Wednesday, September 9, 2015

First Shots Of The Racial Civil War

Ferguson riotsOver the last ten days or so, we’ve seen something new happening; the police have been specifically targeted for execution style killings, without provocation. These attacks have been the latest atrocity in the #BlackLivesMatter movement, clearly in direct response to rhetoric spouted by the leaders of that movement.

I need to clarify something here. #BlackLivesMatter isn’t a legitimate protest movement. While the frustration and anger that the participants may feel is quite real, it is being misdirected and manipulated to create a crisis; quite possibly to create a racial civil war.

Anyone who has followed #BlackLivesMatter can easily see that the whole movement has been about inflammatory rhetoric. A black criminal gets shot by a white police officer and the media goes nuts, talking about how another innocent black youth has been brutally murdered by racist cops.

The race baiters join in as well, putting their twenty-two-cents worth in, before anyone has any idea of the facts. The only fact that they care about is that a white man killed a black man. That’s what they are looking for, so that they can make whitey look like a racist murderer.

Yet, these black young men have later been proven to be criminals who forced the police officers’ hand. They weren’t murdered; they were shot in the line of duty, often, as an act of self-defense. At the same time, the thousands of black on black murders are ignored, as if the only black lives that matter are those which are taken by a white cop.

This “movement” has been escalating for a while, getting more divisive and more violent as time goes on. Recently, the anniversary of the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson gave the organizers new momentum. It was celebrated with fresh riots and shootings, escalating an already tense situation.

Many associated with the #BlackLivesMatter movement have called for the killing of white police officers and it looks like they are getting what they asked for. A number of police officers have been killed, including one who was shot in the back while filling his patrol car’s gas tank.

These acts of violence could be the first shots in the racial civil war that black race baiters have been calling for. Their rhetoric has escelated with their success and I’m not just talking about obscure shadowy figures behind the movement either; some public figures, like Oprah, have lent their voice to the same message.

Where is this all leading us? Apparently there are those who truly believe that white Americans still have to pay for the slavery that was inflicted on the blacks over a century ago.

It’s not enough that they were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation. It’s not enough that the Civil Rights Movement eliminated segregation and gave them the same rights as everyone else. It’s not enough that the country has come so far as to have a black President in the Oval Office. They want their fill of blood.

I have to say, this really isn’t about justice. It’s about getting something for nothing. Is it justice to steal high-dollar tennis shoes from a store and then burn that store down? Is it justice to kill someone, just because of the color of their skin? Is it justice to declare all whites are racist, just because they don’t bow down to blacks and give them all their money? No, this has nothing to do with justice.

This is a bunch of angry people who are upset at the hand that life has dealt them. Rather than do something about it, they’ve chosen to blame someone else. That absolves them of responsibility for their own lives and decisions. It’s all someone else’s fault.

Making it someone else’s fault justifies their anger, allowing them to feel that they are actually righteous. As such, they can take whatever action they want, and it’s still okay. Criminals are thought of as being “good” simply because they have the right skin color and police are thought of as being “bad” because they don’t.

Justifying actions, based on anger, is counterproductive. But even worse than that, it’s dangerous. Because once a person or group of people start down that road, there’s no stopping them. They get a thrill out of the violence itself, and look for opportunities to commit more. Those violent acts have to become even more violent, for them to get the same rush. Like any other addiction, it feeds upon itself, growing and becoming worse.

That’s where we’re at right now. The first shots have been fired. The police officers who have been killed aren’t an anomaly, they’re the beginning of a trend. I’m afraid that this is going to continue and to grow, until it becomes a true racial war.

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