Saturday, January 27, 2018

What Did You Do To Prep This Week?

Well, folks, here we are again. Another week of prepping and another week of bad news and sometimes just plain old nonsense coming from the mouths of the mainstream media. Oh, well, the smart thing is to prep harder because a crash is coming.

In the coming weeks look for an exclusive article that will be published here by Survivorman Les Stroud, in my opinion, his was the best primitive survival type show on television.

Okay, as per your answers to my recent poll starting next Sunday there will be A Once a Week News Brief and Threat Assessment so look for that.

Okay, now what did I do to prep...

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How To Lose a Tail

Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.

Editors Note: A guest post from TekNik to The Prepper Journal. I like articles that dispel the images and false realities ingrained in many of us by movies, TV and, of course, the media. Is a “Mad Max” world possible? As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share and possibly receive a $25 cash award as well as be entered into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards  with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies, enter today!

We have seen this in a thousand movies, twice as many TV shows and even the endless “live car chases” that the broadcast media loves to play out. But what is the reality? What should we be prepared to do?

So you’re in your bug out vehicle and you suspect you’re being followed. What should you do? How should you lose your tail?

Once you suspect someone is following you, do not drive directly towards your intended destination especially if this is your home or bug out location even if it is adequately equipped to provide you with good levels of defenses. The guys following you would take note of this location and come back with enough backup and firepower to overthrow your position and take all your supplies and possibly worse.

The first thing you want to do is to determine if you are indeed being followed. This can be easily achieved if you are in an area with several short roads. Your strategy will be to take 4 consecutive right turns (or left turns) such that you perform a complete circle (well actually a square). It is highly unlikely that anyone would perform such a maneuver since it brings you back to the same location. Thus if the car following you makes the same consecutive turns, then it’s very likely that you are being followed. On the other hand if you are on the highway or any long stretch of road, it will not be possible to perform the 4 consecutive turns. Instead you have to make significant changes in your cruising speed and analyze how the following car reacts. Say you’re going at 60 mph. Change lane and reduce your speed to 40 mph. If the following car mimics your change, drive for a few minutes at 40 mph then raise your speed to 70 mph. If the car matches your speed and move it’s very probable that you’re being followed.

What to Do if You’re Being Followed

This will all depend on what vehicle you’re driving, what vehicle the pursuers are driving and what measures you have prepared for this situation. If the situation is not bugging out then head for the nearest police station and drive on into the parking lot. If you are followed then this will bring things to a head quickly. Hit the horn and take a defensive position, and let the cops know about it. Let them draw weapons first and address the following vehicle. If it is a bug-out then forget the police station, they will be busy elsewhere.


Since the majority of us don’t have the luxury of owning an armored vehicle or a vehicle that has been outfitted (armor plates, bullet-resistant glass, etc.) for use when the SHTF, I’ll base these strategies on the assumption that you’ll be driving your average car; i.e. a sedan or SUV that you use for driving to work and dropping your kids at school. You might also be riding a motorcycle in which case your best strategy would be to use speed and narrow roads to your advantage. However drive within your skills because if you fail you’ll have made it way too easy for your pursuers to take from you whatever they want. Another assumption I’ll make is that there will be one person driving your vehicle while one or more persons are busy handling the defenses. All of the strategies I list below can be adapted to a situation where there is only the driver in the vehicle. This however makes the strategies more difficult to accomplish and less effective.


One of the most convenient ways to stop a car from pursuing you is to make sure that you have some form of firearm with you in your vehicle. In this case, the bigger the caliber and the faster the rate of fire, the better. A pistol (9 mm or bigger) or a shotgun would be a good start, but an assault rifle chambered in .223 or larger would be ideal. If your pursuers are not shooting at your vehicle, then you have a choice. Brandishing a weapon may make them go away or start shooting, and it is a crime in most states. Shooting first suddenly makes you the aggressor. The choice may determine who lives. If they are shooting at you first and foremost do not expose yourself. Have you ever tried to fire a weapon effectively from a moving vehicle? It is way more complicated that it looks in the movies, and as you are moving you are continuously changing the lines of fire, the potential to harm others not involved, and to make a bad situation very much worse.

On the other hand, stopping to make a stand makes you a much easier target. While this only works in the movies, the reality is, at some point, this may become the only option as you can only assume they are persistent and hope they will run out of gas before you do, or, more likely, you have a crash and now you at your most vulnerable.

No matter the position of fire, should it come to that, there is the position that you could fire at their tires. Slow them down or stop their vehicle because shooting at the engine will not stop the car, unless you’re equipped with 50 cal BMG rounds or bigger. You might damage the radiator but it will take a considerable time for the engine to overheat enough to seize the engine. Of course this mentality is akin to those who feel that the police or a citizen being attacked should simply shoot the gun out of the hands of the assailant, you know, like they do in the movies. Reality is you are going to engage it all, the tires, the engine, the windshield and especially anyone hanging out aiming a gun and getting out armed with anything.

Make Them Skid

A favorite of the movies, you can throw some lubricant to make their car skid. Again unlike movies, you need quite a large amount of lubricant and it is better used while negotiating a curve since a car is unlikely to skid while going in a straight line. For this technique to be effective you need to keep a decent supply of lubricant (hydraulic oil or engine oil mixed with diesel) in a container that has a large opening which will allow you to deploy all of the contents at once. A two gallon bucket sealed with a lid would do the trick. Now who pours it and out of what window? Additionally you have to keep in mind that this bucket will be taking up valuable space in your vehicle so I’d rather forgo this piece of Hollywood magic for a more space saving option.


Caltrops are antipersonnel weapons composed of four spikes arranged in such a way that one of the spikes always points up. Caltrops for use against vehicles are made of hollow tubes such that once the tire has been pierced air will escape through the tube. They are ideal for getting rid of a tail as they are inexpensive, take up very little space (a few hundreds can fit in a shoe box) and are very effective. When deploying the caltrops make sure that none of them fall beneath your own vehicle and pierce your back wheels, and everyone behind the vehicle that was tailing you is now going to want to tail you and kill you. And if their vehicle is equipped with run-flat tires, you have simply limited their pursuit to only another 50 miles or so….


If you haven’t prepared adequately or if you have already used up your supplies you can improvise by keeping a small container full of rocks (tennis ball sized or slightly bigger) which you’ll throw towards the pursuing vehicle. These will cause limited damage but a shattered windshield may slow them down.

One Final Thought

Apart from trying to stop your pursuers you should also be careful that they don’t stop your vehicle. They might shoot at you and unfortunately there isn’t much you can do to stop that apart from shooting back using the blind fire technique explained above. Your pursuers might try to use the PIT maneuver in which the pursuing vehicle aligns its front portion with the rear portion of the leading vehicle and rams the latter sideways causing the leading vehicle to spin out of control. It’s the typical move police use for stopping fleeing suspects. Whilst being followed you have to keep an eye on your pursuers and make sure that they are not trying to perform this maneuver. If you notice their vehicle coming into this position you should immediately accelerate. If you are already going at full speed you can hit the brakes hard such that the pursuing vehicle ends up in front of you, ideally in such a way that you become the one able to perform the PIT maneuver.


As with everything else related to preppers the key to surviving a car chase is to have made the necessary preparations by adequately equipping your vehicle with the items listed above and possibly installing some form of static defenses such as bull bars to increase the robustness of your vehicle. You could also take a defensive driving course in which they teach you how to perform specific maneuvers to outrun chasing vehicles and how to make them lose control.

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The post How To Lose a Tail appeared first on The Prepper Journal.

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Friday, January 26, 2018

The Ultimate Guide to Surviving: Finding Food Edition – Squirrels and Rabbits

by Kelly Shepherd

Squirrels and Rabbits trappingIn any survival scenario, finding food can be the difference between living and dying. Without food, you starve — your mind begins to hallucinate and your body begins to wither. Therefore, every survivalist and person should have a basic knowledge of finding food in the wilderness, whether that is fishing, hunting, trapping or foraging. Or better yet, all four.

This article will be the first of a series of articles and will discuss the steps to take in order to successfully trap, clean, prepare and cook a squirrel or a rabbit when you find yourself without your basic...

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Hollywood Myths About Using Guns That Easily Get You Killed

Movies and TV present seemingly magical scenarios where the good guy always wins and high impact action scenes are over in a matter of minutes.  While these forms of entertainment are designed to make you suspend judgment and go with the flow of the story, they do not accurately portray how guns work in real life.

If you tried to use a gun as they are used in the movies or on TV, it may well get you killed or, at best, seriously injured. There are no shortcuts to becoming a safe, well educated gun owner and user.  If you gain nothing else from this article, at least know that movies, and TV (including reality TV and the news) are not good places to learn about guns.

Seek a qualified instructor and good quality courses.  Now let’s look at some of those misconceptions.

The “Gangster Grip” is as Useful as it is Cool

When criminals shoot in the movies or on TV, they tend to hold handguns so that the magazine port is angled about 90 degrees from the ground.   Two things always amaze me about these scenes.

First, I can’t imagine how they hit the target with the sights so far out of alignment, let alone put enough lead into the other shooter to kill him/her 10 times over.  The other thing that amazes me is that the gun never has a fail to feed problem.

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Shooters that use the “gangster grip” claim that they hold the gun this way so they can shoot faster.  The fact is they aren’t doing more than “spraying and praying” they hit what they think they are aiming at.  In a lot of shootouts the target individuals are missed and simply escape.

Sadly, given the large number of bullets flying around, it is more than likely innocent bystanders will get hurt or killed.

The major problems with this way of shooting are:

  • You can’t accurately measure movement left or right.
  • You can’t get a reliable sight picture because you are aiming down the slide instead of via the sights.
  • There is also no way to know if the pistol is pointing down below your field of vision from the back of the pistol.
  • Even if you do hit your target, it is likely you will not make the same shot again because you are never actually aiming the same way twice.

Big Caliber Guns are Fine for Beginners

In movies and on TV, they often show a complete novice picking up a large caliber gun and firing it with no problems.  This simply isn’t the way to developing good marksmanship and safe shooting works in the real world.

You will need to start off with small calibers and master them before moving on to larger ones.  If you use a gun that has too much recoil, or is too powerful for you to control, you can easily hurt yourself and others.

Case in point. I have personally witnessed people using guns like the 50 Caliber Desert Eagle and winding up with severe head wounds when the gun escaped their hands and hit them after firing.  Aside from that, never forget that you won’t be just carrying a gun for a one or two hour TV show or movie.

You may carry the gun for years on end and never need to pull it let alone get through a problematic situation.  During that time, you will still need to practice and make sure you do not develop problems such as jerking the trigger, flinching, looking away from the target when you shoot, or being totally afraid to handle or shoot pistols.

You Will Shoot Like a Pro from the Beginning

In movies, the good guy always shoots perfectly even if they have never fired a gun in their lives. No matter whether they got a “lucky shot” at just the right moment, or managed to be some kind of genius that engaged in a complex shootout, chances are you will not have the same experience during a time when your life depends on it.

Not only will you have to manage the gun itself, your own adrenaline and stress responses can, and will wreak havoc on you.  It takes years of training and practice to become a master at shooting a pistol.

Getting Shot Looks Obvious

When a person gets shot in a movie, they are lifted up off the ground and thrown many feet behind them into glass window or some other spectacular background.  In reality the victim may only move back a little bit and then fall over dead.

If the gun is of a smaller caliber, the person is likely to remain standing.  In most cases, the impact of the average bullet has about the same force as the recoil.  This occurs mainly because the body has much more weight and mass than the bullet. In addition, remember, the bullet isn’t made to just push the target, it is made to lodge in it or punch through it.

As such, you simply won’t see a lot of movement backwards when the bullet hits a live target. Check with FBI’s Handgun Wounding Factors and Effectiveness Manual for some further insights.

The Ammo Supply is Never Ending

Even though large capacity magazines may seem like they hold a lot of bullets, the fact is  even 18 rounds can go very quickly.  Some researchers have found that even trained law enforcement officers in a situation may fire their gun many times before hitting their target.

In a situation, it is likely you will run out of ammo and still not hit your attacker.  While they never count their bullets in the movies, you must always know how many bullets you have left at every second.  You should also remember to carry spare, loaded magazines and extra ammo.

Treating ammo like they do in the movies is a good way to wind up dead regardless of your experience and skill level.

You Will Always Be Thrown Backwards When You Fire a Gun

New shooters, or those with little shooting experience believe that they will be thrown backwards regardless of the caliber of the firearm.  Smaller caliber guns have less felt recoil.  Unless you are firing  a weapon that is well beyond your capability, it is likely that only your hand and forearm will move out of position.

With proper training and skill development, you should have no movement at all backwards from the recoil of a gun.

Semi-automatic Weapons Fire Like Machine Guns

In a lot of action movies semi-automatic weapons are portrayed as if they are full-automatics.  There is a big difference between the two, which leads to the false claim that semi-automatic weapons are “assault weapons”.

A semi-automatic weapon shoots one bullet with one pull of the trigger even with or without it has a bump stock on it.  Without this type of stock, AK, AR, and other semi-automatic weapons are no different than any other gun insofar as the trigger operation.

A full-automatic weapon, which can be called a “assault weapon” shoots many bullets without needing to pull the trigger again.  This type of gun will only stop firing when the trigger is released.  It takes a lot of training to shoot a full-automatic weapon accurately.

Without this training, all the shooter is doing is wasting ammunition and spraying the area vainly hoping to hit something.  Both semi-automatic and full-automatic weapons must be aimed to get the best target accuracy.

Guns Will Always Fire When Dropped

In the movies, when actors or actresses drop a gun, it always goes off (and more than likely kills someone in the bargain).  Today, guns are designed to not accidentally fire when dropped as required by The Gun Control Act of 1968.

Guns designed before The Gun Control Act of 1968 have no safe guards to protect shooters from a dropped firearm going off.  This one movie myth alone has probably negated dozens of modern alibis to murder made by people that claimed they dropped the gun and it fired “by accident”.

While it is still possible for this to happen, the drop safety test conducted by the manufacturer ensures that 99.999% of the time, a dropped gun will not go off.  If the gun does fall out of your hands, never try to catch it while it is in motion.  It is very easy for a finger or something else to get into the trigger guard and pull the trigger.

There is no Need to Aim a Shotgun

In many movies and on TV, people just point the shotgun in a general direction of the target and fire.  To add insult to injury, once the shotgun pellets hits, everything and everyone is destroyed, dead, or dying.  You can’t just “point and shoot” a shotgun and expect to hit the target.

Good aim maters just as much when shooting a shotgun as it does shooting a pistol.  With a shotgun, the further away the target is, the greater the shotgun pellets will spread.  As such, it is easier than you might expect to completely miss the target.

Even if you shoot slugs out of the shotgun, you must aim at the target and compensate for the weight of the slug at different distances.  The farther away from the target you are, the more the slug will drop.

It is Easy to Buy Firearms and Ammo

Movies and TV often show people walking into a gun store and simply buying whatever they want. Others show people walking in and flashing enough money to buy something “off the books”.  Even worse, there are many other movies and TV that show people buying a whole arsenal from gun shows or off the streets.

The false idea here is that all you have to do is go to your friendly neighborhood gun runner and get everything you need at cheap bargain basement prices. These movies never show the gun blowing up in the buyer’s hands, or all of the problems that occur as a result of buying low quality junk that probably won’t hit the target even if it does fire.

Sadly, these movies and the cultural opinion are also being used endlessly to drive gun control legislation.

It is true that private gun sales can be made in some states without the seller having to do a background check.  Depending on the state, the seller may still have to make sure they are not selling to a convicted felon or someone else that is not supposed to have a gun.

Even in these states, it is already a crime to sell a gun to someone that shouldn’t have it.  As a result, if the buyer does get caught, the person that sold him/her the weapon will also face criminal charges.

Insofar as gun shows, there are some individuals that believe anyone can go to a gun show firearms retailers booth, lay down some money, walk out with a gun, and never file any state or federal forms.  Buying a gun at a gun show retailer’s table is no different from buying from any legitimate gun store.

All firearm retailers in the business of selling firearms must due the following:

  1. Have a Federal Firearms License(FFL).
  2. Perform background checks through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System(NICS).
  3. If you pass the background check, then and only then can you pay for the firearm and then take it home.
  4. If you don’t pass the background check because you can’t legally own a firearm, you will be arrested either right there at the show, or at home.
  5. At all legitimate gun shows you will find local, state, and federal law enforcement officers there to monitor sales and be sure all sales are lawful transactions.
  6. The so-called “gun show loophole” is a completely false construct. It is said that people can simply meet up outside the gun show and sell there; thus getting around straw purchase laws. This is no different from making a private sale in a remote location.

In fact, it is less likely these kinds of sales will be made on the ground surrounding a gun show because the police are actively looking for such sales and will act to put a stop to them.  If anything,outside of a gun show is the worst place to make a private gun sale.

Never forget that gun shows, like most gun stores, utilize cameras and other forms of surveillance equipment.  This includes on the grounds surrounding the gun show as well as inside the buildings.

In conclusion, if you believe everything you see at the movies or TV dealing with firearms you can wind up in some very bad situations. This includes being unable to defend yourself in a time of need as well as being largely uninformed about how gun laws work in the real world.

If you don’t want to wind up dead or on the way to the pokey for breaking the law, it is best to relegate “action” TV and  movies to entertainment purposes only and find a good instructor that will train you properly in gun use and ownership.

This article has been written by Fred Tyrell for Survivopedia.

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How to Use Vodka as a Prepping Supply

Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.

Editors Note: Another guest post from Valknut79 to The Prepper Journal. Try as I might I just couldn’t keep from offering comments as I claim to have extensive experience in this particular substance, er subject. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share and possibly receive a $25 cash award as well as be entered into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards  with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies, enter today!

Vodka is one of the highest concentrated alcoholic drinks available. It’s relative tastlessness makes it a favorite for combining into mixed drinks, and it’s possible to find relatively inexpensively in almost every grocery store in America. Vodka, if used and stored correctly, is also a very important supply to have for prepping, because it has a wide range of possible uses and it never goes bad.

Vodka as a Bartering Supply

When the SHTF scenario finally occurs, one of the surest things that will happen is that alcohol’s value will skyrocket. People crave their vices, even if the vice is not one that causes a physical dependence, and they are usually willing to give up quite a lot to get even a drop of what they know and love.

It’s also a fairly sure thing that, as much as we prep for the future, we cannot possibly deal with every eventuality. You may think you’ve got enough to keep you and your family fed, until you suddenly realize that you have ten boxes of noodles, but no pasta sauce to make a meal with.

Since vodka stores indefinitely, and since it has such a high concentration of alcohol, it’s possible to get a buzz with a very limited quantity of alcohol, and in an SHTF situation, where dependents have been without for so long, it will take very little for them to get drunk. Therefore, you should have little trouble trading a bottle, or even a few sips, for something very valuable when that time comes.

Vodka as a Medical Supply

Like all alcohol, vodka can be used in place of ethyl or isopropyl alcohol in medical applications. Obviously, as a designed food item, the vodka is not quite as good of an alternative as the real thing, but in a pinch, you can certainly use it to disinfect wounds, or rub it on the body over an area you may wish to cut into or sew to reduce the risk of infection.


You could use it to clean your knife or other supplies as well, paricularly needles, or tweezers. Vodka won’t be as effective as other forms of made-to-use medical supplies like hand sanitizer or medicinal alcohol, but it will work well enough.

Alcohol is also useful as an analgesic for tooth pain, and can be rubbed on your skin to treat itches or poison ivy.

Vodka to Make Tinctures

If you grow herbs, or use herbal medicine in any way, then vodka should already be part of your fall purchase list so that you can use it in creating tinctures to preserve herbaceous medicines. The process is simple – in a small, dark and opaque bottle or jar, fill the bottle or jar with herbs (leaves, flowers, roots, or whatever piece you’d normally use). Top off the bottle with vodka, and let it sit for a week or so in order to have the medicine steep into the liquid. After you’ve allowed the mixture to steep, you can strain out the liquid tincture, and store it in dropper bottles, which take up less area and have an adequate measuring system included.

A few tips: you must ensure that your alcohol is at least 80 proof (40% ABV – alcohol by volume) so that the alcohol content can successfully break down the essential plant matter. You must make sure that your storage solution is opaque, as sunlight can damage the medicinal qualities of the tincture. Making a tincture is a method of storing herbal medicines nearly indefinitely if you preserve the bottles in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.

To take a tincture, you simply add one full dropper to a beverage, or apply underneath your tongue. Because the tincture is an alcoholic product, it will allow the medicine to be absorbed quickly in to your bloodstream, and work quickly and powerfully to fix your ailment. Some herbalists recommend rubbing tinctures into your skin, although this is probably less effective.

Sage leaves, chamomile flowers, and willow bark are easy-to-grow plants that are common in many areas, and have a variety of useful effects. They make great starter tinctures.

Vodka as an Accelerant

Vodka is very high in alcohol content, and as anyone who experimented in chemistry can tell you, alcohol burns hot and quick. You can use vodka as an accelerant for fires (similar to lighter fluid). It does not create a steady, long burn, but it could help you catch a few twigs on fire, and is especially useful if you’re not all that skilled with bushcraft.

Vodka as a Gun Cleaner

If you’ve got a rag and a bottle of vodka, you have all the materials necessary to clean your gun. The alcohol in vodka can break down most of the buildup and gunk that accumulates inside gun barrels and can get all the moving parts cleaned and shined up well.

Vodka as a Weapon

With a rag, a bottle of alcohol and a fire, you have an effective Molotov cocktail, an exploding fire grenade that can deal massive damage to crowds, a vehicle or a building. If you’re in a one-on-one fight, a broken bottle is a very menacing weapon. But beware, glass bottles either do not break easily or shatter completely, depending on a lot of factors. Once again, the movie and TV stereotypes are a myth. On the upside, anyone you injure with this will appreciated that you were kind enough to use a weapon that will fight infection.

Vodka to Keep Warm?

Alcohol in general can make you feel like you’ve increased your body temperature, and therefore, it is often thought of as a way to keep your internal body temperature high. In fact, alcohol does the opposite. You feel warm when you drink alcohol because it actually lowers your internal temperature, causing you to feel like you just walked out on a warm summer day wearing a winter coat. Drinking in cold temperatures can be very hazardous to your health. However, that false feeling, along with the numbing effect, can be an effective method for calming agitated people.

NOTE: Almost any of the applications here use vodka in unconventional ways, and in almost all circumstances, it is not the primary or ideal way to perform the action. Also, any high proof alcohol will do the job, but vodka is the most accessible and least expensive in my experience. Brandy, Ever-clear or moonshine will all work quite well. When buying vodka, it’s probably best to buy it in glass, not plastic, bottles, and you may wish to choose an organic brand. The higher the concentration of alcohol, the more effective it will be in almost every circumstance listed above.

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Thursday, January 25, 2018

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Earthquake and Tsunami Scenarios: How To Survive Natural Calamities

Natural disasters are all scary; but one of the scariest ones to be caught in is an earthquake. There’s nothing else that compares with the stark terror that comes when the very ground starts moving underneath your feet.

Perhaps one of the things that makes that terror so real is that earthquakes come with no warning, unlike other types of natural disasters which at least give you a few moments for some last-minute preparations.

Earthquakes are caused by movement in the Earth’s crust. This relatively thin layer of rock and soil is broken up into many plates, which are wedged against each other, largely held in place by friction. But these plates are constantly in motion, slowly changing the geography of the Earth.

Since the edges of these tectonic plates are rough, they don’t slide against each other smoothly. Rather, they tend to catch and stick, until enough pressure builds up to cause them to move.

An enormous amount of energy is trapped in these plates, caused by the bulk of the plate moving, while the parts that are jammed against neighboring plates, at the faults, are stuck. When that energy reaches a critical point, it causes the stuck part to break and move, sending shockwaves through the ground.

The earthquake is actually those shockwaves, which are strong enough to cause the ground to heave and buckle.

It’s bad enough when this happens on dry ground, and can cause extensive damage. California has been plagued by such earthquakes through the years, because of the large number of fault lines running through the state.

But California is by far not the only place in the world that suffers from earthquakes, or even in the country.

But what happens when those earthquakes happen under the ocean? One would think that the lack of human structures would minimize the damage and that the massive amount of water in the ocean would absorb the shockwaves, without problem. But that’s not the case.

When an earthquake happens under the ocean, it causes the ocean floor to move up and down, just like it causes the land to move up and down. The water, seeking to maintain equilibrium, flows towards the epicenter of the earthquake when the ocean floor is at the low point in the cycle and away from the epicenter when the earthquake is at the high point in the cycle.

If you imagine pushing something like a bucket or ball down into the water of a swimming pool, you’ll see the same effect, just smaller.

In the ocean, we’re talking an enormous amount of water that is flowing towards and away from the epicenter. The larger the earthquake, the more water is displaced. This water has to go somewhere, and ends up forming concentric waves, radiating out from the epicenter of the earthquake.

These waves can reach well over 100 feet high, as millions of gallons of water are displaced.

Earthquakes aren’t the only thing that can cause tsunamis, although they are the most common. Landslides and volcanoes can also cause them, as both can dump huge amounts of rock and earth into the water, causing the same sort of displacement that causes a tsunami.

This Timeless Collection of Forgotten Wisdom Will Help You Survive!

Since 1950, there have been 33 recorded tsunamis, varying in location, height and damaged caused. Probably the most devastating of these was the 2011 earthquake off the Pacific coast of Japan, which caused a 33 foot high wave, killing 10,550 people and causing the meltdown of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Effects of this tsunami are still being felt today.

Most recently, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 off the coast of Alaska raised fears of a tsunami hitting the Alaskan coast on Tuesday, January 23rd. While this never materialized, a tsunami warning was issued and people living along the coast were forced to seek refuge.

The Destructive Power of a Tsunami

The power of moving water is incredible. The same substance we drink and bathe in is incredibly destructive in large quantities. When you’re talking about millions of gallons of water moving all at the same time, there is little that can withstand it.

Video taken of various tsunamis, such as the 2011 tsunami that hit the Northeast Coast of Japan, is much different than one would expect. Rarely is there the “massive wall of water” that people talk about. Rather, a tsunami hits the coast much like the ripples of the rising tide. However, unlike the tide, the water doesn’t recede. Instead, more ripples come along, making the water level rise even higher.

While some tsunamis can measure over 100 feet at the crest, many are much smaller, raising the water level to only a couple of meters above normal high tide. Even that can cause massive destruction, as it sweeps ashore, moving everything in its path.

The farther the epicenter is from land, the lower the waves will be when they hit shore. The 2011 Japan tsunami also hit the West Coast of the United States; but by the time the waves had crossed the ocean, they were much lower, preventing them from causing damage to California beachfront properties.

However, it doesn’t take a lot of wave height to cause massive damage. Any water that spills over a sea wall or that goes farther up the beach than normal high tide, is likely to encounter things that were not built to withstand the force of being hit by water. Those things are likely to be carried off entirely by the water.

Video taken when the tsunami came ashore in Japan shows it floating away vehicles and entire buildings.

Protecting Yourself from a Tsunami

Anyone living near the coast needs to be concerned about the possibilities of tsunamis. While they are not common, they are common enough and destructive enough that it is necessary to be prepared to survive one. That starts with knowing how far above sea level you live.

Tsunami warnings will usually indicate approximately how high the waves are, allowing you to make a determination of whether you are safe, in danger, or in the grey area in-between.

When I say “living near the coast;” that’s a relative term. There are places where you might live 50 miles from the coast, but still be less than 100 feet above sea level. If that’s the case, you are near the coast. Base your proximity on the altitude above sea level, not the distance you would have to drive to the beach. Water doesn’t care about distance; but it does care about altitude.

While tsunami warnings will not always be accompanied by a government-mandated evacuation order, they should be taken as such by anyone living near the coast who is within or even near the danger zone. There aren’t any second chances with tsunamis.

There isn’t any safe bug in option in this case. Homes may be washed away or destroyed by the flooding. Bunkers will be flooded. No matter how much work you put into making your home a survival retreat, none of it will do you any good in this scenario.

About the only buildings which are safe during a tsunami are large, multi-storied concrete structures, with firm, deep foundations. But even that is risky, unless you are sure of the building’s design and specifications.

Some of the video from the Japan tsunami was captured by people who had retreated to apartment or office buildings that met this description. However, even though the water may not move the building, floating debris can break windows and cause serious damage to the lower floors of these buildings.

This is one of the disaster scenarios where you want to have a good bug out plan in place. As part of that, you’ll need a planned survival retreat that you can go to. That retreat should be stocked with food, water and other supplies, so that you don’t have to bring them with you.

As in any mass evacuation, travel will be difficult and roads will probably become blocked.

Plan on anything you leave behind being destroyed by the tsunami. If you have valuables which are uninsured, you may want to consider taking them with you, if you can. Of course, that depends a lot on the size of the valuables, how delicate they are and how many you have.

But if your home becomes washed away by the tsunami, even things stored in a safe will probably never be returned to you.

For Those Who Own Boats

Riding a tsunami out in a boat could be considerably safer than riding it out on land, assuming there is no massive wave to capsize your boat (there rarely is) and your boat is large enough for open ocean traveling. Boats don’t care much how deep the water is, as long as there is water under the keel.

This is not to say that taking a boat out to the open ocean during a tsunami is totally safe. Taking a boat out to the open ocean has risks at any time. But the risks during a tsunami are not a whole lot worse than normal boating, if some precautions are taken.

Specifically, the boat has to be pointed in to the waves at all time, to prevent capsizing and you have to manage to get far enough offshore, before the tsunami hits, so that the moving water does not drive you onto shore.

Large oceangoing ships are said to be safe in a tsunami if they are in at least 180 feet of water. So I would say that if this works for them, it would work for smaller vessels too. Whether or not you would be able to make it that far will depend on how much notice you get and how fast your boat is.

Probably the biggest problem for any boat owner will be returning to port. If the tsunami hits the port that the boat set sail from, it will probably be impossible to return to that port, even after the all-clear is given by officials.

There will most likely be extensive damage to the port, and even more extensive damage to the facilities behind the port. Therefore, it will be necessary for the boat to have enough range to reach another port, far enough away so as to not have been damaged by the rising water.

In any case, boat owners should not return to any port until an all clear is sounded. This will not happen until the tsunami has fully ended and the waters have subsided. At that point, and not until that point, it will be safe.

This article has been written by Bill White for Survivopedia.

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5 Ways to Turn Ordinary Land into a Thriving Garden During the Winter Season

Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.

Editors Note: A guest contribution from Megan Nichols to The Prepper Journal. While we are well into our winter some of our followers in the Southern Hemisphere and basking in their summer. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share and possibly receive a $25 cash award as well as be entered into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards  with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies, enter today.

As the temperatures begin to fall, now’s the perfect time to garden. Yes, you read that right. Winter gardening is feasible and simple to achieve!


In fact, most farms have their tractors running year-round. Keeping a garden in optimal shape during the winter season helps both gardeners and the surrounding environment.
If you’re not keen on the idea of sowing your land during the winter season, you might want to change your mind. Maintaining a functioning and productive garden throughout the year — winter included — gives your soil the attention it needs to flourish during the warmer spring and summer days.

How You Can Benefit From Harvesting Your Own Food

You don’t have to be a farmer to reap the benefits of harvesting your own food. In fact, any individual with a small plot of land can transform their soil into a haven full of greens and fauna. Preppers and survivalists will enjoy having easy access to fruits and vegetables they can pick straight from their garden. Plus, it saves a trip to the supermarket on extra cold days, too.

Throughout the winter season, you’re likely to find yourself wrapped up in your blanket in front of the television or computer. Gardening provides you with the incentive to get out and exercise without actually having to go to the gym. Best of all, the reward of growing your food makes the activity you put into your garden seem less like work and more like fun instead.

As the snow begins to pile up outside, you might long for warm and sun-filled days. Don’t forget to enjoy the natural world around you. Getting outdoors uplifts your mood and prevents you from feeling cabin-fever, too.

Kick Your Green-Thumb Up a Notch With a Few Simple Guidelines

Even though the temperature continues to drop, that doesn’t mean you have to wait until the summer season to enjoy a garden full of greens. In fact, there’s no better way to wrap up the year than with a few seeds sprouting outside your house that lay the foundation for the warmer days ahead.

You can transform any everyday plot of land into a thriving terrain bursting with fauna with a few of these winter gardening tips in mind.

1. Grow Winter Friendly Crops

You should never plant a vegetable or fruit that needs excessive sunlight and warmth during the winter season with the hopes that it will grow even with the proper TLC. Unfortunately, many plants must be planted within their relative season to thrive. You should [use vegetable growing guidelines]( as a reference for when to plant seeds for optimal results.

If you think only the best crops can grow in the summer, you’ll happily discover some of your favorite greens to enjoy throughout the winter season as well. Vegetables such as peas, garlic, and onions flourish even when planted on colder days.

2. Don’t Plant Too Early

You might be excited to plant your seeds early. In fact, it might seem that doing so allows you to enjoy your winter harvest sooner. Well, not exactly.

Planting crops too early during the fall season can actually be counterintuitive to your desired outcome. This is especially true for crops you might plant to supplement your garden. Sowing oats earlier than necessary can result in an overgrowth of the crop which might [deplete your garden’s nutrients and moisture]( prematurely.

For optimal results, always familiarize yourself with a crop’s planting guidelines before sowing.

3. Take Your Flora Indoors

If you’re not one for the cold and brisk air that defines the winter season, you can transfer your gardening indoors.

Many crops can benefit from the temperature-controlled conditions provided by your home. If you have supplemental UV lighting or a south-facing window, even better! When you transfer your greens and crops indoors, you can provide them extra protection against the unpredictable winter season.

Make sure to use artificial light to help your plants grow strong and healthy. Invest in lightbulbs that provide the optimal brightness for each of your plant species to help them receive the light they require.

4. Create a Mound for Added Protective

Farmers and avid gardeners alike watch the forecast with hopes of the weatherman not mentioning one dreaded word — snow. While snowfall doesn’t provide the ideal harvesting conditions, you don’t have to fear snowy conditions.

Use your garden’s surrounding leaves to create a mound on top of sturdier crops such as carrots and shallots. Even when flurries begin to trickle onto your land, the added layer of leaves offers your garden an insulated barrier against freezing conditions.

5. Enlist the Help of Machinery

While snow is a beautiful sight to see, it doesn’t last forever. When snow begins to melt, you might find yourself dealing with a watery mess in your garden. To produce the optimal results in your garden and to help your plants thrive, it’s essential to drain any excess water as it melts throughout the season.

Whenever you need a hand to help you lift massive plots or to transfer your fauna, you can turn to machinery for added assistance.

Whether you decide to make a raised bed or transfer your crops to another portion of your land, [enlisting the assistance of forklifts]( prevents you from depleting your energy so you have more get-up-and-go power to give to your plants instead.

How You Can Become a Savvy Saver Through Gardening

Gardeners and farmers aren’t the only ones who benefit from gardening during the winter season. In fact, you can turn your plot into a haven full of savings.

Going to the supermarket can be expensive — especially during the winter season. It typically costs more to buy the very same fruit and vegetables you can purchase at a fraction of the cost in June or July. That’s because areas suffering from frost and blizzards rely more on imported crops to fulfill their vegetable and fruit demands.

You can save money by putting a little-added effort into the plot of land that lines your backyard. Not only that, but you will feel a greater sense of accomplishment knowing your food grew to perfection through the assistance of your very own hands.

Use Your Time Wisely for the Ultimate Outcome

Don’t wait until the first frost sets in to turn your soil into a lush array of veggies and greens — start your gardening today!

Familiarize yourself with the conditions and climate that defines your area. Nothing is quite as essential as planning when it comes to gardening. Plant your seeds before the first anticipated frost days to give your plants plenty of time to grow and mature.

Once you have a few of these basic and easy to follow tips in mind, you’ll find your garden full of beautiful fauna — even during the winter season.

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The post 5 Ways to Turn Ordinary Land into a Thriving Garden During the Winter Season appeared first on The Prepper Journal.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Review of the Ruger LC9 – What You Need To Know

Review of the Ruger LC9

by Bill

With the rise in concealed carry, there have been a number of compact 9mm Parabellum (Luger) (9×19) pistols to enter the market.  Ruger’s entry into this market, the LC9, has become a major competitor in its niche and spawned a number of follow-on models since introduction

On its surface, the LC9 greatly resembles the Grendel and Kel-Tec compact pistols.  The bobbed and recessed hammer that is activated by a long double action trigger pull sits atop a glass-filled nylon frame.  The sights are three dot and small, but the front is dovetailed and can be adjusted using a punch...

Read the whole entry... »

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How To Survive Stupid People

Foreseeing disasters and preparing for them is what preppers do. I mean, that’s what makes us preppers, right? So we should always be looking forward, seeing the next potential disaster and trying to figure out how to survive it. While many of those potential disasters will never come to pass, the one that does makes it all worthwhile.

But all this looking forward can have its own consequences. We can end up having tunnel vision to the future, and end up not seeing what’s going on around us. We can be looking to see the zombie apocalypse that’s coming in the future, and because of that, not see the zombies walking all around us.

Yes folks, we are living in the midst of a zombie apocalypse right now, and we haven’t even noticed it. I am speaking, of course, of all the stupid people around us. You know what I mean… or at least I hope you do. Otherwise, you might need to check yourself… for you might be one of them.

Trigger Warning: If any of you are stupid enough to not recognize that this article is satirical in nature, then you are at risk of being just the type of people who are likely to be qualified as stupid people. Beware! You are at danger of natural selection.

Please note that this article does not refer in any way to people who have a low intelligence quotient, more commonly referred to as the IQ. Rather, it is actually referring to people who have no common sense whatsoever; the other type of intelligence necessary for survival.

While common sense is by no means common, it is what protects humankind from destroying ourselves. Perhaps it is this lack of commonness, which is causing the downslide of said humankind.

The level of stupidity in the world is on the upswing. To prove this point, scientific studies have shown that functional illiteracy rates amongst industrialized English-speaking nations are on the decline. It’s not just here in the USA either; this phenomenon is happening in all of the major English-speaking countries, around the world.

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I’m not sure what’s happening in countries where English is a secondary language, because as best I know, no studies of this type have been done in those countries.

Some are proposing that it is the English language that is causing the dumbing down of these countries, but I beg to differ. There is ample evidence that this is all a part of a sinister government plot; one designed to make us all into slaves of the government, doing nothing more than what our betters in government service tell us to do and not doing anything they don’t tell us to do.

Just look at all the stories on the Internet that are talking about nefarious actions on the part of our government to dumb us down. I’ll mention just four here:

  • Fluoride in the water, which has been shown to destroy brain cells, is common throughout the United States. The excuse for this is to improve dental health. But if that was true, then why doesn’t our water carry things to heal us of other diseases as well?
  • Smart-meters, which are replacing normal power meters, and surrounding us with a field of electromagnetic radiation, as if our smartphones weren’t already sending enough electromagnetic radiation into our brains to damage them.
  • Chemtrails, where the government is forcing the major airline companies to poison us, putting chemicals in the upper atmosphere, so that they will fall down upon us. We have all become human lab rats, part of a great experiment to turn us into the walking brain dead.
  • Common Core curriculum, which teaches children how to come up with the wrong answers to math problems and penalizes them for being right about just about anything.

The list goes on and on. Secret and secretive forces in our government are clearly bent on nefarious purposes; ones which will turn us all into mindless slaves, just like the dumb people all around us.

Just look at how people live their lives today. The average stupid person lives like little more than a two-legged animal. Perhaps that’s why they are referred to as “sheeple.” They get up in the morning, eat and dress. Then it’s off to work at some mind-numbing job which hasn’t yet been replaced by a computer.

After work, it’s home to eat again, then sit in front of the boob tube, mesmerized by images of actors and actresses acting dumb for big bucks. TV programming is available around the clock, so that those who have insomnia can continue living their lives vicariously through the actors, rather than living a real life of their own.

Eventually it’s off to bed, resting in preparation of another day of work and television.

You call that a life? I suppose if you’re a cow it is. Eat, work and sleep; that’s it. Not much of a requirement for a brain in all that. Definitely no need for any form of higher thought. They can dumb us down, and still get the day’s quota of work out of us.

One Potential Solution

There is one potential solution, which has been offered to solve the problem of all the stupid people who are taking over the world. That’s to simply remove all the warning labels off of products and outlaw warning statements like, “don’t try this at home” on YouTube videos.

That one simple act could have far-reaching consequences, allowing natural selection to once again take over.

In case you’re not familiar with the concept of natural selection, it’s part of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. Put simply, it states that only the best and strongest of a species survive, while the weaker members of a species die off due to natural causes, such as being hunted by predators.

This process “cleanses” the gene pool of defective genes, allowing future generations to inherit the stronger genes and have a better chance of survival.

This is a slow process, simply because dumb people and animals tend to breed rapidly, even more rapidly than their more intelligent counterparts. With little else to occupy their minds, it is easy to turn to thoughts of sex, simply for entertainment.

Little in the way of morals impedes these thoughts, so the dumb people seek each other out, rather than forming lasting relationships with more intelligent people and with purposes beyond just sexual pleasure.

Currently, product liability lawyers and our government are interfering excessively with the process of natural selection. By mandating warning labels, many of the products and activities that would naturally work to eliminate these stupid people from the gene pool are prevented from doing their job.

Those warnings provide excessive protection for these lower forms of life, allowing them to continue living and breeding, filling the Earth with more stupid people.

Eliminating these warning labels would merely return things to how they should be. Stupid people would do what stupid people do best… stupid things. While it would be unfortunate for the stupid people in question, this would then cause the aforementioned cleansing of the human gene pool over the next several generations.

The trick to putting this plan into operation is to eliminate the armies of product-liability lawyers, lobbyists and of course legislators who think it is their divine responsibility to protect people from themselves. No solution to this part of the problem has yet been proposed.

What to do with Stupid People

Since we can’t just eliminate stupid people, or rather, allow natural selection to eliminate them, we must find more subtle ways of dealing with them. Avoidance is a good method, but the problem there is that stupid people are everywhere, making it very hard to avoid them.

The current political climate makes it impossible to force these people to identify themselves, perhaps by wearing some sort of tag with their IQ listed on it in bold numbers. But even if that were a possible option, it really wouldn’t help, because there is no known CSQ (common sense quotient) or means of testing for it.

As it is really these people with a low CSQ that are the problem, such an identifier would be necessary so that we could avoid them.

Unfortunately, there is no outwardly visible sign of people with a low CSQ, so we can’t just watch out for them and avoid them. The only way to find out if someone has a low CSQ is to spend enough time with them, that you can observe their actions and reactions, seeing times when common sense would dictate a particular course of action and noticing that they don’t avoid it.

Once that happens, it is best to find something harmless for these people to do, in order to prevent them from causing further problems. Since it is still considered murder to eliminate them as a risk to society, we cannot use that as an alternate means of cleansing the gene pool. Rather, we must direct them towards activities that will keep them from causing problems for everyone else:

  • Put them in a round room and tell them to sit in the corner.
  • Give them a bottle of “experimental” shampoo and tell them to wash their hair, following the instruction on the bottle to the letter… lather, rinse, repeat.
  • Get them a job cleaning the bottom of swimming pools, but don’t give them the normal tools, which allow them to clean the pool from the level of the deck around it.
  • Put them to work reviewing television programs.
  • Put them to work reviewing electronic games.
  • Send them on a jackalope hunt, to remove this dangerous pest.

There are many other similar activities which can be used in the same manner. Any thinking person can come up with a list of them, rather easily.

Always Assume the Worst

Considering the high number of stupid people we find in the world today, life can be extremely dangerous. One never knows when a stupid person might jump up right in front of them, doing something stupid that could cause them harm.

It’s bad enough when these people do things to hurt themselves, but all too often they get away scot-free, not even realizing that they’ve caused a problem. It’s the other people, normal intelligent ones with a high CSQ who end up suffering the consequences of their actions.

The only real solution to this problem, other than herding all the people with low CSQs into a large penned-in area and keeping them there, is to do what I taught my children to do, when I was teaching them to drive. That is, always assume that the other person is going to do something stupid.

That way, when they end up doing something stupid, you’re ready for it.

This simple philosophy has saved me from countless dangerous situations created by stupid people. I don’t just apply it when I’m driving, but in all situations. I literally walk through life, watching to see what stupid things others are going to do.

Of course, part of the process here is using my superior brain power to not only think of the stupid things they might do (and I’ve got to say that some of these people can be brilliant in coming up with stupid things to do), but in coming up with my own response to their actions, should my supposition be proven true and I find that they truly are stupid people, doing stupid things.

Those of us who have seen the latest Sherlock Homes movies, with Robert Downey Jr. playing Sherlock, have seen this in action. In a number of cases, the great detective thinks through a pending conflict, foreseeing the actions of the stupid people and developing his responses.

Then, when the stupid people do what stupid people do, he is ready to counter their actions, sallying forth victoriously.

Of course, that’s a movie and you and I must deal with these things in real-life and real-time. That’s a bit harder, as we don’t have script writers to help us. Nevertheless, with a little practice, we can master this ability. Start with something simple, like driving; and then allow yourself to apply the method in other parts of your life.

Don’t Let Yourself Become One of Them

The worst thing that can happen to any of us is to become one of them. I know that’s a scary thought, but if you spend enough time watching television or playing video games, it could happen. Even the smartest amongst us are capable of becoming zombies, if we allow ourselves to succumb to the “entertainment” of today, which is all intended to dumb us down.

The key to avoiding this is to use your brain. After all, it really was created to do more than just fill up the space between your ears. So exercise it. Force yourself to think. Find activities which require thinking and do them. What activities? Things like:

  • Reading
  • Learning to do something new
  • Practicing a new skill that requires thought and concentration, like shooting
  • Watching the opera
  • Listening to classical music
  • Making things with your hands
  • Speaking with foreigners, in another language

Again, there are many possibilities, limited by only your own imagination and curiosity. Let that curiosity loose and follow it where it might lead. The worst that could possibly happen is that you find out that you have already succumbed to becoming one of them, and end up hurt for doing something that you really shouldn’t have tried doing.

Granted, the ideas I’ve mentioned there deal with the IQ and not the CSQ, but that’s alright. While there is not actual correlation between the two, the things I’ve mentioned as possible activities require more than just thought; they require action on your part.

Doing activities which require you to do something more than just think, while also requiring you to think, have a high probability of increasing both your IQ and your CSQ. Activities which just require thinking, such as purely academic pursuits, will not increase your CSQ, even if they do increase your IQ.

Avoid at all costs institutes of higher learning. They have been taken over by people who are severely lacking in CSQ. That’s a direct result of the saying, “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” Our institutes of higher learning are filled with people who can’t… so they are teaching.

You can’t learn common sense, from someone who doesn’t have it. If you want to learn more on how to survive anything, this is just the thing.

This article has been written by Bill White for Survivopedia.

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