Saturday, August 29, 2015

Hurricane Survival Guide

Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.

Hurricane season for the Atlantic Ocean runs from June 1st to November 30th with a sharp peak in activity from late August through September. It was precisely this time period that Hurricane Katrina descended upon the gulf causing at least 1,245 deaths and over 108 billion dollars of damage. The resulting chaos and horror shocked […]

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Thanks to our first contest winner @tanjamarie for sharing with us pictures of her new bug out bag in action! We appreciate your supper and hope you enjoy your new bag! #thecoroutfitters #everydaycarry #edc #bugoutbag #bob #bugout #bugoutgear #contest #contestwinner #winner #appreciation #customer

Prep Blog Review: Preparing For The Economic Meltdown

prep blog 29aug

Bad news about the collapsing markets make the news these days. The global economy stands on melting legs, and seems to be heading to disaster. But the mainstream media takes the governmental statistics for granted, and pretend that the crisis that you see it’s not really a crisis.

So be aware and beware! Read these articles we found for you this week, and prepare for the worst!

1. During Every Market Crash There Are Big Ups, Big Downs And Giant Waves Of Momentum

prepblog1“This is exactly the type of market behavior that we would expect to see during the early stages of a major financial crisis.  In every major market downturn throughout history there were big ups, big downs and giant waves of momentum, and this time around will not be any different. 

Read more on The Economic Collapse.

2. Are You Practicing Financial Redundancy?

prepblog2After the stock market opened up this week on “Black Monday” and quickly dropped 1000 points, many people were surprised. The internet was abuzz with stories discussing the various reasons for the market turmoil and more than one educated source said these wild fluctuations are “perfectly normal”. Economists sounded a more positive note and talked about how it was a “buying opportunity”.”

Read more on The Prepper Journal.

3. Ways to Save Money While Prepping

prepblog3Prepping isn’t cheap.You already know that stockpiling extra food on top of your monthly grocery list, getting special gear for your EDC and BOB, buying weapons and making sure your property is secure are additional expenses that can put serious strain on your pocket.

Any good prepper knows that money savviness is a vital skill to develop, frugal living is or should be a core skill of every prepper in a world that seems to be spending way more than it should.”

Read more on Survival Sullivan.

4. Making Sense Of The Sudden Market Plunge

prepblog4“The global deflationary wave we have been tracking since last fall is picking up steam.  This is the natural and unavoidable aftereffect of a global liquidity bubble brought to you courtesy of the world’s main central banks.  What goes up must come down — and that’s especially true for the world’s many poorly-constructed financial bubbles, built out of nothing more than gauzy narratives and inflated with hopium.”

Read more on Peak Prosperity.

5. Lies You Will Hear As The Economic Collapse Progresses

prepblog5It is undeniable; the final collapse triggers are upon us, triggers alternative economists have been warning about since the initial implosion of 2008. In the years since the derivatives disaster, there has been no end to the absurd and ludicrous propaganda coming out of mainstream financial outlets and as the situation in markets becomes worse, the propaganda will only increase. “

Read more on SHTF Plan.


This article has been written by Gabrielle Ray for Survivopedia.

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What did you do to prep this week?

It’s been a long week for me…

But we’ll get into all of that in a minute, first I’d like to thank William J, Willard N, Chantal L, David R, Angela M for their contributions this week via PayPal. I f you feel that this site has helped you in someway, and would like to say; “thank you” by sending a donation then you can do that here.

My new building being delivered...

My new building being delivered…

I had some work done on my driveway... this is at the start...

I had some work done on my driveway… this is at the start…

Finished driveway work...

Finished driveway work…

Second photo of finished driveway work.

Second photo of finished driveway work.

The new building all set up - now my work begins, skirting and building steps...

The new building all set up...

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Friday, August 28, 2015

How Long Will Your Food Last After SHTF?

Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.

One of the central pillars of preparedness is being able to feed yourself. Preppers focus some of their attention on stockpiling food as well as creating renewable sources like gardens or livestock (chickens and rabbits) as protection against the possibility that the local grocery store is no longer able to provide something to eat. The […]

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DIY Rabbit Cages

Today we present another article in our non-fiction writing contest –Tony P

For the longest time I was toiling with the idea of getting rabbits. As we all know they grow fast, the feed to finished meat ratio is the best of almost any animal, they don’t require a lot of space and they are easy to raise and you can do it almost anywhere.

So what was stopping me from starting the adventure? Well, like you guys and gals I didn’t have a lot of money for the initial equipment. Like everyone else on this site we try to provide for our families with high quality food for as little money as...

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Questions for M.D. and The Pack

Greetings again from South Carolina!

You were so kind to answer my email earlier this year….have a few more questions if you don’t mind.

Do you feel any anxiety about September…more so than other times…how do you feel about current situation and our greatest threat?

I live about 20 miles from a nuclear plant….if the grid goes down…the cooling units will eventually fail…correct? So staying in place will not be an option…how long do I have to leave?

I have saved some money for a solar system of some sorts…$1000 plus…can you please...

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Friday Miscellany News Brief

1.) Coming To A Sheriff’s Office Near You : “The sheriff and at least one of his deputies have verbalized opinions that “constitutionalists” are threats to the sheriff’s office, the federal government, and to the country itself. Sheriff Knezovich even went so far as to compare “constitutionalists” with the Sunni Muslim terror group ISIS.”

2.) Charlie Daniels’ Open Letter to Congress: ‘You’ve Betrayed Your Country’ : I remember receiving several nasty emails, and a bunch of readers threatening to “leave the blog” right after the new...

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Top 5 Emergency Survival Radios


One of the most often overlooked basic necessities for serious prepping is the self-contained ESR (Emergency Survival Radio).

You might have been of the mindset that everything you need to know about emergencies in your area can be discovered with a couple swift moves of your index finger on you smartphone or tablet. Or on the breaking news channel on your nice high-definition flat screen TV.

And if for some reason those weren’t working, you could always resort to your reliable little AM/FM radio you keep somewhere in one of the kitchen cabinets. If it was good enough to pull in George Noory on ‘Coast to Coast AM’, in those wee hours of the morning when you couldn’t sleep and sat up sipping your hot cocoa waiting for the sun to rise, it should be good to go for some emergency update when you needed it, right?

Wrong. What if the emergency was a major power outage?

An EMP, or any number of catastrophic events which causes electricity to be the first casualty of the day?

If you don’t have a battery radio with fresh batteries, or the ability to recharge without plugging it in, you might not have it working good enough or at all, just when you need it the most. Like you’re hearing unusual explosion type sounds in the distance and you are trying to make a critical decision of bugging out or not, and need to know what‘s going on in your immediate area and the extent of the situation.

Batteries will usually be dead or too weak if they’ve been sitting too long in your radio. And standard small AM/FM radios have limited local range for the most part, and if the broadcasting origins are standard commercial stations, they simply might not be broadcasting any emergency details that would help you. Or they might be ’out of order’ themselves due to the emergency.

ESRs are intentionally purposed for off grid survival and not to be confused with a weather radio only. ESR’s perform some additional necessary functions in a bad situation.

Depending on the extent of the disaster scenario and what or who caused it, cell phone transmission capability might be also be dead. Governments now have terminal site kill switches for the servers, and cell towers are easily manually/computer disabled or sabotaged. They have been working on an internet ’kill switch’ and likely have it already.  The G, of course, already has its own proprietary parallel internet and secured closed satellite communications systems, and doesn’t care if you can’t use yours. You need something better.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other dedicated radio stations are ubiquitous and independent of standard commercial television and internet program transmissions.

Even after a major EMP event, if your ESR has the capability to reach out you’ll still likely find some broadcasts coming through somewhere to inform you of what is happening. This will be increased with advanced bandwidth and reception capabilities especially if your ESR receiver has short wave capabilities.

All ESRs Are Better than Nothing, but Some Are Much Better

An emergency radio usually means that it works in any emergency where standard equipment does not, because it doesn’t depend on the  normal modes of operation like cell phones and other methods of info reception. It doesn’t need to be used through the standard power grid or even utilize batteries if they become dead and replacements are not available.

A good emergency radio will have at least two ways to power it. Most are battery operated but also have a hand crank dynamo/charger, but the better ones include all four power options:

  • Basic AC outlet plug-in
  • DC batteries
  • A hand cranking power/charging dynamo
  • Solar charging panels.

Now THAT’S what you call power back up! They usually have other options such as lights and USB ports to aid in your general survival needs.

So the best ESRs will have the above functions and also a wide band range, possibly even a short wave reception capability with a  NOAA  weather specific service, be relatively compact and light enough to fit in your bug out plans, AND…not break the equipment funding bank!

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration it’s a scientific action group that monitors all the weather and provides your television stations with the satellite photos they use for their own weather programs. A NOAA receiving radio is your best source of direct in progress weather information, even better than TV or standard radio weather forecasts, which broadcast on a prescheduled program because you can tune it only to instant live updates of your local areas anytime of the day.They are linked to dedicated local weather ‘spotters’ or equipment to determine on the spot wind speeds, rainfall, etc. And most radios with NOAA channels also have an option panic alert which sets off a beeping or loud alert tone if a bad storm, tornado watch or warning, or meteorite, volcano eruption, earthquake, UFO landings, attacking cannibal Zombie group, or escaped zoo lion is heading your way.

I’ve had dozens of various models and although there are many out there and some of you might have your own ideas or requirements, these choices represent my own opinion based on versatility, capability, and cost effectiveness. Yes, you can get some two hundred dollars plus models in weather radios because they have concert quality Bose style speakers and  best reception antennas available, but a lot of these don’t have the above survival criteria. I can’t qualify it as a true ESR unless it at least has some sort of backup power supply and a NOAA alert option.

While there will always be differences of opinion depending upon subjective experience and other factors, this is just a  list of what most survival people currently consider to be the most popular best bang for the buck.

But with technology changing so rapidly, who knows what better stuff is coming down the road? And if you don’t have one yet, at least get something now, and it never hurts to have another cooler one for back up later on when they come out with something that also has a built in satellite TV, tablet, and beer cooler.

1. Top Alert Emergency Solar and Crank Dynamo Radio

radio 1

If you want an ‘almost’ pocket size compact ESR with no less than SIX ways to power/charge it, with a NOAA function and alert and flashlight AND for the least expense, this might be it, and it costs only 35 bucks!

2. Kaito  KA500-600 series  5-way powered emergency AM/FM NOAA Short Wave Emergency Radio

radio 2

Kaito makes different versions from the 440 through 600 pro models from about $40 to over a $100. All nice radios with all the good stuff.

The biggest difference is in the digital or analogue display versions and some interesting options like SW reception. Some preppers think it’s better to have the analogue frequency display because it might be less susceptible to damage or failure to display.

3.  C. Crane CC Solar Observer Emergency Radio

radio 3

Crane radios are somewhat pricey but well established and there are several models including good short wave/Ham radios. This Solar Observer model is pretty reasonably priced and has what you need, if not anything additional for around 60 dollars.

4. Compact Kaito Vogager DX KA 360 Solar Crank AM/FM NOAA Weather Alert Emergency Radio 


It’s hard to beat Kaito radios for bang for the buck and decent quality judging from their popularity growth in the last couple of years. This is their smaller pocket carry model with multiple features for its size like a solar panel it can run off directly without batteries. And it has a stand-by mode that automatically starts the radio message if the government is issuing one of those emergency alerts you sometimes hear over standard broadcasts as a ‘test’ with that raspy bleep noise. Can’t beat it for around 30 bucks.

5.  Swiss+Tec ST84500 BodyGard Platinum


This is the ’Swiss Army Knife’ of ESRs, and one of the lightest and most compact models with good additional function we’ve come across. If you must have one for minimalist use only due to you absence of a non-permanent BOL or to carry in a solo back pack bug out scenario. This would be a good one to have for all its additional utility for around 40 bucks on E-bay or Amazon.

Again, you can search the Web and see dozens of different ESR models to pick the one that most suits you. And there are decent big brand names like Midland and Cobra mainly known for their compact two-way communications radios sold in Home Depot and elsewhere, but they also make NOAA weather alert and  perhaps by now they have an ESR model.

And there are even some dirt cheap ones with NOAA service for under 15 bucks which are better than nothing, so check them out, read the reviews, and get one you like that best suit you and your situation. There’s really no excuse not to have a dedicated ESR these days. Once you get used to using it for direct weather forecasts and alerts in your area, you’ll appreciate it even more.

We always take a lot for granted in our lives. But catastrophic disasters you never expected–and were not prepared for–will always derail that train of complacency and normalcy bias the hard way for you. You won’t believe how lonely and frightening it will be when you don’t have a clue about what’s  immediately going on in the world around you when the S finally does HTF.


This article has been written by Mahatma Muhjesbude for Survivopedia.

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

How to Make A Survival Bracelet

Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.

Editor’s Note: This post was generously contributed by Gary with Survive Worldwide  – Survival Gear and Tips. Gary shares how to make a survival bracelet with the Prepper Journal. A survival bracelet is an almost ubiquitous accessory for preppers, hunters and survivalists everywhere with varying patterns and colors that make the different combinations vast. The […]

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How To Make Survival Cement For Your Off Grid Home

Survival CementWhat are you going to do if someday you lose your home in a large-scale disaster of some sort and you have to build a shelter from scrap? Imagine that there will be thousands of people in the same situation as you and the building materials will be scarce or not available at all.

Or, what if you’re stranded somewhere in the wilderness for a long time and you have to build a strong shelter for you and your family, in order to survive cold winter months and prevent wild animals from attacking your premises and food supply?

What Would a Prepper Do?

Well, humanity already solved this problem thousands of years ago by using “survival cement”, i.e. good old cob. Cob is the old-school name for the modern-day, overly hyped “survival cement” thing.

But the real question is this: is cob strong enough for you and your family in a survival situation?

The short answer is yes. You should be aware of a recent discovery in Utah, specifically the Anasazi ruins, which are thousands of years old and they were built from…yes, you guessed it right: survival cement or cob.

They’re in pretty good shape even today, so that’s all there is to know about cob-made structures: if properly executed and designed, they will last for a long, long time.

This mixture is not a technological breakthrough by a long shot. Romans built amazing stuff 2000 years ago using a secret recipe of cement, superior to what we’re using today in industry. It was called opus caementicium and it was as strong as…well, concrete, but that’s another story.

Obviously, I’m not going to bore you to death with stuff which is pretty laborious and complicated to DIY, especially in a survival situation. I am talking here about things like limestone made cement, which is fabricated using limestone or oyster or sea shells burned in ovens at high temperature in order to remove carbon dioxide. Homemade survival-cement is basically pulverized limestone, seashells or oysters treated at high temperatures and mixed with sand, gravel and water to build concrete. That’s a bit too complicated to do at home.

Cob is today’s topic; cob, or survival cement, is made using just plain old mud mixed with straw or dry grass and water. I mean readily available materials in almost any climate in any part of the world, and with minimal effort, skills and tools.

Why survival cement or cob, you asked? The simple answer is that it’s way more durable than a tent, it stands up pretty well against elements and, most importantly, it’s very easy to make by anybody, even a child. The next question is how to make it, but that’s why you’re reading this article, isn’t it?

What Can You Use Cob For?

Well, you can use cob or survival cement for building a multitude of structures, ranging from primitive shelters to walls or even a house (and an oven inside the house, made from the same stuff) or just about anything you want to build. Basically, if you’re out of options and you require a structure to protect you from the elements or wild animals that’s more permanent than wood, cob, aka survival cement, is the answer.

Using well-made cob and a little bit of skill, you can actually make bricks from the respective mixture, and with bricks you can build an empire, right? Or at least a bunch of pyramids. So, let’s take a deeper look about the ancient art of making your own survival cement.

Step 1: The first element in the cob equation is mud. High quality mud is essential if you want to make the good stuff, and the best mud has a high concentration of clay. How to determine the good mud from the bad and the ugly you ask? Well, that’s relatively easy: if you make a ball from the potential dirt  which retains its initial shape, that’s the droid you’re looking for (yes, I am a big Star Wars fan). You’ve struck gold, and you can go fill a bucket (or more if you’re planning something big) with this mud.

Step 2: You must harvest/gather a respectable armload of straw or dry grasses and  cut them into lengths of six to twelve inches.

Step 3: Next, you must add water to your clay in order to hydrate it enough to a point/density where it will squish relatively easily through your fingers. Don’t hydrate it too much though; the ideal consistency is if you can mold it and it still hold its shape.

The stuff must not be so watery that it will run through your fingers. You just have to homogenize it pretty well. If you want to use the survival cement as a mortar for a stone-made construction, you should strive for a wetter mix; if you’re looking for building bricks or a solid structure made of cob, go for a firmer mixture.

Step 4: You should spread something like a tarp on the ground and put the bucket of homogenized mud and the cut grass/straw at the edges.

Step 5: In the next phase, you must dump the mud from the bucket in the middle of the tarp and put about half of the straw/grass on the top (step five, but who’s counting anyway?).

Step 6: In the next step you must fold a corner of the tarp over the top and stomp it pretty well if you’re barefoot or begin to directly stomp the straws into the mud if you don’t have a problem with getting dirty.

Step 7: Next, after you’ve danced around a bit and the mixture isflattened and spread out, step off the tarp then fold it in half, thus turning the mixture back onto itself. You should repeat the procedure at least 2-3 times until you form something in the shape of a ball. Then, you must add the remaining strawor grass progressively and start stomping again, until the remaining grass homogenizes with the mud thoroughly.  As a general rule of thumb, the optimum grass/mud ratio is somewhere between forty and sixty percent grass, depending on the type of the structure you want to build.

Step 8: The last step is to start your survival cement project as soon as possible. Don’t let the cob sit to dry out because the mud will harden and it’s going to be very difficult to get it into your desired shape or form. Basically, you can start building bricks with the cob/survival cement and you can repeat the aforementioned procedure until you have enough (bricks or whatever you’re doing).

If you have to add water to help with the re-hydration of the mud, keep in mind to add a little at a time, to avoid making the cob soupy and thus unusable. It’s way simpler to make the cob a little wetter than to regain its original consistency by adding mud/straw.

If you want to build tougher cob, remember to place the grasses or straw parallel to each other for creating a re-bar like effect, making for a stronger building material.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, below’s a video-tutorial in high-definition about how to make survival cement/cob using natural building materials, step by step. The most important thing in the process is to learn how to disseminate good mud/clay from bad, since mud is the main building block in the recipe of high quality survival cement. If you got that part figured out, the rest is easy as pie.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

We are giving away Rothco zipper pull folding knifes! These are perfect for a discrete every day carry knife and can be attached anywhere you have a zipper. To enter the contest: tag five friends, share the photo and go to and create an account. We have an abundant supply of these bad boys so the more you share and tag the post, the more you will win. This is a first tier prize! We have something even greater for those of you willing to tag and share beyond 10 people! Check out the next post for more details. The contest ends August 31st at midnight CST. #thecoroutfitters #prepper #survialist #bugoutbag #bugoutgear #military #contest #survivalkit #survival #camping #outdoors #bugout #usaf #usmc #usarmy #usnavy #uscoastguard #ussocom #usa #patriotic #rothco #knife #knives #knifeporn #knivesdaily #foldingknife #everydaycarry #edc

5 Ways to Introduce Your Kids to Preparedness

Written by Benjamin Ellefson on The Prepper Journal.

In the hustle and bustle of the today’s busy life, it is hard to keep up with your preps. It is so easy to get distracted with everyday life and forget all about your food storage, financial security, bug-out strategies, and many other topics important to preppers. This is especially true if you have children […]

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How to put together a wilderness survival kit on a budget…

Today we present another article in our non-fiction writing contestby A Country Boy Can Survive

When I was about 11 years old we lived in south Florida (Hollywood). An event happened that changed my life forever, the Cuban missile crisis. We knew we were going to have a war and we would be at the front line. Our house was within sight of the Florida Turnpike and I watched for what seemed like 3 days, a continuous convoy of military equipment and soldiers that flooded into south Florida. They occupied the football stadiums, Horse Racing and Dog Racing venues.

My dad was determined that,...

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Essential Tools For Your New Post-College Kitchen Setup

by Hernandez J

Once you are on your own, you need an apartment with a kitchen. But, if you do not cook what good does it do? These days, people try to learn cooking as a hobby and for that to grow and prosper; you need to have some basic stuff to start with. Certain things are almost mandatory in a kitchen and come handy on a regular basis. These include cookware, kitchen knife sets and sharpeners, mixing bowls and utensils at the minimum. Of course, don’t forget the stove, but, isn’t it provided already?

Cookware Set

A kitchen isn’t anything if you do not have a pot to boil water. But,...

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What’s Happening In September?

big bildbg

The rumor mills have been working overtime lately, with a new crisis coming out every week or so. You wouldn’t think they’d have to, with all that’s going on in the world today. We have enough disasters happening, without anyone going out of their way to create any new ones. But then, these rumors may actually be something. We’ll only know when it happens.

I’ve been hearing rumors about one disaster after another for years now. It seems that every time a date goes by, without a disaster happening, someone jumps up with a new date. This has been going on long enough that I tend to take them all with a grain of salt, say about a ten pound grain.

Remember Y2K? There were plenty of people who were convinced that the world as we know it was going to end. I wasn’t all that worried myself, as I was living in a motorhome at the time. I figured I could always spoof my personal computer by changing the date and I wasn’t as dependent upon the grid as most people were. Well, Y2K never happened. All it ended up doing is costing companies lots of money changing over their computer systems.

How about Jade Helm 15? That’s a little more recent. I’ve been hearing that Jade Helm was a government crackdown of martial law for months. Yet, here we are, halfway through the exercise, and I haven’t heard a single thing go wrong.

The problem is this; people are running scared. I’ve seen it before and I’ll probably see it again. When I started out as a prepper in the 1970s, we were afraid of thermonuclear war. Well, here we are, over 40 years later, and somehow we haven’t managed to blow the world up yet.

Actually, once the Berlin wall came down, things seemed to settle down some. They were even heading in that direction before the wall fell. But in recent years, it’s been heating up once again. Why is that?

More than anything, the number of conspiracy theories going around and the number of dates for which people are predicting disaster is a sign of the people’s confidence in the government. When we the people think the government is doing well, we calm down. But when we see a lot of problems in the government; when we see our rights being taken away; when we see that the people in Washington don’t know how to handle what’s going on in the world, we get nervous. That’s when all the theories start coming out.

So, what about September and October? Is something going to happen or not? To be honest with you, I just don’t know.

Supposedly, the new one world order is going to be announced in September and the American Dollar will be replaced as the world’s reserve currency in October. Both of those would be catastrophic events, changing life as we know it. At the same time, there are rumors of a giant asteroid hurtling towards Earth, which is supposed to hit near Puerto Rico about then, causing earthquakes and a massive tsunami.

I don’t know. I do know that there are forces at work behind the scenes pushing to create a one world government. I do know that the United Nations is doing things that could ultimately hurt our freedoms. I do know that UN Agenda 21 is a reality and that Obama believes in it. I do know that Obama and Kerry have signed the UN treaty on disarming civilians. I just don’t know what exactly is going to happen or when it will happen.

There have been a number of different groups, like the Illuminati, which have been talked about as being the movers and shakers behind world change. But there is one true group that has set themselves up for that specific purpose…  the secretive Bilderberg Group.

While little is actually known about the Bilderberg Group, there are a few things that are. They are a group of movers and shakers, who meet annually to discuss the direction the world is headed. Made up of a combination of power elites from government, banking and industry in Europe and North America, they talk about items of “mutual interest.” With such a group, that can only mean talking about how to control the direction of the world for their benefit.

One of the Bilderberg’s chief goals is the creation and implementation of a one world government, controlled by the elite. Interestingly enough, these goals tie in directly with the events that are supposedly scheduled to happen in September and October. Amongst the many other rumors floating around this year is the rumor that in this year’s meeting, they finalized plans for changing the world’s reserve currency, with a kickoff date to be sometime in October. Coincidence or not?

As part of their plans to create this one-world order, the Bilderberg Group created the European Union. They supposedly have similar plans for North America, merging the United States, Canada and Mexico into one political conglomerate. If that is true, Obama’s efforts to tear down our borders and our national sovereignty fit right into their plans.

I guess that shouldn’t be all that surprising, considering that Obama was at the 2008 Bilderberg meeting. One could easily think that he became president not because the American people voted him in, but because he was chosen by the Bilderbergs. By the way, did you know that the 2016 U.S. elections were on their official published agenda for discussion in this year’s meeting?

Where Does This All Take Us?

It takes us towards disaster. In one way or another, it is clear that the country that I grew up in is going to disappear. Oh, there might still be a country named the United States of America; but it won’t be the country I learned about in elementary school. It isn’t now, so how can I expect that it will be?

Disaster is coming. There are only two questions that remain. When will it come and what form will it take? If the United States is lost, then that means our rights will be as well. That’s already happening and we see them under attack every day. If the power hungry have their way, that will become much worse. You and I can’t really change what is coming. The powers arrayed against us are too great, the resources they have too vast. All we can do is prepare ourselves to survive what comes, whatever form that may take.

Will the United States fall? Yes, I’m sure it must. We are too far along on the road to self-destruction for that to stop now. Even if everything happened that needed to happen to turn things around, I doubt that it would be enough. Besides, the United States doesn’t exist anywhere in end-times prophecy. So, in order for the end to come, the United States must go down.

Will the Dollar crash? Yes, I’m sure of that as well. As a nation, we’ve got ourselves too far out on a limb. The only way we’ve been able to do that is because of the dollar being the world’s reserve currency. If we lose that, then we’ve lost the card that’s holding the whole house of cards up. A simple puff of wind will be all it will take to make the whole thing come tumbling down.

When will this happen? That’s the part I don’t know. Nobody does; unless they are planning to make it happen themselves. But you can be sure that they won’t let you and I know.

So, how prepared are you? What haven’t you already done? What’s stopping you? I’d like to suggest that this is a good time to quit waiting and to get it done, whatever it is. We may not have all that long. September, if that’s really the date, is just around the corner.

Destroyng Christianity

This article has been written by Bill White for Survivopedia.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Are You Practicing Financial Redundancy?

Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.

After the stock market opened up this week on “Black Monday” and quickly dropped 1000 points, many people were surprised. The internet was abuzz with stories discussing the various reasons for the market turmoil and more than one educated source said these wild fluctuations are “perfectly normal”. Economists sounded a more positive note and talked […]

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How To Survive A Dog Attack

dog attackDogs are a man’s best friend, that’s one of the first thing they teach you when you’re a child. Mark Twain used to say something like “the more people I meet, the more I like my dog”. But, just like almost any other thing in life, dogs can be a benefit or a hazard.

After all, dogs are basically wild animals, recently domesticated and put to “good” use by mankind. Yet, deep inside, the wolf (their ancestor) is still trying to get out when there’s a full moon in the sky.

Okay, maybe I’m being melodramatic, but it’s a well-established fact that dogs are sometimes a threat even for their masters, not to mention perfect strangers.

For example, according to a statistic from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (the CDC), in the US alone almost 5 million people annually are victims of dog attacks, from which 800,000 require medical attention and 20-30 die as a result from their dog-related injuries.

Yes, I know, there are laws prohibiting various things, like animal control laws, leash laws, control programs and what not, but since when did a law solve anything, except for creating a job for a bureaucrat? Dogs are still roaming free in the suburbs and sometimes on the city streets, not to mention remote rural areas. And if you’re a regular jogger or a mailman, you’ve probably already had a few encounters of the third kind with man’s best friend.

Generally speaking, dog attacks occur when people are jogging, walking, exercising their own dogs in the park or riding their bicycles in average neighborhoods, at the least expected moment and at the worst time possible.

Of course, we’ve all heard from dog owners that “Max would never do that”. That phrase falls easily into “top 100 famous last words”, at least that’s how I see it. To some, dogs often seem unpredictable just like humans are. And even if a dog attack is not fatal, it’s a very unpleasant life experience, to say the least, especially if the perpetrator is a large Chewbacca-style dog.

And since dog attacks do happen in real life (don’t get me started with the collapse of society and packs of genetically modified feral dogs hunting people after dark in the deserted  cities of a dystopian future), it would be a good idea to know a few things about how to survive in a hairy situation, don’t you think?

There’s a reason why the police use K9 units: they’re very efficient as attack dogs, and I know a few stories about perpetrators that made an instant 180 turn and ran like hell when they were confronted with a pissed-off German Shepherd with its fangs bared. Now picture yourself in that situation. It’s not a pretty picture, is it?

angry dogTo begin with, you should know your “enemy”, i.e. the top-ten most aggressive/dangerous species of dogs: German Shepherds, Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, Akitas, Presa Canarios, hybrid wolves and mixed breeds.

Don’t get me wrong, any kind of dog can be trained to be very friendly with people or they can be trained as an attack dog; don’t take any dog for granted.

Also, regardless of its species, any dog can have a bad day (I have a friend whose nose was bitten off by his own dog!), or you may have a bad smell, or the wrong attitude etc.

This is just a friendly reminder of your “chances” when confronted with an aggressive dog: remember that Rottweilers, Pit Bulls and Presa Canarios especially have a bad rep. They’ve killed more people than any other species of dogs in the last 15 years. And many of these attacks were from the family’s dog in their own house, with the victims being the kids.

The Gear that Will Keep You Safe

The first step to take care of in any survival situation is to be prepared for the respective scenario. In this case, always have a weapon on your person if you want to maximize your chances of survival when attacked by dogs.

Weapons may come handy if you’re attacked by dogs, but they’re priceless for when you’re dealing with “friendly” fellow humans (the probability is way greater in the latter scenario. Muggings, murders and other violent crimes occur way more frequently than dog attacks).

You can use lots of things for self-defense against dogs and other predators, but one of the most effective and “legal” methods is the classic pepper spray. Being a device designed to make an aggressor think twice before attacking you, it works great on dogs, as they have an acute sense of smell. There are also specially designed dog repellants in the form of pepper sprays that you can buy specifically.

Also, do you know that old saying “speak softly and carry a big stick”? It works on dogs too. I mean being calm and having a big stick (concealed would be awesome) on your person would be a great defense against a dog attack. Dogs sense fear and if you’re obviously scared, they’re more likely to attack.

Guns are great for obvious reasons (the bang! Is usually enough to scare an attacking dog or human), even knives are useful if a STFH situation with a big dog occurs; I mean if it gets “mano y mano”. We’ll get back to that in a second.

Prevention is the Best Weapon

Now that we’ve established that it’s good to be prepared (with gear) for the eventuality of a dog attack, let’s see how to avoid a possible confrontation in the first place, shall we?

Diplomacy saves lives; Winston Churchill said that, if memory serves, before he began bombing German cities. If you see an unleashed pooch across the street, try to avoid it as much as possible, but let him know that you’re there. I mean you can talk to yourself, whistle a little, anything that lets him know you exist. If you take him by surprise, he may get irritable.

Try to avoid a strange dog’s territory as much as possible; dogs are territorial animals and generally they attack for two main reasons: defensive (war for territory!) or offensive (they feel threatened or they associate you with prey).

More importantly, dogs running in packs are way more dangerous than solitary ones, which are usually minding their own business. The worst idea when a dog is attacking you is to run away. If you act in that way, the dog will associate you with prey and it will hunt you down. And dogs run faster than humans, so if you don’t climb a car or a tree, you’re toast!

Also, try not to appear threatening to a dog which is showing signs of aggression (barking, growling, and hackles) by staring into its eyes. If you do that, the dog will think that you’re challenging it to a fight or the like. In the dog world, direct eye contact is highly confrontational, along with bared teeth.

So, if you’re approached by a pooch signaling its bad intentions, you must stand still, don’t run away, try to stand up straight and look as big as possible, keep your mouth shut  and your gaze level. Don’t look down, that’s a sign of weakness.

Don’t turn your back to the dog, keep calm and eventually try a few commands like “sit/stop/stay”; if they work, maybe the dog has an owner, which may be close, but don’t put your faith in it. You can use the confusion moment to get away or to think about your next steps, it can’t hurt trying if you have the opportunity.

Do not make sudden movements and don’t smile; try to keep the dog calm and thinking you’re not a threat; talk to it gently in a relaxing, soothing voice. Seriously, it sometimes works, if you can control yourself. Try to back away slowly if the dog shows that he lost his attitude, i.e. is starting to lose interest in you.

In most cases, if you’re not dealing with a psycho-dog, these tricks will probably work and you’ll prevent an attack; also, you’ll have a nice story to tell to your friends.

What if Confrontation Can’t Be Avoided?

However, if all Hell breaks loose, what are you going to do against an attacking dog?

dog biteWell, if you’re physically fit and you have a solid pair of boots on, the very nature of a dog exposes it to a good ol’ kick to the jaw or throat which, if followed by consistent, well placed kicks, will definitely discourage it from being a pest to innocent pedestrians.

That’s pretty hardcore stuff to be honest, and if you’re confronted with a Presa Canario, you can forget about it.

The common sense reaction to a vicious dog attack is to put a block between its teeth and your body if you can. Use something like a stick, a water bottle, a jacket wrapped around your arm or something similar. If you have a stick or a bottle, try to shovel it down the dog’s throat.

Keep in mind that trying to pull your arm from a dog’s mouth is generally a bad idea, as the dog will probably rip it apart and you’ll end up with a nasty open wound. This is also the moment to try that pepper spray, so the biting dog would absorb the full brunt. If your arm is in the dog’s mouth, the eyes are very vulnerable, hence the perfect target for a sneak-attack (you have an additional arm plus two legs to stomp it good!).

In this situation, all bets are off and it’s time to get nasty.

You can also try to shove your arm down its throat, depending on the situation (if possible). If you have a knife or better, a gun, now it’s the time to use them.

By all means, try not to end up on the ground fighting the dog, as it may expose your vulnerable parts (your neck and other vital organs).

As my final words, remember that dogs can be intimidated, just like people. You can discourage anything from attacking you by superior willpower (I saw a cat chasing a croc once) and attitude. If you can raise your voice in rage and roar (I said ROAR) like you’ve never roared before, chances are that the dog will think you’re a total lunatic and leave you be.

Don’t try that trick on pit bulls though, I’m almost sure it won’t work and you might end up provoking it more. Pitt bulls that have been trained to fight are a tad crazy in the head; the most dangerous dogs out there, in my opinion.

Yelling, kicking and waving your arms will usually get you out of most any dog-related mess, along with “evasive action” (jumping on cars for example).

I would strongly advise everybody to carry concealed, because you know, shit happens and it’s better to be prepared than sorry.

If bitten by a dog, I would suggest a visit to the ER ASAP.

If you have other ideas or comments, I’d appreciate your input in the dedicated section below.


This article has been written by Chris Black for Survivopedia.

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Monday, August 24, 2015

Body Armor and Survival Tactics: Survive an Ambush

Written by Chris Taylor on The Prepper Journal.

An important part of survival is defense. This goes without saying, yet many do not realize to what extent protection is available. Body armor is now lighter, more comfortable and more protective than ever before, and is an invaluable asset for any survivalist. Indeed, anyone who may be facing a potential attack will benefit from […]

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5 Ways To Measure Foods Without A Scale

Measure pigOnce upon a time, there was no such thing as a scale, but there was definitely the need to measure the weight of food and goods without a scale for the sake of sale and barter. Systems were developed that were used for centuries until rudimentary scales were invented.

Now, of course, we have scales that can measure to the zillionth of an ounce, but what happens if SHTF and we don’t have batteries or power to run those scales?

We probably would go back to the old ways of measuring. There are still old fashioned grain and livestock scales and more could be built, but not everybody will have access to one. So, what would those people do? We’ve studied some alternate ways to measure your food and goods without a scale.

Way back in Babylonian and Egyptian times when it was necessary to measure the capacity or volume of a container, seeds were used but that seems a bit time consuming for what we’re looking for.

Let’s step forward in time a bit. Just a tidbit of useless info regarding this though: that’s where the term “carat”, which is still used to measure stones, came from: the carob seed.


bushelsThis is no doubt a measurement that will come back into regular use. It used to just be that a bushel was a bushel basket full of whatever you were buying and that may be fine.

At first it was items that didn’t vary in size much such as grain, ale and wine, but then it began to be used for other agricultural items such as corn, potatoes, apples, etc.

Though bushels were historically measured differently depending upon location, we did find one that’s simple and would be easy to use post-SHTF. The US customary unit was based on dry capacity and defined a bushel as four pecks or 8 gallons.

Since corn, apples, potatoes and other fruits and veggies vary in size, a modern bushel is measured in weight, but if we need to go back to older methods of measuring for trade, a bushel basket full worked for centuries.

Make Your Own Scale

weighing scales You’ve surely seen the scales of justice with the fulcrum on top of a pole and the two little plates dangling from either end of the fulcrum.

This would be pretty simple to build on either a small scale to measure such things as the ingredients for baking, or on a large scale to measure bags of grain, etc.

You would need something that you already know the weight of. For smaller items, that’s pretty simple. One ounce equals 5 quarters, 28 paperclips or 1 CD.

A liquid ounce equals 1/8 of a cup. To weigh larger items, a gallon of water weighs eight pounds. A good way to remember water weight is the old saying, “a pint’s a pound the world around”.

Of course, there will still be quart and pint jars around as well as 5-gallon buckets, at least for a while. In the worst-case, apocalyptic situation, new ways to measure items for sale or barter will undoubtedly arise.

Weighing and Measuring a Cow

Today, livestock are weighed using a livestock scale or the meat is weighed after it’s off the cow. The problem here is that not very many people actually own a livestock scale and we wouldn’t necessarily have a scale to measure the meat.

There is a tape that you can use to measure around the cow and it will tell you approximately how much your cow weighs. This would be a handy tool to put in your barn in your medicine kit.

If you don’t have one, there’s another way. For this to be most accurate, it’s best to take the measures when the cow has been without water for 12 hours. Unfortunately, you’re going to need a copy of a chart. This should be in your medicine kit, too if it’s how you’re planning to measure your animals.

Measure the circumference, known as the heart girth, of the cow immediately behind his front legs. Next, measure the length of the cow by starting at the front of chest right in front of the muscle at the top of his forearm and ending at the base of his tail.

Now break out your calculator and square the heart girth measurement. In other words, if your cow measures 36 inches around, multiply 36×36. Next, take this number (in this case, 1,296), and multiply it by the length, then divide that number by 300. That’s your cow’s approximate weight.

Be aware though that this isn’t super accurate because different breeds carry more weight than others. Dairy cows, for instance, tend to carry less muscle and fat than beef cattle.

Weighing and Measuring a Pig

Just as with measuring a cow, you’re going to need a fabric tape measure or a string that you can measure using a steel tape measure. Place the string around the pig just behind its front legs and measure his circumference to get the heart girth measurement. Next, measure the pig down his spine from the between his ears to the base of his tail.

To calculate the pig’s weight, square the heart girth measurement. Multiply that number by the pig’s length, then divide that by 400. That will give you a pretty close estimate of your pig’s weight.


eyeball measureYup, you can measure things just by practicing. For instance, when women needed to measure salt but didn’t have a measuring spoon, she’d use her palm. If you cup your palm and pour enough salt into the pit of your palm until it’s about an inch across, that’s about a teaspoon.

A pinch of salt between your thumb, forefinger and second finger is about 1/8 of a teaspoon. Two of those are a ¼ teaspoon. A mound in your palm the size of a quarter is a 1/2 teaspoon, and we already discussed a teaspoon. Oh, and the depression in the bottom of a soda or beer can? That holds exactly 1 tablespoon. Cool, huh?

Try it out for yourself. Practice with pinches all the way up to a tablespoon. If nothing else, it will save you some time when you’re cooking!

Now that you have some ideas for how to measure your foods and goods without a scale, go practice. Get a tape for your cattle or your pigs and get some bushel baskets. They’re great for storing things in and may come in handy if you every need to measure things if SHTF and you don’t have access to modern measuring tools.

If you have other suggestions, please share them in the comments section below!


This article has been written by Theresa Crouse for Survivopedia

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