Tuesday, October 1, 2019

How to find the perfect gun holster?

Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.

Finding the right gun is a difficult task. We spend hours sifting through various types of guns, reviews, etc. Then starts the process of finding the pros and cons of the gun. We talk to various gun owners and friends about their experiences. We call or go to multiple gun shops, taking expert advice from the person behind the counter. Then comes the time to find the right ammo, another war to win. In all this hustle-bustle, a gun holster is often forgotten. 

Finding a gun holster is easy but finding the perfect gun holster can be daunting. You will have to probably try and test a lot of gun holsters before you find the ONE! Finding the perfect gun holster is not a joke. Even the best of your pistols is useless if it is put inside a safe at home. It is a matter of safety and comfort which has to be taken seriously. 

The main purpose of a gun holster is but not limited to carry the weapon. As a responsible gun owner, it is also important to look at the safety features of the holster which prevents the accidental discharge of a bullet and also prevents the firearm from elements in the atmosphere. 

Let’s first understand the bare minimum characteristics of a holster

There is no denial in the fact that a gun owner should handle his firearm responsibly and must have 100% positive control over his firearm. Thus the bare minimum requirement of a holster should be that it must be able to cover the trigger to prevent accidental firing. There will be a rare chance that a holster available in the market will not cover the trigger. Although there are certain holsters used in firing competitions which do not cover the trigger purposely. 

What are retention holsters?

Retention holsters not only fulfil the bare minimum requirements but also offer a higher level of safety and control. A basic retention holster is with a velcro strap. There are various higher standard retention holsters on the market like Blackhawk and Safariland’s hooded designs. Safariland hooded hosters are generally level 3 holsters with features like a lever or a button. Some holsters also offer a feature by which only a certain movement of the pistol can only release the weapon.

Factors to consider while selecting a holster 

  1. Quality – Greed to save a few dollars over safety is never any responsible gun owner would think of. Always read reviews of different products online and go for quality manufacturers only. Quality manufacturers offer a warranty for 2 or more years from the date of purchase. 
  1. Durability – We all love the smell and charm of leather holsters. There is nothing more attractive than a new leather holster but what about leather’s durability? Leather will eventually suffer wear and tear and will lose its shape and retention ability. Kydex is a type of PVC which is durable and far more beneficial than a leather holster. Kydex holsters may not seem attractive but when it comes to durability and safety, leather holsters don’t stand even close. 
  1. Comfort – If you ask any cop or a person who carries a weapon daily on their duty belt for the whole day, they all will not say anything positive for the comfort part. That is because carrying a weapon should be comforting, not comfortable. It is similar to a desk job where you have to sit for 8-9 hours a day. A person even becomes tired of sitting continuously. 

A comfortable holster distributes the weight of the weapon evenly while making sure that the firearm is properly concealed.  

Take time to research all the factors mentioned above and then make an informed decision when investing in a holster.

The post How to find the perfect gun holster? appeared first on The Prepper Journal.

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