Saturday, April 16, 2016

Prep Blog Review: What About Water?

Prep Blog Water Big

In today’s Prep Blog Review, we are going back to preparedness fundamentals. Do you know about current water dangers we are facing? What about what will happen when SHTF? We were looking for new warnings, tips and tricks about water preparedness, and here is what we found in recent posts:

1. The Real Reason American Cities Have Lead in the Water Supply: “Humans Have Been Written Off”


“Yet another public water supply has been found tainted with toxic lead from corrosive pipes. It is no surprise to watch crumbling rust belt cities under siege by corrosive, tainted and dangerous lead pipes, though it is tragic. Cincinnati, like Flint, has a major lead issue in its public water supply.”

Read more on Sthfplan.

2.  The Importance of Water Preparedness

Press play to listen to a comprehensive podcast from: Truth Frequency Radio   

3. Waterless Hygiene and How To Keep Yourself Clean
waterless hygiene

“Now there are numerous situations in which disaster could leave us short of water.  They could be just for a couple of hours or situations that lasted for months or even years.  Now this brings us to the topic of waterless hygiene.  I am assuming that you have only access to a limited amount of water.  Drinking and cooking will be your biggest priority.  But at the same time, you need to keep yourself clean.”

Read more on Preparedness Advice

4. Eight Survival Myths that Will Get You Killed


“You can see more and more people wearing a paracord survival bracelet and talking about survival and prepping as they’ve seen it on TV, movies or after reading about it in various magazines. However, what the media transmits to the consumers does not reflect what true survival requires and this is how survival myths were born.”

Read more on Preppers Will.

5. How To Get All Your Hot Water Needs From A Compost Mound

How To Get All Your Hot Water Needs From A Compost Mound

“Did you know that composting can provide you with hot water? Goes to show all those kitchen scraps you throw away is actually costing you more money that you think! Did you know that when compost breaks down it produces heat? With this heat you can warm up water in the pipes that run through the compost.”

Read more on SHTF Preparedness and make sure to download the free PDF that is available on that page.


This article has been written by Brenda Walsh for Survivopedia.

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