Saturday, February 22, 2020

Mental Focus: How Your Mind Can Treat Your Back Pain

While mental focus cannot compensate for agility and strength lost because of back pain, it can help you do the exercises that will assist in your recovery.

from Survivopedia
Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. How prepared are you for emergencies?
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Friday, February 21, 2020

Corona Virus Mapping

Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.

The Corona virus (COVID-19) is all over the news, with plenty of fear-mongering spread among the analysis and good information. Because of that, I don’t think there’s a lot for me to write about this without spending a ton of time digging into it or coming up with conspiracy theories.

That said, I do think the tendency of some I know to dismiss the seriousness of the threat is misguided. It seems COVID-19 has a longer symptom-free period where the carrier is contagious, can last longer on solid surfaces, and may or may not have a higher mortality rate than the ‘normal’ flu. There is a lot of contradictory information out there.

That said, it seems as if medical professionals are expanding their screening for potential carriers. I went to the urgent care because I had the flu that turned into bronchitis, and one of the screening questions was “have you traveled outside the country within the past 30 days?”

I answered ‘no’ since I haven’t, but I wonder if they have any follow up questions if someone answers yes. I think I’ll ask some medical field friends about that.

In the meantime, I’ve come across two good websites where you can track the disease’s spread and infection and mortality rates.

The first one is from It gives the number of cases, active cases, deaths, recovered, and much more. It breaks the information down by country and gives ages of the infected where it can. was voted as one of the best free reference websites by the American Library Association.

The second tracking site is from John Hopkins via the geolocation and mapping company, ESRI. This one shows the sources where its data comes from,  and allows you to click on the location indicators to get specific data about the area. I don’t believe it’s live, but seems to be regularly updated.

For some background on the Corona Virus, the World Health Organization has a Q&A section on it that might be helpful.

Stay safe.

The post Corona Virus Mapping appeared first on The Prepper Journal.

from The Prepper Journal
Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. How prepared are you for emergencies?
#SurvivalFirestarter #SurvivalBugOutBackpack #PrepperSurvivalPack #SHTFGear #SHTFBag

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

What Survival Foods You Actually Need

If history is any guide, properly storing and securing your food is the most important thing you can do to prepare for long-term, wide-scope volatility.

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Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. How prepared are you for emergencies?
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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

How Expert Preppers Survive On A Tight Budget

I’m not telling you to do anything that I haven’t done myself. If you look at my preps, there’s a lot of used gear, repurposed gear, and homemade gear.

from Survivopedia
Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. How prepared are you for emergencies?
#SurvivalFirestarter #SurvivalBugOutBackpack #PrepperSurvivalPack #SHTFGear #SHTFBag

Monday, February 17, 2020

Using Technology In Your Prepping and Bug Out Bags

Using Technology In Your Prepping and Bug Out Bags

via YouTube Video Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. How prepared are you for emergencies?
#SurvivalFirestarter #SurvivalBugOutBackpack #PrepperSurvivalPack #SHTFGear #SHTFBag

How To Protect Yourself From The Coronavirus

There are now more than 1344 deaths recorded as of the first week of February due to the 2019 novel coronavirus, surpassing the number of casualties from the SARS virus […]

from Survivopedia
Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. How prepared are you for emergencies?
#SurvivalFirestarter #SurvivalBugOutBackpack #PrepperSurvivalPack #SHTFGear #SHTFBag