will guarantee that you have everything possible for your new life. But even if you have been off gridding for years, you will soon find that a few things that you took for granted are no longer available. A grain mill for making flour is one of them.

If you have been conditioning yourself to live on a lot of breads, and other flour based foods, lack of at least one grain mill will present a problem.

What is a Grain Mill and Why You Need At Least One

Basically, a grain mill takes grain or corn and mashes it up in order to produce flour. Even though you can use something as simple as grinding grain and corn between rocks, a grain mill makes it much easier to produce a useful and uniform flour. That being said, it may not be enough to have just one kind of grain mill on hand. Here are a few reasons why stockpiling just one grain mill may not meet all your needs in the post crisis world.

If you have ever made bread, then you already know that you will need at least 5 – 6 cups of flour. Today, most hand sized grain mills will only produce on cup of flour at a time.

Even among bread recipes, you will find that some work better with coarse flour, while others require a smoother, lighter flour. If you want to make cakes, gravies, and other foods, the weight and texture of the flour can make the difference between a flop and a success. In most cases, a grain mill will only grind one or two texture types. If you want smoother flour or lighter weight flour, you will need to use different grinding agents, or even a different mill altogether. Can you stockpile so many types of grain mills?

Also, maybe you have been making your own baked goods for years or even decades. While you may have stocked away all kinds of flour, and even have a hand based flour mill, you don’t know how much flour you will actually need in the post crisis world on a daily basis. Even if you know how much flour you need now, that amount may double or even triple when other foods are not available.

DIY or Pre-fabricated Grain Mills?

If you do some research, you will find that hand sized grain mills are some of the most popular new kitchen gadgets. As a prepper, you might be tempted to buy one or more of these grain mills and simply put them away until they are needed. Since even a hand powered grain mill can cost almost $100.00, it will be to your advantage to make your own, but here’s what you need to consider.

No matter whether you buy a hand powered or electronic grain mill, it is likely to come with several flour texture settings. As such, one or two mills with an appropriate batch of texture settings can easily meet your needs.

Even though you can get a number of textures in a single pre-fabricated grain mill, that does not mean they will process enough grain for your daily needs. In fact, most grain mills on the market will only process one or two cups of flour at a time. If you need to make at least one batch of bread on a daily basis, these mills will not suit your needs. On the other hand, if you decide to make your own grain mill, there is nothing to stop you from building a mid-sized mill that will process enough flour for specific tasks.

When you build your own mill, you will also know exactly how to maintain and repair it. On the other hand, even if you purchase a very basic manual hand sized grain mill, it may have specially shaped rollers and other internal elements. In the post crisis world, you may find it difficult or impossible to replace these parts or fabricate them from materials on hand.

While prepping, there are bound to be areas where you need to develop your skills. If designing and building devices is one of those areas, then it might be hard to try building a viable grain mill and develop your cooking and gardening skills all at the same time.

Start off now with a pre-fabricated grain mill and learn how they work as you develop your other skills. After you’ll see what your daily needs are, adapt existing grain mill designs to your situation. The whole process that starts with growing corn and grains, grinding them, and turning them into breads and other foods might seem easier this way.

A pre-fabricated grain mill can get you started very quickly on developing an often forgotten homesteading skill. On the other hand, if you are on a very tight budget, it’s cheaper to take some extra time and effort to build a grain mill from scraps.

Typically, if you focus on smaller hand powered mills, you can build a viable mill that will last for years. If you decide to build something larger later on, you will already know the basics and have a better chance of adapting the mill to other power sources.

How to Choose the Best DIY Grain Mill Design

small millAs with many other prepping decisions, you will find that a grain mill that is best for you may not be the best for others. Here are a few tips to help you pick the best grain mill design(s).

If you are going to bug out or live in a larger survival community, there should already be a community based grain mill that everyone can use to process larger amounts of flour.

Even if this mill is only used on a weekly schedule, it should be able to process several pounds of flour or more at a time.

Aside from survival communities, homesteads should also have a larger grain mill so that processing can be done at the best possible time.

Individuals that are bugging in or have very little space should still try to have a large enough grain mill to meet daily needs, and process at least 6 – 7 cups of flour at a time.

If you are using micro-harvest plants or other small scale growing systems, then this grain mill will optimize both your time and processing capacity.

When choosing a grain mill design, think about how you will adapt it to produce different textures and flour weights. If you are building a large sized grain mill, you should focus on a creating a coarse flour, and then use smaller mills for progressively lighter flours. Alternatively, if you need mid-weight and light weight flour, build the grain mill in such a way that you can change the grinding mechanism without having to make extensive changes to the way the mill is powered.

Remember that the bigger the mill, the more power it will take to operate it, and even a slight increase in the size of the internal grinder can make a hand powered mill impossible to use. That’s why you have to think about how you will adjust the grain mill to run on other power sources.

For example, if you think that an animal powered mill suits your needs, do not overlook powering the mill by finding ways to place it in a nearby stream. While keeping different sized mills on hand can help with power associated problems, yow will also need to consider how to make your designs as adaptive as possible. This is especially important if you decide to use electric powered grain mills that will eventually require new motors or sources of electricity in order to use them.

Basic Parts of a Grain Mill

Before building a grain mill, it is important to know what parts every mill has in common as well as the best materials. Fortunately, grain mills are not especially complex, however choosing the best materials can be more time consuming than expected.

Grain Hopper 

This is where the grain will be held while the grain mill is in operation. The hopper can be made of canvas or just about anything else that will hold grain. In order to make your design as compact as possible, try to make detbrewachable and foldable hoppers.

If you are going to make a larger grain mill, then it may also be a good idea to make the hopper in such a way that it will act as a cover for the internal mechanism when not in use. The last thing you will want to do is invest in building a larger grain mill with metal rollers only to have the rollers develop rust or some other form of corrosion. By the same token, you will not want wooden rollers to rot or stone ones to develop moss or algae buildups.

Grain Mill Body

The body of the grain mill should be durable enough to withstand the weight of the hopper and grain. It should also be able to take the friction created by the rollers without falling apart.

Hand sized grain mills can be made of wood or even plastic. Larger mills can be made with cement frames, wood, metal, or stone. You may also want to explore some of the more durable polymer products that will enable you to make different body shapes that will accommodate different power sources or roller sizes with less difficulty.


As the heart of the grain mill, the rollers are the most important. Some people have used PVC plastic, while others prefer metal, wood, stone, ceramic, or even polymer rollers.

Regardless of the material, you will need to experiment with the distance between the rollers as well as the best surface. It may be to your advantage to have several different rollers with differing degrees of smoothness as well as a means to set the rollers closer and further apart.

Power Source

The simplest grain mills rely on a crank that can be turned either by a human or animal. More complex grain mills can be turned by a series of gears and water power. You should also consider designs that are based on the ancient revolving hammers in China. Not only are these fascinating hammers the basis for modern pneumatic hammers, they can also be used for metal shaping as well as making good quality grain.

Study the shaft assemblies carefully for these devices and you will see that they can as easily be driven by a water wheel as they can a wind turbine or other non-electric based power sources.

Flour Hopper 

Once the grain passes through the rollers, you will need a place to store it. The flour hopper should be easy to remove and clean. You can use anything from a ceramic bowl to larger plastic vessels. Just make sure that the flour hopper can remain covered at all times, and that the seal between the hopper and the bottom of the grain mill does not allow dust to escape.

Dust Control

Many people are surprised to find out that grinding grains and corn can produce quite a bit of dust. To reduce this problem as much as possible, make sure that the body of the mill, grain, and flour hoppers all fit together tightly. You can use caulk and sealing agents to help with cracks and other areas where dust can get through.

Small Grain Mill Designs

Small sized grain mills can be powered by hand. They should be able to process 1 – 6 cups of flour at a time. In most cases,it will take from 1 to 5 minutes to grind a single cup of flour. Small grain mills are best suited for refining flour that has already gone through a larger mill as well as for processing grain directly.

Crank Mills

You can make any number of simple designs. This includes ones that have two rollers as well as sifters that utilize a screen on the bottom and a wire loop (or downward angled blades) inside the body. Simply turn the crank in order to turn the rollers, blades, or wire loop. As the grinding unit moves, grain will be fall into the path of the crushing elements and then fall into the hopper waiting below.

Gear Mills

As you may be aware, gears can be attached to a crank in such a way that one turn of the crank produces 2 or more revolutions in the rollers or wire loop attached to it. A gear system will process flour faster, however the gears can also wear out or break. For best results, use metal gears instead of plastic ones.

Gravity Motor Mills

These mills are similar to power generation motors in the sense that they use gravity to turn an object. In this case, you would need several feet of space so that the rollers can be turned as a counterweight falls to the ground. This design will require a gear assembly to optimize rotation as well as to get as much power as possible for turning the rollers.

Electric Powered Mills

If you happen to have a motor on hand and some electricity, these mills can be created in any number of designs. This includes using food processor blades as well as other designs that can be used to crush or cut grains apart.

Midsized Grain Mill Designs

These grain mills should process at least 10 pounds of flour at a time. You can still use crank, gear, gravity, and electric motors to power these mills. On the other hand, you might find that cement, metal, or more durable materials will be needed for these mills.

Large Grain Mill Designs

Trip and Pneumatic Hammer Mills

Trip hammer based mills basically use a central axis that turns several hammers, each in their own turn. Here is a basic design that has been used in China for centuries. It can process several pounds of grain at a time, or if built correctly, can also be used to pound metal into any number of shapes.

You can also study more modern designs that feature smaller hammers that can be driven by an electric motor. If you give it some thought, you will also see how to upscale these smaller designs so that they can be used with stones or other materials.

Animal Driven Mills

Historically speaking, these mills can be driven by both humans and animals that walk around in circles to turn large stones that grind the flour. In order to optimize these designs, consider adding a gear assembly, or better yet, take a hammer mill design and shift it to a horizontal axis instead of a vertically driven one.

Water Wheel Driven Mills

The size of these mills will be determined by the speed and amount of water flowing in the area. Smaller mills can be operated in streams, however you will need a fast moving river if you plan to process larger amounts. Together with above ground versions, you may also want to try and create designs that utilize water pressure built up in underground pipes.

watermillJust remember that when you try to generate power underground, you can get away with light weight fan blades and other materials. Grain mills require considerably heavier rollers that will be difficult to turn unless you add gears or other assemblies to compensate for the weight of the grain.

Motorized Mills

The best motorized mills for a homestead will most likely be driven by wind turbines. You can study windmills from Holland as well as the United States that were built for this purpose.

Video first seen on 32bituser.

Typically, these mills can easily last for centuries. If you want to optimize these mills using modern technologies, consider making the blades from polymers that will combine lighter weight with enough durability to withstand the physical force required to mill grain.

When it comes to grain and flour mills for survivors, more than a few people think that they can get away with a small mill, or even none at all. If you already have a hand mill, simply stop and think about whether or not you have 2 – 3 hours a day to sit around and grind grain. In the post crisis world, where you will have to perform many other tasks, you may have even less time to devote to grinding grain.

Study larger mills and also smaller ones that do not rely completely on hand power. For example, if you are going to build a hand power mill, at least consider gravity motors if you do not want to have all the worries associated with electric motors. If there is more than one person in your survival group, you are also going to find a mid to large sized grain mill absolutely essential.

Knowing how a grain mill is built is one trick that helps your prepping purposes. More valuable secrets from our ancestors are still to be discovered and developed for survival. CLICK on the banner below to find out more about the undisclosed tricks that helped our parents survive!

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Just Whose Bathroom Is It?


With all that’s going on in the world today, you’d think that liberals could find something important to scream about. The world is full of real problems; some of which are actually liberal issues.

But the vast majority of what we hear coming out of the political left today is screaming over made-up issues. They manufacture a story, based on some imagined slight and then use it to try and change the world. Isn’t that what #BlackLIvesMatter is? Or how about the $15 minimum wage?

While I’m sure there must be some liberal issues that have at least some basis in reality, they are becoming more and more uncommon. I can see where a concern about the poor is a real social issue, even if the liberal solution to that problem doesn’t work.

I can even understand being concerned about the environment, even though I can’t see it destroying people’s lives and livelihood, without having a practical replacement for coal. Solar isn’t a replacement; the technology hasn’t developed to a point where it is sustainable.

But more and more, what I’m seeing come out of the liberal left isn’t a real concern about real issues, but a desire to scream about fancied slights and the hurt feelings of a small number of people. Liberalism has become, to a large part, about forcing the will of the minority upon the majority of the population.

Another way of putting that is that liberals are all about the tail wagging the dog. But this dog is a freak; it has too many tails. And it seems that the smaller a particular group of people is, the bigger the tail and the harder it wags.

Take the recent blowup over transgender rights, for example. This is a very small group of people, best estimated at being less than 0.3% of our total population. Yet, since Bruce Jenner first came out and said, “Call me Cait” they’ve been ruling the roost, as far as liberal issues are concerned.

Let me clarify what a transgender is, before we go any farther. A person who is considered transgender is one who identifies as the opposite sex. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they have had a sex change operation, just that they identify themselves that way. Only about 800 to 1,000 of transgenders actually have sex change operations a year. That means in the last 50 years, since the surgery has become generally available, only about 5% of the transgender community has physically changed their sex.

The rest of them may have undertaken hormone therapy, allowing biological males to grow breasts and biological females to become more masculine in their appearance, or simply be cross-dressers. The same term is used for one who is a cross-dresser as one who has been surgically altered to become to all appearances the opposite sex.

So, many transsexuals still have the genitals they were born with, and so is Bruce Jenner even he announced to the world that he was now a woman. Many more are in the same situation, living life as a woman, while still biologically being a man.

The Sticky Situation

This creates a sticky situation for the individual and society in general and has become the fuel for the latest liberal blowup.

What are they blowing up about? About allowing these individuals into the opposite sex’s bathrooms. According to the left, one should be able to choose their bathroom and locker room simply based upon how they feel on any one day. But since these people are confused about who they are anyway, this could actually lead to them changing back and forth from day to day.

But the big issue is what this liberal hypocrisy is doing to the rest of the country. According to the liberal narrative, failing to allow men who identify as women into women’s bathrooms is discrimination against them.

Apparently, according to liberal “standards” it is discriminatory because they are a minority, nothing more. It doesn’t matter if what they want makes sense or not, the fact that they are a minority, means that this particular tail has a right to wag the national dog.

Video first seen on Fox Business

That means forgetting about the rights and safety of women and girls, half our population. It means ignoring the plight of the 25% or more of women and girls who have been sexually abused sometime in their life. It means putting them at risk of more abuse, simply to satisfy the desires, not needs, of a small percentage of people.

To think that these people’s rights trump half the population’s rights is absurd. Yet that is the stand the left is taking. Worse, their supposed solution to the problem opens the door to all sorts of abuse.

What’s to keep men who merely want to be peeping toms from using this giant loophole that the left has created, to go into girl’s bathrooms and locker rooms?

But even if the left was somehow able to create a situation where only “true” transgenders would be able to access the women’s restroom, that still wouldn’t protect women. As I mentioned earlier, 95% of them still have male genitals, and not all of them are homosexual. So, even though these people identify as women, they may very well still want to have sex with women, rather than fulfilling the role of women in the sexual union. So that means that women are even at risk from transsexuals.

Let me take that a step further. The sight of a naked man can be shocking to a women who has been sexually abused. So, while women’s bathrooms have semi-private stalls, where women can’t see each other without really trying, the common area is open for all. How would it affect a young rape victim to come out of a bathroom stall and encounter a naked or semi-naked transgender?

Or what about a locker room? When this issue first blew up, it was about teen transgenders wanting to use the girls locker rooms and showers in high schools. Those are common, shared showers. What is going to protect the girls in there from the potential trauma of seeing the transgenders naked?

The left has opened the door for endless abuse. Yet perhaps they don’t see it that way. After all, the women’s lib movement has been trying to convince women for decades that sexual promiscuity is the way to go.

Their narrative has been that women should experience a wide range of sexual partners and enjoy themselves. They are totally ignoring the fact that women react differently to sexual relations than men do, and are trying to turn women into men, emotionally speaking.

Of course, none of this would be an issue if the left were willing to recognize reality, rather than trying to see everything through their ideology. The very idea that there are more than two sexes is absurd. Yet this is an absurdity that the left is claiming as true.

Today, liberals claim there are at least six sexes, even though biologically there are only two.

The thing is, these “other sexes” have always existed, but throughout history they have been seen as aberrations. Anyone who identified as being of the opposite sex of being sexually attracted to their own gender was considered strange; to have problems, even to being mentally unbalanced. Yet suddenly they are considered the norm and we, the normal people are considered to be the aberrations.

I guess from a “progressive” viewpoint, which means progress into moral decay, that makes sense. But the truth of the matter is that there are only two biological sexes. From where I stand, anyone who does not self-identify with their body has a problem. That’s hugely different than saying that society has a problem for not accepting them as they are.

Of course, this is just one more example of liberal hypocrisy, stating that we should accept these people as they are, while refusing to accept the majority of the population as they are. If they were truly after equality and respect for all people, they wouldn’t constantly insult those of us who simply state that we don’t agree with them. But no, to the liberal mind, disagreement with their “politically correct” viewpoint is hate and we must be castigated as “haters.”

What Should We Do?

There is a simple solution to this bathroom problem, one that was proposed by the very high school where this issue all became so public. That’s to give these people their own bathroom.

But somehow, the left calls that discrimination. I guess that’s just more of their Orwellian doublespeak, as it’s actually giving them special treatment. By definition, that’s the opposite of discrimination.

So the left will continue to complain. Bruce Springsteen and others can cancel their concerts, businesses can choose not to do business with states which don’t support the right of transgenders to sexually abuse real women and the media can continue to vilify those who oppose the liberal agenda.

But when all is said and done, men are men and women are women, and if you’re unsure which one someone is, all you have to do is make them drop their pants.

As for me, I will protect my wife and daughters. If that means that I stand guard at the bathroom door, when they have to use public facilities, so be it. I won’t go in the bathroom, as some suggest, but I won’t let anyone in, who I think is a man.

If others don’t like it, that’s too bad. Protecting my wife and daughters trumps their feelings any day.


This article has been written by Bill White for Survivopedia.


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Budget Prepping And Food Storage Ideas

Guest post by Allie

Salt will be a great prepping item to start with because not only can you flavor food with it, it can be used to treat sore throats by adding it to warm water and gargling. Salt and baking soda can make a homemade toothpaste mixing equal parts and shaking.

The next prepping item to keep on a budget is rice. Rice will give you calories for quick energy aka simple sugar so if you’re hypoglycemic make sure to eat with protein. If stored properly can store for 20 + years. If you put rice at the bottom of your salt it will pull moisture out of the salt and absorb it. If you...

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April 27, 2016 Miscellany News Brief

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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

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Blacksmithing - Forging A Viking Rune Fire Steel And Making Fire With It

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How to Procure and Test Seeds

Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal.

Gardening starts with the very seeds we plant, so I’d like to look at two of the seed sources we see in the preparedness fold, and how to test seeds to find out if stored seeds are still viable.

The post How to Procure and Test Seeds appeared first on The Prepper Journal.

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Proven Techniques For Putting Together A Survival Binder

What’s the most important part of your preps? Water. Food. Shelter. Defense.

And the correct answer is …. none of the above.

Yes, you need those essential life supporting items but if you asked me what is the most important part of survival prepping, I’d have to say information. Some will disagree with me on this, but that’s okay, we all have our opinions and that’s great – but don’t let your beliefs nullify your good judgement lessening your chance of survival.

Information and individual survival skills are key to survival and I can not stress the importance of a...

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Did Chemtrails Murder Prince And Merle?

Survivopedia chemtrails

As a former detective and investigative researcher, my interest always gets piqued when I hear of untimely celebrity deaths. These situations are invariably not as they seem.

After the obligatory ‘sanitized’ public obituaries, there’s usually “the rest of the story”. Often it’s an old, well known killer like substance abuse.  Sometimes depression, hopelessness, or misadventure from a life style far exceeding the rationale speed limit of society.

But the recent demise of the iconic music entertainers Merle Haggard and Prince, stretches the outer limits of reality and sanity to reveal something so evil…that even the most intrepid conspiracy bloodhounds would retch in revulsion from the super suspicious mephitic stench wafting from the darker issues accompanying these unfortunate deaths.

Just to remember, both happened to be anti-government Chemtrail Activists, which included Chemtrail concerns voiced in the form of television appearances by Prince, and even a song written about Chemtrails by Merle. There were rumors that the two rich and famous entertainers were thinking about a world concert tour to bring mass attention to an esoteric but potentially one of the most horrifically sinister plots against humanity the world has ever seen.

Of course this would be bad news and blues for the current regime Powers That Be during the critical political election months ahead. That would be worse than Benghazi during the last election countdown. They couldn’t have that happen, could they?

If the truth exposed even a ‘smidgeon’ of the horrors some people think are associated with the Chemtrail spraying operations, that would be the end of the regime, politically, if not the tearing down of the whole psychopathic population cleansing government apparatus?

Video first seen on ConstitutionLost.

“LOOK, up in the sky!  It’s a bird, it’s a plane-with a Contrail-No…it’s SUPER TRAIL!”

Hard to believe that most people up until maybe a year or so ago still didn’t believe in Chemtrails. Even if people heard of them they simply dismissed the phenomenon as really just Contrails from jet engine exhaust that silly paranoid conspiracy theorists imagine are clouds of deadly chemical sprays.

But ubiquitous and large scale chemical spraying from large dedicated jetliners is done every single day in the U.S. or somewhere else in the world. Chemtrails DO exist, and this can now be proven above and beyond all reasonable doubt. The latest physical evidence is incontrovertible.  Anyone can find them, because they are right under our noses.  Or should I say our noses are right under the Chemtrails…

I personally attribute the abject universal obliviousness by the average person to a major phenomenon like large airplanes spraying unfathomable amounts of white cloudy trails of super fine nano-particle chemical dust poison to the simplest causes.

People simply do not look up in the sky that much, if at all? Especially city people, or people who spend a lot of time indoors. And even people who work outdoors are more often concentrating on looking ahead or down on what they are doing than watching the clouds go by.

Add in that spraying is more often done on bright sunny days, where nobody stares up too long at the sun anyway, and the fact that they start to resemble natural clouds pretty quickly, it actually takes some effort to pick up on them initially if you never were aware of them before.

Add in that the government and its cohort the MSM never talk about Chemtrails because Chemtrails are the 800-pound skunk in the environmental theatre room. In the beginning, when they first started spraying in heavy concentrated agenda format, these spraying activities were even outright denied by the government, and scoffed off as the pipe dreams of conspiracy theorist pot parties.

inside chemtrails

Those of us who were pilots, and weather experts knew they existed because we knew the difference, since the difference between a Contrail and a Chemtrail is obvious. Contrail is just the residual hydrocarbons and sulfates and other so-called micro debris from the engine exhaust which condenses ambient humidity and immediately freezes, forming a whitish trail at that altitude behind a jet, but then melts when the sun hits it. The Contrail follows the jet for only a short time so it never gets long.

The deleterious Chemtrails that stay in the air all across the visible sky leaving a noticeably long trail that slowly dissipates sideways, not evaporating, but spreading into each other from many traversing overlapping passes in a target area, eventually turning the clear cobalt blue morning sky into a dull disease colored dirty grey blur by afternoon are NOT Contrails. The amount of engine exhaust residue needed to even come close to creating what is happening from each plane, would have to be so voluminous as to be more material than the entire fuel payload being burned!

Yet there are government websites ostensibly pretending that these occurrences as merely different types of normal engine exhaust Contrails, which happen to be dispersed on excessively humid days, thus accounting for the massive cloud formations they produce.

Of course, if that were true, they’d have to shut down the entire airline industry for excessive dangerous pollution of the world if the engines could even remotely be that “dirty”.  And they’re not so dirty anymore for exactly that reason.

Plus, the facts are all scheduled airline flights have regular routes. So why do you see these on certain days in where there’s very low relative humidity in areas where virtually no commercial jetliners have overhead flights, planes flying overhead in an exercise that literally looks like a major strike force scale B-52 bombing run over Viet Nam? Back and forth, oblique and cross!  Then they all go off and away, and disappear in the same direction!

But with the internet slowly but surely getting the word out along with pictures of Chemtrailing by private citizens over their homes, which amount to far too much evidence for even the automatic government censorship to obfuscate, it becomes too suspicious and difficult for standard UFO type disavowing and dismissal to occur by the government anymore.

Video first seen on memewatchers.

Lyin’ Fed

So at this point the damage control faction of the regime had the stun grenade flash bang bright idea that they could do the cover-up by connecting the spraying ops to their global warming agenda. Why not? When you have one foot already in the BS, the other foot is the next likely step deeper in the crapshoot?

So, they finally broke loose with a tacit but not confirmed admission that scientists are experimenting with a new form of global warming greenhouse gas solution known as SRM (Solar Radiation Management). Ostensibly, to keep us all from frying like sizzling strips of crispy bacon and dying of draught induced thirst.

The idea they want you to buy, if you’re into buying Crocodile infested swampland these days, is to spray nano-chemicals which include brain deadening Aluminum-barium particles among other non-disclosed chemicals, to save civilization from global warming by blocking the sun’s deadly radiation, and reflecting it out back into space.

The Funeral

If you do the research, supposedly but not surprisingly, seems like Monsanto somehow had their dirty little GMO stained fingers handling the chemistry involved in spraying ops early on when they were originally involved. But they then passed it off on the military to keep it legitimately shrouded in secrecy, and immune for censorship because of its military applications—like weather and germ warfare experiments– for “national defense and security”.

Okay, yup. A lot of us were born at night. But NOT last night!

But some extremely interesting information came out when some prominent scientists started doing environmental tests and documentaries, at least on YouTube. He thoroughly exposed the dangers to the population and environment by this wantonly destructive mass chemical poisoning, under government control, without any plausible proof beyond a reasonable doubt of any form of dangerous global warming actually happening.

Which ran the gamut of everything from one out of every 30 male infants being born coming down with Autism in the heavily sprayed areas of large metropolitan Texas, to suspicious sudden depletion of the honey bee populations since heavy spraying commenced (which directly impact crop productions), unexplained increase in respiratory diseases in the general population, and unusual catastrophic storms with extraordinary flooding and damage, which point directly to measurable co-incidental results of this spraying.

And of course the additional sinister “conspiracy theorist” motives like intentional Eugenic-type population control through a genetically/chemically induced engineering and mind control through the use chemical inhalants. Also accomplished by Chemtrailing.

When you think about it, what better vehicle for germ warfare than the use of ultrafine micro contaminants virtually invisible, and spread–oh, so silently! –and innocuously in the air, against a target enemy population?

Slowly and surely, you’ll get them in your system. Because with Chemtrails, there’s nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide.

And now we have “Chemtrail Flu?!”

Video first seen on The Alex Jones Channel.

“The wicked spies upon the Righteous and seek to kill him…” – Psalms 37:32

So when widely popular advocates like Prince and Merle who stood up for the survival of the people took on the Chemtrail cause,  it looked like a tipping point might be reached where the world would finally wake up to an obscene threat that was hell bent to become the Grim Reaper of the 21st Century?

But then suddenly, mysteriously, and suspiciously, BOTH Merle AND Prince–were DEAD?   Within only a couple short weeks of each other! Quick, someone calculate the odds of that?

I’ll say this first:  If it slithers like a snake, and if it bites you like a snake, and you die of “suspicious, out of place, causes” that bear the sinking weight of integrated objectivity, it becomes an exercise in submission to mental enslavement to believe it is a harmless lovebird gliding gently on the air currents of coincidence. Especially when all roads, or trails, also travel back to government connections.

“The probability of a certain set of circumstances coming together in a meaningful or tragic way is so low that it simply cannot be considered ‘mere coincidence’.” – V.C. King

It is my not so humble opinion that there might be much more to this than mere coincidence. Unless you consider the fact that the similarly very stinking circumstances and timing of Justice Scalia’s death is just a hyper conspiracy theory type suspiciousness over nothing more than co-incidental “natural” causes.

His death immediately changed the entire course of future 2nd Amendment and privacy rights cases, in favor of the gun confiscating group, and effectively opened the door for the worst anti-Constitutional legislating-from-the-bench imaginable that had already been carefully put in place by legislators. This is patiently waiting in the form of “sleeper Bills” designed to wipe out the 2nd & 4th Amendment personal freedoms once and for all, depending upon whether or not the third Reich of the Obama regime expands in power next November.

There’s a lot of information out there on Chemtrails if you want to keep yourself eyes wide and terrified late into the night reviewing it. The most condensed but comprehensive source is an article from Guns America website by Paul Helinski about Jade Helm that should answer all your questions (you’ll find it in the References section below).

The Eulogy

Sometimes in life it takes a sad tragedy to elevate humanity as a whole to higher consciousness for the ultimate salvation of the species. Prince and Merle gave us the wonderful gift of musical pleasure and that was cruelly lost when their celebrity outspokenness may have been sacrificed for the preservation of proprietary agenda based evil.

Hopefully this information stimulates people to demand that their representatives start getting “Fast and Furious” open answers from the government concerning the actual truth of this highly suspicious national danger in the form of virtually covert SRM chemical spraying, and poisoning of our population and natural resources without the permission of the people being harmed!

It is also our duty as Free Americans to keep an out-of-control government reigned in for the future safety and survival of our children. I think Prince and Merle would smile upon that from beyond… It’s the least we can do in return for what they gave us.

May they rest in a quantum of eternal peace, a never diminishing magnificence of heavenly melody, and a sublime, spiritual solace.



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