Friday, September 4, 2015

The End of 4th/A Liberty: Police Attack Drones Have Landed

big drone 

We all knew that drones would be a big thing sooner or later on the domestic front. Amazon is talking about delivering books with them, and real estate people use them for fantastic marketing pictures. Even beer can be delivered to ice fisherman on remote lakes by drone. But all of these end uses must first be cleared both by local statute and FAA for approval, mostly for safety and privacy concerns.

It’s one thing to have all your radio controlled aircraft flying in a designated recreational area, where the occasional crash still can cause injury. But to have them buzzing around everywhere, especially directly over private property and people’s backyards, is something else of serious concern.

So the process will take some time, at least a couple more years for the FAA and other oversight agencies to work out details and rules for approval for commercial and personal use.

But a Police State Can, and Will Use Drones Now!

It’s a critical societal fact that we already know by now that far too many police are not psychologically adjusted or physically trained properly to be trusted too much with firearms. There are more police killing unarmed civilians than terrorists. What in the name of liberty and justice for all do you think they’re going to do with something like an ‘armed’ drone? This is stark naked social insanity!

But North Dakota, no less! Which is (was?) one of the top prepper/retreatist states just tipped over the point of no return from the Terminator ‘SkyNet’ prophecies by becoming the first state of the Union to authorize police usage of ‘armed drones’ for surveillance and apprehension of citizens, with a new HB1328 that was just passed.

I won’t elaborate now but the passage of the bill smacked of questionable collusion between corporatist drone manufacturer lobbyists and police unions and, of course, corrupt anti-Constitutional legislators. (Wonder how much Bloomberg and Soros kicked in on the capital influence part of the deal?) If you didn’t really think the Bilderberg corporatists were here and now, you don’t have to ruminate about it. Just open your eyes. The egregious slap of insult to the people’s faces was that there was no prior public discussion, forum, or debate about it– considering such a monumentally important change in the mechanics of law enforcement–which is the classic exemplary of dirty back door politics as usual.

However, when some of them paused even momentarily in their minimalist mentalities, there was some serious consternation and resistance from a couple of the ND legislators about the slippery slope. Or should I say rapid climb and ascent of the grossly inherent abuse potential of these devices in the hands of authorities, especially police, where constant abuse of excessive initiatory force prevails on a daily basis.

They didn’t like the idea of any type of weaponizing of police state drones but like the other obvious privacy intrusion that are now routinely integrating in their 4th/A violating patrol duties without public disclosure, the police unions muscled their speciously proprietary agenda that “extreme crime prevention” measures are absolutely necessary for the deceitful lie of public safety. So any ND legislators who may have been reluctant to go with any type of drone mounted devices, even so called less than lethal ones caved when it got down to the vote wire and the Police State union lobbyists got their evil way.

It will come up that these ND hack politicians made a grievous mistake in judgment after the first massacre by a police SWAT team. Law abiding citizens had the shit scared out of them when an ugly menacing machine came swooping down to see who legally was sitting on their deck drinking beer and shooting cans, and frightening their animals. For fear of their life, the people immediately blasted it out of the air, which then–of course, in the natural procedure of excessive and unnecessary police force–immediately precipitated the Swat team’s retaliatory launch of a blood bath.

Which would be the fault of the stupid feckless North Dakota Reps who voted to pass this ridiculous deadly bill in the first place.

Video first seen on Complex.

How Bad Is It?

There are last straws and there are ‘enough is enough’ limits to what the American Free Citizen will take. This law will be enough of a last straw to break the people’s backs. Already there are several cases of people sitting in their private homes and property who took their shotguns and knocked a nosey drone out of the sky. These were just private hobby drones flying around the neighborhood checking things out. But it appears that at this point, there is justification for the defending property owner.

What does anyone think will happen when people see something that looks like a scaled down UFO type Apache Helicopter gunship approaching them on their own land? I’m sure these secret police drones don’t have flashing blue and white lights, badges, and sound recordings announcing their office.

Supposedly these ND lawmakers denied the provision to allow firearms mounted–yes, unbelievably the police wanted that too–and conceded only to non-lethal armament and devices.

That nit wit logic shows how stupid many of these politicians are on top of being corrupt. There’s no such thing as non-lethal armaments: even a police flashlight can be lethal when misused. And we trust these people with making laws? At least 39 people so far have been killed this year by tasers! Rubber shotgun bullets, bean bags, flares, and high powered paintballs of hard rubber or pepper loads, high pressure pepper spray, and flying tear gas canisters have maimed and killed and continue to do so on too many occasions to be considered truly “less than lethal”.

I can’t imagine–but I know it will be coming as soon as they get more tax dollar funding with police drones–a full load of cluster bomb type non-lethal flash bang canisters which are very harmful and can be smart bombed on somebody’s house and yard, or shot from a drone mounted 40mm tube, right through your bathroom window, followed up by the latest “non-lethal” sound wave weapons!

And the ease of using these so-called less than lethal weapons will likely be increased as the officer leaves from the immediate action, and the military drone pilots and the decision making becomes more depersonalized, to a point of facilitating the initiatory ‘non-lethal’ force. “Yeah, the video screen went fuzz ball a bit and…it looked like they had a gun…”

Where’s the ACLU on this? Even only camera equipped drones should be challenged on private property especially when used without warrants. They were hell bent on the gay marriage issue but not a peep out of their chicken beaks when it comes to our most important liberties.

There should be an immediate class action lawsuit with a restraining clause until the 4th/A violation is adjudicated. Maybe a Marxist judge did rule that you don’t own the airspace over your private property, so technically anybody can fly around over your house. But you sure own your material sovereign privacy of your domicile, and compound use and you are supposed to have a constitutionally guaranteed reasonable expectation of freedom from intentional arbitrary visual intrusion. They may be able to fly over, but not SPY and search on you, especially without a warrant!

A prowling peeping tom gets arrested (or shot, in a Castle Doctrine State) if he’s intentionally invading and snooping around your private property. So how does a prowling police drone get away with it? Amazingly, too many police state cops just don’t care because they take it for granted they are above the law and can circumvent the Constitution when they feel like it!

Grand Forks County Sheriff Bob Rost apparently made the incredibly frightening statement to the Daily Beast–with a straight face no doubt– that his department is only equipped with camera drones and he does not think he should need a warrant just to go snooping! And outrageously worse yet, Rost said, that he needs drones for surveillance in order to obtain a warrant in the first place.

There are good cops and bad ones, but this Rost is not just sliding on the slippery slop of Police statist tyranny, this guy’s speed skating it down! And of course, Rost threw in the obligatory absurdity that some of these officers of the law regularly insult us with in justification: “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear?”

Really? Are we that far into the death spiral of totalitarianism to now become a criminal and having our privacy rights violated for wanting to hide things from others? I can’t believe this county Sheriff isn’t arrested for violating the 1st and 4th/A, or at least fired by vote next term. Supposedly he also had been conducting these sneak and snoop warrantless searches over private property for some time without public or official disclosure? Reminds me of the ‘stingray’ cell tower replicators to intercept private calls, or the license plate scanners on taxpayer’s funded buses and garbage trucks.

But it gets worse. Rost isn’t the only municipal or county law enforcement agency to immediately capitalize on drones for surreptitious police surveillance without probable cause or due process. Or necessarily bothering to even running drone usage by the citizens before actually acquiring them.

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